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Chapter 1040 Industrial Recovery Plan

Prince Su Shu came out of the Empire State Building. He had specific ideas about what the empire would do next.

He worked with the staff of the Eastern Palace to perfect the plan he had in mind.

They reviewed industrial data from various places after the outbreak of the economic crisis, met with representatives from chambers of commerce, and visited industrial areas around the imperial capital for investigation.

The strongest areas of Shuntian Prefecture are not industry, education and scientific research, but its strongest industries.

But around Shuntian Mansion, there are the Tangshan Heavy Industrial Zone, the largest in the empire, and the Tianjin Industrial Zone, which ranks among the top three in the empire for light industry.

The content that Prince Su Shu needs to investigate can easily be found in these two typical industrial areas.

More than a month passed quickly during Prince Su Shu's detailed investigation.

The time has come to mid-December, and at this time most officials are no longer able to concentrate on their work.

It is very important for people in official circles to plan the relatives and friends they will visit during the New Year and the order of visits.

Prince Su Shu knew about this bad habit in officialdom. He looked at the plan he had worked so hard to design in his hand to get the empire out of the economic crisis.

After this plan was handed over to the emperor, most officials could not even think of a good year.

With the current mentality of officials, they will not be able to implement this plan well.

It has been half a year since the economic crisis broke out, and the empire's merchants are already in a state of panic.

The imperial court was unable to give confidence to merchants at the very beginning.

The results of his carefully completed plan will be compromised.

There are obvious pros and cons in this matter, and the pros definitely outweigh the cons.

The prince was thinking about what means to use to weaken this drawback.

This matter affects too much interests, so he must do his best if he wants to do it. Any slight mistake will give the enemy a reason to criticize.

Prince Su Shu thought for a long time, but he still couldn't figure out how to get the best of both worlds.

He chose to visit Congress Speaker Han Cuibai, a well-known veteran of the prince's line.

Han Cuibai failed to become the Prime Minister of the Cabinet. He has served as a Cabinet Minister for two terms.

According to the tradition of the empire, he must make way for the newcomer and transfer him to another position.

Han Cuibai chose Qinggui's job as speaker of the Imperial Parliament.

The Imperial Parliament is the arena for all forces in the empire.

Most of the overt and covert fights in the court took place in parliament.

The Speaker of the Imperial Parliament only presides over the daily work of the Parliament, and his actual power is far less than that of the cabinet ministers.

Prince Su Shu quickly took a car and arrived at Han Cuibai's home.

The two of them were already very familiar with each other, and they were discussing this matter in the study.

Han Cuibai, as a minister who has been ups and downs in the officialdom for many years, is a very popular minister.

The way he thinks about things is more sharp.

Han Cuibai asked directly: "Is this plan written by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince really confident in solving the economic crisis encountered by the empire?"

Prince Su Shu said confidently: "The economic crisis in the empire has lasted for half a year, and most of the uncompetitive small factories have closed down.

Even if there are some uncompetitive factories, they are struggling to survive for various reasons.

This plan of mine will not support these hopeless factories.

In this way, the root cause of the economic crisis, overproduction, can be solved.

The imperial court chose to support key industries so that unemployed workers could find jobs.

If workers can earn wages, they must consume industrial products.

This completes the positive feedback of the entire chain.

This matter is simple to say, but in practice, it requires sorting out the entire industry chain and solving the pain points of some industries.

Break the monopoly formed directly or indirectly in various places.

The imperial court can achieve this level, and the economic crisis is just a small matter for the imperial court."

Han Cuibai bluntly reminded: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's plan is as long as it can solve the economic crisis encountered by the empire.

His Majesty the Crown Prince does not need to prepare anything, His Majesty will deal with all opponents."

Prince Su Shu could also hear the hidden meaning that Han Cuibai did not say.

He now thinks that difficult matters can be solved immediately with just a word from his father.

The conversation between Prince Su Shu and Han Cuibai solved his doubts and helped him make up his mind.

He left Han Mansion, immediately went to the palace, and handed his plan to his father.

Prince Su Shu thought that he had done everything he should do.

What is the father's next choice? He just needs to continue to wait.

December 23, 4359 (1662 AD).

This time is approaching the end of the year, and the things that the court should do have already been arranged in advance.

Many officials continue to stay at their posts, and their mentality has transformed into an on-duty mentality.

As long as there are no major problems in the empire, they don't want to cause more trouble.

At this moment, the important ministers of the empire who were able to attend the imperial meeting, together with Emperor Su He, notified the imperial meeting of convening.

The moment these important ministers received the notice, they immediately put down what they were doing and rushed to Qianqing Palace.

The news quickly spread throughout the official circles of the capital.

The officials were very surprised. Now that the New Year is approaching, what big thing happened to the court?

His Majesty the Emperor chose this time to hold an imperial meeting.

They have not heard about rebellions or natural disasters in any part of the empire.

The overseas vassal states are now extremely peaceful.

There were small-scale conflicts between vassal states, but there were no large-scale wars at all. The empire could not convene a royal council because of a small conflict in vassal states.

Many officials outside the palace are speculating. They have different opinions and involve all aspects.

The imperial ministers who went to the imperial palace to attend the imperial meeting already had some ideas in their minds.

The matters worthy of Emperor Su He convening an imperial meeting to discuss at the end of the year are extremely limited, and they must be problems that the empire urgently needs to solve.

The biggest problem the empire faces now is the wave of unemployment caused by the economic crisis.

Large numbers of trained and disciplined workers lost their income.

Once they live in poverty and are instigated by some careerists, the energy unleashed by these workers will far exceed that of the peasant uprising.

Workers must abide by rules and regulations in the factory and know how to unite and cooperate so that industrial production can be completed.

The skills that workers master in factories are all-encompassing.

As long as they have raw materials and machines, they can produce simple ammunition and firearms.

With a little training, workers can become a huge army.

Emperor Su He could not ignore the hundreds of thousands of unemployed workers.

Many ministers know in their hearts that even if the empire cannot solve the economic crisis, it must pretend that it can solve the economic crisis and give a glimmer of hope to those who have fallen into despair.

Those who see a glimmer of light will never sink into darkness.

Emperor Su He saw that every seat in the Qianqing Palace was filled with people.

The thirty-three people in the Qianqing Palace are the most important ministers of the empire, and their opinions will determine the direction of the empire.

Emperor Su He sat on the dragon chair and said condescendingly: "After several months of hard work, Prince Su Shu wrote a plan for the industrial recovery of the empire.

Prince Su Shu planned that the empire would take five to ten years to resolve the economic crisis and return to economic prosperity.

All ministers, please take a look at this plan and share your opinions.

Talk about things in a meaningful way, and if you deny a plan, you should also come up with a better plan."

Emperor Su He set the tone for relevant matters as soon as he opened his mouth.

The current situation of the empire is to resolve the collateral consequences of the economic crisis as soon as possible.

There may be some imperfections in Prince Su Shu's plan.

But the most important thing now is not to find fault, but to solve the problem.

Emperor Su He prevented opposition for the sake of opposition at the imperial meeting.

He made harsh demands. If he wanted to oppose Prince Su Shu, he must come up with a better plan.

Emperor Su He's clear attitude was directly conveyed to the ministers.

The hearts of all the ministers sank. Emperor Su He had made up his mind that the court should resolve the economic crisis as soon as possible.

He doesn't like officials who talk too much and prefers officials who can solve practical problems.

Officials who understand Emperor Su He's character have decided to be cautious in their words and deeds in the future.

Emperor Su He looked at the officials with changing expressions. He didn't care about this situation at all.

As usual, Emperor Su He watched these officials fighting among themselves, but he did not stop them.

If the imperial court were monolithic, Emperor Su He would not be able to sleep.

But at this critical moment, he would never allow anyone to mess around.

Emperor Su He waved his hand and asked the eunuchs to pass copies of the plan written by Prince Su Shu to every minister.

"My dear friends, please take a look at this plan first, and then let the prince explain his thoughts."

As soon as Emperor Su He finished speaking, Qianqing Palace immediately fell silent, leaving only the sound of rustling books.

Many ministers looked at the plan attentively.

They knew that time was urgent and they could not let him read the plan carefully in Qianqing Palace.

They can only swallow everything and look at the areas they understand.

Only by understanding and questioning can you speak meaningfully and propose different solutions based on your own experience.

Lin Wenjing just stopped reading the plan, and he felt that time passed so fast.

He heard the majestic voice of Emperor Su He.

"After reading this plan, all of you, dear friends, will definitely have many questions.

Prince Su Shu will tell you his thoughts first, and those of you who want to question me, please take this opportunity to prepare your own plan."

As soon as Emperor Su He finished these words, Prince Su Shu immediately stood up and introduced: "The plan I wrote is called the Industrial Recovery Plan.

In my plan, I plan to lead many businessmen to solve the economic crisis in five to ten years.

The economic crisis has been lifted, and the market has regained confidence and vitality.

The empire's industry will definitely usher in a recovery, and it is very likely that it will go further and produce more advanced products.

Regarding my specific plans for the industrial industry, the article is too long and cannot be explained clearly in a short time.

Please read the plan to understand the contents above.

Let me briefly talk about my own thinking, which is that the imperial court supports key companies with prospects and allows them to survive and lead the way.

For companies with no future at all, the products they produce now can only be backlogged in warehouses and cannot be sold at all.

Whether this kind of company is government-run or private, there is no need for it to exist.

I plan to gradually bankrupt these worthless companies through various methods such as credit and channels.

In this way, the huge debt accumulated during the industrial process can be cleared.

The imperial court could not afford this huge debt, and a large number of companies fell into triangular debt, and they had no way to solve it.

These companies, which are riddled with debt and have neither technology nor management capabilities, will be eliminated by the market. That is the best outcome.

My industrial recovery plan, solved in one sentence.

That is to abandon backward technology and embrace advanced technology.

The imperial court must have the determination to cut off the strength of strong men. Any backward technology and any technology that cannot bring benefits to the country must be abandoned.

No matter how many achievements this technology has achieved before that are worth boasting about."

The ministers were reading the plan in their hands and listening to Prince Su Shu's speech.

None of them needed to listen carefully to the details of Prince Su Shu's speech.

They can judge that the prince Su Shu advocates destruction and then establishment, and he will not be merciful to those who should be eliminated.

From this incident, it also showed that Prince Su Shu had a firm attitude towards eliminating backward technologies.

If it was in the past and someone wanted to object, they could find enough reasons.

In this situation, everyone has not discussed it privately, so mutual trust is a problem.

They had no way to unite and could only rely on their own abilities to come up with a plan to refute Prince Su Shu.

In a short period of time, the plan they compiled was definitely not as sophisticated as the plan that Prince Su Shu had studied for several months.

Many people's faces turned red. Even if they found a loophole in the plan, they had proved their talents.

Most officials have only a partial understanding of industrialization.

People who really understand industry will see Prince Su Shu’s detailed plan.

They believed that they would not be able to make plans beyond this plan within a short period of time.

When Prince Su Shu questioned the plan, he was surprisingly quiet.

The officials all looked at each other, feeling very embarrassed about this situation.

Emperor Su He saw the reactions of the ministers.

He slapped the armrest of the dragon chair hard and said excitedly: "My dear friends, you have no objection to Prince Su Shu's plan.

The cabinet must announce Prince Su Shu's plan as soon as possible.

The cabinet must also be prepared to implement the corresponding policies in the plan.

The economic crisis has lasted for half a year, whether it is businessmen suffering from bankrupt factories or workers who are unemployed and staying at home.

They all hope that the court will come up with policies to solve the economic crisis.

We must not disappoint the people and let them understand the attitude of the court.

The imperial court has been thinking of ways and has not given up on them.

Whether many people can persist to the end, the most critical point is whether they can see hope.

We must take the initiative to give people more hope."

After Emperor Su He finished speaking, Prime Minister Lin Wenjing immediately stood up and expressed his position: "Your Majesty, the cabinet will fully cooperate with Prince Su Shu to solve any problems that may arise when the imperial court implements the plan."

After Prime Minister Lin Wenjing expressed her stance, officials rushed to express their support.

The imperial meeting reached an agreement, and the imperial court was about to implement Prince Su Shu's industrial recovery plan.

This news spread rapidly among the officialdom and began to spread outwards, as if it had wings.

This chapter has been completed!
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