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Chapter 950 Yanlong City

Yanlong City is located due south of the Yanlong Mountains. It is a trading city led by the Yanlong Clan.

As the leader, the Yanlong Clan owns 80% of the interests of Yanlong City, and the remaining 20% ​​is shared by other ethnic groups.

Most of these ethnic groups are vassals of the Yanlong Clan, only the Yanlong Clan follows suit.

There are many shops in the city, tens of thousands in total. Among them, the Yanlong clan occupies hundreds of shops, selling various resources of the clan.

The excess shops have been rented out to various major forces, including powerful dragon clans like the Sword Dragon Clan.

The prosperity of Yanlong City far exceeds that of Xianwu City and other human cities run by the Ximen family. After all, this is a city with ninth-level powerhouses as its commanders, while Xianwu City only has the combined realm and is not on the same level.

A group of more than ten people from the Ximen family entered Yanlong City under the personal leadership of Yan Hao.

In this majestic city, high-level experts can be seen everywhere, especially those of the sixth and seventh levels, which are very common.

Occasionally, you can see eighth-level powerhouses, but they are Mahayana-level powerhouses, and their strength is very terrifying.

The prosperity of this city can be seen from the popularity on the streets. Rare spiritual objects are sold here, so there is no need to worry about sales.

"What a carnival it was!"

A first-order moon dragon looked quite excited.

It was said to be a sparring match, but if Daxin killed his opponent, it would be reasonable and reasonable. After all, fighting techniques are inherently controllable, and it would be abnormal to have some intentions.

"That's a bad thing! Just step back and take a look to see if you can use it. If you don't, it will be in vain."

After completing his first business, Yan Hao grinned.

Some ethnic groups that had not understood it for a long time suddenly lost their anger, especially the Stegosaurus tribe that had just found some clues, and they were even more angry.

"One price, 20,000 top-quality spiritual stones!"

"Di Jingzhi, the treasure of your Earth Dragon clan is not worth ten thousand years. How is that possible? Everyone is willing to snatch it from you. You have to decide!"

In the evening of that day, the leader of the Winged Dragon Clan led seven fourth-level weaklings from his tribe to visit the Yanlong Clan's land.

In this way, their original plan will work. They want to use their own strength to rob the Yanlong clan's resources, but it has become a wishful thinking.

"Haha! I got a thousand top quality spiritual stones!"

"Elder of the clan, not only ten thousand years of sword dragon grass, we also sold ten pieces of blood too expensive, ten thousand years of running to the moon grass, ten thousand years of earth essence sesame, ten pieces of flying too expensive..."

But such a bad thing happened to the powerful Yanlong clan, which really makes me angry.

Hearing this, there was an outburst of family ties on the stage. Some guys who had bought what they wanted were planning on how to raise spiritual stones.

A first-order dragon clan, after speaking, looked towards the nearby first-order stegosaurus.

When the time comes, it will be a beautiful thing for you weak clans to divide the income from the secret realm according to their strength!"

Another eighth-level dragon clan spoke with a smile.

In the end, Yan Hao had no choice but to adopt bidding measures, asking those who competed to give out fewer spiritual stones.

Yan Hao introduced with a smile, and took everyone in the Ximen family to visit the Treasure Building layer by layer.

For the core members of the weak tribe, a mere 80,000 top-quality spiritual stones are simply worth mentioning, but for the Jiayin tribe members of the big tribe, that sum of spiritual stones is worth tens of millions.

Ximen Changqing, who was standing in front of Yan Hao, let out a sigh.

"It's broken. You need family ties. There are not many bad things, so you don't have a chance."

It is not even possible to cause the bloodline to awaken and increase the strength by a small amount. The less you take, the worse the effect will be. However, if you take more than ten pills, the effect will be attenuated."

"Hey! But in this case, your Stegosaurus clan can only get a large part of the benefits. I'm really willing to do so!

On the eighth floor of the Treasure Pavilion, a group of weak people from all races below the eighth level retreated here with a look of surprise.

Yes, I'm really not afraid of death.

"It was only the first day and there was so little business. What a mistake!"

And at the critical moment when they were about to take a step back to investigate, the Yanlong tribe actually openly sold the ten thousand-year elixir directly in Zhenlong Continent.

The ten pieces of blood were too expensive, and they were all sold out very quickly, with not even a single one left. I was very happy to buy them, and I felt sorry for the spirit stones at all.

The first-order Stegosaurus made a mean-looking suggestion.

"It's a pity, it's such a pity. Now, the Yanlong Clan has not yet publicly sold the ten thousand-year elixir. The news will soon spread throughout the True Dragon Continent.

With such a low price, naturally few people think it is a spiritual fruit, but they don't think it is expensive either.

In the Ten Thousand Treasures Pavilion of the Sword Dragon Clan in Yanlong City, a first-level sword dragon stood behind a fourth-level sword dragon with a serious look on his face, even daring to breathe.

Ximen Renzhi was worried about the other tribesmen, and planned to spend a year getting used to it, and then hand over the task of staying in the store to other tribesmen.

"Where have you been stationed in the past year?"

"With the weakened bloodline, there is no chance of awakening the bloodline. Such a heaven-defying treasure is the gospel you have been waiting for. You must buy it!"

"The price is expensive, 80,000 yuan for a top-quality spiritual stone! There are only ten of them in total, first come first served!"

"Yanlong Clan Treasure Pavilion! This is the largest store of your Yanlong Clan! So impressive!"

Yan Hao stopped everyone and continued to come up with new elixir of life.

"Isn't it unusual for it to be expensive? It's a legendary treasure of heaven and earth. It's harmful to them, the Yanlong Clan, and I don't need you to tell me.

Yan Hao looked towards the stage and shouted softly.

After a whole day of preparation, early on the seventh day, a notice was posted at the entrance of the Yanlong Clan Treasure Pavilion.

The first-order sword dragon nodded in agreement with a pained expression, and took out 20,000 top-quality spiritual stones.

"Tell me slowly! What's the price?"

After Ximen Changqing finished speaking, he and Yan Hao studied how to advertise and initially come up with a few thousand-year elixir.

They also thought that the Yanlong Clan was the future Yanlong Clan, and if they dared to act rashly, they would be seeking their own death.

The reason is also very strong. He wants to have a bad fight with the weak fourth-level members of the Yanlong clan.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Ximen Changqing's deliberate choice.

Ximen Changqing smiled and nodded, and entered the shop together with his clan members.

There are some elixirs where only one plant is taken out, but only one must be purchased, so a fight can be avoided.

"Elder of the clan, the eldest son Yan Hao also said that there will never be fewer ten thousand year elixirs for sale in the past. The reason for that is obvious. It is not that the Yanlong Clan does not have a secret realm full of ten thousand year elixirs!"

The first-order Stegosaurus told all the rare elixirs and rare Zou Yun he had seen.

Ximen Renzhi and other clan members also showed smiles.

When the fourth-level sword dragon thought of that, a surge of anger suddenly surged in his heart.

Yan Hao calmly opened his offer.

"Ten Thousand Years Sword Dragon Grass! That's what the Flame Dragon Tribe has! But they don't have such a treasure?"

The fourth-level Stegosaurus looked at the Thousand-Year Stegosaurus grass outside his hand with gleaming eyes, willing to let go for a long time.

Those who were generous in their pockets all sighed in frustration, while those who moved too quickly seemed unable to slow down their exhaustion.

The first-order stegosaurus frowned, feeling that the price was not too expensive.

The carnival lasted for a full eight hours, and all the elixirs and rare dragon fruits that were brought out were sold, giving the Ximen family a huge harvest.

And no matter how arrogant the Yanlong clan is, they can still make everyone in the clan take Xue Zou Yun!

After all, the gap between the rich and the poor in the world of cultivation is extremely small. Some are rich and some are destitute. This is true for the human race, and it is also true for other races.

"Go ahead and tell the elders to go back and investigate!"

"Brother Yanhao, that store is very wrong. The elixir sold there deserves to be of a higher quality. Let's do it tomorrow!"

The financial resources of the cultivators in Yanlong City are indeed much weaker than those in Xianwu City, and the ten thousand-year elixir cannot be sold at a lower price.

A group of slow-tempered people yelled loudly.

The fourth-level Flame Dragon shook his head helplessly.

"Twenty thousand top-quality spiritual stones! So expensive?"

After walking for a while, Yan Hao pointed to the seven-story building in front of him and introduced it.

"Flying Moon Grass, what a bad thing! It's of no use to your clan. How many spiritual stones are there?"

When the Sword Dragon Clan learned that the Yanlong Clan actually went to the Fairy Clan Continent to sell the ten thousand-year elixir, they were suspicious at first.

"Elder of the clan, is it because your family has joined forces with other weak clans to force the Yanlong clan to spit out the secret realm filled with ten thousand years of elixir?

"Flying is too expensive! If you want that one, I must sell it to you!"

A horned dragon looked at the notice and read it in a low voice.

The first-order stegosaurus said seriously.

"Bad things are naturally expensive. If you don't like them, get out of here. Don't stay out there and get in the way!"

Those who buy their favorite treasures are very happy because they care about the cost of the spiritual stones. But if they can buy their favorite items, they are very disappointed.

The elixirs and dragon fruits I chose are all varieties that are useless to dragons and humans, but they will be sold outside.

"So few treasures? It seems that the rumors I heard later must be true. The Yanlong Clan is really developed. Did they discover a secret realm full of ten thousand-year elixirs?"

In the Yanlong Clan Treasure Pavilion, Ximen Changqing sighed.

Originally, Yan Hao had no choice but to sell the blood of Taigui. After all, the Yanlong clan also needed Yan Taigui.

If you haven’t bought what you like yet, consider buying less.

Seeing those rare elixirs that lasted for ten thousand years, everyone went crazy, especially those whose families needed them. They all took out their spirit stones, with an air of must-buy.

"There is only one 80,000-grade spiritual stone, why are you trying to grab it!"

"It turns out that blood is not too expensive! It is said that the blood tree takes ten thousand years to mature, and it will take another ten thousand years for it to bear fruit. It will bear at least four at a time. It is a very rare treasure!"

Of course, except for the strength of the Sword Dragon Clan, which cannot stabilize the Yanlong Clan, the strength of the other groups is simply impressive.

Yes, Ximen Changqing told him that there were not many Xue Zou Yun left, and his previous family would continue to be sold to the Yanlong clan.

Even if it’s ten times more expensive, it’s still a more appropriate price for them. Take your time and buy it quickly!”

"Stegodragon grass is not rare, but a small number live for more than a thousand years, and there are many that can reach a thousand years. You always thought that the ten thousand-year sworddragon grass is just a legend, but you are lucky enough to see one. It's worth it!"

Many forces are jealous of the Yanlong Clan and want to seize the Yanlong Clan's opportunity.

"That's really insightful. The precious blood is too expensive. It's not harmful to the dragon bloodline. Anyone who doesn't have the dragon bloodline will weaken their bloodline if they take it.

"Is the Yanlong Clan finally going to sell the elixir of ten thousand years in the True Dragon Continent? Is the news completely concealed?"

"Bad, you buy it!"

There were indeed many treasures outside. Ximen Changqing noticed how many treasures there were and used the treasures outside to trade with the Yanlong clan on the spot.

"There is no chance of awakening the bloodline, such a bad treasure, 80,000 top-quality spiritual stones, very conscientious, you want two!"

"Eighty thousand top quality spiritual stones again, I'll give you one now!"

"Brother Changqing, we are here. This is our clan's largest store in the city."

The fourth-level Stegosaurus looked annoyed, thinking that the Yanlong Clan was too good, so it was time to give them a chance to take action.

"That Ten Thousand Years Sword Dragon Grass has a lot of spiritual stones, you bought it!"

"Brother Changqing, there aren't many treasures in your clan's treasure pavilion, but a small part of them are for your clan's use, or they are too important, so they will be sold."

A first-level angry dragon, carelessly pushed away the senior senior who was blocking the way, and rushed back arrogantly.

An eighth-level earth dragon looked at a ten-year-old elixir that looked like a giant sword with surprise on his face.

A first-level flying dragon squeezed into the Yanlong Clan Treasure Pavilion after saying that.

By then, all the weak tribes will be staring at the Yanlong Clan, and it is not possible for you to swallow up the Yanlong Clan quietly."

"Those red dragon fruits smell bad! What kind of dragon fruits are they!"

"You want it too, I'll give you one!"

Yan Hao said the price with a proud look on his face.

Like the Sword Dragon Clan, there are no similar discussions in the secret rooms of several other ethnic groups in Yanlong City.

"The Ten Thousand Years Sword Dragon Grass has the least effect on the Sword Dragon clan, but can slightly increase the speed of their bloodline promotion."

"Damn it, that should have been your Sword Dragon Clan!"

According to the agreement between the two clans, half of the selling price is the Yanlong clan's damage fee, which is 20,000 top-grade spiritual stones, and half of it is one thousand top-grade spiritual stones.

"The Ten Thousand Years Sword Dragon Grass is really a ten thousand year elixir. Does that mean it has been extinct for a long time? How could it appear out there?"

However, he still sent his clansmen to make friends with the lower-level members of the Yanlong clan, and tried every possible means to find out the news, and finally got some clues.

The first-order stegosaurus spoke with an arrogant look.

A first-order flying dragon started to cheer.

"The Yanlong clan, in order to thank all of our comrades, has specially put out a batch of ten thousand-year elixirs that have been treasured for millions of years for sale. There is also a multi-dragon fruit. There is no limit to the quantity. First come, first served..."

The strength of the Winged Dragon Clan has always been superior to that of the Yanlong Clan, and the leader of the Winged Dragon Clan is even more confident that he can easily defeat Yanhan.

"It's just over 80,000 top-quality spiritual stones. You, the Feilong clan, also want two!"

In addition, the Yanlong tribe is so young and the core tribe members have not taken blood for a long time. It is too expensive. If you continue to take less, the effect will be obvious.

"If the spiritual fruit is obtained, then Zou Yun will be the same."

"Haha! You have to take a look at this treasure that has been treasured for millions of years to see if it is worth treasured for millions of years."

If these secret realms were in the hands of the Sword Dragon Clan, they would definitely play a smaller role, enough to allow the Sword Dragon Clan to develop into the weakest ethnic group in the True Dragon Continent, and it would be impossible to surpass the True Dragon Clan.

Besides, the alliance of minority tribes is also a bad move. If it is bad, it is not a mess. If the spoils are divided evenly, the trouble will be smaller!"

"Everyone, how can you, the Yanlong Clan, accumulate millions of years and only have so few treasures? In a few days, there won't be ten thousand-year-old elixirs for sale. In the past, there might be even less!"

In order to be as high-profile as possible, naturally I can give too little, so I have to do it step by step quickly.

This chapter has been completed!
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