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Chapter 2 Rebellion

Most people in the village have the surname Su, but their relationships may vary from close to distant.

The helpers Su He is looking for are all brothers from the same clan who have not been out of the fifth server.

He knew everyone intimately, and these people were also poor farmers in the village.

The families of these brothers from the same clan have been running out of food one after another, and some people have begun to starve to death.

Su He directly called out those who were the same age as him or younger than him.

Only young people have a bloody spirit. The elders have been oppressed by the gentry and feudal philosophy, and they have resigned themselves to their fate.

Su He asked his brothers from the same clan to follow him in rebellion, and they were all afraid at first.

But he made the stakes clear and made them realize that if they wanted to have enough to eat and survive, they could only follow his path of rebellion.

Su He began to attract them with practical benefits.

"As long as you follow me and succeed in your rebellion, every family will be able to eat white flour steamed buns.

Everyone can have a wife and a large piece of land of their own.

You will live the same life as the Suju people."

Su Xiong was the first to agree.

He is the eldest son of his uncle's family and has the best relationship with Su He.

Su Xiong was very strong, with a pockmarked face, and could hold back a mad cow when he had a full meal.

Others in the village were afraid of Su Xiong, who had suffered from smallpox, and only Su He had the best relationship with him.

Su Xiong's statement made other brothers of the same clan waver and agreed to rebel with Su He.

A total of 66 young men joined the rebel team.

Su He led his brothers to rummage through various houses looking for farm tools that could be used as weapons.

The poor farmers in the village are so poor that most of them only have wooden and stone farm tools.

Only a few rusty hatchets were found.

Su He took his brothers to the courtyard of his house, and first took the big guys to eat rice bran paste.

Since we didn’t have enough bowls at home, we made dozens of wooden bowls out of wood with stripped bark.

After eating a bowl of rice bran paste, everyone looks much better.

Weapons were not enough, so Su He led everyone to use hatchets to cut wooden sticks in the yard.

The two-meter-long wooden stick was quickly whittled into a wooden spear.

This kind of wooden spear cannot penetrate armor, but it is a very useful weapon against unarmored servants.

After Su He finished making the wooden spears, he found his brothers from his eldest uncle's family and his second uncle's family.

"Su Hu, Su Ying, Su Yan, Su Que, you are going to..."

Su He told them how to agree with him and attract more people to rebel.

Su Wuniu led 29 young and strong villagers to the courtyard of Su He's house.

"Nephew, I brought everyone here without disturbing anyone else.

I also found out that Mr. Su took the county adults back to Sujiazhuang for dinner."

Su Wuniu walked to Su He and briefly explained what happened.

These people were frightened when they heard that they were being conscripted into hard labor.

Some families had the same idea as Su's mother, and wanted to make some dry food for them to prepare for their escape.

Hearing the news about Su Wuniu made them grab a life-saving straw in desperate situation, and no one would give up.

Su He looked at the villagers who had just arrived. These people were all strong laborers with a certain look on their faces. As long as they had enough to eat, they were the best soldiers.

Su He brought out a large basin of rice bran paste from the house. He filled the rice bran paste and handed it to the villagers.

"Everyone has a share. I'll invite you to eat first, and I will explain to you later how to get rid of the corvee."

Su He saw that everyone had finished eating, and he stood in the middle of the crowd.

"Brothers, our family has run out of food, and we have been forced to do corvee labor by the imperial court.

Once we leave, the family will definitely not be able to survive, and they will starve to death in a few days.

Even if they were lucky enough to survive, the Su Ju people would force them to death. Every time there was a big disaster in the village, everyone knew what the Su Ju people did.

We have reached a life-or-death moment. Instead of sitting at home and waiting for death, we should fight hard and rebel against this bastard's court."

While Su He was talking, he observed the group of people who were being conscripted into corvee labor. Some of them thought carefully, but most of them showed fear.

These people have been forced into a desperate situation, and if they don't want to wait for death, they have no choice but to rebel.

But they were still afraid of the imperial court, so Su He could only use more realistic interests to encourage these people to rebel with him.

"Surge into Sujiazhuang, kill Su Ju's people, seize grain, land, and women.

As long as you obey my leadership, I will definitely lead everyone to successfully rebel.

With enough white flour steamed buns, we can all have a full meal.

More than half of us, like me, have not yet married a wife.

We can all have wives in the future.

Su Ju people had more than 30,000 acres of good irrigated land, so they snatched his land.

We all have our own fields."

Su He held a hatchet in his hand, raised his arms and shouted.

The poor farmers in Sujia Village have no resistance to food, fields, and women.

After Su He finished speaking, he motioned to Su Xiong and others with his eyes.

It has reached the most critical moment, and someone needs to respond to enhance the atmosphere of the scene.

When Su Xiong saw Su He's actions, he raised the hatchet in his hand and shouted: "You will die if you starve to death, but if you kill your head, you are afraid of a ball."

Follow the rebellion in Suhe, and you will have food, fields, and women."

Su Hu and others immediately shouted:

"Rebel, eat enough!"

"Rebel, get a wife!"

"Rebel, divide the land!"

Brothers from the same clan raised their wooden spears and shouted in unison.

"Follow the rebellion in Suhe, and you will have food, fields, and women."

Su Ergou was flexible and saw this situation.

He immediately picked up the wooden spear next to him, raised the wooden spear and shouted loudly: "Why are you still hesitating? To join the corvee is to die. If you want to live, you can only do the opposite."

Su He will lead us in rebellion, so just follow.

Everyone is surrounded by death, so what are you afraid of? If you rebel, you will have food, fields, and women."

The remaining people also want to understand that the only way to survive is to rebel.

They also shouted in unison: "Follow Suhe to rebel, there will be food, fields and women."

Brothers from the same clan who were on the verge of starving to death and young men who were conscripted into corvee labor formed the initial rebel team under the leadership of Su He.

Seeing the agitated atmosphere, Su He decided to immediately take the first step of the rebellion and capture Sujiazhuang to seize food.

He began to make pre-war arrangements.

"Uncle Wuniu and a few younger brothers, you stay here to protect your family."

Su He just found an excuse to leave the weak people behind.

Su He asked these young men to choose the wooden spears they had, and if they didn't fit, they could make them themselves.

He walked into the house and took out the red wedding dress from the old wooden box. It was the only unpatched dress in his family.

This is also the only colored cloth in the house.

My mother wore this wedding dress back then. It was her family heirloom and she planned to keep it for herself to marry her wife.

Su He directly tore the wedding dress into strips and walked out holding a handful of red cloth strips.

Su's mother watched silently from the side, her face was very painful, but she did not stop Su He.

"Brothers, tie the red cloth strips on your arms.

Anyone who sees a weapon in his hand and no red strip of cloth on his arm, don’t hesitate to beat him to death.”

Everyone took the red cloth strips and tied them on their arms.

Identification of friend and foe was very important in ancient wars, and regular armies wore unique uniforms.

They are an untrained rabble and do not clearly mark themselves as enemies or friends.

On a chaotic battlefield, it is very easy to accidentally injure your companions.

This chapter has been completed!
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