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149 Tu Bai Yao! Develop Zhenxie Pei!

I really don’t blame Tang Lanshan for being such a bastard.

In her understanding, most demons are monsters that are unreasonable and cannot be deduced using human thinking. Ordinary people will basically die if they encounter such things.

But the current situation is...

Everyone at the scene, facing the hundreds of night demons floating in the low altitude, remained motionless, with no trace of fear on their faces, and they were even chatting and laughing leisurely.

How do these people look like blind and foolish fanatics?

Pick one out at random, and they all look like fearless strangers!

But the question is, can there be more than 500 strangers in the Daqian Dynasty who are not afraid of monsters?

Tang Lanshan thinks the answer should be no.

"It's a monster in the night again. It's boring. I've encountered it several times along the way."

"Indeed, Burning Demon is more powerful. It's still a bit troublesome not to make any sound."

"That's right...the monsters in the night and so on. Under normal circumstances, as long as two people are traveling together, there is no need to be afraid at all!"

"I still really want to see what the fox demon looks like..."

"Aren't you afraid of death? The great wise teacher said that when you encounter a foxy girl, you should immediately hold your head and close your eyes!"

"Wrong, wrong! After closing your eyes, hug your neck and curl up into a ball!"

The fanatical believers who followed Zhang Guangmu showed no fear at all when facing the demon, and some were just curious.

At this time, a group of people even have the leisure to gossip and talk about family affairs.

Tang Lanshan, who was stiff in the face of the demon, gradually regained his composure, and his rapid breathing and heartbeat gradually returned to normal.

Listening to everyone's discussion, she gradually realized that this group of people's knowledge about how to deal with burning demons and night monsters came from Zhang Guangmu, the great sage and mentor they said.

A more accurate statement is from the book "Monster Investigation" compiled by Zhang Guangmu!

Gradually, Tang Lanshan understood Zhang Guangmu's approach.

This is because I want to personally implement the concept, measure every inch of land in Daqian with my feet, see all the monsters, and compile a shocking book!

Moreover, this is not all, it can only be regarded as the first half of "Monsters and Demons", which is used to teach people how to protect themselves when facing demons.

The second half of the doctrine of "Monsters and Demons" is to suppress and contain demons, and to use these unnatural things to promote food production, suppress disasters, etc.

However, monsters all have regional characteristics. From Zhang Guangmu's hometown, Liufeng County, to the capital, only three types of monsters can be seen: [Night Demon], [Burning Demon] and [Fox Demon].

Along the way, Zhang Guangmu and his followers only saw the first two kinds of monsters, but not the kind of fox monster that was said to particularly like to attack scholars rushing to take exams.

According to many storytellers, foxy people like to transform into human beings and seduce scholars with their beauty. In just a moment, they can squeeze a crowned adult man dry, suck out the yang energy, and turn him into a man covered with Skeleton frame of human skin.

Many people have been misled, thinking that as long as they stick to their true feelings when facing Hu Meizi, pretend to be a gentleman, have not touched anyone in the past, and have no lust, they will not be harmed.


all fake!

Tang Lanshan knew very well that fox demons were not taboo for men and women.

Even if they are an octogenarian or an eight-year-old child, after seeing them, they will not hesitate to suck all the energy and spirit out of the human body, regardless of whether the human being is lustful or not.

The way to face the fox demon is actually very simple.

Just close your eyes and that's it.

Of course, if you anger the fox demon and are bitten directly through the neck, you will still die, but the way of death will be different.

There is a fundamental difference between death caused by magic damage and physical damage.

In any case, this kind of "know-how" to truly convey a sentence is something that is rarely spread among the people.

Even those who can teach the true skills of conquering demons will hide their true skills in false "tens of thousands of words" and accidentally miss them.

But among Zhang Guangmu's followers, everyone seems to know what to do.

Although the book "Monsters and Objects" has not been written yet, during the journey, they stayed with Zhang Guangmu, immersed in it, taught by words and deeds, and learned a lot.

This kind of secret knowledge, in the Daqian Dynasty, was the secret knowledge controlled by the aristocratic families, and could not be exchanged for a lot of money!

Even in the Hou family, this kind of knowledge is passed down from male to female, from within to outside. The reason why Tang Lanshan knows some knowledge about demons is that she accumulated it bit by bit by wandering around the world.

Not to mention anything else, just relying on the knowledge of dealing with three kinds of monsters: [Night Demon], [Burning Demon] and [Fox Demon]...

Know the demon's flaws and deal with them accordingly.

The five hundred people following Zhang Guangmu can all be regarded as "demon subduing masters" within a few hundred miles of the capital.

Thinking of this, Tang Lanshan took a deep breath and looked at the night demon in the sky.

According to the normal process of a demon subduing master, next, the group of believers following Zhang Guangmu should take strong oil paper to collect them one by one, right?

As for what to do after catching the demon, it is a secret of the Demon Subduing and Demon Subduing Division, even Tang Lanshan doesn't know.

She was also quite interested.


"It's very troublesome."

Tang Lanshan looked at Zhang Guangmu, who was walking slowly forward, and sighed: "He has spread the knowledge that the aristocratic families have tried to block, which will obviously offend those 'rich and nobles'. After entering the capital, he will definitely be retaliated against..."

Although the fortune-telling girl was also born in a prince's house, she has been unsupervised since she was a child. She has made her way through the world by relying on her own abilities. When thinking about problems, she will subconsciously put herself in the position of a "commoner".

"A smart person like him shouldn't be able to take this into consideration, right?"

As soon as he thought of this, it seemed as if another voice of his own appeared in Tang Lanshan's mind.

【Go quickly! Go quickly!】

[The great sage Zhang Guangmu spreads ‘forbidden magic’ and ‘demonic secret knowledge’ wantonly, and his intentions are huge, and there will be disaster!]

【I can’t get involved in this person’s affairs!】

[My father has always been in good health, so how could he suddenly become ill? There must be a reason!]

[Come to think of it... Tang Kaixuan is inseparable! 】

[I have to return to the capital! Even if I don’t solve the trouble caused by that guy Tang Kaixuan, I still need to know the cause and effect of this matter!]

The control team still wants to return Jingcheng Xiao Guaxian to his own plot trajectory.

Although he is not a particularly important plot character, he is still a "wonderful person" who has some knowledge and mysterious abilities in subjugating demons.

Since he is a strange person, it is important to maintain a sense of mystery.

If you directly join the protagonist group and stay with Zhang Guangmu for a long time, won't all your abilities be exposed?


Facing the script prompt from the control team, Tang Lanshan just rubbed the copper coins in her sleeves for fortune-telling, frowned, and shook her head: "Tang Wuhou dies as long as he dies, it has nothing to do with me."

"Even if Tang Kaixuan takes action against him, it can only be attributed to him seeking mercy and getting mercy, causing a good show of a loving father and a filial son."

For fortune teller Tang Lanshan, the revenge of killing his father is not worth mentioning.

As for whether the culprit who committed the crime was her brother in name, and how many wealthy families were involved in the crime...

There was one thing to say, but Tang Lanshan was not interested at all.

Her feelings for the old beggars in the Beggar Clan in the south of the city are deeper than her feelings for Tang Wuhou.

As soon as she thought of this, Tang Lanshan collected her thoughts instantly.

She looked at Zhang Guangmu, her eyes slightly stern, she gritted her teeth, and her thoughts turned over and over again: "Young man banished to immortality..."

"With my ability, if I work beside him, it won't be considered buried."

"Although Zhang Guangmu's situation is indeed dangerous, I will try my best to prevent him from any trouble."

"Risks are also opportunities!"

"How can you live without risking anything in this world?"

"Although I want to make my reputation known throughout the Daqian Dynasty, I don't have any practical plan after all."

"Instead of wandering around like a headless fly, why not just follow Zhang Guangmu and be a divination master honestly and honestly!"

As Tang Lanshan's thoughts were spinning, she suddenly noticed that Zhang Guangmu came to a night demon, slowly took out a finger and tapped it in front.

This is courting death!

Demons are never easy to deal with.

Compared with them, jackals, tigers and leopards can all be considered kind-hearted people.

If you don't look at the pair of strange green eyes, the night demon looks quite cute, but the fur on its body is actually a weapon with countless sharp stingers and sharp teeth.

The moment it touches a human, the night demon will spray out fluff. These fluff will pierce the flesh and blood. When it sees blood, it will grow crazily, twist, and twist the person into a twist!

If Zhang Guangmu's finger really touches the night demon, the best result would be to die suddenly on the spot and turn into a sticky puddle of flesh and blood.

In a better situation, he is completely disabled, let alone holding a pen. I am afraid that in the future he will have to be fed even to eat, and his whole hand will be implicated and scrapped!

The fortune-telling girl's pupils instantly shrank into a dangerous needle shape: "Danger!"

As soon as these words came out of her mouth, she was horrified to discover...

The moment Zhang Guangmu's unprotected fingers touched the Night Demon, a ball of coquettish blue will-o'-the-wisps burst out, directly roasting the Night Demon into charcoal.

The color of this flame...

It’s very similar to the killing method of [Burning Demon]!

Tang Lanshan's mind was in chaos, and his whole thoughts became chaotic.


Zhang Guangmu is actually a burning demon that became a spirit?

Or is it that Zhang Guangmu is the descendant of the Burning Demon and the Fox Demon, so he has the innate ability to transform into humans and bewitch humans?

No, that doesn't make sense at all!

What exactly went wrong?

Tang Lanshan was puzzled.

But in front of Zhang Guangmu, the demon in the night was like a chicken or a dog. Either he was burned to ashes by the blue flames on the spot, or his soul was blown away and completely disappeared from the world, leaving not even a little bit of charcoal left!

This obviously uses two different methods!

can't read!

Tang Lanshan also considered herself to be a person with excellent observation skills and a flexible mind, but when she saw this scene, she only felt that her outlook was greatly shocked, and she could not understand what Zhang Guangmu had done at all.

Could it be...

Is the theory of "Monster Objects" really so powerful?

Perhaps, the legendary gods are all figures like Zhang Guangmu.

It's just that those gods have only accumulated a little bit of means and experience in dealing with demons, unlike Zhang Guangmu who systematically compiled it into a doctrine that can be passed on?

Tang Lanshan felt that she understood.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that she had done the right thing by braving the storm and coming to the Bodhi Temple today!

What Zhang Guangmu is doing will inevitably be hated and slandered by many people, but for the entire human race, it is something that can be remembered for eternity and benefit generations to come!

Although such a person is still a young man, in Tang Lanshan's eyes, he is no worse than any ancient sage.

Only Zhang Guangmu, only Zhang Guangmu!

Only by following this [Great Master], working hard and doing your best, can you accomplish your life pursuits and ultimate goals, and make your name resound throughout the entire Daqian Dynasty!:.

The corners of Tang Lanshan's lips raised slightly, and she praised softly: "You are worthy of being a great teacher! Such methods are thousands of times better than mine!"

This is indeed true.

Although she has some confidence in her abilities, she knows very well that she cannot achieve the same level as Zhang Guangmu. Let alone encounter hundreds of monsters, even if she encounters three or five monsters, she still has to flee in a hurry. , or even if you are slightly unlucky, you may die suddenly on the spot!

The gap in ability between them is really huge!

Hearing this, the believers nearby agreed.

"Girl, don't think like that! The great sage and good teacher is a god descended from the earth, and we can't compare with him!"

"Hey~ don't talk nonsense, this is also a goddess! I just missed the idea of ​​'retrieving objects from the air'!"

"It should be a little fairy. Compared with the great sage teacher, he is still far behind."

"Girl, you don't know, right? The heavy fog and thunderstorm just now were all summoned by the Great Sage Master!"

Tang Lanshan immediately became interested.

While she was watching Zhang Guangmu slaying demons, she was listening to the fanatical believers telling the stories of "The Coming of Mist" and "The Arrival of Thunder". For a moment, Tang Lanshan was also listening with excitement and passion, and she only regretted that she came a little late. , was not able to witness that scene with my own eyes.

To be honest, although it was vaguely guessed that Zhang Guangmu summoned thunderstorms and heavy fog as a way to observe the sky, this did not make Tang Lanshan feel even the slightest bit contemptuous.

On the contrary, because of this, she admired Zhang Guangmu even more!

That means a knowledge reserve that knows astronomy from above and geography from below!

Look at these fanatical believers again...

What kind of powerful person can teach students in accordance with their aptitude and educate a group of people with different backgrounds into what they are now?

You can't dwell on this matter.

The more Tang Lanshan thought about it, the more terrifying Zhang Guangmu became.

This is true for most things in the world, and the truth is revealed in the details!


The blue demonic flames raged.

Zhang Guangmu slapped the demon in the night away one after another.

Facing the night demon that floated relatively high, he flicked out a ball of blue flame and burned it to ashes, thus maintaining his own style.

The counterpart of [receive] is [release].

This is Zhang Guangmu’s small development of the basic functions of the Evil Suppression Pendant.

During this period of time, while on the road, Zhang Guangmu, in addition to compiling "The Study of Demons and Demons" according to the templates and routines of the compulsory education textbook, was also gradually testing his golden fingers and additional abilities in the world of "Tian Xia Zhi".

The first is the [Calligraphy 2] ability temporarily installed by the crew, which Zhang Guangmu used very smoothly.

The charm of the calligraphy written with one hand made some calligraphy enthusiasts in the audience become fans on the spot. Everyone said that they were fascinated by the calligraphy. It was a "novel font that they had never seen before".

In real life, there are absolutely very few people who can spend twenty years of hard work on such a useless skill.

Or, some guys who think they have "twenty years of calligraphy skills" are actually just guys who spend three days fishing and two days drying nets. On average, in a month, they may have accumulated less than ten hours of calligraphy practice.

For this kind of person, if the level of [calligraphy] is 1, it is a waste of talent because of his extraordinary talent.


To outsiders, Zhang Guangmu's single-stroke calligraphy looks a bit deceptive.

Even if the sane "Mu Guardian" came out to explain that Zhang Guangmu was not as powerful as everyone saw, and that the false memories and temporary skills provided by the production team were partly responsible, it would not help at all.

Those calligraphy enthusiasts who mention "a school of their own" are mostly regarded as nonsense or slander.

No matter what they say, most of the audience just listens for fun.

After all, at Zhang Guangmu's age, even if he is a genius, he cannot be a master of his own calligraphy school.

As for...

Director Xu Qianqiu and the staff responsible for compiling false memories in the production team tinkered with new fonts?

That’s pure nonsense!

If they really had this ability, their homes would be full of awards and it would be impossible not to mention it on their resumes!

Only Zhang Guangmu knew that this font incident was the same as the multiple-choice question between Zhou Shuren and Lu Xun in "Secret Homework" last time, and it was all caused by archeology!

Originally, Zhang Guangmu didn't want to mess with this aspect. He just felt that he couldn't waste the calligraphy skills that the crew had given him hard work. When he wrote "The Study of Demons and Demons", he used a special font in his memory.

Unexpectedly, I unintentionally planted a willow tree to create a shade, and unknowingly became a saint in front of others.

Zhang Guangmu noticed that among his audience, many calligraphy enthusiasts have appeared recently.

These are actually not particularly important.

For Zhang Guangmu, "The World Knows" is the first movie in which he plays the leading role. No matter what, he must deliver an answer that satisfies everyone!

In order to achieve this goal, you must first ensure that you have the power to protect yourself!


During this period, the progress of "The Study of Demons and Demons" and the minor manifestations of calligraphy were both unexpected blessings.

In Zhang Guangmu's view, his most critical and significant achievement lies in his expanded use of the Evil Suppression Pendant!

From having only the protective ability of [containing demons] to developing attack capabilities, Zhang Guangmu spent a lot of thought, and today's battle proved that his efforts were indeed effective. To provide you with the fastest extraordinary update starting from tearing up the script, 149 Tu

Hundred Demons! Develop the evil-suppressing pendant! Free reading.:.

This chapter has been completed!
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