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Chapter 135 Arrangement of wounded soldiers

Hanzhong Hospital, in the surgical ward.

Shi Dajian made the bed, and Dr. Wu, the attending doctor, said that he would be discharged from the hospital and go home without any problems today.

He looked at his right arm and felt very lucky that it had not been amputated.

But this arm is basically useless, and I can only use it to eat and write.

Now my arms can't even lift ten kilograms of anything.

He basically said goodbye to the battlefield. He couldn't even pick up a knife, so how could he fight with the enemy.

Shi Dajian saw Dr. Wu Youke coming to his ward.

He said gratefully: "Thanks to Dr. Wu's superb medical skills for allowing me to save this arm.

If my leg is amputated, my life will be even more difficult in the future."

Wu Youke said modestly: "This is not because of my superb medical skills, but because you have a very good physique.

Your wound has become inflamed and you survived the infection.

If the infection is too severe, we can only choose amputation, which is the only way to save life."

Wu Youke took out a thermometer.

He looked at the thermometer with a crystal shell and filled the crystal with alcohol to display the temperature.

This is a medical thermometer. It indicates degrees very accurately. It is also very expensive.

Wu Youke was careful when handling such expensive things as crystals, for fear of breaking them.

The price of this thermometer is more expensive than his annual salary.

I really can't afford the compensation for breaking this thermometer.

Shi Dajian didn't need anyone else to teach him, he just opened his mouth and held the thermometer in his mouth.

Wu Youke waited aside until the thermometer stopped increasing for a period of time before he could record the data.

He came out of the military temporary hospital and was recommended to Hanzhong Hospital by the director of the military hospital.

With his skills, he was officially recruited by Hanzhong Hospital.

Wu Youke saw the cowpox vaccine at Hanzhong Hospital, and there were many people fleeing famine from other places.

They were infected with smallpox, but it did not spread anywhere in Hanzhong.

This situation is completely inconsistent with common sense. The only explanation is that the cowpox vaccine is really effective.

Not only Wu Youke could see this, but the people around him also saw the powerful effect of the cowpox vaccine.

There are many people who have not been vaccinated against cowpox, and they actively ask health centers in various townships to vaccinate them.

The effectiveness of the cowpox vaccine shocked Wu Youke.

Over time, a large number of people received the cowpox vaccine.

It has also been found to have many side effects, but its fatality rate is very low.

Compared with the terrible consequences caused by smallpox, the side effects caused by cowpox vaccine are nothing at all.

In order to understand the cowpox vaccine, Wu Youke studied with many doctors and learned about the existence of microorganisms.

He also found that boiled cotton cloth was really effective in preventing wound infection.

Wu Youke turned his research on plague to the direction of microorganisms.

He now gradually believes that microorganisms are the main culprit causing the plague.

He was thinking about these things while observing the thermometer on Shi Dajian's mouth.

Record the thermometer reading, thirty-six degrees eight.

Wu Youke smiled and said: "Dajian, your body temperature is now normal and there is no sign of fever. You can be discharged from the hospital normally.

In order to prevent the infection from spreading, a large piece of flesh on his right arm was cut off, and he could no longer exert any force."

"Thank you Dr. Wu. You have told me many times about my physical condition. I will remember it."

Shi Dajian thanked Wu Youke. Without this doctor, his life would not have been saved.

Wu Youke gave Shi Dajian a handwritten discharge form and stamped it with his seal.

Shi Dajian is a wounded soldier in the military, and he does not need to spend a penny on hospitalization.

With this discharge form, you can go through the discharge procedures.

Hospitalization expenses are settled uniformly by the hospital and the relevant departments of the Metropolitan Government.

Feng Sanqiu walked into the ward carrying a fruit basket.

"Old monitor, I heard that you were discharged from the hospital today. It's time for vacation. I came to see you."

Wu Youke saw Shi Dajian's friends arriving.

He handed the discharge form to Shi Dajian and said, "Dajian, you are officially discharged from the hospital now. Don't forget to go through the formalities. It's very troublesome to forget."

Shi Dajian packed up his personal belongings. There was nothing in the hospital, mainly medals and nameplates, and a tattered military uniform.

Feng Sanqiu took the initiative to help Shi Dajian carry his things and assist him in completing the discharge procedures.

They got into the carriage called by Feng Sanqiu.

Shi Dajian looked at Feng Sanqiu's clothes, which were somewhat different from regular military uniforms.

"Sanqiu, I remember you were in the Army. Looking at your clothes, you were transferred to the Navy."

Feng Sanqiu said with a smile: "I was promoted by Marquis Yimen to manage a small fleet.

Using fire attack, the navy of Huguang Ming Army was destroyed.

I took the troops again and guarded the Han River.

Some time ago, he was officially appointed as the admiral of the Hanshui Navy.

The name is nice, but the power is not that great. It belongs to the Yangtze River Navy and a branch fleet."

Shi Dajian looked at Feng Sanqiu, and his soldiers were finally developed.

When he was hospitalized, he often read newspapers and learned about many major events, especially the restructuring of the army.

Feng Sanqiu's position is a very good one, and he is among the top officers in the Navy.

Commander Su is expanding again, and Feng Sanqiu's position is easier to be promoted than others.

Feng Sanqiu turned the topic to Shi Dajian.

"Old squad leader, in our army, injured soldiers like you who retire usually go to the new military camp or transfer to other places.

In our Hanshui Navy, many wounded soldiers were transferred to the Yangtze River Fishery Company.

They are responsible for fishing and fish farming.

According to our naval experience and the information I have learned, the positions available to everyone are different.

If you have a good position, you should secure it quickly, otherwise it will be easily snatched away by others and miss this good opportunity.

Where are you going now, have you decided?"

Shi Dajian's expression was very complicated. After thinking for a while, he said: "Master Qu Xiangyang has already come to see me. He gave me a total of three choices and asked me to reply to him after I am discharged from the hospital."

Feng Sanqiu perked up after hearing this: "Old squad leader, what are the three choices? I will help you analyze them."

Shi Dajian recalled a little and immediately named the three positions he had obtained.

"The first option is not to retire and become the general manager of the Reclamation Corps.

I was very hesitant about this choice. In the ward, I learned about the Reclamation Corps from the newspaper.

Wherever the Reclamation Corps can be placed in Sichuan, there is already a Reclamation Corps stationed there.

This Reclamation Corps of mine can only be a newly established Reclamation Corps, and I don't know where it will be stationed yet.

Your sister-in-law has just given birth to a baby and is in confinement.

I didn't even tell her the news about my injury.

Master Qu Xiangyang told me that when going to the Reclamation Corps, in order to facilitate the evacuation, family members would not be allowed in the initial stage.

She was left here alone to take care of the children and was easily bullied.

Your sister-in-law is timid and has no ability to live without me.

I don't really want to make this choice.

The second option is to go to Sichuan to train new recruits.

This choice is quite satisfactory, and you can see your final life at a glance.

The third option is to transfer to the government and become the director of the Criminal Bureau of Baoji Prefecture.

This is a good choice, but I know nothing about solving crimes.

If you ask me to catch criminals, how can I catch them?"

When Feng Sanqiu heard what the old squad leader said, he couldn't help laughing.

"Old monitor, I can tell from your tone that you want to be the mayor.

I just don’t know anything about criminal cases, so I’m a little scared.”

When Shi Dajian heard what Feng Sanqiu said, he looked into his heart again.

He nodded and said: "I really think so, I can't be a mascot in the criminal bureau.

If you are ignored by your subordinates like this, you will be laughed at by your brothers.

I might as well go to the boot camp to train new recruits."

Feng Sanqiu thought of explaining what the old squad leader said, and said: "Old squad leader, as long as you know how to solve these crimes, you can learn them very quickly.

All you need to do is get a general idea and not be deceived by your subordinates.

You don’t need to learn so many techniques.

If you become a leader, as long as you know how to use people well, you will definitely rise in the future."

When Shi Dajian heard what Feng Sanqiu said, he also made up his mind.

"Then I will revert to Master Qu Zhu and transfer to Baoji Prefecture as the Director of the Criminal Bureau."

In the car, they were talking about the classic battle of Hanyin Defense.

The carriage arrived at Shi Dajian's home, and he invited Feng Sanqiu into his house for a meeting.

This is a big house. Feng Sanqiu can only afford a small house, but he can't afford such a big house.

Feng Sanqiu knew that this was the house given to him by Shi Dajian's father-in-law.

On the day they were knighted, their marriages were all robbed.

Shi Dajian married a direct descendant of a wealthy family, while he married a collateral descendant, and his treatment was completely different.

The door opened and the housekeeper exclaimed: "The master is back."

Feng Sanqiu saw the door to the front yard suddenly pushed open, revealing several maids holding a baby.

There was also a maid, supporting a pale woman.

This woman with small feet usually finds it difficult to walk, but now she is trotting over.

When Shi Dajian saw them, he walked over and said, "Not long after giving birth, what should you do if you get cold when you go out?"

Let them enter the house immediately.

When the woman saw Shi Dajian coming back, she relaxed, as if she had seen her backbone again, and returned to the room obediently.

There was no news from her husband for a long time, and she was very worried when she became pregnant.

Now that I see my husband coming back, I can finally feel relieved.

Shi Dajian invited Feng Sanqiu into the living room, and he took out a bottle of sweet potatoes.

"Let's have a drink as brothers. This is wine that my family saved. It's a rare item now."

Feng Sanqiu also likes to drink. He drinks with the old squad leader.

They were chatting about how they had captured Yang He, the governor of the three sides of the Ming Dynasty, and what would happen next.


Su He came to the Military and Administrative Department of the Dudu Mansion. Wen Jingming, the acting minister of the Military and Administrative Department, was leading a group of Zhu teachers to sort out information.

Wen Jingming was Zhu Shi of the Second Division when he attacked Pingyue Prefecture in Guizhou and defeated the reinforcements of the Ming Dynasty in Guizhou.

He was bitten by a poisonous insect in the mountain forest, causing blindness in his right eye and withdrawing from the front line.

Su He appointed him as Acting Minister of the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs. After handling the work of the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs, he was officially appointed as minister.

The division-level and brigade-level congratulators of the frontline troops are all students of Suhe. After repeated inspections, their loyalty is no problem.

Wen Jingming was also awarded the status of Taizhu of the ancestral temple and served as acting minister of the Military and Political Department, responsible for managing military government affairs and all military Zhushi.

Most of the Zhushis in the army were students of Suhe.

Su He's position has been stabilized, and he has handed over some power to others to help him better manage the army.

Su He can take back these powers at any time.

The most important ability of a monarch is to learn to know people and make good use of them, and to master the skills of power distribution.

When Wen Jingming saw Su He coming, he put down the information in his hand, walked over and said, "Principal, the Military and Political Department has completed the pension work for the fallen soldiers.

We have also completed the work assignment for the injured soldiers who have recovered."

"There are thousands of wounded soldiers. Are the positions provided by the government enough?" Su He asked.

During this period of time, he has been dealing with the matter of the King Ceremony.

The arrangement of wounded soldiers was left to Wen Jingming, Wang Zhongce, and Qian Mingyi to coordinate and handle. The powers of these three people covered all yamen.

Wen Jingming took a piece of information and handed it to Su He to read.

At the same time, he simply concluded: "Principal, we have a total of 3,800 wounded soldiers who need to recover their basic health.

Most of the wounded soldiers were placed in Sichuan.

This is also one of the ways we use foreign officials to manage Sichuan.

Most of them are assigned to rural police stations and are responsible for managing rural security cases.

Solve some disputes among villagers in the countryside and arrest criminals in the countryside.

Patrolling the countryside requires a large number of personnel and can provide many positions for wounded soldiers.

According to the soldiers' opinions, soldiers who are unwilling to go to the countryside.

Arranged to serve as an officer in the Reclamation Corps.

Among literate soldiers, many choose to work as officials in the township office."

Patrolling the countryside was a key policy personally arranged by Su He.

This is one of the key pillars of the government's efforts to decentralize power to the countryside.

It is not known as a violent organization that goes deep into the countryside, and the transfer of power to the countryside is just a castle in the air.

Wen Jingming continued: "For officers, their arrangements are more abundant.

There are three main options.

Transferred to second-line troops, settlement corps, new barracks and newly established garrison.

He transferred to the local area and served as a government official, principal, or teacher.

Change jobs to a company and serve as company manager or factory director.

The latter two options require officers to have certain relevant talents, at least be able to read and write official documents, in order to obtain these positions."

Su He looked through the information and found that most officers chose the first option.

Only a small number of officers with corresponding talents choose the second and third options.

The newly established garrison is similar in nature to the reclamation corps.

They are mainly stationed in the city to deal with dangerous situations that the patrol cannot handle.

For example, a small group of troops bypassed the frontline defenders from a remote place and attacked their city.

After another battle, when the frontline captured certain cities, the garrison was also responsible for military control.

After the handover of the government, they do not need to leave and are directly responsible for the security of the city.

This eliminates the need for the main force to be distracted from defending the city and affecting their combat effectiveness.

Su He put down the information and was very satisfied with Wen Jingming's arrangement.

He became Acting Minister of Military and Political Affairs and accomplished his first task very well.

"You have arranged it well. I have also heard the reactions of many officers and soldiers. Most of them are very satisfied.

Some voices of dissatisfaction are also because their own expectations are too high."

When Wen Jingming heard Su He's compliment, he finally felt relieved.

Manage the Military and Administrative Department yourself, gain the principal's satisfaction, quit the front-line army, and serve the principal.


Ding Degui took Qian Yunyun and walked around Hanzhong City.

Qian Yunyun is his father and has arranged a marriage for him.

The day he was knighted was the day he got married.

Ding Degui now really feels the difference in Hanzhong City.

The Hanzhong School of Xinxue continued to criticize Neo-Confucianism and became the prominent school in Hanzhong.

Neo-Confucianism was criticized, and the feudal ethics tied to Neo-Confucianism were also criticized.

Ding Degui's most intuitive feeling is that there are many ladies from wealthy families, and they also take their maids to the streets.

This was completely unimaginable before.

In the Ming Dynasty, women would not show their faces until they got married.

Some noble women only go to designated places to play on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, with the main purpose of going on a blind date.

Ding Degui and Qian Yunyun discussed the matter of women going out.

Qian Yunyun said that their women can now serve as officials and are no worse than men.

Women who work as doctors, teachers, or even in textile factories can earn no less than men.

Ding Degui could see Qian Yunyun's confidence. She believed that she could support herself even if she lived alone.

He is quite satisfied with Qian Yunyun. The most satisfying thing is that Qian Yunyun does not have small feet.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A group of patrolmen came over, beating gongs.

"The Dali Temple Yamen will hold a public trial today."

Qian Yunyun looked at Ding Degui and said expectantly: "Brother Ding, let's go to Dali Temple and have a look, okay?

I have never seen a public trial before, and my father never let me go out before."

"Okay, let's go see the public trial."

Ding Degui took Qian Yunyun and walked to the Yamen of Dali Temple.

When they came here, they saw many people surrounding the place.

"These dog officials still dare to collude with the Ming Dynasty. Just hang them."

"Those who cheat on others should be put to death."

Ding Degui asked others and found out that they had arrived a little late.

Dali Temple has sentenced a group of officials who secretly contacted the Ming Dynasty during the war.

Dali Temple read out the letter of surrender they wrote to the Ming Dynasty in public, which directly aroused the anger of the people.

These officials were sentenced to death, their families were sentenced to exile, and five generations were blacklisted.

Qian Yunyun applauded enthusiastically and said: "These people deserve to die, Brother Ding is fighting on the front line.

It’s really abominable that these people want to betray you.”

Ding Degui also nodded and said: "These people deserve to be killed."

While he was speaking, he paid twenty copper coins and changed places with the people in front of him.

They have arrived at the front of the team.

Su Ying, the Minister of Military Justice of the Dudu Prefecture, came out in person today to try some prisoners.

He has a loud voice, and his loud words can travel far.

"Cases involving military personnel are handled by the Military Justice Department.

These people were involved in destroying soldiers' families, and all the men were sentenced to death and exiled from the Reclamation Corps.

The woman announced the results."

Su Ying's voice fell, and a group of soldiers in linen clothes walked to the execution ground, pressing down more than 500 men.

Su Ying transferred surgeons from Hanzhong Hospital to be responsible for executing these men.

The execution method was more advanced than before. The chickens were no longer cut off, but the eggs were only removed.

The doctors told Su Ying that doing so would give these people a higher survival rate.

But they will definitely become eunuchs and can no longer have sex.

Su Ying considered this punishment mainly to warn others.

He reported it to Su He, and after receiving approval, the execution was changed.

"I know it's wrong, don't do it!"

"Bitch, that bitch came to me first."

"I don't have a child yet, please let me go!"

In the execution ground, cries of begging for mercy and yelling resounded.

Soon, screams could be heard one after another in the execution ground.

Qian Yunyun looked forward curiously. She could not see below the waist of the prisoner in the execution ground because of the white cloth.

But looking at their distorted expressions, these people were in extreme pain.

She listened to the discussions around her and learned what mistakes these people had made and what punishments they had received.

When she was a child, out of curiosity, she had seen Jian pigs and saw Jian people for the first time.

Ding Degui scolded: "These people deserve this. They deserve this for destroying soldiers' families."

With their balls gone, they can't do anything if they want to do bad things later.

I heard that raped criminals would also end up like this, which is really satisfying."

Qian Yunyun asked curiously: "Brother Ding, the cloth in front blocks me from seeing clearly, what happened to those women."

Ding Degui read the announcement carefully.

"If a man is cuckolded, most soldiers will divorce his wife.

Dali Temple officials sentenced the women as appropriate based on the soldiers' suggestions.

Most women were not sentenced to severe sentences, and many were only sentenced to one or two years of hard labor.

A small number of cases caused the soldiers' parents to be angry to death or the soldiers to go crazy.

They were sentenced to exile."

After hearing this, Qian Yunyun sighed: "These women deserve it. They can't control themselves, so let the criminal law control them."

"Oops! That serious-looking Dali Temple official is gone."

Qian Yunyun looked up and saw that Su Ying had left, and the prisoners were also taken away by the soldiers.

"The man just now was not an official of Dali Temple, he was Su Ying, the Minister of Military Justice.

The person who comes out now is Wu Donglin, the minister of Dali Temple.

Wu Donglin has come out, this is a big case."

Wu Donglin, the minister of Dali Temple, came out with a group of prisoners.

Among these prisoners was the famous Mr. Zhu from Nanzheng County.

Dali Temple officials publicized the crimes of these people.

Only then did Ding Degui realize that these people were traffickers who abducted women and children, or buyers who bought women and children.

Wu Donglin talked about the law, and a Dali Temple official repeated his words to let more people know.

“Under the rule of President Su, the abduction and trafficking of women and children were punishable by death, and buying and selling was the same crime.

We are already very merciful. Such crimes in the Ming Dynasty would be punished by Lingchi.

Anyone who reports that someone is abducting or buying women and children.

He will obtain all the other party's property, up to a maximum of one thousand taels of silver coins.

If the police catch them, they will also confiscate all their property, which will be rewarded to the police officer who handles the case."

After Wu Donglin finished speaking, he began to judge the crimes of these people.

The evidence was conclusive, and all these people were hanged.

Qian Yunyun turned pale with fright and said: "These women and children are really miserable.

These people are simply beasts, it’s because they are so cheap.”

When the scholar standing next to him heard these words, he couldn't help but retorted: "I think this law still needs to be discussed.

The sentence is too severe. If caught, he will be sentenced to death.

No room is left for the traffickers, so when they think they are being caught, they will definitely vote against it."

"You are wrong." Ding Degui retorted, "Only those who buy will take risks.

The focus of this criminal law is to eliminate the same crime of buying and selling, and to eliminate all buyers.

This also makes potential buyers afraid to act because of the huge risks.

In troubled times, heavy codes should be used. Only by taking heavy measures can more people be saved."

Ding Degui does not think this punishment is too severe. Only severe punishment can make everyone dare not take action.

These are troubled times, and only extremely severe punishments can restrain some people's hearts that have been let loose because of the troubled times.

"Brother Ding, I hope I can go shopping with you next time."

Ding Degui personally sent Qian Yunyun home.

This chapter has been completed!
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