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Chapter 775 Eighth Level Flame Dragon

The Ximen family members quickly hid, and the store's defense array was immediately activated. Such a quick response surprised the two old men.

They even wondered whether the Ximen family had received some information in advance and knew that they were coming to rob them. Otherwise, how could they have reacted so quickly.

They had also committed robberies before. As long as they suddenly took action, it was easy to kill a few low-level monks. The other party did not even have time to activate the defensive array.

Looking at the reaction speed of the Ximen family members, the gap is really huge.

"Fat man, has our plan been leaked? They are obviously well prepared!"

The thin old man frowned and spoke.

"There are only two of us. I definitely didn't leak it. If it did, it could only be you."

The fat monk frowned and answered.

"Forget it, now is not the time to think about this. The most important thing is to seize the information here as soon as possible. If we call in strong people, we will be in trouble."

The thin monk stopped thinking and increased his attack intensity.

In their opinion, even if Ximen's store is well prepared, it is absolutely impossible to stop their attack.

The huge gap in cultivation gave them enough confidence.

"Even in the early stages of refining the void, if you want to stop us, you are simply seeking death."

The two old men attacked angrily, but they failed to break through the defensive formation controlled by Ximen Changqing, and they were immediately very angry.

Although this was beyond their knowledge and made them feel embarrassed, they knew very well that as long as they continued to attack a few times, Ximen Changqing would definitely not be able to withstand it.

Inside the formation, blood spilled from the corner of Ximen Changqing's mouth. With the power of the defensive formation, he could only withstand a few attacks.

Strong physical defense, sufficient preparations, and the blessing of a large formation are obviously not enough in the face of the strong ones in the late stage of integration.

The huge gap in cultivation gave him a sense of powerlessness.

"If your cultivation level falls by a big margin, you will be like an ant. Sure enough, you have to continue to improve your cultivation level."

Ximen Changqing wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and prepared to carry it a few more times. Anyway, he was not afraid of serious injuries.


The two old men angrily increased their attack intensity and completely shattered the formation controlled by Ximen Changqing.

"You brat, you're really powerful for being able to withstand so many attacks! However, it's of no use, you're still going to die."

The fat old man looked at Ximen Changqing, his eyes full of anger.

"You are the ones who are going to die, the thick thick soil defense formation, rise up!"

Ximen Changqing sneered, and quickly activated a new defensive formation, once again blocking the two old men.

"We are the ones who are going to die? Fatty, did I hear you right? How can he, a small cultivator of void cultivation, kill us?"

The thin monk seemed to have heard the funniest joke, with disdain on his face.

"Skinny man, he's stalling for time. I'll deal with him while you go look for the treasure."

The fat old man suddenly had a bad feeling and felt that a quick solution was needed.


The thin old man also understood Ximen Changqing's intention. In this shop, God knows how many defense formations have not been activated.

If there are enough defensive formations, they will waste a lot of time by breaking through the boundaries one by one. Once a strong person arrives, they will make wedding clothes for others.

At this moment, outside Ximen's shop, many monks fled in fear, and even the city guards were too scared to approach.

The fight was too fierce, and it looked like the strong men were fighting each other. The weak monks naturally did not dare to approach.

The leading monk of the Fangshi guard pair was only a god-former, and behind him were Nascent Soul monks. He was far from a match for the two old men.

"Isn't this the Li family's shop where you can order elixir of life? Someone attacked it."

"If you can order ten thousand years of elixir, the store will naturally have a lot of treasures. It is inevitable to attract thieves."

"It's a pity. The cultivation level of these two old men is obviously much higher. This shop will be destroyed."

"I don't think I can order the elixir of life in the future."

"That's not right! I remember that behind this shop is the Yanlong clan, which is a ninth-level clan. These two old men are dying."

"They must be rogue cultivators. They ran away after looting. No one can find them."

"The fighting is quite fierce. Let's go farther away so as not to be affected."

"Isn't there a escort team in Fangshi? Why don't you go to the rescue?"

"Guards! Look at the group of people hiding on the left. They are the Fangshi Guards. They usually show off their power, but they can hide faster than us when something happens."

"Their cultivation level is too low. They can't help if they go there. They can save their lives by hiding."

Outside Ximen's shop, a group of monks hid in the distance and started gossiping.

"There is a powerful attack. We are no match. Go and inform the elders quickly."

The guard captain who was hiding asked his subordinates to go down and inform the sect elders.

Of course, the fight was so fierce that there was no need to notify them at all. The garrison elders of the four major sects had already known about the situation.

They quickly gathered together to discuss countermeasures, but no one went to help the Ximen family.

With their cultivation base, it is impossible to stop two powerful fusion men, and they will only lose their lives in vain.

At this moment, the faces of Zongshan, Gu He, Haiping and Aofeng were not very good.

The fight caused great damage. Not only was Ximen's shop damaged, but all surrounding buildings were also cracked.

Logically speaking, the two old men were responsible, but since the two men ran away after the fight, they did not dare to seek compensation from the two old men, so they had to pay for repairs to the shop themselves.

The loss of property is secondary, the biggest loss is face.

Xianjifang City is run by four major sects. As a result, merchants were robbed, but they did not dare to come forward to rescue them. This would undoubtedly greatly damage their image.

In addition, they all know that the Yanlong clan is behind Ximen's shop. Once the Yanlong clan holds them accountable, how will they tell the difference?

The Yanlong tribe is not a reasonable tribe. If they were to demolish Xianjifang City in a rage, they would not be able to find a place to cry.

"Fellow Taoist Zongshan, do you have any idea?"

The anxious Gu He looked at Zongshan who was sitting motionless and asked.

"Fellow Taoist Gu He, what can I do? You have also felt that the other party is two fused monks, or a strong person in the late stage of fusion.

It’s just the four of us. No matter how we are their opponents, we can only die if we go there. We can only pray that they are okay.”

Zongshan was helpless and closed his eyes in despair.

"Two fellow Taoists, their shop was attacked, and the Yanlong clan behind them should show up to stop them! If the Yanlong clan themselves don't rescue them, why should we do so?"

Haiping opened his mouth and said.

Aofeng said hurriedly: "Fellow Daoist Haiping is right. There are two sixth-level Flame Dragons renting a cave in Fang City. They are in Fang City and have not gone to rescue them."

"The sixth-order Flame Dragon will definitely not be able to defeat the fused monks, and they will not be able to save it. The same goes for us. We cannot save the Li family shop. It seems that we can only wait for the two fused monks to leave before we go out to deal with the funeral affairs."

Zongshan said calmly.

"Yes, yes, fellow Taoist Zongshan is right, we can only wait slowly."

The three of them nodded, thinking this proposal was a good one.

At this moment, all four of them are thinking about their own interests. Although all four of them have business dealings with the Ximen family,

But the relationship between them has not yet reached the point of being invasive, so it is naturally impossible for them to put themselves in danger for the sake of the Ximen family.

Of course, apart from the four of them who are unable to interfere, there are still monks who are able to interfere near Xianjifang City.

But none of these monks showed up, they would not stand up for the Ximen family.

Keep waiting for opportunities and be the oriole behind them, which is their ultimate goal.

As long as the two old men succeed, they will jump out to intercept and take the Ximen family's property as their own.

Of course, the existence of Yanwen completely failed their plan.

At this moment, Yan Wen had arrived at Ximen's store, but he was not in a hurry to take action. On the one hand, he deployed a large formation nearby to completely block off Ximen's store.

On the other hand, he was also curious about Ximen Changqing's strength to see how long Ximen Changqing could last.

As long as Ximen Changqing can't support it, he will immediately come to the rescue.

"This kid is surprisingly powerful. He was only in the early stage of Void Refining, but he was able to use a large formation to resist the late-stage Fusion monks. That's amazing!"

Yan Wen smiled slightly and released his own pressure.

In an instant, a huge red flame dragon appeared in the sky above Xianjifang City.


Yanwen let out the unique roar of Yanlong, making the entire Xianjifang City tremble.

"Yanlong, such a big Yanlong must be at least the seventh level!"

"No, this is the eighth-level Flame Dragon, which is equivalent to the human race's Mahayana monk."

"Eighth-level Flame Dragon! Mahayana monk!"

"The two monks who attacked this time are in bad luck. They are definitely no match for Yanlong."

"It seems that the Yanlong clan has strong men protecting this shop."

In Xianjifang City, all the monks talked about Yanlong.

In a tower, the four people from Zongshan also looked at Yanlong with his huge body in shock.

"The eighth level is the eighth level flame dragon. The Yanlong clan actually sent the eighth level flame dragon to garrison Xianjifang City, but we never discovered it."

Zongshan looked at Yanlong's body and said in a daze.

"In this shop, there is the eternal elixir of the Yanlong clan. Naturally, they will send strong men to protect it. We should have thought of it a long time ago."

Gu He stroked his beard and his expression relaxed a lot.

He also didn't want anything to happen to the Ximen family. After all, Blue Butterfly Valley and the Ximen family had business relationships, and both sides could gain huge benefits.

"If the eighth-level Yanlong takes action, the two combined monks will be doomed. They actually attack the affiliated families of the Yanlong clan. They really think that the Yanlong clan is easy to bully."

Hai Ping also relaxed a lot.

"Wait a minute, are we going to visit this senior?"

Aojiao asked for a visit.

"It's necessary. I didn't know about it before, but now that I know about the existence of my senior, I naturally want to go and visit."

The four of them had the same idea, they all wanted to visit Yanwen.

At this moment, the combined monks of the large sects who were hiding nearby were too frightened to move as they saw the eighth-level flame dragon roaring its filial piety.

Their little calculation is completely dead. In addition, they refuse to save them. If they are held accountable by the eighth-level Flame Dragon, it will be very troublesome.

"If I had known earlier, I would have helped. Now it's okay. It's a mess. No, I have to inform the great elder and ask him to come forward, so I can have an excuse."

The Ba Shengxiong of the Ba Dao Sect thought over and over again and decided to ask for help from the Mahayana ancestor of the sect to prevent the angry eighth-level Flame Dragon from killing him.

The rest of the sect's integrated monks who were outside Xianjifang City quietly escaped, and those who were inside Fang City notified the sect's Mahayana elders to come.

Of course, they were all worried too much. Yanwen's temper was very friendly, not at all like other Yanlong clan's bad tempers, and he would not kill them without reason at all.

"Eighth-level Flame Dragon, when did you come?"

In Ximen's shop, two old men in the late stage of integration broke out in a cold sweat.

After they entered Xianjifang City, they searched around many times, but did not find the eighth-level flame dragon. If they knew that there was an eighth-level flame dragon in Fang City, they would never dare to take action.

After all, they knew that the Yanlong Clan was behind the Ximen family. As long as they attacked the Ximen family's shops, the Yanlong Clan would definitely take action.

In order to be sure, they asked several guides and confirmed that there were only two sixth-level flame dragons in Xianjifang City, so they took bold action with confidence.

At this moment, the eighth-level Flame Dragon suddenly appeared, breaking their planned plan and making them terrified.

At this moment, what they were thinking about was not seizing the Ximen family's finances, but how to save their own lives.

"Fat man, it's not a good time to stay here for a long time. Leave."

"Okay, Shadow Escape!"

The two old men made a prompt decision and used secret escape techniques.

However, they miscalculated. Yanwen had already set up a large formation around Ximen's shop, and their secret technique was broken.

"If you dare to touch the affiliated families of my Yanlong clan, you are seeking death."

Yan Wen didn't tolerate them either, and quickly attacked them when they were weak after using their secret skills.

"Fat man, fight him."

After the fat monk finished speaking, he sacrificed his natal Xuantian magic weapon and prepared to fight to the death.

"Skinny man, let me help you!"

Seeing that there was no hope of escape, the thin old man also sacrificed his natal Xuantian magic weapon, and cooperated with the fat old man to launch a fierce attack on Yan Wen.

"A mere fusion monk who dares to provoke me will die!"

Yanwen was stronger than the two old men, and the opponent did not have a large formation to rely on. The result of the fight was obvious. The two fused old men were killed by Yanwen one after another.

With reluctance and hatred, they closed their eyes forever.

"Humph, vulnerable."

Yan Wen sneered at the corner of his mouth and put away their personal storage rings.

It only took a moment to open the storage ring.

The treasures inside made Yan Wen quite satisfied. Although most of the spiritual objects were beyond his reach, mosquito meat was also meat, so having it was better than nothing.

"Thank you, senior, for killing two thieves."

Ximen Changqing walked out from behind the defensive formation and saluted Yanwen.

"It's just a piece of cake. Don't be polite, little friend. By the way, there are a lot of finances in these two storage rings. Take a look."

Yanwen handed the two storage rings to Ximen Changqing.

"Senior, this is your trophy, what can you do with it for me?"

Ximen Changqing asked tentatively.

"First see how much it's worth, and whether it can be exchanged for a ten-year elixir!"

Yanwen asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Ximen Changqing finally understood that this guy was planning to use the finances of the two old men in exchange for the ten thousand-year elixir he needed.

"Senior, these spiritual objects are worth a lot of money, enough for two Ten Thousand Years Dragon Scale Grass."

Ximen Changqing is relatively satisfied with the spiritual objects in the storage ring, but the value is not enough for two plants, at most one and a half.

"Okay, let's take two ten thousand-year-old dragon scale grass. Do you still have them in stock?"

Yanwen felt that there should be some in stock, otherwise, he would not give it one.

This chapter has been completed!
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