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Chapter 1034 Achievements of the Royal Academy of Sciences (1)

Dean Tian Jiapeng led everyone into the Royal Academy of Sciences.

He directly followed a factory-like building on the far right. This factory had a huge chimney that continuously discharged black smoke into the sky.

People who often come into contact with factories will know that this is the big chimney of a steelmaking plant as soon as they see this obvious chimney.

It is now October, the capital has begun to get colder, and frost has begun to form on the ground in the morning.

Everyone was wearing sweaters to keep out the cold. When they approached the building, it felt like they were approaching a big stove, and sweat broke out on everyone's foreheads.

Approaching this building, the plaque erected next to the door shows that this is the Royal Academy of Sciences, Institute of Metal Research.

Dean Tian Jiapeng said excitedly: "This is the Institute of Metal Research of the Royal Academy of Sciences, which mainly studies the properties of metals and alloys.

As the most important alloy in industry, alloy steel is the alloy that has been studied most intensively by metal research institutes."

Everyone approached the Metal Research Institute, and Dean Tian Jiapeng taught everyone about the importance of steel. He mainly popularized science to people who didn't know much about it.

“Without steel with excellent performance, there would be no industrialization.

Generators and electric motors are now the most important equipment in electrification transformation.

Their rotational speed is often 5,000 rpm.

The generator and motor must run stably for half a year.

Machines used for industrial production will need to be overhauled in ten days and a half. The factory would rather continue to use steam engines than use electric motors to improve efficiency.

This kind of long-term stable high speed requires extremely high strength of steel.

Without alloy steel, generators and electric motors with excellent performance, the electrification transformation of industry will be a castle in the air."

After Tian Jiapeng finished speaking, he found that except for Emperor Su He, Prince Su Shu, Prime Minister Lin Wenjing and other few people.

They have a very deep understanding of industry, and most officials do not understand the importance of materials to industrialization.

Dean Tian Jiapeng immediately changed the example in another way.

“The advancement of materials such as steel alloys has a great impact on industry. With materials with better performance, we can create machines and products with more advanced performance.

I will use a kitchen knife that everyone has access to as an example.

The previous kitchen knives were not very hard and tough. They could not even chop pig bones easily. Butchers had to build special knives.

Today's kitchen knives are very hard and tough and can be sharpened.

A woman can chop pig bones with just a little force.

Use today's kitchen knife to chop the stainless steel knife used by the military twenty years ago.

I can guarantee that the kitchen knife will be intact. The fine steel knife used by the military twenty years ago will be cut in two."

When everyone heard this statement, they all laughed.

An ordinary kitchen knife today is far better than a carefully crafted military combat knife twenty years ago.

In this way, people can intuitively realize the progress of steel materials.

Everyone came to the steelmaking workshop of the Metal Research Institute and saw a blast furnace that was different from ordinary blast furnaces.

The exhaust gas produced by this blast furnace is returned to the furnace through a pipe.

Some people want to get close to the blast furnace and look carefully at the shape of the blast furnace.

A young man in his thirties immediately stopped him.

"The blast furnace is making steel now, and the temperature is as high as thousands of degrees. Don't get too close to the blast furnace."

Dean Tian Jiapeng introduced: "This is Li Youtie, director of the Institute of Metal Research and winner of the Longteng Award."

He turned to Li Youtie and said: "Researcher Li, please introduce to everyone the recent achievements of the Metal Research Institute.

Let the court know the contribution made by our Royal Academy of Sciences."

Dean Tian Jiapeng asked Li Youtie to demonstrate his abilities.

At the same time, he also secretly poked fun at some weird people.

Li Youtie saw Emperor Su He, Prince Su Shu and many officials staring at him.

He was a little worried about the current situation.

He took a deep breath and then introduced: "The blast furnace you see now is the latest blast furnace studied by our Royal Academy of Sciences.

Not only can it improve the efficiency of steelmaking, it can also smelt various new alloy steels in one step.

The most important thing in steelmaking is to control the temperature. We take the extremely high-temperature exhaust gas produced by steelmaking, purify it, and then transport it back to the steelmaking furnace.

This can only save the amount of coke, but it can also increase the temperature in the steelmaking furnace and produce steel with better performance."

After Li Youtie introduced the steel-making furnace, he showed off new steel products.

Just look at the appearance of these steel materials, and you can't see any difference.

Li Youtie introduced: "This is a new type of alloy steel.

Its strength and corrosion resistance are very high, and it can be used to make the keels of 10,000-ton warships.

It can reduce the weight of the gun barrel by 25% while still retaining its original power.

This new steel can also be used in many machines, greatly reducing the weight of the machine without affecting the mechanical strength."

When Chief of General Staff Qin Xiangkun heard about the performance of this steel, he asked in surprise: "Can the new steel really be used to build 10,000-ton warships?"

Li Youtie replied seriously: "Sir, I can guarantee that it can be used to build 10,000-ton warships.

The imperial court can now build 10,000-ton cargo ships, which shows the shipyard's shipbuilding capabilities.

It was not possible to build 10,000-ton warships before because warships had too high requirements for steel, and it was not possible to mass-produce steel that met the requirements before.

Now that the material problem has been solved, there is no technical difficulty in building a ship."

Chief of General Staff Qin Xiangkun raised the corners of his mouth slightly when he heard the good news.

The vassal states represented by Zhao, Wei, and Liao have been able to build 3,000-ton cruisers and are constantly making breakthroughs in battleship technology.

Chief of General Staff Qin Xiangkun has been worried that these vassal countries have made breakthroughs in shipbuilding technology and that they can build battleships.

The empire will inevitably encounter competitors on the sea. No one can say whether the empire can maintain its current status by then.

This will also breed the ambitions of the vassal countries, making some vassal countries think that they have the strength to challenge the empire.

Once this kind of idea grows in the minds of the top leaders of the vassal country, war will inevitably ensue.

The empire is not afraid of war, but it does not want to be involved in war frequently.

Let alone lose the war because of backward equipment.

Then their generation will be nailed to the pillar of shame in the history of the empire.

Now the empire can build 10,000-ton battleships.

If a battleship with a displacement of 20,000 to 30,000 tons really appears, the status of the current battleship will instantly drop to the point where it is not even as good as a cruiser.

Chief of General Staff Qin Xiangkun asked: "Can this kind of steel be industrially produced now?"

Li Youtie nodded and said: "All the technical problems in industrial production have been solved.

The steel mills are willing to purchase technology licenses from the research institute, and new steel products will be on the market soon."

Prince Su Shu had already known that the Royal Academy of Sciences had developed a new type of steel.

The emergence of this new type of steel will further promote the upgrading of industrial industries.

It is precisely because of the emergence of these new technologies that Prince Su Shu is confident that industrial upgrading will be successful.

Prince Su Shu looked around, but he didn't see a certain metal that he had known about before.

He asked directly: "I remember when the Royal Academy of Sciences settled funds, it was mentioned that the Institute of Metal Research of the Royal Academy of Sciences had successfully solved the problem of mass production of aluminum."

When the officials present heard Prince Su Shu mention aluminum, their eyes lit up.

Prime Minister Lin Wenjing said: "Is aluminum more expensive than gold?

I remember that a few years ago, aluminum tableware appeared on the market. It shone with metallic luster and was more expensive than gold.

If the Institute of Biology had not proven through experiments that aluminum tableware may be harmful to humans, the craze for aluminum tableware would have continued."

President Tian Jiapeng responded: “The Royal Academy of Sciences has indeed solved the problem of mass production of aluminum metal.

Researcher Wang Kexin worked hard to study the smelting of aluminum. When the project was successful, he was heartbroken and is now hospitalized for recuperation.

Everyone, follow me to the aluminum research institute."

Dean Tian Jiapeng led everyone away. He pointed to a row of research laboratories passing by and said: "Here are all researching various iron-based alloys.

Since the discovery of metals with extremely low associated reserves in some major minerals.

This thing, named a rare metal, profoundly affects the performance of steel.

Our research was very simple, and the results we achieved are jaw-dropping.”

Dean Tian Jiapeng soon came to the research place where aluminum metal is being studied.

Through the glass, everyone saw the production process of aluminum metal.

In a huge groove, two huge electrodes are inserted into it.

The molten metal solution quickly precipitated aluminum near an electrode.

Dean Tian Jiapeng introduced: “This is the electrolytic aluminum technology that researcher Wang Kexin has worked hard for several years to develop.

Other professors have explored electrolytic aluminum before, but the yield of this technology is extremely low and the conditions are very harsh.

Most people have given up exploring this technology.

However, researcher Wang Kexin did not give up this technology due to her perseverance.

He solved the key catalyst of this technology, cryolite, which no one cared about before, but it is the key to solving the problem.

Researcher Wang Kexin even conducted in-depth research on electrochemistry-related technologies, which solved the problem of industrial production of electrolytic aluminum.

The reserves of aluminum ore are extremely abundant, far exceeding the reserves of iron ore.

Especially in our country, there are large bauxite mines everywhere, so there is no need to worry about mineral issues.

A breakthrough in the industrial production of aluminum has a strong role in promoting the upgrading of the industrial industry.

The imperial court has set a rough framework for the upgrading of industrial industries, which is an upgrade focusing on electrification.

This requires the establishment of a huge power transmission network.

Copper is equal to money, and the price of copper is extremely expensive.

Used in motors and generators, the cost is affordable.

Copper is used in transmission lines, which requires too much investment.

Copper wires become transmission lines, which are also coveted by some thieves.

Thieves stealing wires will inevitably cause frequent power outages and some casualties.

The resistance of aluminum is only slightly greater than that of copper, and once it is industrially produced, its price is very low.

The imperial court could afford wires made of aluminum.

The price of aluminum wire is low, and it can also effectively reduce theft of wires."

Emperor Su He praised: "The industrial production of aluminum is indeed of great help to the industrial upgrading of the empire.

Let’s not talk about the benefits that other aluminum products may bring.

Just cheap aluminum wires can speed up the laying of power transmission networks and bring more places into the electric age.

If electric lights, electric fans and refrigerators can really enter thousands of households, it will be of great help to the empire to get out of the economic crisis.

The Royal Academy of Sciences has submitted a report for next year’s Longteng Prize, and researcher Wang Kexin must have a quota.”

Dean Tian Jiapeng immediately said excitedly: "Your Majesty, I have remembered it."

Emperor Su He has already said that Wang Kexin must have a spot in next year's Dragon Award.

The Longteng Prize is the highest honor that scientists in the world can receive.

The places for the Dragon Award are extremely precious. Even if it is from the Royal Academy of Sciences, if you want to win a Dragon Award, you need the right time, right place, and right people.

Prime Minister Lin Wenjing suggested: “The Royal Academy of Sciences must complete the technology transformation of industrial production of aluminum as soon as possible.

The cabinet's policy arrangements for industrial upgrading will be implemented next year.

There are still two months left. The technology is no longer complex and the factory can be built."

Dean Tian Jiapeng said helplessly: "The technology of electrolytic aluminum is not complicated, but the production of electrolytic aluminum requires a large amount of electricity, so it is best to build a power plant.

I don’t know much about the speed of factory construction. Whether it can be put into production within two months depends on the arrangements of the court."

Prince Su Shu listened to the discussion between the two. He believed that this job was not difficult, but it must be coordinated by someone with high status to ensure the construction speed of the factory.

He immediately stood up and said: "Father, I will leave this matter to my son.

Er Chen ensures that when the imperial court implements industrial upgrading, the electrolytic aluminum factory can provide enough aluminum wire."

Emperor Su He nodded and said: "Shu'er took the initiative to ask Ying, so I will leave this matter to Shu'er."

Dean Tian Jiapeng led people to visit two projects of the Institute of Metal Research.

He immediately chose to leave the Metal Research Institute and go to the Mechanical Research Institute.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! The Metal Research Institute applied for eight projects and only completed two projects.

He can never take people to visit failed projects.

The Mechanical Research Institute consists of tall bungalows.

Before they arrived at the Mechanical Research Institute, they felt bursts of roaring coming from ahead.

As the roar sounded, the earth trembled.

They felt that there was a certain experimental platform in the Mechanical Research Institute.

A behemoth is being tested.

It is like a flexible cook making dough.

It's just that this machine doesn't knead dough, but huge iron blocks.

The machine kneads the iron block, feeds it into the vertical mold, and a 155 mm diameter steel pipe is squeezed out.

Prince Su Shu asked in surprise: "Why does it look so much like a gun barrel? Nowadays, it is so easy to process the gun barrel. It can be finished with just one squeeze of the machine."

I remember watching the processing of gun barrels before. It took a long time to drill with a boring machine, and if there was even a slight deviation, the gun barrel would be scrapped."

Dean Tian Jiapeng quickly introduced: "This is the result of several years of public relations at the Royal Academy of Sciences, a 10,000-ton hydraulic press.

This is an industrial heavyweight. It can be produced on a large scale, and the price of parts that could not be produced before will be even lower.

Let me take the barrel and barrel of a gun as an example. It was very simple to make guns and cannons in the early days.

The barrel is rolled from wrought iron sheets, and the barrel is cast from bronze.

With the advancement of smelting technology, the barrel and gun barrel are both a steel column drilled through a boring machine.

Nowadays, with the 10,000-ton hydraulic press, gun barrels and gun barrels do not need a boring machine to drill. They can be processed by just squeezing them with a mold.

Products processed this way will perform better."

Prince Su Shu said: "I think this machine is not only used to process gun barrels, it has a greater purpose."

Dean Tian Jiapeng nodded and replied: "His Royal Highness is right."

This chapter has been completed!
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