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Chapter 1055 The choices of various countries (10)

“To stand in the world, one must have expertise.

If a country is to stand on the world stage, it must also have expertise."

King Rui Su Lei looked at the heavy tanks slowly rolled out from the arsenal.

He sighed with a hint of joy.

The focus of Switzerland's development has always been the military industry.

Ruiwang Sulei was educated by his mother since he was a child, and his ambitions are different from ordinary people.

Some younger brothers followed their father just to experience the rare fatherly love in the royal family.

He followed his father, but he was learning his father's ideas in governing the country.

King Sulei of Rui has always had a consistent strategy to develop the country of Rui, instead of just tinkering when encountering problems like some countries do.

For industry, big countries can develop in an all-round way and take the path of balanced development. Small countries can only make key breakthroughs and take the path of specialization.

Switzerland mainly focuses on developing heavy industry, focusing on heavy industries such as steel and chemicals.

Only with excellent quality steel can we produce qualified machines and parts.

Only with the chemical industry can we produce various types of gunpowder and fertilizers.

These basic heavy industries have developed well, coupled with the technical resources Rui has obtained from Cao.

Switzerland has become Europe's largest arms exporter.

King Sulei of Rui is very proud of this matter. Through this silent method, he can also promote the strength of Rui country.

If other countries are not fully prepared for war, they will never dare to attack Switzerland.

Switzerland only needs to use the rain of ammunition formed by massive ammunition to easily overwhelm the attacker.

King Sule of Switzerland has never rested on his previous achievements. He urged the Swiss military factory to start developing weapons suitable for Switzerland.

Most of Switzerland's territory is covered by the Great Plains, and the country has developed transportation. The railway network and highway network can connect to every city.

In the form of Rui, a weapon that can be used both defensively and offensively is the chariot.

Mount artillery on armored cars.

The person who first thought of this idea must be a genius.

It solves the shortcomings of cars and artillery and inherits their advantages.

Rui Wang Sulei is the truth because of the large caliber. Whether it is a battleship or a chariot, he likes large caliber.

When the director of the military factory saw King Rui Sulei praising him, he immediately came forward and respectfully introduced: "Your Majesty, the Thunder Tiger chariot has been improved many times and has now been officially finalized.

The factory can produce five Thunder Tiger tanks every day. In case of emergency, the factory can also quickly complete the expansion work.

The Thunder Tiger tank adopts mature accessories and technology, and its performance is very stable.

The Thunder Tiger tank does not apply too many new technologies, and its cost is also controllable.

The price of Thunder Tiger chariots supplied to the army is one thousand two hundred taels of silver coins."

King Rui Su Lei heard about the production and price of Thunder Tiger tanks. Although it was not the first time for him to understand, he still felt very happy.

Only tanks with reliable performance and low price are suitable for large-scale operations.

On the battlefield, a tank is just a consumable. Scale and reliability are more important than performance.

The chariots produced by the empire are lighter than the Thunder Tiger chariots, and the price is about one thousand taels of silver coins.

Rui increased the tonnage of the chariot and thickened the barrel of the chariot, but the price only increased by two hundred taels of silver coins.

King Rui Sulei was very satisfied with what these engineers in the military factory did.

Rui Wang Sulei was at the shooting range and watched the live ammunition demonstration of the Thunder Tiger tank.

He immediately waved his hand and distributed rewards to the military factory.

This award includes both honorary awards, such as certificates and titles, and substantial awards.

The minimum reward for project team members is 10,000 taels of silver coins.

Rui Wang Sulei was sent off by the military factory and left the military factory.

On the train returning to the capital Shenglong, he explained to Cabinet Prime Minister Yu Tianfang: "The situation in the world is tense now. More forts must be built along the coast, and military factories must speed up the production of Thunder Tiger tanks.

Once a war breaks out in Europe, do not hesitate to expand the scale of the military factories immediately.

All the money we saved from selling arms will be spent at this time to enhance the strength of the army.

The nature of the world has never changed. Whoever has a big fist can decide anything. Those who fall behind will definitely be beaten.

I would rather spend a huge amount of money on preparations for war than use it to pay war indemnities after defeat."

The Prime Minister of Switzerland, Yu Tianfang, has worked with King Sulei of Rui for many years, and he certainly knows what King Sulei of Rui thinks.

He immediately replied: "Please rest assured, Your Majesty, the imperial court is now preparing for an arms race. Once it discovers that there is a tendency for war to break out in Europe, it will immediately turn to a wartime state.

Our country is a major arms exporter, and even under normal conditions, it still maintains a large amount of weapons production capacity.

As I lead the cabinet, I will certainly be able to do the things assigned by the king well."

Prime Minister Yu Tianfang always kept his profile very low when facing a powerful monarch like King Rui, and regarded himself only as an executor.

He saw a look of satisfaction on King Rui Sule's face.

He asked: "Your Majesty, the situation in Europe is changing drastically. What attitude should our country adopt to deal with these things."

King Rui Sulei did not have time to read every newspaper, but when major news happened in various countries, someone would specially compile a brief summary of the news for him to read.

He is very busy every day, but he also understands what is happening in the world.

What happened during this period was mainly due to the economic crisis, and various countries adopted different policies to deal with the economic crisis.

These policies will have various impacts, which may be external or internal.

It is precisely because of these influences that the situation in various countries has changed.

This will naturally trigger conflicts among countries and lead to various changes.

Zhao Guo's resolution at the court meeting added fuel to the fire at this moment.

Directly elevate the policies introduced by various countries to the point where they affect the life and death of each country.

The emergence of this situation has forced countries to introduce more extreme policies to give their citizens sufficient confidence.

Every country is trying too hard and they don't want to fall behind others.

This directly aggravates the conflicts between countries. The outbreak of war is already a consensus, but we don’t know when it will break out?

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! This is why King Rui Sulei is a little anxious. He must prepare everything before the war breaks out.

King Rui Su Lei said with emotion: "There is nothing to say about this matter. As long as our country is strong, all problems will not be a problem.

Enhancing our country's strength is the most important thing. It is simply not feasible to rely on others.

If you make an alliance for the sake of profit, you may betray for the sake of profit."

King Rui Su Lei knows what Prime Minister Yu Tianfang wants to ask?

The four-nation alliance had the biggest shock to European countries.

This incident is a landmark event.

From this incident on, the European countries will no longer be fighting between countries, but between alliances formed by countries, and the intensity of the war will become even greater.

In the past, European countries could only raise about 50,000 troops to fight on the battlefield despite their desperate efforts.

After forming an alliance, the size of the army could easily reach hundreds of thousands.

Hundreds of thousands of people are fighting in a certain area, and the pattern of war has changed.

This is also the reason why King Rui Sulei invested heavily in the research and development of tanks.

Chariots deployed on a large scale are extremely suitable for large corps operations.

Switzerland is a country that makes money by selling arms.

Switzerland must not join a certain alliance in the early stage. Doing so will lose a lot of market.

The knowledge that King Rui Sule learned also made him understand that the relationship between countries in this kind of alliance united by interests is very fragile.

If they have similar interests, they can betray them for the greater good.

During the pre-Qin period, the vassal states joined forces vertically and horizontally, and the situation shown was enough for them to learn a lesson.

No matter how weak countries form alliances, they will not become strong countries, but will lose the opportunity to develop independently.

Switzerland's geopolitical environment is also relatively good, and it is not a priority target for neighboring countries to attack.

Ruiwang Sulei can continuously observe the situation, and once the situation changes, its posture will be very flexible.

In Changping of Chu State, King Lu Chenyang of Chu summoned the important ministers of Chu State to discuss the current situation.

They have been discussing for half a month. There are great differences in Chu State and they have not reached a consensus.

King Lu Chenyang of Chu saw that the situation was deadlocked and was detrimental to the development of the country.

At the beginning of the meeting, he said in a serious tone: "Today's meeting must reach a consensus.

Chu State must take action. We cannot be complacent just because we are the most powerful country in Europe.

This economic crisis has caused countries to take action one after another. I agree with Zhao Wang and Su Xiong’s point of view. This is the process of a major reshuffle of the strength of various countries.

If we, the Chu State, want to maintain our strength, we must act as soon as possible.

All countries are taking action, but our country has stagnated. This situation is very wrong.

Everyone has heard the story of the tortoise and the hare.

Our navy defeated the Song navy by taking advantage of the Song navy's arrogance.

A arrogant soldier will be defeated. He thinks that his own side already has great advantages and does not carefully observe his competitors.

I don’t know myself, and I don’t know the enemy either.

This is extremely wrong behavior.”

When Prime Minister Xu Minghan saw King Lu Chenyang of Chu getting angry, he signaled to the civil servants with his eyes that it was time to stop today.

The current situation in Chu State has become obvious, and there is no need to continue fighting.

The situation in Chu State is a situation that occurs in all countries.

If the Chu State wants to survive the economic crisis, it must not be able to strike a balance as before. It must learn from the empire's policies and find new technology companies.

Let the huge added value brought by new technological products help the country get out of the quagmire of the economic crisis.

If we can't find new technology companies, we can only fully support a certain industry.

If a certain industry receives investment from the court, this will inevitably be a huge loss for other industries.

Before the market expands, a certain company will take one more bite, and if you close your eyes, a certain company will take one less bite.

This is a real benefit that no force wants to give up.

Coupled with the civil and military disputes, this led to the Chu State deliberation for a long time, but still no consensus was reached.

He knew that Chu King Lu Chenyang was impatient.

Prime Minister Xu Minghan immediately stood up and said in support: "The king is right, and I support the king's suggestion.

Our Chu State has been delayed for such a long time because of this matter.

Gui Guo and other four-nation alliance have begun to establish a unified staff headquarters.

Neighboring country Yue has gone all out, mobilizing the country's industrial strength, producing a large amount of building materials, and going to the Yueshui Basin to build cities.

What are the policies of these countries? I won’t comment too much here, but their power of action is too strong.

Our current achievements in Chu State are due to the strong action capabilities of Chu State in the past."

Because of the naval victory over the Song Dynasty, Hu Weiwei, the governor-general who was promoted, heard Prime Minister Xu Minghan say this.

He was not surprised at all by this situation, as civil servants always do.

It seems that yesterday he was arguing hard and disagreeing with the new shipbuilding plan proposed by the Metropolitan Government. This person is not him.

Of course, the Grand Governor Hu Weiwei also knew that he must not go against the Chu King Lu Chenyang now.

King Lu Chenyang of Chu was the monarch who established the country and held supreme power.

King Lu Chenyang of Chu had already made up his mind. Even if they and other ministers objected, it would be of no avail.

Governor Hu Weiwei still showed his straightforward character.

If a soldier shows too many thoughts, he will be jealous of the monarch.

"Your Majesty, the needs of us people have been fully expressed in the past half month.

Shouldn't the king see what we want to say at this time?

The king should make a decision directly."

King Lu Chenyang of Chu was waiting for the words of Governor Hu Weiwei.

When he heard what the Grand Governor Hu Weiwei had said, he immediately said excitedly: "Okay, all the dear friends have suggested that I should make the decision, so I must stand up and take responsibility."

As soon as Chu King Lu Chenyang said these words, those who were still thinking of saying something, he immediately shut their mouths.

When he opened his mouth to oppose again, it was not against his rival, but against King Lu Chenyang of Chu.

Ministers who do this will definitely not end well.

The King of Chu, Lu Chenyang, was also thinking about what Chu should do during this period to be more secure.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! He observed the actions of various countries and followed closely the development of the situation after the empire introduced the new policy.

Chu King Lu Chenyang finally had a general idea in his mind.

He combined the suggestions put forward by various ministers and comprehensively considered the situation of Chu State.

There is already a general framework for what Chu State should do in response to this crisis.

King Lu Chenyang of Chu said in a serious tone: "Steel is industrial capital and it is our country's strength.

Our country must ensure that advantageous projects do not fall behind and increase investment in the steel industry.

The current situation is very bad, and the Chu State will increase its investment in the army."

As soon as King Lu Chenyang of Chu uttered these two sentences, both civil and military officials were very satisfied.

Chu State increased its steel production, which was very beneficial to Chu State's industry.

The State of Chu increased its investment in the army, which made the generals in the governor's office very happy.

King Lu Chenyang of Chu then introduced the most basic policies.

This is basically imitating the empire's new policies, such as strengthening education and increasing investment in scientific research.

King Lu Chenyang of Chu saw that many officials were distracted, and he finally announced the most important policy.

"The State of Chu will allow colonial autonomy. I have decided to basically abandon the colonies and defend the homeland with all my strength."

After King Lu Chenyang of Chu stated this policy, the scene immediately exploded.

Not only the military commanders in the Metropolitan Governor's Office did not understand, but also the civil servants in the cabinet.

King Lu Chenyang of Chu had already anticipated this situation.

He simply explained: "The reason why I decided to do this is because a war broke out in Europe, and our country, Chu, was the first to bear the brunt.

What should I do if I can survive before I can consider colonization?

The limited power of Chu State must not be dispersed to the colonies."

Civil and military officials did not quite understand this policy. They tried to persuade King Lu Chenyang of Chu, but failed.

King Lu Chenyang of Chu vigorously implemented relevant policies regardless of the opposition of his ministers.

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