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Chapter 625 624 Extraordinary erosion phenomenon Piggy of Ice and Fire

Chapter 625 624 Extraordinary Corrosion Phenomena·Piglets of Ice and Fire

In a short period of time, Zhang Guangmu fully understood the extraordinary power he had just awakened.

[Imperial Forging Technique 21] and [Acting Skill 6] gave Zhang Guangmu almost perfect control over himself. Counting the additional blessing of [Control 3], the combination of the three abilities is so unreasonable.

"[Ability Category] is divided into two parts."

Zhang Guangmu's eyes moved slightly, and he was happy in his heart: "The first part is that you can absorb and store heat through eating, warming yourself by the fire, basking in the sun, etc."

"The second part is to create and control the flame."

"Although you cannot turn your flesh and blood into flames to avoid external damage, the advantage of this extraordinary ability is..."

"No need for combustibles, combustion-supporting substances and fire sources!"

To put it more accurately, Zhang Guangmu does not need to rely on external objects. His extraordinary power can turn his physical energy reserves into a source of fire and his spiritual will into a combustion-supporting substance, completely replacing the role of oxygen.

As for combustibles...

As long as humans can survive in the environment, there will be flammable materials everywhere.

"Well, from this point of view, since my spiritual will can replace the role of oxygen in the combustion process... then, in terms of the accuracy of the ability, dig deeper..."

Zhang Guangmu blinked: "Perhaps, I can survive in an oxygen-free environment for a long time."

Even if other people have awakened the same extraordinary abilities as Zhang Guangmu, it is almost impossible to achieve this level - the chief brain surgeon does not have such micro-level control capabilities.

But Zhang Guangmu has it!

[Control], [Acting], and [Imperial Forging], these three good brothers, gave Zhang Guangmu control abilities that are almost impossible for humans to have, and gave him endless possibilities.

This is an issue that needs to be considered from the perspective of [capacity development].

Now, Zhang Guangmu collected his thoughts and focused on the [Ability Category] part.

As we all know, the burning temperature of paper is about 200 degrees Celsius, the temperature provided by lighters is 300-500 degrees Celsius, the temperature provided by alcohol lamps is 600-700 degrees Celsius, and the temperature provided by stove fire is 800 degrees Celsius.

Oxyacetylene flames used for cutting and welding metals are around 3,000 degrees Celsius.

Although the flame created by Zhang Guangmu can freely control the temperature, the lower limit temperature is 36.7 degrees Celsius and the upper limit is about 2,000 degrees Celsius.

The upper limit far exceeds that of domestic fire, but compared with industrial flame, it is still a little behind.

Compare it to the 5,500 degrees Celsius on the surface of the sun...

Not even half of others!

"That's probably it."

Zhang Guangmu clenched his palms and extinguished the flames that turned into jet black.

To sum up, the [strength] of the extraordinary ability that I just awakened is by no means weak, but to say that it is the most powerful ability is to lie to myself.

Mentioning the [development potential] of this extraordinary ability...

It can only be said that with the same ability given to others, it is relatively mediocre.

Although it is by no means an ox or a low-grade horse in the extraordinary realm, it is not fancy enough, too kingly, and too orthodox. If it is exhausted, it will only be considered a middle-class horse.

If given a choice, compared with the extraordinary power of "stopping other people's hearts just by knowing their name and appearance" with this [Fire] ability, I'm afraid most people would choose the latter.


Even if he could choose again, Zhang Guangmu would still choose his own [Flame].

You want to ask why?

Two reasons!

First, it is cool enough to control the flames, and the fashion value is high enough!

Haven't you noticed that the subliminal actors and production staff are just standing around on the street watching while they're not doing their business?

In terms of appearance, at the same level of strength, metal, wood, earth, and wind are all younger brothers!

Only Ice, Thunder, and Water can barely compete with [Fire].

Second, the person who awakened this ability is Zhang Guangmu!

He directly gave the [Flame] ability an evaluation of [Infinite Potential]!

This is not an inflated conceitedness, but a judgment based on realistic conditions.

With abilities such as [Painting 1], [Sword Skill 2], [Firearm Shooting 2], [Driving 3], [Acting 6], [Imperial Body Forging 21] and other abilities, Zhang Guangmu can easily develop a variety of uses, showing

Far beyond its own power!

Just when Zhang Guangmu was about to immediately research and develop a comprehensive list of fire abilities, Long Xiaofan approached him.

This cold young man, with frost on his feet, collar and hair, and "No strangers allowed" stickers all over his body, stared at Zhang Guangmu with burning eyes, and said in a leisurely tone: "I am ice, you are fire.


"We are really destined..."

Hearing this, Zhang Guangmu suddenly felt that he was a little angry.

Although Long Xiaofan is very handsome and his appearance is only lower than his own, is he too close?

Click! Click! Click!...

The camera light of the personal terminal kept flashing. Faced with the intensive onlookers and candid photos of the melon-eating crowd, Long Xiaofan did not feel embarrassed at all and said to Zhang Guangmu on his own: "Over the past thousand years, many subconscious actors have appeared in "The Great Emperor".

"Road" will produce [transcendent hallucinations]."

"They were unlucky enough to be born in those ten desperate centuries."

"And you and I are the lucky ones who were born in the age of extraordinary awakening!"

"Although we have to face an unprecedentedly powerful enemy, but..."

"High risk, high reward!"

"As long as we can get through the biggest difficulty in May, our future will have unlimited possibilities!"

Zhang Guangmu nodded slightly and looked at Long Xiaofan as well.

The [paranormal hallucination] this person mentioned was probably the [paranormal delusion syndrome] that would appear once a year after the Great Emperor's Path, and was even more stable than the flu.

Despite Long Xiaofan's appearance as an autistic man, he is actually a big mouth.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he exposed the encrypted information, hoping that everyone would know about it.

However, Long Xiaofan only mentioned "an unprecedentedly powerful enemy" and did not name the "super hostile civilization".

At this moment, Long Xiaofan seemed to be ill. In his world, it seemed that there were only himself, Zhang Guangmu and Mooncake.

His whole body was filled with cold air and frost, and he completely ignored the other melon-eating people around him. His eyes flickered between the boy who played with fire and the super-powered cat: "Some people have awakened very unscientific and absurd abilities, so it's better to be cautious.


"Also, the side effects of extraordinary power are what people in the club call the [extraordinary erosion] phenomenon. You must pay attention to it!"

"Like me... forget it."

"You are so smart, even if I don't tell you, you can still guess it with your own wisdom."

"Looking forward to the next confrontation!"

After finishing speaking, Long Xiaofan turned and left.

Although Zhang Guangmu felt that his image in this person's mind might be a little too tall, the side effects of Long Xiaofan's extraordinary power were still easy to guess.

It is nothing more than a change in personality. The whole person becomes indifferent, hates social interaction, and then becomes arrogant and can only tolerate extraordinary people or people stronger than himself.

Zhang Guangmu actually guessed some of the side effects of the mooncake's ice + fire abilities.


Feeling hungry quickly?

There was no need to meow, just an exchange of glances, and Zhang Guangmu knew she was hungry.

After beating up Kinoshita Hanbei just now, the fat on his stuffed dumplings has obviously decreased a lot.

Therefore, the extraordinary erosion of mooncakes is [must eat more].

Zhang Guangmu temporarily named her ability "Piggy of Ice and Fire".

Here comes the problem...

What are the side effects of my own [Fire] extraordinary power?

It's probably because the foundation is relatively strong and the physical and mental strength are too strong. It has not been tested yet.

Thinking of this, Zhang Guangmu shook the black jade bracelet.

"Special talent: [Extraordinary Person·Fire·] - Detailed information is lacking, and the ability is yet to be determined. The current default is the [to be developed] level. Special talent welfare allowances are not currently available. It is recommended to go to the General Administration of Superpowers for scientific determination."

Without the aid of instruments, personal testing is ultimately not comprehensive enough, and there is a lack of comparative data from other extraordinary beings, so...

Zhang Guangmu planned to buy a bag of dried fish for mooncakes first, and then take Luo Zuan and Jiang Ling to the space station to consult with Li Zhou, an old friend of the "Supernatural Club", about related issues and try out some special skills.

Scientific test.

If the old friend is reliable enough, then notify the rest of the crew on the Infinity battleship, call Zhao Zhengrong, Li Xiaoxiao, Chu Fan, and Tang Lanshan, and form a group to test everyone's extraordinary potential.

This chapter has been completed!
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