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Chapter 1020 The Wind Rises in America (6)

December 8, 4358 (AD 1661).

Most people around the world are celebrating the Laba Festival and preparing for the upcoming New Year's Eve.

Cao Jun and Wei Jun, who are facing each other in Xinde Prefecture, continue to be in the anxious state of a few months ago.

Commander Liu Yuankui faced the scorching sun and sighed in his heart that the sun in the north of Wei State was too poisonous.

His hometown, the Central Plains of the Empire, is currently experiencing the harsh winter months and heavy snowfall.

Most of the lands of Cao and Wei are in tropical and subtropical areas.

There are only dry seasons and rainy seasons in a year, and each season is extremely hot.

The weather was very hot, but Commander Liu Yuankui's heart was very cold.

He picked up the phone and ordered angrily: "Get me the Secretary of the Logistics Department of the Governor's Mansion."

The phone rang every time, and Commander Liu Yuankui's anger became more and more intense.

After he waited until the call was connected, he said in an extremely angry tone: "Ji Guangzong, you beast, do you know that what you are doing is taking human life lightly.

The 140,000 troops on the front line are risking their lives to fight for the future of the country.

The artillery shells that were supposed to be delivered according to the plan disappeared.

You bastard dares to embezzle even artillery shells from the front line.

Did you know that the current artillery shells are only enough for five days?

There are no artillery shells on the front line, and our 140,000-strong army is like fish on the chopping board, and can be blown to pieces by Wei's artillery shells at any time."

Secretary Ji Guangzong listened to General Liu Yuankui scolding him loudly.

He was helpless about this, but he had no hatred in his heart. Any general who encountered such a thing would not be able to help but curse.

He could only say helplessly: "There are no stored artillery shells in the warehouse of the Logistics Department.

Domestic arsenals are now operating at full capacity and are still unable to meet the needs of frontline artillery shells.

The artillery on the front line used too many shells.

You have used more than 400,000 artillery shells, but only killed more than 20,000 people. The efficiency is too low."

Commander Liu Yuankui said angrily on the phone: "Old beast Ji, you are completely speaking against your will.

Don't you know that with just steel and gunpowder, you can buy the lives of enemy troops? This is a very cost-effective thing.

Wei's main army only numbered 200,000.

Only four million rounds of artillery shells are needed to destroy the enemy.

If we do this, we will make a lot of money.

If there is a shortage of artillery shells at home, we can purchase artillery shells from outside."

Commander Liu Yuankui could only say this. The real reason was that Cao's army had poor offensive capabilities and could only rely on artillery shells.

At the beginning of the war, Cao's army fought extremely bravely.

Those new Han people fought hard on the battlefield and did not run away timidly.

They charge bravely and die very quickly.

The average survival period for a new recruit on a cruel battlefield is more than an hour.

Cao's army suffered heavy casualties on offense, and equally heavy casualties on Wei's defense.

Commander Liu Yuankui knew that even if he won the battle, he would still be punished after he returned home if he destroyed this army.

He chose to use artillery to clear the Wei army's fortifications.

The soldiers' offensive method mainly involves digging soil and fighting for trenches.

This kind of combat method reduces the casualties of the army a lot, and it also helps the army train.

However, the progress of the battlefield and the consumption rate of ammunition are doubling every day.

Especially the support from Wei's rear arrived at the front.

The Wei army had more artillery and artillery.

In order to suppress Wei's artillery, Cao's army never dared to save ammunition on the battlefield.

Ji Guangzong said helplessly: "How could I not be able to do something as simple as buying ammunition?

The Ministry of Finance has been unable to allocate funds, and now it is running out of ammunition.

After a while, the bullets and military pay will also run out."

Commander Liu Yuankui was stunned by the news.

He didn't speak for a long time, and then he said in disbelief: "Is this news true? Cao Guo is so powerful? How could this situation happen?"

Commander Liu Yuankui knows this news. If it is true, it would be too terrible.

The fighting on the front line was in full swing, and the supply of ammunition was cut off.

He thought of the soldiers under his command, holding rifles without bullets, facing the indiscriminate bombardment of the Wei army.

When Commander Liu Yuankui thought of this scene, his hair stood on end.

There is no need for Shangshu Ji Guangzong to deceive, this situation can be easily confirmed.

Thinking of him and his army, it seemed as if they were standing on the edge of a cliff and could be wiped out at any time.

Commander Liu Yuankui's heart was throbbing.

He immediately hung up the phone and called the Grand Governor Kong Erniu directly.

Liu Yuankui waited until the call was connected, and he asked politely: "Tang Guogong, the supply of artillery shells on the front line is no longer available. Do you know the news?"

Kong Erniu, Duke of the Tang Dynasty, thought of the difficulties Cao State was facing now.

He reluctantly issued an order: "General Liu Yuankui, arrange for the troops to evacuate Wei in an orderly manner."

Kong Erniu, Duke of Tang Dynasty, discovered that Liu Yuankui failed to reply to him in time.

He shouted loudly: "Liu Yuankui executes the order."

Commander Liu Yuankui responded reflexively: "As ordered."

He put down the phone and learned that something happened in Cao State that he didn't understand.

The war between Cao and Wei should end here.

Commander Liu Yuankui convened a meeting of officers at all levels to make arrangements for the retreat.

As the main attacker, Cao State has a large number of troops without fixed defense areas, making it easier and faster to mobilize.

On the evening of the Laba Festival, Cao Jun launched a fierce artillery attack on Wei Jun's position.

This bombardment consumed all the ammunition stored in the heavy artillery.

Only the 75mm caliber marching artillery was left, leaving sufficient shells to guard against the Wei army's pursuit.

When it was completely dark, trucks used trucks to transport heavy artillery and other important supplies to retreat.

The artillery withdrew from the battlefield, and the army took turns covering it, retreating into the red forest and returning to Cao's border.

King Cao Li Dazhuang looked at the military map and smoked cigarettes one after another to relieve the anxiety in his heart.

In the end, he overturned the table and scattered the map all over the floor.

He said angrily: "I, the king, focus on whether the army can defeat the enemy.

He was the first to train new Han people to join the army and set the trend in the Americas.

Establish a complete military industry system to ensure an adequate supply of weapons and ammunition for the army, and will not be choked by other forces.

These two achievements allowed Cao Jun to perform extremely well on the battlefield."

King Cao Li Dazhuang sighed and said with emotion: "There is a folk saying that once the cannon goes off, there are ten thousand taels of gold.

Who would have thought that the army fought brilliantly, but Cao's finances collapsed first."

When the Grand Governor Kong Erniu came to Cao Wang's palace, he saw that the place was in disarray.

He knew that Cao Guo must feel unwilling in his heart, and their governor-general also felt unwilling.

The Wei army is now at the end of its strength. As long as Cao Jun can hold on for a while, he may not be able to attack Daliang City.

Grand Governor Kong Erniuhui reported: "Your Majesty, General Liu Yuankui has repelled the puppet army's pursuit several times.

All the 140,000 Cao troops on the front line have been withdrawn back into the country.

The Wei army reoccupied the Red Forest defense line, and they did not choose to pursue it across the border."

When King Cao Li Dazhuang heard the news, he breathed a sigh of relief. The worst did not happen.

He lamented: "Our country's finances are exhausted, and Wei's finances are equally uncomfortable.

Who would have thought that war in the industrial age would be so expensive.

In the era of cold weapons, the military expenditure of 20 million taels of silver coins was enough to last the Ming Dynasty for five or six years. This was despite the corruption of officials.

Our country’s 20 million taels of silver coins have been spent for only five months, and all have been used up.”

Prime Minister Liu Yuanshan came in at this moment, and he said helplessly: "Before the war started, the cabinet did not expect that the consumption of war in the new era would be so huge.

I have been in contact with the Imperial Commercial Bank.

Cao Guo's bonds often default, and its creditworthiness is very poor.

The empire's commercial banking syndicate, unless it mortgages its sovereignty, is guaranteed by customs duties and minerals.

They are unwilling to borrow money with ordinary collateral.

Domestic banknotes have also depreciated.

One tael of silver paper money could fill a hundred kilograms of grain before the war.

Now to buy one hundred kilograms of grain, you need two taels and five silver coins.

The most critical point is that many people no longer believe in the value of banknotes issued by the imperial court.

Once the value of banknotes collapses, it will lead to an extremely bad chain reaction, and the entire domestic industrial production will collapse."

King Cao Li Dazhuang said helplessly: "After this battle, our country did not gain much benefit, but spent a lot of military expenditures.

In the next five or six years, our country will not be able to launch a war with other countries.

This war also proved the fighting power of the New Han people.

The army's new way of fighting was also determined through this war.

The fire coverage is extremely effective, and the enemy can be eliminated with ammunition, so there is no need to fight with a bayonet.

The price of a cannonball is cheaper than that of a soldier.

These are few gains.

Cao Guo must conserve its energy and improve its domestic industrial level and industrial chain.

This is a situation of insufficient supply of artillery shells, and I hope this will not happen in the future."

Prime Minister Liu Yuanshan and Governor Kong Erniu both knew that this war was over.

They need to learn the lessons of this war.

King Su Hu of Wei put down the phone. He heard the news that the war was over. He was exhausted physically and mentally and immediately relaxed.

This war exposed many problems of the Wei army.

If it is not an internal battle, ammunition and personnel can pass through the train to support Sindh City in time.

Zhao State also provided a large amount of weapons and ammunition in a timely manner through several 10,000-ton cargo ships.

If there is any missing point in this situation, the Wei army's position may be broken by Cao army.

Once Cao Jun attacks Daliang City, who knows what kind of situation Wei will encounter?

King Su Hu of Wei immediately summoned Prime Minister Qu Xiaolong and Governor Song Kangbo.

During the war, he always encouraged the governor.

Now that the war is over, King Su Hu of Wei directly reprimanded: "The Wei army behaved very badly this time.

Once the casualties became larger, a timid mood appeared in the army.

Statistics show that most of these timid soldiers are children of powerful officials.

The dignitaries and officials retired with the country, but their children did not want to repay the country.

This is a big problem when the military inspects personnel.

The only thing that makes me happy is that the New Han people performed extremely well.

The imperial court wanted to promote intermarriage between Han immigrants and new Han people.

Let the new Han people have more sense of belonging to the country."

Prime Minister Qu Xiaolong nodded and said: "The cabinet has been making arrangements for intermarriage.

I think we should use this victory to introduce some typical heroes.

With the help of these heroes, we can increase the speed of assimilation of the indigenous people.

If we can achieve a 100% assimilation rate, people all over the country will make their own contribution to this war.

It will never be so difficult for us to win this war."

King Su Hu of Wei pounded the table excitedly and ordered: "After the cabinet has arranged this matter, we must speed up the construction of national identity.

Wei only wants Wei people, those black sheep, and we must expel them."

Prime Minister Qu Xiaolong said excitedly: "The king is right, the cabinet will try its best to make arrangements.

Strive to guide the domestic people to identify with the country before the next war breaks out.

Next time a war breaks out, all parties will be ready, so it will no longer be a petty fight."

At the end of the story, King Su Hu of Wei asked with some heartache: "How many silver coins did we spend on this war?"

Prime Minister Qu Xiaolong has anticipated this problem and has already prepared a draft.

Prime Minister Qu Xiaolong said respectfully: "This war has consumed weapons and ammunition, soldiers' salaries, rewards and pensions, and other odds and ends.

The imperial court spent a total of 34 million taels of silver coins.

Among them were fifteen million taels of silver coins, which were low-interest loans borrowed from the State of Zhao.

Most of the loans were used to purchase weapons and ammunition from Zhao."

When King Su Hu of Wei heard about this huge sum of money, he felt heartbroken for a while, but he felt that the money was worth it.

The money is mainly spent on weapons, ammunition and rewards for soldiers after winning battles.

King Su Hu of Wei believed that there would be brave men under heavy reward.

He knew that many people joined the army just to make achievements, get promoted and make a fortune.

Only an army with clear rewards and punishments can maintain a strong combat effectiveness.

King Su Hu of Wei smiled and said: "In short, I have no one left in this war, so don't worry too much about the money.

Once the Sindh City defense line is lost, we will pay a higher price than this.

We must sum up the lessons learned from this time and improve our own strength.

I don’t want to experience being invaded by other countries’ armies again.”

Governor Song Kangbo and Prime Minister Qu Xiaolong saw Wei King Su Hu like this.

They repeatedly promised that Wei would never experience what happened this time again.

Zhao Wang Su Xiong looked at the ministers at the Xiaochao meeting.

He asked: "Cao has withdrawn from Wei's territory.

What are your thoughts on this war?"

Su Jinghong, Duke of Qin, was the first to come out and said: "Father, I think this war has caused both Cao and Wei to lose.

With this good opportunity, our Zhao country should continue to expand its power."

Prime Minister Cheng Deyou has a different opinion.

He immediately retorted: "Mr. Qin, we in Zhao cannot be quick and fast, we must maintain our strategic determination.

Everyone also knows about the cost of the war between Cao and Wei.

Our country lent another fifteen million taels of silver coins to Wei.

The war in Wei has just ended, so it will definitely be impossible to repay the loan.

Our country's finances are already very tight. If we expand outward, we are likely to encounter the same situation as Chaozhou.

Without money to produce weapons and ammunition, the war cannot go on.

The only two neighboring countries around our country, Yan State and Xiang State, their kings are not mediocre people."

During the small court meeting, because the interests behind the various ministers were different, there was another quarrel between them.

After Zhao Wang Su Xiong listened to the officials' opinions, he finally decided not to expand.

If Zhao can digest the territory it has now swallowed, it will be in an invincible position.

This chapter has been completed!
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