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323 Goodbye everyone.

For these survivors, the current situation is very clear, and there is no need to think about those fancy things.

Zhang Guangmu said that there is an 80% chance that the door can be broken directly, so it must be an 80% chance.

If Wang Shangqing wants everyone to continue climbing the stairs, they will definitely encounter more monsters called [Dark Corpses], which may mean death.

So on the scene, the survivor team seemed to be temporarily divided into two small groups.

Seeing this scene, the little white dumplings floating in the air suddenly became nervous.

"I'll go! Is there going to be internal strife? I'll just burst into pieces!"

"Hey...it's obviously all for the team, why did it become like this..."

"I feel like Mu Zai can't hold on anymore. If I can do something for the team before I die, I'll feel a little better, right?"

"So what is the '80% probability' method that Zhang Guangmu mentioned? What important information did I miss?"

"No...I'm still confused now."

"Could the thing in the bottle just now be able to hold the key to the door?"

"Stop dreaming. I've already seen it. The thing that locks this building has no keyhole..."

The little white dumplings talked a lot, but no one guessed the correct answer.

Probably because although the compulsory education in Xuanlong Empire includes basic physics and chemistry, similar "old era" knowledge is not mentioned in the textbooks.

And the survivors at the scene...

Although they didn't say it, they had already made some guesses about Zhang Guangmu's previous identity.

Some people think that he may be a private scientist who hides in the city.

Some believe he may have been a killer in the past.

If Wang Shangqing is an outstanding person among ordinary people, then Zhang Guangmu has obviously exceeded the limit of "ordinary people".

Zhang Guangmu, who is imbued with a lot of mystery, does not need any additional ability blessings. Even without Wang Shangqing's "uniqueness", he can still become the focus of everyone's attention.

Mystery is attraction!

not to mention……

Political power comes from the barrel of a gun.

Although Wang Shangqing is strong, he doesn't have half a bullet in his gun.

For intelligent humans, the deterrent effect of hot weapons is still far greater than that of cold weapons.

During the confrontation between the two sides, Zhang Guangmu and Wang Shangqing looked at each other and did not speak.

After a while, Wang Shangqing didn't know whether he was soft-hearted or cruel, but he finally made a decision.

Looking at Zhang Guangmu's weak appearance, he sighed: "Let's go to the first floor."

"After sending them out, I will come back to help you find an antidote."

Hearing this, Zhang Guangmu grinned and smiled.

At this time, the fatigue and dizziness became more and more intense, and he had a bloodthirsty impulse for no reason, so...

I really want to eat some raw meat.

It's best to have fresh meat stained with hot blood.

Zhang Guangmu knew very well that he was about to mutate.

So he immediately took over the team and gave orders to everyone to collect as much rust as possible on the fourth floor, while he slowly returned to the first floor with the support of Ma Wu and Jiang Ling.

Because Zhang Guangmu had difficulty moving, when he returned to the first floor, the team responsible for collecting rust also returned successfully.

Everyone stood in front of the door that was welded tightly by heavy metal chains, their hearts filled with despair.

Some people have only now noticed that although the door has a lock, there is no keyhole.

I'm afraid this can only be opened with hydraulic pliers or electric welding.

Or is there no way to leave the building?

Or maybe, there are things like hang gliders and parachutes on the rooftop, and you have to make an extreme emergency landing from the rooftop to get out alive?

No matter what, after seeing this hopelessly thick chain, no one could imagine any possibility of successfully cutting it off.

Even with Wang Shangqing's temperament, he didn't even think about getting that high-quality fire ax to split the chains.

The sudden feeling of suffocation did not bother everyone for long.

The survivors focused their attention on Zhang Guangmu, wanting to see how he planned to lead everyone out of this ghost place.

"Magnesium bars, potassium chlorate."

As Zhang Guangmu spoke, Ma Wu and Jiang Ling beside him took out the items he mentioned in turn. "The beverage bottles that were previously treated as scraps are made of aluminum."

"And the rust scraped off is iron oxide."

"With the addition of these little things, it's just a matter of mixing them together and lighting them up..."

"It's just a simple thermite reaction."

"It used to be used in welding rails, smelting metals, military weapons, etc."

Every time Zhang Guangmu said a step, Jiang Ling and Ma Wu took a step.

At this point, various seemingly inconspicuous little things gathered together were ignited, releasing dazzling light.

Under the dazzling light, the survivors shed tears one after another and instinctively closed their eyelids.

But they soon forced themselves to open their eyes and observe the "aluminothermic reaction" that emitted a large amount of light and heat.

Soon, their eyes felt a burning sensation, as if they were stabbed by strong light.

The excited survivors felt uneasy when they saw that the thick iron chain was not broken immediately.

Zhang Guangmu, on the other hand, always had that faint smile on his face.

"At first I thought it was someone's life, but later I found out..."

"That's not the case."

"This is someone... let's call it a person, a [microcosm of observation] of human society!"

Zhang Guangmu's voice became calmer and calmer, and he didn't sound as weak as before.

Noticing this, the survivors were filled with anticipation and fear, like gamblers who had staked everything, waiting anxiously and patiently with red eyes.

"Never play games within other people's rules, but...find a way to break out."


The big lock and heavy chain were completely melted and fell to the ground.

The blazing red iron juice splashed to the ground, and a little of it even landed on the survivors who were too close. The hot people grinned.


Smiles gradually bloomed on their faces.

"Finally! I can finally leave this hellish place!"

"Thank you [Military Advisor]... If it weren't for him, we would definitely be trapped and die in this place!"

"Indeed... let's send [Military Advisor] to the hospital as soon as possible!"

Facing the grateful looks of everyone, Zhang Guangmu just smiled slightly.

Half of his face had turned completely black. He held the muzzle of the gun in his mouth, raised the corners of his lips slightly, and said in a vague voice: "Goodbye, everyone."


Blood splattered everywhere.

"Corpse House" did not end due to Zhang Guangmu's death.

High in the sky, Zhou Mo, who transformed into a silver-white ball of light, was even more excited than director Meng Lingrui, and said in an excited tone: "Hurry up and finish the filming! Shout!"

"Solidify this world!"

"Stop here is the best ending!"

Director Meng said with a complicated expression: "No."

"I mean……"

"Is there a possibility that Zhang Guangmu did not really die, but survived in another way?"

The excitement in Zhou Mo's tone suddenly subsided, and he said coldly: "What do you want to do? This tragedy has been completed!"

"You may not be able to accept the price of destroying it."

Meng Lingrui smiled: "It's not that I want to ruin this tragedy, but..."

"When building the world of "Corpse House", I deployed many back-up tools."

"Zhang Guangmu's performance has allowed some back-up players to be used, that's all."

"Actually...I don't have to do anything."

(Motion sickness, I will update when I get up tomorrow ~ so I won’t use the extra update card today.)

This chapter has been completed!
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