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Chapter 3 Martial Arts Academy

The next day, Chai Tiannuo, who had not gone down the mountain for nearly ten days, arrived at the Literary Academy early. Before other scholars arrived, he returned to Zhuju with the imperial examination badge.

"...What's going on? What on earth is Jiayinliu doing!"

A figure stood under the pavilion, looking at Chaitino leaving, and punched his palms hard.

Chaitino felt something as he walked. He turned back to look at the corridor and saw a figure with long sleeves waving, hiding in the corner.

The man's aura seemed to contain malice. He frowned and pondered for a moment, and then Chaitino strode away. There were many people in the Academy of Arts who were unhappy with him, and malice was everywhere. How could he have the time to study it carefully?

On the day of the college examination, as the first ray of morning light just jumped over the horizon, Chai Tiannuo, dressed in green clothes, packed up his clothes and strode out of the Bamboo Residence, knowing that he would be a blockbuster!

"How can it be?"

Chai Tiannuo's eyes widened when he arrived at the liberal arts college. He was really shocked by what the fat man in front of him said.

The fat man Wei Zhongxian wiped his sweat with a cotton handkerchief and nodded affirmatively:

"This is real!"

"I didn't believe it at first, but the signatures on the three volumes at the Literary Academy were all in your handwriting."

"Since yesterday afternoon, your relationship has been transferred to the Martial Arts Academy. Lu Jiaoxi said that if you want to transfer it back, you can wait until next month."

For a moment, Chai Tiannuo's expression kept changing from gloomy to bright. If there was anyone in the liberal arts academy who could be trusted, it was Wei Zhongxian.

In the nearly four years since he joined the Academy of Arts, only the only son of the top businessman in Mingyang Mansion, who was also disliked by scholars, could have a heart-to-heart relationship with Chai Tiannuo.

Although it sounds incredible, Chai Tiannuo knew that Wei Zhongxian would never lie to him.


With a bang, Chaitino punched through the white-gray courtyard wall.


Wei Zhongxian, whose face was so painful from being hit by gravel, screamed in shock, which in turn drove away Chai Tiannuo's anger.

"Isn't it embarrassing for a big man to scream like a woman?"

Chai Tiannuo glared at Wei Zhongxian with a dumbfounded look. He looked at his fist and saw that there was no damage at all. He couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction. He had gained a lot from this month of hard training!

"you you"

Wei Zhongxian pointed at the wall and then at Chai Tiannuo's fist, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"Don't worry about it, I'll go find Mr. Lu and ask him clearly!"

Not to mention next month, as long as you can't take the exam today, then this year will be wasted. How many more years do you have in your life? You must figure this out!

Chai Tiannuo turned around and left, but Wei Zhongxian grabbed him by the lapel:

"Tiannuo, don't go."

Looking back at the stretched skirt, and then at Wei Zhongxian who had a rare serious expression on his face, Chai Tiannuo asked doubtfully:


"The person who is embarrassing you is not others, but the new Confucius."

Hearing this, Chai Tiannuo couldn't help but gritted his teeth and ordered him to take charge of the Confucian Temple and worship, and to have jurisdiction over all students in the county. He was the role that students feared most, even more than the county magistrate and his parents.

I have never even met this Protestant edict, so why would he make things difficult for me?

"Zhongxian, how did you find out?"

Chaitino asked with some confusion.

"Well, you know, I like to listen to people in the corner."

The corners of Wei Zhongxian's eyes couldn't help but tremble three times, and Chai Tiannuo also trembled three times after him:

"You haven't recovered from your problem yet?"

"...80% of it will never get better in this life."

"If the martial arts academy is not under the control of the teaching, how does he do it?"

"Every year there will be a transfer quota between the two academies. Those who excel in the external examinations of the liberal arts academy can go to the martial arts academy, and those who excel in the internal examinations of the martial arts academy can also come to the liberal arts academy."

"I'm just a little scholar. Why does the superior Jiaoyu want to embarrass me?"

This is what Chai Tiannuo couldn't understand the most. Wei Zhongxian spread his hands:

"I don't know, how can we, ordinary people, be able to guess what these big shots think."

Big shot, this title made Chaitino's heart tremble slightly.

The man in black, as well as Kong Jiaoyu, the man who attacked him for no reason, were targeted twice in such a short period of time. The two must be connected, or else they are one and the same!

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Chaitino narrowed his eyes slightly and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The originally clueless killer has a clue, which is a great thing. Venomous snakes hiding in the dark are dangerous, but once they are in the open, if they want to hurt people again, they must first see if they will be killed!

"It's his mother's fault!"

Chai Tiannuo raised his head and cursed. Now is the critical moment for the college entrance examination. Let’s not worry about it for now. When the college entrance examination is over, my dear Lord, I want to let you know why the flowers are so red!

"Yes, it's his mother's fault!"

Wei Zhongxian nodded vigorously and followed Chai Tiannuo with a curse word.

Since the day they met when they first entered the liberal arts college, Wei Zhongxian felt that he and Chai Tiannuo were in love. After dating for a long time, he often couldn't help but secretly sigh that he never thought that this child prodigy who was famous for three hundred miles at that time could be such a funny person inside.

"Can I use the Wenyuan's core brand, the Martial Arts Academy?"


Wei Zhongxian was a little confused, and Chai Tiannuo couldn't help but tap his thick head with his finger:

"Can it be used? Can it be used?"

"Yes, yes!"

Wei Zhongxian rubbed his head and nodded vigorously, wondering when did Tiannuo have such strong hands?

"That's good."

Chai Tiannuo patted Wei Zhongxian hard on the shoulder and said with a hint of joking:

"Zhongxian, you must take the college exam well. Remember, no matter what happens in the future, you will not be able to commit suicide. You still have a good life. As the only son of the Wei family, you have a heavy responsibility to carry on the family line!"

After saying that, Chai Tiannuo turned around and left. Wei Zhongxian hurriedly shouted at the top of his voice:

"Tiannuo, why are you going?"

"Go to the martial arts academy and take the academy exam!"

Waving his hand, Chai Tiannuo's figure disappeared outside the door of the liberal arts college, leaving Wei Zhongxian scratching his head there. He hadn't seen him for several days. How could his brother have changed so much!

Also, what did he mean by what he just said? Why did he want to commit suicide?

"Oh, you mean that Chai Tiannuo really went to the martial arts academy?"

Mr. Lu, who had a goatee and a beard, said in surprise. A hunched-over, somewhat wretched-looking scholar nodded vigorously:

"It's truer than gold. Why doesn't Chai Tiannuo have any self-awareness? The external examination for the martial arts academy is several times more difficult than that for the liberal arts academy!"

"He will only make a fool of himself if he goes, so it's better to give up and forget about it."

Lu Jiaoxi rolled his eyes and thought:

"That's it, wait a moment..."

"Teacher, I still have to take the strength test. How can I have time to watch him make a fool of himself!"

The eldest scholar was unwilling, so Lu Jiaoxi stroked his beard and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, it will definitely not delay the Likao test. You can find a few more people, and so on..."

There is a saying in Dahua that civil and military institutions are not separated. No matter where they are, the civil and military institutions are built together. But in Chaitino's view, that is nonsense!

The scholars in the liberal arts academy looked down upon Hu Bi'er in the martial arts academy, calling him a rough and reckless man.

Hu Bier also looked down on the scholar, and would always say "poor" when they met him.

There were also many conflicts between the teaching staff of the two colleges. I heard that they got into trouble several times and even saw blood.

The county magistrate's parents had no choice but to build a wall to separate the two courtyards, and even the gate was split open through it.

From the outside, it looks like a gate, but as soon as you enter, you will find that a high wall splits the county school in half.

However, they have stopped talking to each other quite a bit since then. Although this method is clumsy, it is quite effective.

"Scholar, you went to the wrong place. You should go to the door on the right."

The concierge, whose face was covered with scars and whose neck was thicker than his head, pointed to the opposite side.

As expected of a martial arts academy, the concierges are all retired veterans. Chai Tiannuo looked at the concierge and said with a smile:

"I am Hu Bi'er, not a scholar."

After saying that, Chai Tiannuo showed his waistband and walked in with a smile. The concierge's eyes widened. This was the first time in several years that he saw Hu Bi'er wearing a long gown.

"Are you the one who transferred from the liberal arts college?"

The teacher who registered the name asked in surprise. Yesterday, he heard that a scholar was going to transfer to the martial arts academy. He thought it was a joke, but unexpectedly it turned out to be true.

However, with the thin body of the young man in front of him, can he really be an unparalleled genius as recommended by the Academy of Arts and Sciences?

"Exactly, thank you for your troubles."

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Chaitino responded gently, and with a wink, the teacher added his name to the roster, then pointed to the location and asked him to go over and wait for the college examination.

Standing at the end of the team and looking at the crowd of people in front of him, Chai Tiannuo couldn't help but be speechless. Hu Bi'er, who was dressed in short clothes, was indeed different from the scholar who wore a long gown. He was tall and tall, and on average he was 80% taller than himself by a hand.

Looking at the surrounding buildings, they are also very different from the Wenyuan.

In addition to the main campus and the main road, the front yard of the liberal arts college is a promenade and a wind and rain pavilion. There are green grass and flowers in the front yard, and various sculptures are scattered throughout it. The humanistic atmosphere is extremely profound.

But in addition to the main school grounds, the front yard of the martial arts academy is either a martial arts arena or an arena. There are eighteen kinds of weapons on display, and there are countless scarred target dummies. There is an air of blood and blood everywhere, which is completely different from that of the liberal arts academy.

Although the martial arts academy was established only a few years ago, it has already left an indelible mark in the hearts of the Chinese people!

The training camp at the foot of Qiyun Mountain, which preferred to die rather than surrender, the Geluoshi who intercepted and killed King Jing of Great Xia alone for thousands of miles, and the Ning'an Prefecture Army who held off 80,000 iron cavalry for 17 days with 3,000 infantry in the northwest grassland. These are the bloody representatives of Dahua.

, the generals and key personnel all come from the Wuyuan!

He stepped forward in the face of a national crisis and built the Great Wall of Steel with his own body. Who wouldn’t respect such a good man?!

A great scholar once said with emotion that although he was a scholar, he had to say that the backbone of Dahua was straightened by the existence of the Wuyuan!


A gong sounded, the whole place fell into silence, and then a loud voice sounded:

"The first item of the martial arts academy examination, the overlord lifts the cauldron, Qi~!"


Six hundred tigers roared in unison, and under the leadership of their teachers, they rushed to the main campus.

Through the gap between the crowd, Chai Tiannuo saw the scene on the campus. Compared with the liberal arts academy, the martial arts academy had much fewer tripods used for testing.

There are twenty tripods weighing one hundred and fifty kilograms in the Wen Yuan. They are filled with water as fireproof vessels on weekdays and can be used after draining the water during force examinations.

There are only nine tripods in the Wuyuan, and there are two small ones among the six. I don't know what to say.

"Lift the cauldron, pass!"

"Lift the cauldron, pass!"

Accompanied by the teacher's energetic roar, Hu Bi'er, who was divided into six teams, continued to lift six small tripods, and the test speed far exceeded that of the liberal arts school.

Chai Tiannuo nodded slightly, and everyone was relaxed. In terms of strength alone, Hu Bier far surpassed the scholar.

When it was Chai Tiannuo's turn to lift the cauldron, the six hundred tiger warriors had basically passed the test. They all stared at the long-robed man in front of them. They also wanted to see what this unparalleled genius who transferred from the liberal arts academy could do.

A stunning performance!

When he came to the small tripod, Chai Tiannuo lifted up the front of his gown and carefully tucked it into his belt. He leaned over in a lunge and held the foot of the tripod tightly with his right hand.

At this time, he also felt a little excited in his heart. He couldn't bear to look back on the past, but he was completely different now!

"Chai Weili, take it easy, your thin body and bones will fall apart if you take care!"

"Holding the cauldron with one hand, this flower display is really solid, hahaha!"

"Be sure to pay attention to safety. If we bump into each other, your mother-in-law will be heartbroken to death!"

Suddenly there was loud laughter in the viewing booth on the south side of the university grounds. Chai Tiannuo looked up and saw that there were more than ten scholars who had taken off their long robes and put on miscellaneous clothes.

The tiger warriors all looked at the booing men, then turned to look at Chai Tiannuo, "Chai Weili, what does this nickname mean?"

Chai Tiannuo lowered his head, ignored the cheering scholars, raised his arms suddenly, and the small tripod easily climbed over the top!

"This, how is this possible?"

There were a lot of exclamations in the viewing booth. If you have three feet off the ground, you have passed the test. There are only one or two people in the academy who can reach the top, and there are no people who can reach the top with one hand!

Chai Weili couldn't even lift his three legs off the ground before, so why can he reach the top easily today?

Is it possible that the tripods in the martial arts academy are all made of straw clay sculptures?!


Chai Tiannuo threw it casually, and the tripod flew two meters and landed with a heavy buzzing sound.

The school grounds burst into cheers. Not only can the 250-pound tripod be lifted over the top with one hand, it can also be thrown easily. This power is as strong as the sky!

The faces of the scholars were pale, and the loud sound of metal and stone colliding must not be fake. It seems that Chaitino has been hiding his clumsiness before?!

(End of chapter)

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