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303 Bloody Promenade! Security Room!

The sudden injury caused the boy named Geng to vomit out a mouthful of blood that was mixed with internal organ fragments or something else.

Under the severe pain, the facial muscles of the originally confident young man named Geng suddenly became distorted, and his whole body was shaking in pain.

The light in his eyes quickly dissipated, and he let out a painful scream, with tears and snot flowing out at the same time: "Help...save...me..."

The young man surnamed Geng looked at Zhang Guangmu and screamed like a mosquito, struggling desperately to survive.

Unfortunately, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible to save him with his heart taken out.

After all, this is not a world of fairy tales, fantasy, science fiction, magic, etc. It is just a world similar to the background of the earth in the 21st century, and the level of medical care is very limited.

The young man surnamed Geng stretched out his hand desperately, instinctively trying to catch Zhang Guangmu.

The next moment, his neck was bitten by the attacker behind him.


Blood splattered everywhere!

The attacker's bite was ridiculously strong.

With just one bite, one-third of the neck was eaten away.

The young man surnamed Geng, who had turned into a bloody mess and was still staring at death, failed to attract Zhang Guangmu's attention.

What he cares more about is the attacker...

The other party was indeed the one who was lying face-on on the ground just now like a corpse.

The skin is dark, there are only whites in the eyes, and the lips have completely disappeared, leaving only teeth stained with blood.


Because it was "awakened" by the noise in the room just now, it became active again.

The young man surnamed Geng was the first unlucky person to be selected.

"Corpse House"...

Reduction of personnel at the start!

Screams came one after another in my ears.

The room wasn't very quiet to begin with, everyone was talking, so even if they made some noise, it wouldn't be particularly conspicuous, and it would be difficult to attract the attention of the living zombies.


Someone's scream was so sharp that the living corpse enjoying its flesh and blood couldn't bear it anymore. It turned around and locked the direction of the source of the harsh sound.

Stimulated by the sound, the living corpse casually grabbed an unlucky girl.

Just like grabbing a chicken, girls have no ability to resist.

It only took one bite to kill it.

The dignified smell of blood spread between the nose, which was simply nauseating.

The good news is that although Jiang Ling beside her was scared, she instinctively covered her mouth and didn't make too much noise.


Zhang Guangmu's pupils instantly shrank into a dangerous needle-like shape. While the gray-haired living corpse was holding the unlucky boy and gnawing at it, he grabbed Jiang Ling and quickly moved to the door of the abandoned classroom.

He wanted to leave here immediately and run as fast as he could.

Unfortunately, the door was locked from the outside.

"Quick! Two people come! Help break the door!"

Break down and sell out!


Get a haircut!

Trying to dress up as a level 6 god when you go out at level 1 doesn’t mean you’re brave, that’s stupid!

In this case, let alone rescuing people, Zhang Guangmu was basically like a mud Buddha crossing the river and could not save himself. He was able to pull Jiang Ling up purely because of his sense of responsibility as the captain.

The monster that Zhang Guangmu tentatively named [Living Corpse] had been lying on the ground pretending to be dead...

No matter in terms of strength or speed, they completely crush him now!

Zhang Guangmu made an objective assessment and found that he had absolutely no capital to compete with him!

When the basic attributes are too different, the role that skills can play is very limited.

Four ounces can move a thousand pounds. First, you must have the strength of those four ounces!

Coupled with the constraints of [handcuffs] and [ankle shackles]...

Zhang Guangmu made a rough estimate and knew that if he fought head-on with the opponent, he would most likely die on the spot.

Even if you perform at a super level, you will still be seriously injured or even disabled.


It's unknown whether the monster is contagious.

Even if you are lucky and kill the opponent alone, can you guarantee that you will not be injured?


What if you get bitten or simply scratch the skin and become infected and become a common monster zombie in the apocalypse?

Zhang Guangmu is not afraid of dying in the movie world, he just doesn't allow himself to die in such a useless way - at least he has to leave some impressive memories.

At this moment, Zhang Guangmu feels like he has returned to the time when he was filming "Endless Food Bag", exhausted and looking a bit embarrassed.

However, compared with the restless teenagers in the closed room who could only yell, Zhang Guangmu's handling and response was still calm, at least he was using his brain.


"Killing someone! Help!"

"Ooooh, I want to go home! Mom!"

"Call the police!"

The fellow victims were either crying bitterly or closing their eyes and waiting to die.

Zhang Guangmu, however, quickly made his decision.

There is indeed a certain risk in his judgment, but at this time, it is better to do something than wait and do nothing.


Zhang Guangmu slammed his shoulder against the door with all his strength.

There was a muffled sound, and a little dust was splashed on the door frame, which seemed to have some effect, but it was also like psychological comfort.

The door was not knocked open by him, but his shoulders and bones were sore and swollen from the force of the shock.

Although this body is not considered weak, it is still at the level of an ordinary teenager without special training. It is still a little difficult to imitate the agents and break the goal with one kick.

The good news is…

As expected, when the living corpse had [ready-made food], it would only respond to overly sharp sounds. The dull sound of banging on the door did not attract it.

Someone noticed Zhang Guangmu's movements and immediately followed him.

"Quick! Help big brother open the door!"

"The door is locked!"

"Then kick it away!"

"Why are you running? There are so many of us, how can we not defeat this madman? Let's stand shoulder to shoulder and beat him to death!"

In the panic, people made different voices and made different choices.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Someone came to Zhang Guangmu and knocked on the door with him.

Because of the shackles, kicking is impossible.

As soon as he raised his feet, he would lose his balance, and he could only use his shoulders and body weight to rush forward.

Someone took advantage of the living corpse to eat the boy named Geng and bravely pounced on it, and then...

Then the warrior who couldn't see clearly the difference in strength between the enemy and ourselves was casually torn into two pieces by the living corpse.


It is very similar to a certain classic plot that appeared in the anti-Japanese drama.

The teenagers were "torn" away easily like paper figures under the hands of the living corpses.

The ferocious living corpse, after killing three people, no longer ate on the spot, but started the indiscriminate killing mode.


At this time, the lock hanging on the outside of the door finally became completely loose and fell off, and the door was violently kicked open.

Zhang Guangmu grabbed Jiang Ling's arm and rushed forward regardless.

After leaving the room, he glanced at the corridor as quickly as possible.

The corridor was covered with flesh, blood, sludge, and broken arms and limbs.

There are about ten classrooms on the first floor. Except for this one, the other nine classrooms seem to be facing similar dangerous situations.

The doors of three classrooms have been opened.

In the corridor, Zhang Guangmu also saw another living corpse that ran out and was crawling on the ground, eating the body of the deceased.

The scene was in chaos.

Zhang Guangmu noticed that the door was in the center of the corridor on the first floor.

After leaving the classroom door, you can see it at a glance, but...

The door leading to the outside world was tightly entangled with heavy iron ropes, and it was impossible to open it in a short time!

The constant screams indicated that the lagging teenagers who ran slower had been killed by living corpses.

The smell of blood is getting closer and closer.

Zhang Guangmu felt like he was playing a very difficult online game. He was a game character with only one drop of blood. If he was even touched by a monster, he might die on the spot.

Breathing rapidly and his heart pounding, Zhang Guangmu gasped hard, trying to find a way out.


Everywhere he looked was a bloody quagmire.

The screams one after another also made it impossible for people to think calmly.

"Come here!"

Due west, about fifteen meters away, a young man with combed back hair with gel water leaned half out of the door and shouted to Zhang Guangmu and others: "There are no monsters in the security room! Move quickly.


(Two more chapters tonight!)

This chapter has been completed!
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