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Chapter 10: Demon Part 2

After sending off the chief clerk and his party, Chai Tiannuo did some cleaning, carried the four treasures of the study on his back, and headed for Fengcheng again.

Although I had saved a little money in the past few days, most of it was spent on buying a house and using it once. I couldn't just sit back and have nothing in vain. Moreover, I would like to open a private school in the future. No matter how bad the four treasures of tables and chairs were, it would still cost a lot of money.

The journey that usually takes less than half an hour can be reached in less than two quarters of an hour.

With the blessing of Haoran's righteousness and alien power, as well as the good medicine brewed with cold beads to strengthen the body, today has indeed changed a lot compared to yesterday.

"Hello Mr. Chai."

"Mr. Chai said yesterday that he wanted to buy a house, but has it been settled yet?"

Seeing Chaitino's arrival, the scriveners who had arrived first stood up and greeted him with great respect. Even the shopkeepers of the surrounding shops also said goodbye.

In these days, Chai Tiannuo and Fengcheng Literary Master had gained quite a reputation. Everyone knew that there was a master of writing in Sibao Alley. Many people came to visit him, which made Sibao Alley famous.

The business in the entire alley has also improved.

In addition, Chaitino had a kind-hearted nature and often taught calligraphy to others in his spare time. He was also very sophisticated in his dealings with people.

The two paintings guarded the three letters closely. As soon as they had enough, they packed up the stall and left, leaving a way for everyone to survive. In a short period of time, they gained the respect of everyone.

After sitting down and setting up the stall, Chaitino painted a painting before a customer who had been waiting for a long time. However, the price was quite high. Ten taels of spindles were exactly the price of a house.

The scriveners and customers were shocked when they heard the price. Compared with ordinary people, ten taels was an absolute huge amount of money.

The guest who asked for the painting put a shining silver official silver on the table without saying a word, and then placed another one next to it, totaling twenty taels of snowflake pattern silver.

Chaitino looked at him and smiled:

"Your Majesty, I will only paint one painting on a certain day, and each painting will only cost ten liang. I don't want any more."

One painting, two pairs and three books, this is the new rule that Chaitino established with himself. The private school needs to decorate the room. It is necessary to make more money during these days, but it cannot disturb other people's livelihood.

"I only want one painting. I just want you to focus on spring flowers, preferably paired with poems or poems."

The person who came was wearing a scholar's robe, and his speech and behavior were clear and orderly. At first glance, he was a well-known scholar. Chai Tiannuo thought about it and said with a smile:


I showed off my painting skills yesterday and came to my door today. The person who came must have something to do with Qian Dazhi.

He took a piece of cooked ink and pressed it with a paperweight. Chaitino took out a water bag and a small bowl to mix the colors. The scholar started to help him grind the ink. You can tell by looking at the skill.

The scriveners have also been immersed in literature for many years. Although they are not good at it, they still have good eyesight. Knowing that everyone may be here today, they feel a little worried for Chai Tiannuo.

Mr. Chai's calligraphy is indescribable, and the scrivener has never seen anyone better than him. But I only saw one painting yesterday. Although literature, Taoism, calligraphy and painting are not divided into different families, painting is much more complicated than calligraphy, especially this one.

Proposition paintings are the easiest place for people to find mistakes.

Taking a piece of soft sheep hair and filling it with ink, Chai Tinno thought for a while and then decided to write. He washed it with water from time to time, and the mountains appeared in the sway, and the vast river jumped out to the east!

Putting down the sheep's hair and catching the wolf's hair, and sketching with ink, the pavilions appeared in the mountains, and the tiles were visible.

Then I took the small regular script and moved it across, and immediately there were mountain flowers appearing!


Before the painting was even finished, the scholar's eyes sparkled and he clapped his hands. He could tell from what he saw that Mr. Chai, who had recently become famous in Fengcheng, had the demeanor of a master in the painting world.

The onlookers around were also full of admiration. Their eyesight may vary, but what they see in front of them can be seen well by both insiders and outsiders.

Ignoring the comments around him, Chai Tiannuo changed his hair pattern to light ink and swept up and down the mountains. Pieces of clouds appeared, swaying as if they were floating into the distance.

Picking up the pen, Chai Tiannuo looked at the scroll and nodded with satisfaction. He changed to regular script again, and with the pen in the upper right corner of the scroll, he slowly unfolded the seven skills in one hand:

"When you see the flowers blooming in the high-rise buildings, you will feel the spring light coming from all directions."

"The warm sun and clear clouds know the order, and the east wind does not need to be urged."

Putting down the brush, Chaitino took the seal and pressed it, with a slight smile on his face. He hadn't painted for a long time, but today he was painting, but he felt relaxed and happy!

Everyone around him cheered, and the scholar crossed his hands and saluted Chaitino, carefully dried the ink, put it away, and left.

The two couplets and three letters were written in less than half an hour. Chai Tiannuo packed up the stall and was about to leave. The scrivener and the shopkeepers in the alley presented a lot of items. m.

The Bagua mirror, the peach wood sword, the talisman written in cinnabar and the protective shield consecrated by the master, and the poplar awl made from newly folded willow branches are all objects used to fight ghosts and exorcise evil spirits.

Chai Tiannuo wanted to laugh when he saw it, and felt warm in his heart. The general chatted and said that he had bought a house outside the north gate of Fengcheng. Everyone stopped doing business and helped him tidy up these items.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, just this thought makes people feel warm.

Carrying a lot of miscellaneous items on his back, Chaitino first went to the market to inquire about the price of tables and chairs, bought some vegetables and meat, then went to the blacksmith shop to place an order, and then returned home early.

After dinner, Chaitino came to the courtyard with his knife. The moonlight was bright, and the ground it illuminated was like frost.


The long sword was raised and lowered, and Chai Tiannuo regained the foundation that he had not given up since he entered the path of immortality.

Now that we are back to ordinary life, if we want to reach the top again, we need to lay a solid foundation. Just as we did back then, when tall buildings rise from the ground, the foundation is the most important!

An hour passed quickly, and he wielded the sword three thousand and six times. His clothes were wet with sweat, and his body was tight with fatigue, but Chaitino's spirit was extremely strong.

The seemingly boring swing of the knife quickly mobilized the memory in the body, and the originally unstable knife force quickly stabilized. Thousands of knives fell as if they were taken back by one knife, and the landing point was exactly the same.

It's just that the shape of the long knife in this world is different from that of Dahua. It looks like a lancet in the previous life, but it is longer and heavier, and it is held in both hands. Chai Tiannuo is not very comfortable with it.

During the day, the order placed by the blacksmith shop was to make two large crossbows. One was just pig iron, used to polish the foundation, while the other needed to be refined steel, which would later be used as a protective edge.

"Scarface, what's the use of practicing swordsmanship like chopping wood?"

A bell-like sound with a smile sounded, and a stunningly beautiful woman stood two feet away in front of her. There was a cat-like and tiger-like beast beside her. She was the woman who was killed by a family of three, but came back to kill them, and

That mutated civet cat!

"Man is like mixed iron, and the foundation is like a hammer. After repeated hammering, it becomes steel."

Chai Tiannuo replied, the knife in his hand was not deflected at all, and his heart was as calm as water.

The woman chuckled and said no more. She just watched Chai Tiannuo's sword rise and fall. The smile gradually disappeared from her face, and her dignity slowly emerged.

It was another five hundred cuts. Chai Tiannuo's body was wet with sweat from the short blow, and his face also changed a little, but the impact of the long knife was still not deflected at all. The eyes of the monster transformed into a civet cat also changed drastically. It stood upright and transformed into

A half-human, half-demon existence.

After a full five thousand cuts, Chai Tiannuo finally stopped, exhaled a breath of turbid air, and shot out several feet like an arrow, then looked at the two people in front of him and smiled:

"Unexpectedly, it turns out that the two of you are actually gods and monsters in the mountains and swamps!"

Some people died, but not completely...

This chapter has been completed!
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