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Chapter 197 Industrial Excess

Su He took Prime Minister Wang Zhongce, Secretariat Director Tian Jiapeng, Shaofu Ling Lin Wenjing and others to inspect Hannan Industrial Zone.

The industrial zone located on the south bank of the Han River is the largest industrial zone under his rule and the most technologically advanced.

Wang Zhongce was walking on the road in the industrial zone. He was still recalling the horrific scenes he saw two days ago.

A Jian slave prisoner whose limbs were smashed.

He holds a lot of secret information about the establishment of slaves. No matter what kind of torture, he never says a word and wants to die.

He only took Fushou Ointment for half a month, and his condition after stopping the drug was extremely miserable.

I held the Fushou ointment in front of him and asked him what he said. He was very cooperative.

A person with an extremely strong will can be easily destroyed by such a little bit of black ointment.

Wang Zhongce was very lucky that he didn't have the habit of tasting medicine with his mouth. This thing was really terrible.

This process was watched by King Su He of Qin, along with all the civil and military officials.

From then on, everyone realized the horror of Fu Shou Ointment.

The Prince of Qin's Palace issued the strictest laws, specifically triggering Fushou Ointment and things similar to it.

The penalties stipulated in this law are only slightly lighter than those for rebellion. The only difference is that innocent family members will not be affected.

Everyone has seen how scary things like Fu Shou Ointment are, and no one dares to touch Fu Shou Ointment. They will also warn their families that they are absolutely not allowed to touch this kind of thing.

King Su He of Qin also issued a strict order. As long as someone violates this law, he will not show mercy no matter who it is.

Wang Zhongce still has lingering fears when thinking about this matter.

He was suddenly awakened by several heartbreaking screams.

"Repay me my hard-earned money."

"Director of the garbage factory, please return my hard-earned money."

They heard the voices of workers begging for wages from ahead.

Qian Fuwen, Secretary of the Ministry of Household Affairs, Sun Jingzhong, Director of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, and Zhou Yang, Director of Hannan Industrial Zone, all looked towards the direction of the sound.

Zhou Yang lay down with sweat on his face. King Su He of Qin brought senior cabinet officials to Hannan Industrial Zone for inspection.

If this happens, he will be in great disgrace.

The director of Hannan Industrial Zone is a seventh-grade official, with a status equivalent to that of a county magistrate.

However, this official position is extremely popular, and if you are the head of Hannan Industrial Zone, you will be promoted faster than other county magistrates.

It was not easy for him to win this position.

Sun Jingzhong, director of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, frowned.

He was in charge of all companies. During King Qin's inspection, there was a factory where workers were asking for wages collectively due to wage arrears.

This shows that as the director of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, he has not done his job well.

Qian Fuwen looked at Sun Jingzhong, director of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

The State Administration for Industry and Commerce is a functional organization separated from the Ministry of Household Affairs.

The Ministry of Revenue has always wanted to take this institution back.

He now sees that there are problems with the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, and is wondering if he can find an opportunity to take back the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

When Su He saw this scene, his face immediately turned cold.

He knew that developing industry was the right path. Only a large number of industries could provide enough labor positions and make his power stronger.

Su He also knew what these capitalists could do if the government liberalized management.

There is no lower limit for capital.

Su He is also familiar with Lao Ma's "Das Kapital".

Understand capitalists and how bloody primitive accumulation can go without control.

If a private person wants to open a company, he needs to bear joint liability.

The relevant laws of the Qin Palace stipulate that the owners of a company bear unlimited joint and several liability for the company.

The company makes money and keeps all the money in its own pocket.

If a company loses money, it only needs to pay for its assets.

This policy is to develop industry as quickly as possible, with the state and workers bearing all costs.

Suhe, a small force, cannot afford such a price.

He can only let the capitalists bear all the costs.

If the factory goes bankrupt, all debts and taxes will be liquidated.

If a factory becomes insolvent, the owners of the factory will be held accountable. Whether they hold shares openly or secretly, they will bear corresponding responsibilities.

Such strict regulations prevent the factory from going bankrupt even if it can barely survive.

Now that the factory is going bankrupt, Su He doesn't know whether it's the general environment or the factory owner's fault.

He and his people immediately arrived at a garment factory surrounded by more than 200 workers.

Workers in this factory saw a group of high-ranking officials in official uniforms approaching.

They immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Su He and the others.

“Master, please save the little people!

The factory can't pay wages, and now my wife is in hospital and can't even get any silver coins."

"Sir, we can hardly open the pot at home.

The factory owes us thirty taels of silver coins.

This is half a year's wages, and now I won't pay it if I don't say it.

You must seek justice for us."

Su He looked at the workers who were kneeling on the ground and kowtowing until their foreheads bled.

At any time, they are a vulnerable group.

If the government refuses to provide them with justice, it will only drive these people to a dead end.

These workers are well organized and if they pick up weapons, they are elite soldiers.

"Prime Minister Wang, call in a team of police officers to maintain order and prevent mass incidents.

Zhou Yang, come forward and handle this matter."

Su He immediately ordered.

Now it's just a small factory that owes wages. He doesn't need to personally come forward for this trivial matter. He needs to understand the reasons behind it.

Only by solving the root cause will this happen less often.

Zhou Yang heard the instructions from Qin King Su He. After he saluted, he immediately walked to the front of the workers' team.

This was an opportunity given to him by King Su He of Qin. If he could not handle this matter well, he would have no hope of promotion in the future.

"Fellow fellow villagers, please stand up. I am Zhou Yang, the director of Hannan Industrial Zone.

Please rest assured, I will definitely help you get your wages back."

While Zhou Yang was speaking, he helped the worker who was kneeling on the ground.

He knows that what workers care about most is whether they can get their wages.

The workers heard that the high-ranking official had personally promised to guarantee their wages.

The workers immediately stood up and looked at Zhou Yang expectantly.

Seeing that the situation at the scene was stable, Su He ordered:

"Lin Wenjing, your young master's office has sent people to investigate this factory."

The Shaofu is in charge of government-run factories. They have the closest contact with these factories and can quickly find out inside information.

Su He took everyone to a teahouse not far away.

They stared at the factory, waiting for the results.


Zhou Yang wiped the sweat from his face and walked into the teahouse.

After a lot of hard work, I finally solved the matter.

Through this incident, he can also show his ability in front of King Su He of Qin and turn the crisis into safety.

He came to the private room where King Qin Su He and others were staying. After Zhou Yang saluted Su He, he told the story.

"Your Highness King Qin, I have completely solved the problem of wage arrears for workers in this garment factory.

The owner of this garment factory buys a lot of cotton and linen.

Processed into commonly used clothing, sold to farmers and workers.

He did not examine the market well.

There was a huge backlog of clothing and no turnover of funds, so workers were owed wages.

I contacted several factories and they were all prepared to buy a large amount of clothes for factory benefits.

The owner of a garment factory sells clothes.

He immediately paid back wages to the workers and the matter has been successfully resolved."

Su He looked out the window. The workers surrounding the factory gradually dispersed, which showed that the matter had been resolved.

He praised: "You did a good job in this matter and solved the matter quickly."

Zhou Yang's ability to do things is quite good. He was able to find a breakthrough and solve this quite complex problem in such a short period of time.

His style is not simple and crude, and he does not deal with things dogmatically.

Ordinary officials will seize the factory owner directly and auction the factory and the factory owner's property.

The proceeds from the auction are used to pay wages to factory workers.

This process takes a long time to complete.

Su He chatted with Wang Zhongce and others about future industrial arrangements.

Lin Wenjing sent a commissioner from the Young Master's Office to conduct an investigation. He walked into the private room where Su He was with a large stack of completed investigation materials.

"Your Highness King Qin, according to our investigation, the problem is not with this factory.

Many small factories in industrial zones are facing the problem of broken capital chains.

It's just that the factory owner has no background and cannot get support from his family.

He is a retired military officer and used his retirement pension to run the factory.

This man has a great gambling habit and predicts that after the emergence of sewing machines, the garment industry will explode.

His prediction was not wrong, but there were too many garment factories in the factory area.

Farmers and workers mainly rely on their own home-made clothes, and the market has not been developed yet.

This has led to an oversupply of ready-made garments in the entire market, and many factories that produce ready-made garments are on the verge of bankruptcy.

Not only garment factories, but the entire textile industry is not doing well right now.

Not only are private textile factories in a slump, but Shaofu's textile companies also have a large backlog of cloth."

Su He nodded and said: "It seems that the general environment is not good, and this needs to be resolved as soon as possible."

Su He learned about the situation in the industrial zone and returned to Prince Qin's Mansion.

He came to the study room in Lingyun Hall and carefully looked at the Hanzhong Industrial Investigation Report handed over by Lin Wenjing.

After reading the report, Su He found that the current situation of Hanzhong Industry was not optimistic.

It only takes four words to sum up the current problems we are encountering: industrial excess.

He did not expect that in this era of industrial barbarism, he would encounter the problem of industrial oversupply so quickly.

If industrial surplus continues to develop, it will form a financial crisis and destroy most factories.

The reason for industrial surplus is not that workers' wages are too low and they cannot afford to consume industrial products.

The main problem is that industrial products are too single, and there is no way to solve this problem yet.

There is no way to curb factory output now, which will directly cause the industry to collapse.

The main reason for industrial surplus was that after the advent of the steam engine, the threshold for setting up a factory was lowered.

The large-scale development of the factory in the early stage resulted in huge profits.

This attracted the gentry who had escaped the butcher's knife of Suhe before, as well as the officials and nobles who had newly emerged from Suhe's power.

They all invested a lot of their family's money in setting up factories.

Because the Patent Office directly disclosed patents related to the textile industry.

Any company can purchase a system of patents by paying a small amount of silver coins.

In particular, skilled craftsmen have jointly established many machinery factories.

They produced various textile machinery and promoted the rapid development of the textile industry.

For example, the sewing machine was not developed by Su He.

This is a machine independently developed by craftsmen. The pedal-operated sewing machine was welcomed by many people as soon as it appeared on the market.

The emergence of the steam engine directly increased productivity dozens of times.

The threshold has been lowered extremely low. If you want to open a textile factory, the whole process is extremely simple.

The factory owner only needs to invest money and don't have to worry about it. Everything the factory lacks can be bought.

This has led to new factories springing up like mushrooms after a rain.

Other industries, such as the steel and coal industries, have also experienced overproduction.

However, these industries are mainly government-run and adopt the order-based production method.

Overproduction is not yet serious.

The textile industry is now mainly privately owned, and each factory invests heavily in producing a lot of cloth and clothes.

Clothes are still durable goods, especially for today's people, who wear one piece of clothing for more than ten years.

An official who wears patched clothes will not be laughed at by his colleagues.

In this era, wearing patched clothes is a very common phenomenon.

Under the rule of the Qin Palace, the clothes in the hands of the people were almost full.

There are so many people born every year now.

The children's clothing market is still growing, while other clothing markets have long been saturated.

The current market is still too small, and the market in the Ming Dynasty was blocked by the gentry, so only smuggling was too small.

Suhe must find a way to solve the problem of industrial excess.

He must ensure the vitality of industry. Now under the rule of the Qin Palace, Suhe has been suppressing the prices of heavy industry products to prevent heavy industry from making huge profits.

This is to cultivate the entire industrial system.

It is very easy for heavy industry to raise prices.

A steam engine can definitely be sold for fifty thousand taels of silver coins.

One pound of iron is worth one tael of silver coin, and one pound of coal is worth one tael of silver coin.

At this price, heavy industry will replace light industry and become the most profitable sector.

With such an expensive price, some people will definitely buy them because they are irreplaceable.

But if this is done, the light industry will be completely dead.

Now light industry is fully developed.

The city of Hanzhong alone accommodates 120,000 workers, of which the textile industry accommodates 70,000 workers.

Accounting for more than half of the entire industrial population.

If light industry dies, most of these people will be unemployed, which will cause big problems.

The wool textile industry in the textile industry is one of the most important cornerstones for Suhe to implement its grassland strategy.

The woolen textile industry collapsed, and it was impossible to completely occupy the grassland areas only by the threat of machine guns.

Su He recalled the development experiences of major industrial countries in later generations.

Except for one weird thing, it relied on the scissor gap between industry and agriculture and sacrificed the happiness of two or three generations to become the world's largest industrial country.

Other industrial countries have completed primitive accumulation by relying on overseas markets and exploiting other regions through industrial products.

The early stage of industrialization was the process of primitive accumulation of capital.

There are only two ways to complete primitive accumulation at the expense of foreigners.

Or sacrifice one's own people and rely on the continuous involution of the people to complete primitive accumulation.

Suhe will not adopt inward primitive accumulation.

This requires the strong organizational power of the government and the obedience of the people.

The Han people, with their hard-working, thrifty qualities, are the only nation that can complete primitive accumulation internally without major problems.

However, this method is slow to produce results, requires accumulation over time, and requires hardship on the people.

If he really implements this strategy, he will not be able to unify the world until the day he dies.

Suhe has better choices, and Britain has not started the industrial revolution yet.

They are the only force in the world with a complete industrial system.

As long as the products produced can be exported to the sea, even if the industrial scale increases dozens of times, the whole world can digest these industrial products.

The solution has been figured out, but the only problem now is that they don't have access to the sea.

Su He looked at the precise map drawn by the staff department under the glass on his desk.

He directly placed the teacup on top of the two provinces.

"The entrance to the sea must be captured."

This chapter has been completed!
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