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Chapter 128 Adjustment of the official system

Su He looked at the map. He now ruled one province and one government.

When the territory expands, it is necessary to establish a corresponding official system and send officials to rule the place.

Su He looked at the official restructuring plan written next to it.

This is the official system adjustment plan that I came up with after thinking about it during this period, combining the current situation and the experience of later generations.

He took advantage of the opportunity of governing Sichuan to introduce this official restructuring plan

Suhe comprehensively summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the official system currently implemented in Hanzhong Prefecture.

Some modifications were made to the official system. There were no major changes in the civil service, and the original structure of the commander's office was still the same. The military changes were very significant.

Su He is about to become king. He is a prince of one side, and the commanding office has become the central court.

The supreme civilian leader is the Prime Minister of the Cabinet, who forms the cabinet and is responsible for all government affairs.

The six ministries are under the administration of the Cabinet.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate, Dali Temple, Taxation Bureau, and banks remained independent and only obeyed Su He's orders.

The level of the Governor's Office was raised to the same level as the cabinet, and Su He personally appointed the Governor.

The Governor's Mansion sets up the Military and Administrative Department, the General Staff Department, the Military Legal Department, and the Logistics and Equipment Department.

The Military and Administrative Department is composed of military civilians and military commanders, and is responsible for recruit training, military merit assessment, officer promotion and the construction of the military military commander system.

The functions of the General Staff Department and the Military Law Department remain unchanged, while the Logistics and Equipment Department is responsible for logistics support and weapons research and development.

The provincial-level system he designed is a small-scale central government, with governors and governors responsible for local military and political affairs respectively.

Suhe strictly followed the system of separation of civil and military affairs, and Sichuan was the first place to implement this official system.

The governor of Sichuan is the highest civilian official in the Sichuan government.

The Governor of Sichuan is the highest military officer in Sichuan.

The governor of Sichuan is different from the governor of Sichuan in the Ming Dynasty.

The governor established in Suhe is a permanent official position with a fixed term and grade.

The governors of the Ming Dynasty were just officials sent by the emperor.

If he wants to implement a policy, he still needs the cooperation of the local chief envoy and other officials.

The governor appointed by Suhe can manage the civil affairs department, household department, criminal department, industry department, education department and health department at the provincial level.

At the prefectural level, this set of systems became the civil service bureau, etc., and at the county level, they became the civil service branch bureau, etc.

Inspection inspections in various places were all merged into the local punishment departments, and the officials in the punishment department were also renamed patrol officers.

Su He discovered before that people always misunderstood the duties of patrol inspectors. Changing the name to the Criminal Department and changing the name to patrol officers would make it easier for people to understand the duties of patrol officers.

Yamen in various places are under the dual jurisdiction of the local governor and the superior Yamen.

Su He did this mainly to divide the power of the governor.

The power of the governor of the Ming Dynasty was too great, and the military and government had to grasp it.

The governor-general has greater power and can manage the military and political affairs of several provinces.

The power of the governor is too great. If he encounters capable people, he will be very strong. If he encounters rubbish, he will cause the whole place to rot.

After the central authority is weakened, it will become too powerful and slowly form a force in the local area.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty fell too quickly, and the slave establishment quickly unified the Central Plains, and there were no big drawbacks.

The disadvantages of this system were clearly seen in the late Qing Dynasty.

The governor is responsible for administrative duties, and the provincial level also has an inspectorate and a high-level Dali temple.

The provincial inspector-general and the provincial minister of Dali Temple are at the same level as the governor and have no superior-subordinate relationship.

Prefectures, counties and provinces have similar configurations.

These two departments are directly under the superior department, and funds and personnel promotions are uniformly allocated by the superior department.

The tax bureau, grain reserve bureau and banks will also set up their branches in various places.

The government system established in Suhe had more officials than in the Ming Dynasty.

The purpose of setting up so many officials is to make the official system consistent with major developments such as industrialization.

Just relying on one governor or prefect cannot control much.

Providing many official positions can also attract scholars to participate in the imperial examination.

Su He designed this official system with two important goals.

The first goal is decentralization. Local officials have certain authority but do not have absolute dominance.

The second goal is to clearly define powers and responsibilities so that the responsible official can be found for everything.

Suhe tried his best to avoid the phenomenon of flood control in Kowloon, which caused various government offices to kick the ball.

The Sichuan Dudufu was established and a governor-general was appointed to manage the military affairs of a province.

Suhe captured Sichuan and began a new round of military expansion. Three divisions were formed to garrison key areas.

The military level is the highest permanent military level.

Only in large-scale wars, multiple armies temporarily form a group army, and a group army headquarters is temporarily established to direct various units to fight.

The governor of the Dudu Mansion is responsible for all local wars, preventing enemy invasion from outside, and chieftain rebellion internally.


Qin Shanshui was standing outside the door when he saw a civil servant wearing a second-grade official uniform walking over.

"Guard, please go and report that Li Zhisheng, the Minister of Household Affairs, wants to see Commander Su."

Qin Shanshui bit the bullet and refused: "Commander Su gave an order not to disturb him with anything except emergency military situations.

You can wait here, and I will call you when Commander Su comes to meet you."

When Li Zhisheng saw the guard's stern refusal, he just smiled and walked to the pavilion in the yard.

"Fengxiang Hou is also here. We haven't seen each other for a long time. Your first division played really well this time.

Without logistical supplies and reinforcements, we marched over mountains and ridges to reach Chongqing Prefecture."

"You're welcome, Earl Li. I only had the assistance of Bao County Hou Suzhuang to conquer Fengxiang Mansion."

Li Zhisheng chatted for a few words, and then he reviewed some official documents in the pavilion.

Zhang Yunqing was surprised when he saw a high official being rejected by the guards.

Waiting for two other people in military uniforms, he initially thought they were two soldiers, but he didn't expect them to be a marquis.

Fengxiang Hou Su Xiong was very famous, and he defeated half of Sichuan's generals.

Zhang Yunqing discovered that this place was completely different from the Ming Dynasty. The guards dared to reject civil servants and nobles.

Here, soldiers don't have to kneel down.

He was already a guerrilla at that time, and it was just his personal soldiers who beat up a domestic slave of a Juren master.

This Juren killed his own soldiers directly in front of him.

Zhang Yunqing was also asked to kneel down. He said that he was the patrol commissioner of Sichuan in the same year.

If Zhang Yunqing dares not to kneel down, he can find a reason to have his family exiled.

At that time, Zhang Yunqing could only kneel down in humiliation and was slapped several times in public.

He was extremely humiliated and had no self-esteem at all.

From that moment on, he knew that the Ming Dynasty was hopeless, learned to assess the situation, and began to curry favor with the civil officials.

There is someone behind him who wants to trip up Sichuan Governor Zhang Lun, and he is just a tool.

The soldiers under Commander Su are treated very well.

During this period of contact, he found that this army was different from other armies in many ways.

Especially the criteria for judging military pay and meritorious service.

The enemy's head is not used as the criterion for meritorious service here.

The criteria for judging meritorious service are very simple: whether the combat objectives are completed and the contribution to the entire campaign.

The basic military pay for soldiers and officers is one acre of land per year.

There are allowances for going out to fight, and rewards for individual or team meritorious service.

Zhang Yunqing likes this system. As long as he can win the battle, he will be rewarded with silver and promoted to a noble rank.

Without the use of heads as a criterion for meritorious deeds, there would be no generals who would kill good people and take credit for their merits.

The military law here is very strict, there are military police everywhere, and Zhu Shi is in charge.


After Su He designed the new official system, he opened the door and walked out of the house.

Qin Shanshui reported respectfully: "Commander Su, Marquis Fengxiang, Zhang Yunqing, and the Minister of Hubu are here to find you. I asked them to wait outside."

"Call them over in order."

Su He returned to the house and waited for these people to come in.

Su Xiong and Li Qingmu walked into Su He's room.

Su He saw the two of them coming in and said with a smile: "I read the military report. You two were separated. How did you arrive in Rongcheng together?"

Li Qingmu said: "Commander Su, after we divide our troops, I will be responsible for controlling the upper reaches of the Yangtze River section in Sichuan.

The Qing Dynasty wiped out the remnants of the Ming Navy and opened up all waterways.

Assisted Hou Suzhuang of Baoxian County to capture Jiading Prefecture, Xuzhou Prefecture, Luzhou and other places.

I went north to Rongcheng via the Minjiang River, and met Su Xiong, Marquis of Fengxiang on the way."

After Li Qingmu finished speaking, he reported on the situation of the Yangtze River Navy.

The Yangtze Navy now has complete control over the Yangtze River and its tributaries.

All major cities in Sichuan are connected by water transport.

When Su He heard this, he banged the table and shouted "Hello".

"Li Qingmu, you have done a very good job. Sichuan is a region with developed water transportation.

The main cities are located on the banks of rivers and rely heavily on water transportation.

There are too many mountain roads in Sichuan, and it will take years to connect all cities with cement roads.

Before that, Sichuan was mainly based on water transportation."

Suhe is a little regretful that there was too little rain in the Sichuan-Shaanxi border area during this period.

The Jialing River has been cut off, making it impossible for Hanzhong Prefecture to be connected to Sichuan through water transportation.

For a big river like the Jialing River, the Suhe River needs to take advantage of the opportunity to renovate its channel.

Renovating the river channel, dredging the river bottom, and blasting away some stones blocking the road will make it more conducive to boating in normal times.

In the current Little Ice Age, there is generally less rainfall, and there are occasional heavy rainstorms.

Renovating river channels will also help deal with floods.

Su He, Su Xiong, and Li Qingmu discussed the arrangements for the army.

The Navy was directly independent, managed in parallel with the Army, and placed directly under the Governor's Office.

Each major river has its own navy.

Unlike the Army, the Navy no longer divides the military system according to the number of people.

The navy is divided into ships. A ship is a basic unit and a captain is appointed.

Several ships are organized into a fleet and a fleet captain is appointed.

The navy is composed of water elements, and the navy commander is appointed as the admiral.

Now there is only the Yangtze River Navy, and the Han River is a tributary of the Yangtze River. The Han River Fleet is formed.

Li Qingmu served as deputy governor of the Dudu Mansion, deputy governor of Sichuan Dudu Mansion, and admiral of the Yangtze River Navy.

After Su He announced Li Qingmu's appointment, he saw Li Qingmu looking confused.

He handed the official restructuring plan he had just completed to Su Xiong and Li Qingmu.

Su He waited until Su Xiong read the plan and said, "Brother Su Xiong, I need you to stay in Sichuan."

After Su Xiong heard this, he immediately stood up and saluted with a military salute.

"With me, Su Xiong, I will ensure the safety of Sichuan."

Su He announced Su Xiong's new appointment.

Deputy Governor of the Dudu Mansion, Governor of the Sichuan Dudu Mansion, and Commander of the First Army.

"Our six divisions will expand into six armies.

There are 240,000 soldiers in the six armies, plus other troops and logistics personnel, the size of the army will reach 300,000.

Sichuan cannot afford it. Only after we capture Huguang can we afford an army of 300,000.

I plan to expand the first and third divisions first.

The original 1st Division and 3rd Division personnel were used as the backbone respectively, and recruits were recruited to expand the army.

The Sichuan Dudu Mansion has jurisdiction over the First Army and the Second Division.

The First Army is responsible for garrisoning Rongcheng, Chongqing, Fengjie and other places.

Deployed along the river, the troops were quickly transported through the troop transport ships of the Yangtze River Navy.

The training direction is to fight in large corps, and the main targets are plain areas such as Huguang and Henan.

The Second Division is stationed in Zunyi Prefecture, Wusa Prefecture, Sichuan East, Xichang and other areas.

Recruit native soldiers and specialize in mountain warfare, targeting the Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi and Tubo areas.

The Second Division only retained Tao Guifan, who was good at mountain warfare, and the rest of the troops were transferred to the Third Army.

I will let Su Zhuang reorganize the second division."

As the territory expands, Su He prepares to train various units in a targeted manner.

The second division led by Su Zhuang will strengthen training in mountain warfare.

After Su Xiong heard Su He's arrangement, he felt relieved.

He has 50,000 troops in his hands, and there is no problem in defending Sichuan.

Su He asked him to capture Huguang, but he dared to lead troops there.

"Commander Su, if the Ming army from Huguang or Yunnan-Guizhou provokes us.

Do we choose to officially go to war with them?"

Su He unfolded the military map and ordered: "This time the Ming army lost troops and generals, Governor Zhu Xieyuan will be dismissed from his post at the very least.

Yunnan Commander-in-Chief Mu Qishen and the Yunnan soldiers and horses were surrounded and annihilated by us, and Yunnan was also severely damaged.

Yunnan is very poor and cannot afford to recruit an army.

If the terrain wasn't so difficult and the logistics supplies couldn't keep up, I would have taken it down directly.

Xu Chengming, the commander-in-chief of Guizhou, also lost his troops and generals. There are now less than 30,000 Ming troops in Guizhou.

But we don't need to rush to expand. If the Ming army attacks and defeats them, we can also take the opportunity to capture several strategic points.

Su Zhuang's one division of troops, combined with the reclamation corps, could easily defend the southern Sichuan area.

We must completely digest Sichuan and truly turn Sichuan's people and resources into our heritage before we can carry out the next round of expansion."

Su He knew very well that if he took too big a step, he could easily pull off his eggs.

Don’t operate a base, but solidify your own foundation.

Failure in a large-scale war will lead to overall collapse.

There are many counterexamples in history, like Su He's, that prove how tragic the fate of these people was.

For example, Li Zicheng, Fu Jian and others.

Su Xiong knew what was going on, and he asked the last question.

"Commander Su, where is our Sichuan Governor's Mansion located? Do we live outside the city or inside Rongcheng?"

Su He said with a smile: "The Prince of Shu's Mansion is still empty, please tidy it up.

The Sichuan Governor's Mansion is located in the Prince of Shu's Mansion."

During this time in Suhe, he inspected various yamen of the Ming government in Rongcheng.

The Dusi Yamen in charge of military affairs was too cold.

Su He has always separated civil and military personnel and improved the military's treatment.

The governor's office cannot be much worse than the governor's office.

If Rongcheng is comparable to the governor's yamen mansion, the only option left is the Prince of Shu's mansion.

Su Xiong looked shocked, and he stumbled a little and said: "This, this is not good!"

"It's okay, I will notify the security team now and ask them to help you clean out the Shu Prince's Mansion.

We have completed the search of the Shu Palace, and this palace remains empty."

Su He notified the guards and led people to help Su Xiong organize the Shu Palace.

He notified the guard again and asked the next group of people to come over.

Zhang Yunqing heard the guard notice, looked at Li Zhisheng, and said humbly: "I'm not in a hurry, please go first."

Li Zhisheng looked up at him and said: "You must abide by the rules. Commander Su said to follow the order. I will not jump in line. Don't waste any more time."

Zhang Yunqing bowed his hands to Li Zhisheng. When he walked into the room, he immediately knelt down and kowtowed.

"Get up! We don't want to kneel down."

Su He signaled to the guard, helped Zhang Yunqing up, and asked him to sit on the chair next to him.

Zhang Yunqing was not used to it yet, so he sat on the chair with trepidation and his legs were shaking.

"I received your letter that Mo Yunbao has agreed to surrender."

When Zhang Yunqing heard that Su He's problem was serious, he stopped being nervous and reported the situation.

Under his persuasion, Mo Yunbao agreed to surrender to Commander Su.

They handed over to General Su Yanyan at Jianchangwei.

Mo Yunbao took his servants and soldiers and rushed to Rongcheng.

Now Mo Yunbao is waiting at the inn.

After hearing this, Su He had a smile on his face: "You did a very good job, I'm very satisfied.

I see from your previous battle records that you are also a man who knows how to use soldiers.

I suggest that you go to the military academy to study for a period of time to understand the operations of our army. I am arranging for you to go to the brigade-level army for training.

If you don't want to enter the military academy, you can go to the Reclamation Corps.

Anyway, most of you generals will go to the Reclamation Corps, so you will be stable for the rest of your life."

Zhang Yunqing did not hesitate and immediately replied: "Commander Su, I want to go to the military academy to study again. I am still young and don't want to retire."

Su He was very satisfied when he heard Zhang Yunqing's choice.

Without studying in the military academy, there is no way to integrate into their army, so they can only join the Reclamation Corps to retire.

Suhe will not be a special case that affects the combat effectiveness of the army.

"Call Mo Yunbao here, and I will discuss the Reclamation Corps with him personally."


Mo Yunbao waited anxiously at the inn.

Zhang Yunqing went to find Su He, but he didn't come back for a long time.

He was a little suspicious whether Zhang Yunqing was lying to him.

At that time, he had no other choice. Even Rongcheng could not stop Suhe's army. How could the small Jianchang Guard stop the army?

The treatment given in Su He's letter was good, so he chose to surrender.

Mo Yunbao kept drinking tea. This inn didn't even provide drinks.

He heard the door being pushed open and looked up to see Zhang Yunqing walking into the room with a look of surprise on his face.

"Brother Mo, your matter is done, Commander Su will meet you personally."

When Mo Yunbao heard this, he immediately stood up in surprise.

"It's done, this is great."

Zhang Yunqing took Mo Yunbao into the governor's Yamen.

As soon as Mo Yunbao walked into the governor's Yamen, he was stopped by the security team.

"Sorry, please accept our inspection."

Zhang Yunqing explained on the side: "This is a routine inspection, and we people will be inspected every time we come.

The main thing is to check whether you are carrying weapons secretly."

Mo Yunbao knew that this was for Su He's safety.

Today's firearms are so powerful that if you secretly hide a little gunpowder, a small character can take away a big shot.

Zhang Yunqing and Mo Yunbao were searched by secret guards in the compartment.

These are experienced secret guards, and it is impossible to hide weapons under their eyes.

Mo Yunbao went through a body search and finally met Commander Su.

"You don't have to kneel down, we don't want to kneel down.

Have you understood the letters I wrote to you?"

Mo Yunbao saw a man about the same age as his son sitting in front of him.

He was not wearing expensive silk, but was wearing a linen garment.

There were several guards in black clothes standing around.

Before his arrival, Zhang Yunqing had repeatedly explained what he should say.

"Commander Su, you asked me to serve as the commander-in-chief of the Reclamation Corps.

Responsible for establishing the Reclamation Corps, its main task is to assimilate the local chieftains and allow the chieftains to complete their transformation and return to their hometowns.

The Reclamation Corps is half soldiers and half civilians, and usually supports itself through farming.

Once the chieftains express rebellion, they will be suppressed immediately."

Su He listened to Mo Yunbao's explanation, and his understanding of the Reclamation Corps was quite sufficient.

Tribes like the chieftains in the deep mountains and old forests also have a certain degree of civilization, and they are not completely incapable of communication.

A tribal system like chieftain only needs to defeat the upper class and win over the lower class.

A carrot in one hand and a stick in the other.

It only takes two or three generations to fully assimilate them.

"General Mo Yunbao, your understanding is basically correct, but I would like to add one more point.

The Reclamation Corps also had to absorb the lower levels of chieftains.

Let some Tusi people who support us live a better life.

Let this group of people suppress the other people in Tusi who are unwilling to assimilate and continue to divide them.

Make it impossible for them to unite and fight against us."

After Su He finished speaking, he handed Mo Yunbao a book.

This was written by a staff officer of the Su Herang General Staff Department, specifically to solve problems related to chieftains.

Mo Yunbao opened it and took a look. Fortunately, he was literate and did not embarrass himself on this occasion.

Turning to the first page, there are detailed cases on it to teach the Reclamation Corps how to solve problems encountered.

"Commander Su, with this book, I have the confidence to lead the Reclamation Corps to complete the tasks assigned by Commander Su."

Su He appointed Mo Yunbao as the commander-in-chief of the Reclamation Corps.

Let Mo Yunbao lead some surrendered generals and wounded soldiers of the Ming army, and recruit personnel to form a settlement corps.

Most of the settlers under the control of the Reclamation Corps were gentry and their families whose crimes would not lead to death and escape.

There are also homeless beggars and gangsters from all over Sichuan.


Su He finally met with Li Zhisheng.

"Zhisheng, have you investigated the quantity of grain stored clearly?"

Li Zhisheng handed over an official document.

"Many cities are still under military control. I mainly investigate the grain storage conditions of official warehouses and gentry in plain areas."

Su He read official documents and checked the status of grain storage.

The food storage situation is not optimistic.

After he occupied Chengdu, he checked the food supply situation in the city.

The autumn harvest has just passed and food storage is not very rich.

He learned from interrogating the gentry that part of the grain was shipped to Guizhou and Yunnan.

There is a food shortage there, and we have always relied on food support from Sichuan, which only accounts for a small part.

According to Li Zhisheng's statistics, one-fifth of Sichuan's grain was shipped out, mainly to the Jiangnan region via waterways.

The Jiangnan region is a land of fish and rice, and it used to be a major grain-producing area.

But from the mid-Ming Dynasty onwards, maritime trade in the south developed.

The Ming Dynasty banned the sea, but it only banned the common people, not the gentry.

The gentry made a lot of money from sea trade, and their main products were silk and porcelain.

A large amount of land in the Jiangnan region has been converted from rice to mulberry. After hundreds of years of development, the cultivated land has been gradually reduced.

This resulted in food shortages and local food prices skyrocketed.

For the sake of profit, foreign grain merchants like Jiangnan area sell grain to make a profit.

Su He anticipated that grain reserves would be insufficient and that Sichuan grain would not only support Sichuan but also Shaanxi, so he issued a ban on grain and wine making.

After reading the official document, he handed the new civil service system to Li Zhisheng.

After Li Zhisheng read it, he said: "Commander Su, the Sichuan government is just a small commander's office.

A five-year term for governors and other officials is also more appropriate. Commander Su is planning to appoint whoever will be the governor of Sichuan.

This requires choosing a good person. We just occupied Sichuan.

Don't let the people of Sichuan become alienated from us just because some people make administrative mistakes."

Su He smiled and said to Li Zhisheng: "I think you are more suitable."

Li Zhisheng hesitated when he saw that Su He was not joking.

The governor of Sichuan and the six ministers were all second-rank officials.

But one is a central official and the other is a local official.

The rights they hold and the opportunities for advancement vary greatly.

Su He seemed not to notice Li Zhisheng's hesitation.

“The prime minister must be appointed from the state headquarters, and the fierce general must be sent from the army.

I totally agree with what Han Feizi said.

Cabinet officials must have experience in overseeing a province."

When Li Zhisheng heard this, his eyes lit up.

This was the first time that Commander Su publicly promised to join the cabinet.

He didn't know what the cabinet built by Commander Su looked like.

It's definitely different from the Ming Dynasty's cabinet.

Commander Su repeatedly talked about the inferiority and power of the Ming cabinet.

He does not have the name of prime minister, but he has the actual status of prime minister.

He was born as a subordinate official, and to be able to enter the cabinet is really a great honor for his ancestors.

"Commander Su, I am willing to serve as governor of Sichuan."

Su He officially appointed Li Zhisheng as governor of Sichuan.

He handed the seal of the governor of Sichuan to Li Zhisheng.

Let him begin to exercise the power of the governor of Sichuan according to the new official system.

Establish the Sichuan Governor's Office to rule Sichuan and end military control in various parts of Sichuan as soon as possible.

This chapter has been completed!
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