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Chapter 1018 The Wind Rises in America (4)

King Su Hu of Wei put down the top-secret telegram and looked at the waiting cabinet Prime Minister Qu Xiaolong and the Governor-General Song Kangbo of the Governor-General's Office.

He slammed the telegram on the table and said in a slightly angry tone: "Zhao Guo believes that with our strength, we can definitely stop the local war initiated by Cao Guo.

Most of Zhao's army is suppressing the unruly bandits in the new territory.

We are temporarily unable to support our Wei State in our battle."

After King Su Hu of Wei said these words, he slapped the table with his right palm.

"What will happen to the alliance between the two countries if Zhao State does this?

In this war with Cao State, we in Wei State must be prepared to fight independently."

Of course Wei Wang Su Hu knew why Zhao did this?

Zhao State wanted the war between Wei State and Cao State to last longer.

In this way, Zhao State will not be affected and can digest and absorb the newly acquired territory as soon as possible.

The relationship between Wei King Su Hu and his eldest brother Su Xiong is important, but the interests of Zhao are more important.

He knew that in the view of Zhao Wang Su Xiong, the war between Wei and Cao was a harm to Wei's interests, not to the interests of Wei King Su Hu.

King Su Hu of Wei was able to understand this matter, which made him even more angry.

He believed that the interests of the Wei State were highly bound to the interests of the King of Wei.

King Su Hu of Wei also knew that he must not place his hopes on other countries.

Wei State and Cao State are both located in South America. Both countries want to compete for regional hegemony, so they can only compete through war.

Song Kangbo, the governor of Wei State, said firmly: "Your Majesty, our Wei army is confident of repelling Cao Jun's attack.

If we conduct defensive operations on the inside, we will not be able to defeat Cao's army.

If this happens, all the officials in the Metropolitan Governor's Office will be arrested and investigated.

The country invests a huge amount of silver coins in training every year, and most of them must be intercepted for corruption.

I am willing to issue a military order, and this war will definitely not be lost."

Governor Song Kangbo had full confidence that the Wei army would not lose in the internal battle.

Even if the Wei army hid in permanent fortifications and bombarded them with ammunition, they could still maintain their front line.

King Su Hu of Wei was very satisfied with the performance of Governor Song Kangbo.

Anyone in Wei can be a peacemaker, but Song Kangbo, the governor-general, can never be a peacemaker.

Governor Song Kangbo was willing to issue a military order because he had full confidence in the Wei army.

King Su Hu of Wei smiled. Then he remembered something and specifically said: "You must not use special ammunition.

Even if Cao used it first, we in Wei only need to keep the evidence and are never allowed to use special bullets to fight back."

The Grand Governor Song Kangbo heard the order from Wei King Su Hu.

He immediately stood at attention, saluted, and loudly promised: "I promise that special bombs will be strictly managed and will never be used on the frontline battlefield."

Governor Song Kangbo understood the seriousness of the matter.

The war between Wei and Cao has become more serious.

The empire has already made it clear that it will not intervene, and the empire will not go back on its promise and interfere in this matter.

But using special ammunition will definitely touch the empire's nerves.

The lesson learned from Wu State is not far away. The empire has used Wu State to kill chickens and scare monkeys.

Before the state of Wu, some people could still argue that the empire was punishing people without teaching them.

After the signing of the Jianye Convention, comrade-in-arms countries dared to risk the disapproval of the world and use special bombs on the battlefield, which would inevitably lead to strong imperial intervention.

The empire's previous performance had already drawn rules and regulations.

The major vassal states were tossing within the rules, and even if the tossing was severe, the empire would not intervene.

Once a country touches the bottom line set by the empire, it will inevitably usher in the wrath of thunder.

The Grand Governor Song Kangbo only wanted to ensure that this war would not be lost, and he did not want to cause complications.

He just said not to transport special bombs to the front line.

In some special warehouses, such as the arsenal in Daliang City, a large number of newly produced special bombs are still stored.

The Wei State would never use special bombs in a normal war.

But Daliang City, the capital of the Wei State, is at risk of falling, and the governor's office will definitely use special bombs without hesitation.

Wei will only consider the imperial punishment that will follow if it survives.

The war between Wu and Gui has proven that special bombs are powerful in killing people.

King Su Hu of Wei ordered: "Wei will enter a state of war from now on.

The main job of the cabinet and the Governor-General is to provide services for the victory of this war."

The Grand Governor Song Kangbo immediately marched forward and saluted: "Understood."

Prime Minister Qu Xiaolong said with a serious expression: "The cabinet has already made preparations."

King Su Hu of Wei took away the paperweight from the upper right corner of the table, and there was a document pressed under him.

King Su Hu of Wei wrote smooth pen calligraphy on the document, and he had already signed the document.

This is Wei's declaration of war against Cao.

King Su Hu of Wei handed the declaration of war to Prime Minister Qu Xiaolong.

"We in Wei cannot sit back and wait for death, doing nothing.

This declaration of war was immediately handed over to Cao Guo.

If they don't attack, we will attack them. I really think that our Wei State is a soft persimmon."

Prime Minister Qu Xiaolong excitedly accepted the declaration of war.

When Wei declared war on Cao, war officially broke out between the two countries.

Prime Minister Qu Xiaolong said with a solemn expression: "Your Majesty, the cabinet will send envoys to declare war on Cao State as quickly as possible.

The ministers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are already preparing to visit major countries.

The Wei State will try its best to win over these countries so that they will not serve Cao State."

September 2, 4358 (1661 AD).

Ye Yishan, Wei's ambassador to Cao, submitted a declaration of war to Cao.

King Cao Li Dazhuang accepted the declaration of war and chose to declare war on Wei.

At the same time, he picked up the phone and gave the order to attack to the frontline commander Liu Yuankui.

The junction of Cao State and Wei State is a dense rainforest area.

Both Cao and Wei placed a large number of mines and other weapons in this forest.

Cao's 130,000-strong army is concentrated here.

On the opposite side, Wei State also built permanent fortifications on the border fortresses, with an army of approximately 100,000 people.

If 130,000 people want to attack a position defended by 100,000 people, this will require extremely heavy casualties.

Liu Yuankui, the commander-in-chief of Cao State, was not too nervous.

In today's wars, it is no longer the case that whichever side has more people can win.

The impact of numbers of people is not as effective as fire suppression.

Liu Yuankui, the commander-in-chief of Cao State, put down the microphone and told the staff beside him: "Our country and Wei State have declared war, and the king has issued an order to order the artillery to fire immediately."

After the staff heard the order, they immediately called the artillery regiments and ordered them to start firing volleys at the Wei army's position in five minutes.

They notified all units at the same time to prepare for battle.

Liu Yuankui held the pocket watch in his hand and watched the countdown arrive.

The five-minute countdown ended, and the pocket watch vibrated slightly in his hand.

The artillery regiments from various places in the Cao State took off their camouflage, and their 120mm large-caliber artillery began to bombard Wei's positions indiscriminately.

Commander Liu Yuankui looked at the smoke-filled scene above Wei's position.

He showed a confident smile and said softly: "The Guards have not yet changed their thinking. Those vassal states in Europe that have only been established for two or three years can launch a large-scale battle.

If we, the old vassal states, are not as good as the new ones, they will look like waste."

He picked up the phone and shouted: "Get me the train gun."

The phone rang a few times, and soon a voice came from the other side.

"Commander Liu Yuankui, the train artillery regiment is ready for battle."

Liu Yuankui picked up his telescope and saw Wei's artillery, with only sporadic counterattacks.

Cao State invested a total of more than 600 artillery pieces on the front line.

Wei's defensive positions only had more than 200 artillery pieces.

Cao's artillery completely suppressed Wei's artillery.

Only sporadic artillery shells could hit Cao Guo's position.

Commander Liu Yuankui said excitedly: "The train artillery regiment and the front-line artillery regiment have suppressed the enemy's artillery.

The train artillery regiment immediately moved to the front line and bombarded the enemy positions hard.

I will use artillery to directly destroy the enemy's position."

Commander Liu Yuankui put down the phone and saw that the artillery regiment had stopped firing salvos.

The artillery regiment began to fire alternately to allow the barrels to be sufficiently cooled.

He saw the busy logistics troops of Cao's army, constantly transporting truckloads of artillery shells.

The returning truck was filled with shell casings.

Cao Guo's tactics are very simple. Start with a massive amount of artillery shells and directly blast a passage.

Cao State is the largest arms producer and arms exporter in the Americas.

Cao's arms, with their advantages of low price and high quality, opened up the markets of many countries.

Maybe some countries have forgotten Cao's advantages?

But the Governor-General of Cao State did not forget it, and Commander Liu Yuankui did not forget it.

When Liu Yuankui received the task of attacking, he knew that he could never lose.

No matter how large the consumption is, dozens of times more than that of a normal battle, the battle must be won at the beginning.

This gave him a very narrow choice. He could only use massive artillery fire to overwhelm the enemy.

Liu Yuankui attended classes at the military academy and listened to Emperor Su He's lectures.

He deeply remembered that all the fear on the battlefield stemmed from insufficient firepower.

The Imperial Royal Army has always adhered to the principle that caliber is justice and does not advocate charging. This is the choice of a poor and weak country.

They have always advocated firepower coverage.

Liu Yuankui knew that the protagonist of war has always been human beings.

A group of cowardly natives, even with the same weapons, cannot defeat the imperial army.

But among two armies whose military qualities are not much different, firepower will determine the outcome.

Cao Guo's artillery became more and more excited as they fought.

They kept firing artillery shells at Wei's positions before receiving an order to stop the bombardment.

The sun has slowly set, and the sky is getting dark.

But the fire of the cannonballs illuminated the Wei army's position like daylight.

Commander Liu Yuankui could see by the light of the cannonballs that the permanent fortifications on the outskirts of Wei had been destroyed by the cannonballs.

However, the bunkers and fortresses built by the Wei State using high-grade concrete did not suffer serious damage even under the bombardment of a large number of heavy artillery.

Commander Liu Yuankui understood how strong the reinforced concrete fortress was.

He knew that the 120mm heavy artillery, the mainstream of Cao's artillery, was not very effective against this kind of permanent fortress.

He then arranged a train and artillery regiment in advance to destroy Wei's subsistence security and fortresses.

The train gun has a caliber of up to 460 mm, and its power is comparable to the main gun of the Imperial Royal Navy battleship.

Under the threat of this weapon, bunkers and fortresses are no longer a problem.

A slight sound rang out, and two locomotives, one in front and one behind, pushed a behemoth of nearly a hundred tons forward slowly on the rails.

The train artillery regiment has arrived at the designated location.

Liu Yuankui issued the order for the bombardment over the phone.

He soon heard a piercing whistling sound, and a huge shell fired from a train gun accurately hit Wei's bunker.

The solid reinforced concrete bunker was directly blown away by the artillery shells.

Liu Yuankui stood on the ground, and he could feel the ground shaking slightly.

This is the powerful strength of the train gun.

No matter how strong Wei's defenses are, he cannot stop the attack of this weapon.

Commander Liu Yuankui chose to have the train gun attack at night. It fired two shells in succession and immediately moved its position.

The purpose is to prevent Wei from destroying the train cannon at all costs.

The train gun is deployed during the day and is easily detected by airships and hot air balloons in the sky.

The Wei State spared no expense and used fire coverage to destroy the train cannon. Due to its slow movement, the train cannon had a difficult time escaping.

Once the train cannon was destroyed by the Wei State, and he attacked the bunkers and fortresses of the Wei State, he could only force the soldiers to fill them with their lives.

At least half of Cao's 130,000 soldiers on the front line would be able to capture Wei's fortresses.

Achieving such results cannot boost morale at all, let alone gain recognition from other countries.

Commander Liu Yuankui watched the train cannons keep calling names, and Wei's permanent fortifications were destroyed one by one.

He said happily: "Everyone remembers this scene, this is a war between industrial countries.

If it can be solved with cannons, then there is no need for guns.

It can be solved with a gun, there is no need to use a bayonet.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! A train cannon shell only costs more than 200 taels of silver coins.

It only takes two or three train shells and costs no more than a thousand silver coins to solve Wei's permanent fortifications.

If soldiers are used to attack by force, let alone the cost of training soldiers.

Just the pension for the wounded and wounded soldiers exceeds 100,000 silver coins."

Commander Liu Yuankui watched the shells continue to fall, and he couldn't stop smiling on his face.

Zhou Furui, the commander-in-chief of Wei State, was not as comfortable as Liu Yuankui.

When he received the news that the country had declared war with Cao State, he already realized that the war was not far away.

But the war broke out much faster than he expected.

The war broke out quickly before the Wei army was ready.

At the beginning of the war, Commander Zhou Furui felt that the firepower of Cao's army on the opposite side was too fierce.

The outer fortifications could not withstand the fierce shelling, and many fortifications had been destroyed.

In order to preserve his strength, Commander Zhou Furui could only ask the soldiers in the frontline fortifications to evacuate to safer fortresses.

His order was issued promptly, but as Cao's artillery salvo stopped, the Wei army's frontline fortifications suffered casualties of at least 20%.

Commander Zhou Furui was deeply saddened by this casualty figure.

He organized artillery to counterattack, but the number of Wei's artillery was obviously inferior to that of Cao's, and they were suppressed by Wei's artillery.

Seeing this situation, Commander Zhou Furui could only pick up the phone and call the Governor-General of Wei.

"This is the frontline of the Red Forest, we can't stand it anymore, we can't stand it anymore.

The firepower of Cao's army is too strong, so I ask the Governor's Mansion for support."

Commander Zhou Furui put down the phone with a look of helplessness.

The Metropolitan Government only allowed him to hold on for two more days, and the reinforcements would arrive here in two days.

Commander Zhou Furui saw that Cao Jun's artillery had done little damage to the fortress, and he immediately showed a confident look.

Until he heard a loud noise, followed by a feeling like the earth was shaking.

This chapter has been completed!
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