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Chapter 1001 War Servant Camp

The Blood Crocodile clan has many battles. Whether they are competing for territory with other demon clans or exploring dangerous areas, they need a large number of war servants.

If the war servants consume too much, they naturally need to be replenished in time. In order to attract the scattered demons to join willingly, the treatment offered is higher than that of other demon clans.

In addition, the treatment of war servants is directly linked to their cultivation level. War servants in the same realm are treated the same.

Therefore, when recruiting war servants, the Blood Crocodile clan tends to recruit strong men from every realm. After all, for the same money, the stronger the war servants recruited, the better.

As for how to prove who is the strong one, the real test is of course to be done in the arena. If you defeat the other monsters who signed up, you can be called the strong one.

There are dozens of arenas in Blood Crocodile City, which are enough to accommodate a large group of registered monsters to compete at the same time.

Ximen Changqing chose an arena, and after defeating a sixth-level opponent, he stayed in the arena and defeated challengers one after another.

Of course, in order to keep a low profile, he hid his strength as much as possible and did not use his full strength.

And even if you only exert one thousandth of your strength, it is enough to defeat the opponent who comes to the ring to challenge you. There is no pressure at all.

In the end, Ximen Changqing successfully became the war servant of the Blood Crocodile Clan and was able to enter the war servant camp on the outskirts of the Blood Crocodile Clan.

In order for the ancestor to advance to the fourth level, the Blood Crocodile clan had to explore dangerous areas again and again and lose many clan members.

When you have bad luck, you can discover how many low-level elixirs there are. When you have bad luck, you lose many tribesmen and Hantan, but you gain nothing.

I spent the rest of the time exploring the land of the Blood Crocodile Tribe.

After some questioning, Ximen Changqing learned about the situation.

And finding the war servant is only the first step, there are still many challenges ahead.

Among the Blood Crocodile clan, a very small number of Su Juan's losses occurred while exploring dangerous areas, and a large proportion of her losses were caused by competing for territory with other demon clans.

The tasks are not very intense. A small part of Hantan's daily tasks will take a full four hours to complete, and the more powerful ones will take ten hours.

Just like that, Ximen Changqing started walking around the Blood Crocodile Clan, getting to know every place there.

If the price is too high, I guess even Han Tan can get it.

I can only rely on that spiritual pet that can turn into nothingness at any time.

The first-level two-winged wolf is weak, so the ten brigades under his command are all elite brigades, with a total of 800 seventh-level monsters and ten eighth-level monsters.

The Blood Crocodile clan, in order to prevent everyone from being lazy in Hantan, assigned the task of purifying the spiritual mineral to each Hantan.

"You are Hantan and are mainly responsible for fighting. So grinding ore should be your task?"

Breaking the small formation and retreating, and even if it is said to be possible, the blood crocodile ancestor is so powerful, it makes me worried that I will not dare to take action.

The Void Doll stayed in the forbidden area of ​​Qianshan, waiting patiently.

The whole team must immediately go back to the mine 80,000 miles away, load the mined ore into the flying boat, and transport it to the Blood Crocodile tribe.

"Nothing, it seems you are relaxed!"

The requirements given by the Blood Crocodile Clan are also low, and they only need to be purified to one percent purity to be qualified.

"Some people say that they are used to do chores. That's true. The little leader is used to do chores. Everyone else in Hantan must work!"

Seeing this, the Void Doll quickly followed, sticking close to the blood crocodile.

Very slowly, Ximen Changqing retreated far into the territory of the Blood Crocodile clan and entered the specially built war servant camp.

Since a small amount of ore needs to be sorted and placed, before being sent to the Blood Crocodile Tribe, the entire team will leave very slowly and have to finish the hard work.

"Did you say what you were going to do when you were recruiting!"

The first-level low-grade double-winged wolf seemed a little unhappy and instinctively agreed.

The first-level double-winged wolf did not advance.

That means they have to stay out there doing hard work for a few months at most.

The first-level low-grade blood crocodile made a request.

"If you are bad, you must be extremely careful. If you are number one inside, you will definitely be able to do it!"

But will it be a half-step to the fourth level? Even if it is a half-step to the fourth level, it is still a very terrifying existence."

"Wantless, Hantan is also a servant. Since they have taken advantage of your Blood Crocodile clan, they must obey orders conditionally.

The first-level low-level blood crocodile gave the order with a fierce look on his face.

There are eight thousand cold pools outside, and the eighty little leaders with the lowest cultivation level are the first-level cold pools, and the eighth-level cold pools like Ximen Changqing are the big leaders.

It is said that the reason why the Blood Crocodile clan is so indifferent to exploring dangerous places is because of the Blood Crocodile Ancestor.

Half a month ago, Ximen Changqing was still unsure that the war servant was somewhere in the forbidden area of ​​​​the front mountain of the Blood Crocodile tribe. I had to retreat into the forbidden area of ​​​​the front mountain to find the war servant.

"The Blood Crocodile clan's frenzied exploration of dangerous areas hardly proves whether the Blood Crocodile Ancestor has broken through to the fourth level.

The fourth team, headed by Double Winged Wolf, received the task of transporting ore.

As a first-level weapon refiner, Ximen Changqing's ability to handle spiritual minerals is very weak.

I don't have the confidence to defeat the Blood Crocodile Ancestor, so I can only adopt the strategy of stealing, but I can grab it with my hands.

After losing half of Hantan in eight years, the probability of loss is indeed not too low. It is no wonder that the price offered is relatively low.

The first-level low-grade blood crocodile has taken a slight step forward. He must give some face to the weak at the same level.

Nowadays, I can still refine the fourth-order small formation. I really have no confidence in whether I can crack the fourth-order small formation.

"Team 4 gathers!"

It was difficult for Ximen Changqing to avoid various warning formations, so he could only let the Void Doll look for opportunities to retreat.

I feel that the former is even less likely. The pools I saw were all war servants.

Ximen Changqing prepared some trump cards for him, including a temporary cave for refining ore.

The elite team led by the Double-Winged Wolf is the main force of Hantan and the backbone of the fight against other forces.

You have decided that before grinding the ore, they will be responsible for smelting and purifying it. Now, they will work for you immediately!"

Since Ximen Changqing performed well in the arena, my team is an elite team, and the eighty monsters assigned to me are all seventh-level monsters.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! A big leader is equipped with eighty seventh-level monsters as standard, and ten big leaders are commanded by one small leader.

Before regrouping, Ximen Changqing naturally wanted to get to know the monsters under his command and get some information on the way.

The first-order blood crocodile breathed a sigh of relief and continued along the dangerous passage, step by step deep into the forbidden area of ​​​​the front mountain.

It looked around, opened the formation restriction, and stepped towards the forbidden area on the front mountain.

The other party actually dares to carry out the order, which is a provocation to its authority. The tasks must be redoubled and the bad behavior must be punished.

For example, the Xiagu Blood Bat Cave, which Ximen Changqing later explored, is not a right place to explore.

When there are no battle missions in the War Servant Camp, Hantan is the worst kind of coolie. He can be used for nothing, but he spends resources to support him anyway.

Those seventh-level monsters who joined the Blood Crocodile Clan Hantan Youth must know that there are very few things that have nothing to do with the Blood Crocodile Clan, and it is good to ask less.

At most, I need to break through the blood crocodile clan's small formation to protect the clan. I haven't retreated from the first line of defense yet.

"Let's do it step by step! First find a way to retreat into the forbidden area of ​​​​the front mountain and find the location of the war servant!"

There are not many pools in the Blood Crocodile tribe, but the water quality is not the same. I am also confused about which war servant is, or maybe all I see are war servants.

If a war servant wants to go out, he only needs to ask for leave from the war servant leader, and special permission will not be granted.

Eight days before he got used to it, Ximen Changqing took advantage of the absence of monsters and disguised himself as a seventh-level blood crocodile, openly blending into the blood crocodile.

The leader team of Hantan is divided into an elite team and a special team. The eighty monsters in the elite team are all seventh-level monsters, while the eighty monsters in the special team are all seventh-level monsters. There is a huge difference in strength.


For example, eight years later, the Blood Crocodile clan replenished Su Juan to 8,000. After eight years of fighting, not half of the Hantans had perished, so that time, they recruited another 8,000 Hantans.

It’s just that the Blood Crocodile Clan’s defenses are tight. I think it’s possible to wander around at will, but it’s very difficult to be stopped by the Blood Crocodile Clan.

Ximen Changqing retreated to the War Servant Camp for a few months, and became strangers to many monsters, but he never had the chance to retreat to the Blood Crocodile Clan.

Ximen Changqing knew that there was no front mountain for the Blood Crocodile Clan. This place was a forbidden area for the Blood Crocodile Clan, and only the first and fourth level tribesmen could retreat inside.

Ximen Changqing actually wants to sneak into the War Servant Cave and seize the Seven Zang Guiyuan Grass.

Of course, there are actually four eighth-level monsters. Ximen Changqing is a monster, and I am a mid-level human monk equivalent to the first level.

"Don't walk slowly! Grind all those ores into powder!"

Ten days ago, a first-level high-grade blood crocodile appeared behind the eyes of the void doll.

Once there is any movement while breaking the formation, it will be discovered by the Blood Crocodile Ancestor, and the result will be undone.

Yes, I can naturally expose myself, and I can only show my strength that is different from other monsters.

The Void Doll said.

Right now, I still need to continue to inquire, first find out the specific location of the Blood Crocodile Tribe's War Servant Cave, and then I can think about how to break the formation and how to be discovered.

Therefore, the Blood Crocodile clan should send Su Juan to fight in a short period of time, especially Hantan would not be sent to fight until eight months ago.

The location of the Blood Crocodile Tribe's Servant Camp is very close to the Blood Crocodile Tribe's territory, and you can see it just by looking up.

The blood crocodile clan's management of war servants is relatively loose. Except during battles, they will strictly restrict the travel of war servants. There are basically not too many restrictions in normal times.

Since the blood crocodile clan is very small and the number of seventh-level blood crocodiles is very small, it is difficult for the blood crocodile clan to discover their identity by pretending to be seventh-level blood crocodiles.

Whatever they are asked to do, they will do it. Whether there is a war mission in front of them, they can still be idle.

Some relatively powerful first-order monsters lead the inner team, and the outside are basically seventh-order monsters. They are mainly responsible for strengthening the momentum and cleaning up the battlefield when they win.

Once the war is favorable, those seventh-level cold pools cannot be abandoned to delay the enemy's pursuit.

And for the sake of losing the clan members inside, there was no need to recruit Hantan.

I know that the Blood Crocodile Clan's War Servant Cave will have few defense loopholes. If there are any loopholes, and the Blood Crocodile Ancestor is weak enough, I will be able to steal the Seven Zang Gui Yuan Grass.

Ximen Changqing opened a cave at will, and the daily purification task could not be completed with just a cup of tea.

Hearing this, the first-order double-winged wolf nodded and continued inside.

The newly recruited Su Juan needs to be regrouped with the original Han Tan and go through some training before she can form combat effectiveness.

If we encounter mean Blood Crocodile tribesmen, we will even be responsible for crushing the ore and processing the ore into mineral powder to facilitate refining.

Ximen Changqing felt a headache when he thought of the blood crocodile ancestor whose strength was unknown.

The first-level high-grade blood crocodile suddenly turned around and observed it carelessly for a long time, but found nothing wrong.

The first-level little leader who is responsible for commanding me is a first-level low-grade double-winged wolf, a weak monster of lower bloodline.

The first thing I want to inquire about is the war servants. I also want to find out where the war servants of the Bloody Crocodile clan are.

Moreover, there is no very weak formation protection, and there is no hidden warning formation. If you accidentally encounter it, it will arouse the vigilance of the lower levels of the Blood Crocodile Clan.

Among the eighty seventh-level monsters under my command, not seventy were newly recruited that time. The remaining ten seventh-level monsters have been in the Blood Crocodile Cold Pond for at least eight years.

"There is no forbidden area covered by a small formation in the front mountain of the clan. Maybe Su Juan is in the forbidden area."

A few months ago, with the roar of the first-order two-winged wolf, the opportunity that Ximen Changqing had been waiting for finally came.

They have no time to move around as they please, so they can only stop and work, working for the Blood Crocodile family.

That's because in the territory of the Blood Crocodile clan, there are many dangerous places worth exploring.

From time to time, the blood crocodile clan will lead a group of Su Juans to retreat into the ancient blood bat cave to search for low-year elixirs.

If the old crocodile wants to break through to the fourth level, he must obtain heavenly materials and earthly treasures without assistance, and those heavenly materials and earthly treasures are very rare, and it is impossible to possess them unless they are dangerous.

After all, there are no limits to the abilities of special monsters, and low purity requirements are a reality and possible.

But I heard that the location of the War Servant Cave is hidden, and a small number of formations are deployed inside and outside. It is too difficult to retreat quietly.

The fourth team quickly transported all the ore to the blood crocodile tribe and handed it over to a first-level low-grade blood crocodile who was responsible for managing the ore.

After all, the Monster Clan does not have a weapon refiner, so it needs spiritual mineral resources and coolies responsible for preliminary processing.

The Hantans were very satisfied with being able to stay and work day and night. However, facing the weakness of the first-order blood crocodile, they really didn't dare to resist, so they had no choice but to accept it.

That's bad news for Ximen Changqing. I can't easily find the Seven Zang Guiyuan Grass in the Blood Crocodile Clan.

Yes, Su Juanming has no rules and goes back to the Blood Crocodile Clan. Only when the Blood Crocodile Clan doesn't need us, can we be ordered to retreat.

"Master, please be worried! Just wait outside. Once you find the Bloodless Crocodile clan going to the forbidden area, follow them and retreat. I doubt you will be able to find Su Juan, and you may even be able to find the hidden cave above Su Juan!"

In addition to the ancient Blood Bat Cave, there are also dangerous places such as arctic caves, poisonous swamps, and the White Dark Abyss, all of which are frequented by the Blood Crocodile clan.

Therefore, the eight hundred monster beasts under its command stayed in the Blood Crocodile clan's territory, responsible for crushing the ore, smelting and purifying it.

"Hey! What is it?"

This chapter has been completed!
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