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Chapter 38 Split Part 2

"Boom~~" The moment the sword seal golden pill came into contact, an explosion that was countless times more powerful than before sounded. A deep pit of more than ten feet was blasted on the ground, and Chai Tiannuo was thrown nearly a hundred feet!

After landing, Chaitino's blood spurted out and he struggled to get up, but he saw a rainbow coming straight towards him in an instant. He couldn't help but lie back down, and said with a wry smile: "This time I really have to finish the ball!" Although he had it in his hand.

Even if you eat the fruit of the next life, it will be useless. After all, you have not faded into the mortal world, and there is no way you can escape from the hands of a great Shinto master.

"Pork, I'm going to skin you alive, eat the flesh and suck the marrow, my soul is suppressed in this rotten land, and I won't be able to escape for ten thousand years!" The rainbow light transformed, and the City God rushed towards me with a ferocious face. Chai Tiannuo curled his lips: "The general will return the favor to me.

I have been kneeling for a hundred generations, and now I am talking about suppressing the rot. You are a god, how can you speak with your head?" The voice was small, but the City God's sharp ears made him feel angry when he heard it. With a flick of his left hand, he manifested a ghost-headed sword,

With the sound of cracking the sky, he slashed towards Chai Tiannuo!

"He is still a left-hander." Chai Tiannuo grinned, wondering if he should have exploded his soul first to save himself from the endless pain, but when he thought about it carefully, he felt unwilling to do so. Countless things were waiting for him, how could he die like this!

But, what can I do in the face of power?

"Bang!" Seeing that the giant ghost's head was about to be chopped off, a small explosion was heard. Chai Tiannuo and the City God stared at each other for just a fraction of a second, but the City God couldn't get over it!

The general rushed a little fiercely, and his originally domineering face was slightly deformed by the impact, which looked funny.

Chaitino raised his eyebrows and stuffed an afterlife fruit into his mouth. His injuries were getting better. He stood up and took two steps back. Chaitino gritted his teeth and said, "Master City God, do you have a fairy body?"

Let’s do one?”

"..." After hearing this, the somewhat dark face of the City God immediately turned into the bottom of the pot. If he had a fairy body and had bumped into it earlier, would he have been unable to make any progress compared to here?

! Seeing the city god gasping in anger, Chai Tiannuo laughed loudly, pointed at his nose and cursed: "What a donkey said, as a god, you only have to keep one party safe and do business..." After scolding,

For at least a quarter of an hour, everyone from eight generations of ancestors down to the baby was greeted by Chai Tiannuo again, and the words were not the same. The angry City God's black face turned white and purple, and his body trembled non-stop.

I have never heard so many such vicious words in my life!

"Obs, offal, I want to eat"

"Go eat shit!"

"It's only those few sentences that have been tossed around. A god who has lived for hundreds of years only has this small vocabulary. Is he a retarded person?!"


"You are so terrible that you can't even speak a complete sentence. You are a retarded person. You are just like a rotten maggot without a brain!" The face of the City God was like a fuel shop, with various colors of brown, red, orange and yellow changing constantly.

, Chai Tiannuo scolded him happily, patted the dust on his body, made a vicious gesture with him, turned around and left.

"Young men, come with me and cut him into pieces!" He heard the thunderous roar of the city god behind him before he took two steps. Chai Tiannuo turned around and smiled. It turned out that the shrimp soldiers and crab generals under the village doctor had arrived, and they just happened to kill him.

Relieve the depression in your heart!

Sweeping back thirty feet, he accidentally entered the city god's territory again. Chai Tiannuo drew out the white deer and grinned at the dozen or so people roaring towards him. It's really like cats and dogs, they dare to

Give yourself a paw!

"Yin and Yang cut into two parts!" Before several people could fall down after leaping high, Chai Tiannuo roared and swung out the white deer. The dazzling white light flashed past, and the three of them suddenly landed on the ground, but they were already in the sixth stage!

The City God's eyes widened. A Lu Xian at the peak of martial arts, a seventh level Qi refining and a great master were all gone like this?

When the rest of the people saw this, their expressions suddenly changed, and they turned around and ran away. Chai Tiannuo strode forward, took several more heads, then made a gesture to the city god, and left laughing.

"Sir, I'll wait." As soon as the subordinates who had escaped back were about to speak, they were beaten to pieces by the City God's palm.

"Trash!" He yelled, scaring the others to tremble. The City God turned into a rainbow and returned to the City God's Temple. I have never experienced such birdiness in my life. That gray-robed scholar must die!

Returning to the City God's Temple, the City God went straight into the ground. All the subordinates he met were afraid to speak. Everyone could see that his immediate boss was furious!

The deepest part of the ground is a water prison filled with spells. The black water is as flat as a mirror, and there doesn't seem to be a single living thing in it.

The City God struck a golden rune with his palm, and the black water immediately boiled, with golden thunder light constantly traveling inside.

"Wake up!" the City God roared, and not long after, a figure slowly emerged from the water. It was a strange man with double horns and black tattoos all over his body.

He sat cross-legged on the water and remained motionless, letting the golden lightning strike him with bruises all over his body, as if his body did not belong to him.

After waving his hand to stop the runes, the City God said in a low voice: "Ascetic, you have been practicing for so many years, but do you want to go out?" There was no emotion on the face of the strange man when he heard this, and his eyes never flashed, he just looked at it quietly.

The city god is like a sculpture.

The city god frowned, knowing that he had broken his trust over the years, and the ghosts and immortals in front of him could not trust him. After careful consideration, he narrowed his eyes and said, "I can let you go free, but you need to help me kill someone!" The ghosts and immortals were still half-hearted.

He didn't move, but looked straight at the City God. The City God said angrily: "I will give you back the immortal stone that I took back then, as long as you can kill that bastard!"

"...City God also has people he can't deal with?" Guixian, who had remained calm all this time, finally spoke, his voice as hard as gravel rubbing against each other.

"Your ears and eyes are so sensitive that you don't know what is going to happen if you don't believe it!"

"Make an oath to me to let you go, and return the fairy stone to you!" The city god said with some annoyance, if he was not afraid that the scholar would trigger a disaster, he would never let the ghosts and immortals leave. This is whether he can do the same.

The foundation that straddles the two realms of immortals and gods.

"Aren't you afraid that I will take revenge on you after I recover?" Guixian said calmly. The city god was slightly stunned, then narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a chuckle: "If you want revenge, feel free to come, I will wait here, don't do it

You have lost your reputation as an ascetic." The ghost fairy sneered, knowing that the city god was looking forward to his arrival. After all, his body was of great benefit to him!

Chai Tiannuo walked along the post road, but he was thinking in his heart, how to report the matter? Cheng Huangxing, the fairy kingdom on earth, intervened in the world, but the laws of the great road did not punish him. There must be a reason. The best way is to return to Fengcheng to find him.

Master Tu Tu had some words and asked him to report it to heaven.

However, what General Cheng Huang said made Chai Tiannuo a little worried. I am afraid that there may be some problems in the heaven of this world.

Just when Chai Tiannuo frowned and thought, he suddenly felt his heart trembling. He turned around suddenly and saw a black shadow rushing towards him with a cold aura.

Chai Tiannuo gritted his teeth and punched out the golden talisman that the general had obtained. The white deer unsheathed it and slashed out three swords in one move!

"Buzz~~" The black shadow flashed and exploded with dazzling light, the talisman was broken into pieces at the moment when it was about to explode, and the thousand-jin boulder evolved by Sword Three was shattered!

Chaitino's eyes widened and his body split into two in an instant!

This chapter has been completed!
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