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Chapter 202 Occupy Lianzhou, our Yongan Prefecture

"It's so boring. They're just trying to make a fool of themselves."

Lu Xiaoqiu stood on the collapsed wall of Lianzhou City and watched his soldiers rush into Lianzhou City.

Lianzhou Prefecture governs Qinzhou, Hepu County, and Lingshan County.

Fucheng and Hepu County are in the same city. If you take Lianzhou City, the other places will be very easy to deal with.

Hu Hai looked at Lu Xiaoqiu's proud posture.

"Xiaoqiu, the Ming army in Guangxi is rushing to surrender, but you say they are cowardly.

The Ming army here in Lianzhou Prefecture is resisting desperately, but you still look down on them and think they are too weak, so you have no sense of accomplishment in defeating them."

Lu Xiaoqiu looked at the Ming army that had fled in all directions, spread his hands and said: "That's true, the Ming army here is too weak.

They should have not been exposed to war for a long time.

The morale of the Ming army here is very low. Our round of artillery fire collapsed the city wall, and the morale of the Ming army collapsed."

Mi Yu, Zhu Shi of the Second Division, came over and said, "Commander Zhang has held a military meeting. We will go to the military headquarters outside the city to attend the meeting."

Lu Xiaoqiu looked at Lianzhou City and asked, "We just captured Lianzhou City, are we going to leave it alone?"

"They probably won't care. After controlling the situation, they will hand it over to the security forces." Mi Yu guessed.

Zhang Yuliang saw that all the officers of the Eighth Army except the First Division had arrived.

"In the battle between Guangdong and Guangxi, we must race against time to defeat the Ming army as quickly as possible.

Lianzhou City eliminated all resisting Ming armies, and the city was handed over to the garrison for management.

Through interrogating the prisoners, we learned that most of the Lianzhou Prefecture's troops were based here in Lianzhou City.

In Qinzhou and Lingshan counties, only a few guardsmen remained.

The military department decided to make some changes to the previous march plan.

I took all the troops of the Third Division and two brigades of the Second Division to attack Gaozhou Prefecture and Leizhou Prefecture eastward.

Lu Xiaoqiu led two brigades of the Second Division to attack Leizhou Prefecture.

Hu Hai led the Third Army to attack Gaozhou Prefecture.

Mi Yu, you lead the First Brigade of the Second Division to capture the rest of Lianzhou Prefecture and completely occupy Lianzhou Prefecture.

Your target is mainly Qinzhou, especially the coastal areas.

Lingshan County has the weakest troops. A brigade of garrison troops will assist you, and they will be responsible for capturing Lingshan County.

After that, Qinzhou and Lingshan County were handed over to the garrison. After destroying the Ming army, they marched eastward to join the main force."

Mi Yu heard that he could lead troops independently and said excitedly: "Commander, please rest assured, I will definitely be able to capture other areas of Lianzhou Prefecture and completely occupy Lianzhou Prefecture."

Mi Yu and other senior military attachés of the Qin army all knew that one of the main strategic goals of Qin King Su He in launching the Guangdong and Guangxi campaigns was to seize the seaport.

Now that Lianzhou City is captured, the strategic goal has been achieved.

But if you want to hand over a more perfect answer, you must occupy all the places in Lianzhou Prefecture.

In this way, even if the rest of Guangdong is not captured.

One of the strategic goals we wanted to achieve in this Guangdong-Guangxi campaign has been successful.

After Zhang Yuliang gave instructions to each division on their plans, he asked Lu Xiaoqiu and Hu Hai to reorganize the army.

After recuperating for a while, they will head towards their respective goals.

Lu Xiaoqiu and Hu Hai left the military headquarters, and Zhang Yuliang left Miyu behind.

“All the ships in the harbor outside Lianzhou City have been driven away or burned by the Ming Navy.

The Ming Navy is still watching the sea, and we have no naval escort.

There is no way to go to Qinzhou by sea this time. You can only go by land.

Qinzhou Harbor may be occupied by Ming navy or pirates.

Relying only on muskets, there was no way to deal with the Hongyi cannons on the naval warships.

Field artillery must be carried.

When the industry in Guangdong and Guangxi develops, large forts will be built along the coastline and fortress guns will be deployed.

There are no major rivers connecting Lianzhou City to Qinzhou, and some small rivers are not connected.

It will take some time for you to walk to Qinzhou.

Don't be anxious, it's better to fight the battle safely. I just want you to lead the troops to attack Qinzhou because of your stable character."

Mi Yu listened carefully to Zhang Yuliang's instructions.

He promised: "Commander, please rest assured, I will definitely be able to capture Qinzhou and occupy all the places in Lianzhou Prefecture, allowing our Eighth Army to fight independently for the first time and deliver a perfect answer.

It is a smooth road from Lianzhou City to Qinzhou.

Even if the road is paved slowly, I can lead the troops to Qinzhou.

This is not like Nanning City and Qinzhou, which are separated by hundreds of thousands of mountains, making transportation very inconvenient."

When Zhang Yuliang saw Miyu, he understood what he was thinking and could perfectly accomplish the strategic goals arranged by King Qin.


"Brothers, work harder, put some rocks and trees on the ground, and try to drag the artillery truck out as much as possible."

Mi Yu walked on a muddy road, and most of the muddy water on the road did not reach her ankles.

There is a deep pit in the muddy water, more than two meters deep, which can sink a person directly.

Mi Yu arranged for soldiers with good water skills to go ahead and explore the road.

They set out from Lianzhou City, took a boat all the way, and after a short period of time switching rivers, took a boat to Pingyin.

From Pingyin to Qinzhou, this relatively short road has no rivers and can only be traveled by land.

Normal marching on this muddy road is very troublesome, and dragging cannon and baggage will be even more troublesome.

Fortunately, Army Commander Zhang Yuliang took care of them, and all the Mongolian horses that were idle in the logistics were allocated to them.

Two horses pulled an artillery cart, and soldiers helped push it behind.

Fortunately, the new artillery uses high-strength steel, which makes it lighter.

Only then can we barely march.

The road was too muddy and difficult to walk on, so we had to put stones on the ground and build a path by ourselves.

Mi Yu called the guide and asked, "How far is it from Qinzhou?"

The guide bent down and bowed, and said cautiously: "Sir, I have been traveling with caravans for more than thirty years and am very familiar with this road.

We still have twelve miles to reach Qinzhou.

This section of the official road is the lowest and will turn into muddy water once it rains heavily.

If you go about two miles further, the road will become more normal and won't be like here."

"There are still twelve miles left, but fortunately we are almost there."

We drove in the drizzle for more than half a month, but we still haven't arrived in Qinzhou.

It didn't take them half a month to get from Liuzhou Prefecture to Xunzhou Prefecture by boat.

The road is impassable, which is really troublesome.

"Sir, the weather has been like this for a long time now, and the rain will not be as heavy as before. Once we get out of this low-lying road, the road will be easy to walk.

It will also become easier for you to go south from Qinzhou to Fangchenggang."

Mi Yu was very happy when he heard what the guide said.

Take out a silver coin and reward it to the guide.

"You can lead the way with peace of mind, and the reward you deserve will not be less."


At the foot of Qinzhou City, Mi Yu looked at this low town.

This city is inferior to prosperous areas and ordinary county towns.

The low and dilapidated city wall is less than five meters high by visual inspection. There are many cracks and gaps on it and it has been in disrepair for many years.

There is no need for ladders. The soldiers under his command can climb up the city wall with hooks and ropes.

"If you launch an artillery attack on the city, there is no need to save artillery shells. This small city cannot be stopped by one shot."

The artillerymen set up their positions and were just about to fire.

The gates of Qinzhou City opened wide, and a middle-aged Ming army general came out of the city with more than a thousand Ming soldiers in tattered clothes.

"Qin Jun, stop firing, we surrender."

Yu Zhengxian, a thousand households in Qinzhou, saw the Qin army besieging the city, and the governor of Qinzhou wanted to resist with all his strength.

He directly led his confidants into the magistrate's mansion and tied up the civil servants.

Kaicheng surrendered to the Qin army. Finally, he no longer had to suffer from the Ming Dynasty's jealousy. He wanted to directly change the gate.

Mi Yu accepted the surrender of the Ming army, and he was already very skilled in this process.

With the cooperation of the Ming army, the garrison easily took control of Qinzhou City.

One regiment of the garrison remained in Qinzhou City, while two regiments of the garrison sailed north to capture Lingshan County.

Mi Yu only rested in Qinzhou City for one day, and then he led his troops south to Fangchenggang.

By capturing Fangchenggang, his mission this time will be successfully completed.

Mi Yu could lead his troops to join the main force. He didn't want to miss the most important battle of Guangzhou.

On the way to Fangchenggang, Mi Yu looked at Yu Zhengxian, a member of the Ming army who was following him.

"Can you say that the Ming army surrendered to Fangchenggang?"

It would be great if the Ming army could surrender.

By saving time in fighting, he can rendezvous with the main force earlier.

Yu Zhengxian puffed up his chest and promised: "The defenders of Fangcheng Port are hundreds of households under my command, and I will definitely be able to persuade them to surrender.

There were only a few hundred defenders in Fangchenggang, and there were no cannons to defend the city. It was a seaport city, and there were no tall walls.

Seeing you leading the heavenly troops, how dare they not surrender?"

Mi Yu said with satisfaction: "If you can do this well, I will take credit for you."


Mi Yu led his troops to Fangcheng Port. All the defenders of this small seaport city surrendered.

He walked into the harbor and found that the harbor was very dilapidated.

The Ming army here was very poor, and there were only a few ships in the harbor.

"This is Fangchenggang. He shouldn't be at the southern seaside. Did you take me to the wrong place?

There is no entrance to the inland river here, so why is it Fangchenggang?"

Mi Yu has a military map in his hand and he knows the location of Fangchenggang.

This should have just entered the Fangchenggang area and has not yet arrived at the port.

A prosperous port must be near the mouth of a river.

If there is no river flowing into the seaport, there is no way to obtain a large amount of fresh water. How can we ensure that a large number of people have water for daily life? How can we drink seawater?

Cities with large-scale population gatherings will be set up along rivers.

We can survive in the countryside by digging wells, but with so many people in the city, how can we survive by digging wells?

He followed the army across the country, and all county towns were located on the banks of rivers.

A typical feature of their Han farming civilization is that they live in settlements along rivers, forming cities.

Yu Zhengxian looked at Mi Yu with a surprised look on his face.

"Sir, Fangcheng Port on the map is not in the same place as the actual Fangcheng Port.

The Mo dynasty of Vietnam continued to invade and occupy Yong'an Prefecture.

The river's mouth is now occupied.

The mountains here are high and the emperor is far away, so the sea ban is not that strong.

The fishermen who made a living by fishing all fled their hometowns.

The Vietnamese army continues to invade Qinzhou, causing the people's livelihood here to decline."

Mi Yu was stunned and looked at the map.

"Foreign tribes invaded and occupied such a large territory, but the Ming court showed no reaction at all.

There is no thought of sending troops to take back Yong'an Prefecture."

Yu Zhengxian sighed and said: "The emperor who is far away in the capital has no idea.

The bureaucrats in Guangdong suppressed this matter directly.

When the Ming Dynasty was founded, it occupied Vietnam for twenty years.

After the Ming army failed, the Vietnamese army counterattacked.

They occupied Yong'an Prefecture in the Ming Dynasty.

Guangdong officials at the time did not report this matter, and the matter became an old case.

No official would prick this abscess as long as the Vietnamese soldiers in Yong'an Prefecture did not invade important towns in the Ming Dynasty from the north.

Yong'an Prefecture is under the jurisdiction of Vietnam's Mo Dynasty by default.

They have more than 3,000 troops stationed there, including both the army and navy."

Mi Yu listened to the situation in Yong'an Prefecture, which was caused by Guangzhou officials deceiving the superiors and concealing the truth from the subordinates.

The Haojing near Guangzhou was called Macao by King Su He of Qin.

It was also a place that the Portuguese leased from local officials in Guangdong and formed a de facto occupation.

Yu Zhengxian looked at Miyu and asked, "Sir, what should we do?"

He happily surrendered to the Qin army because he wanted to use the Qin army's help to destroy the Vietnamese in Yong'an Prefecture.

His father was killed by Vietnamese from Yong'an Prefecture during cross-border robbery.

He and the Vietnamese have an irresolvable blood feud.

Ming officials were like ostriches, as long as these Vietnamese did not attack Qinzhou City and other towns.

Those civil servants don't care at all.

Even if a large number of people were killed.

Mi Yu said angrily: "The Vietnamese's Yong'an Prefecture, that is King Qin's Yong'an Prefecture, it is our Yong'an Prefecture.

The Vietnamese want to steal our Yong'an Prefecture, but our Qin army will never agree."

The order Mi Yu received was to completely occupy Lianzhou Mansion.

If Lianzhou Prefecture, there is also a piece of Yong'an Prefecture occupied by the Vietnamese.

King Su He of Qin asked him how to explain this.

King Qin Su He said this when he taught them.

"Truth only lies within the range of a cannon."

If the Vietnamese want to occupy Yong'an Prefecture, they have to ask whether the Qin army will agree and whether the cannon will agree.


Mi Yu led his troops to go south and found a river and its mouth, where a relatively prosperous seaport appeared.

There are three relatively large peninsulas surrounding the river's mouth, forming a perfect haven.

He didn't understand naval warfare, but he could see that the harbor here was very suitable for ships to berth.

"Artillery battalion, prepare for artillery fire."

The soldiers of the First Brigade of the Second Division of the Eighth Army all raised their rifles, pulled the bolts, and waited for the order to attack.

The artillery battalion has unhooked the field artillery carriages from their horses and arranged the artillery positions.

Mi Yu saw a man as lean as a monkey coming from the opposite side. He rode a low horse and walked up to the army.

This man said arrogantly: "I am the envoy sent by the general manager of Yong'an Prefecture of the Dai Viet Dynasty.

By attacking Yong'an Prefecture, you are showing contempt for our Dai Viet Dynasty.

If you offend our Dai Viet Dynasty, your lives will be ruined, so don’t blame me for not notifying you in advance."

Mi Yu took out his pistol and shot the monkey-like messenger to death.


The messenger's pistol fired a signal flare, and the artillery battalion's cannon immediately roared.

The sentry towers installed by the Vietnamese in Yong'an Prefecture and the ships moored in the harbor were all torn to pieces by artillery.

Yellow dynamite demonstrates its powerful power.

Only a few salvoes were fired, but no intact ships or buildings could be found in the harbor.

Yu Zhengxian looked at this scene, his legs were shaking with fear.

The Qin army's artillery was so powerful that it was only right for him to surrender.

Mi Yu commanded the army to launch an attack. The strong strength of the Qin army directly crushed all resistance of the Vietnamese.

Artillery opened the way, and it took the Qin army only three days to regain Yong'an Prefecture, which had been illegally occupied by the Vietnamese for hundreds of years.

Mi Yu wrote the military report: "4331, September 20th.

The First Brigade of the Second Division of the Eighth Army captured Yong'an Prefecture illegally occupied by the Vietnamese.

Because the soldiers used rifles in actual combat for the first time and were unskilled, they did not capture a single prisoner."

When the war ended, Mi Yu reported the results of the war and the affairs of Yong'an Prefecture to the Governor's Office and the Eighth Army Headquarters.

He requested material support from the Governor's Office and set up fortress artillery here in Yong'an Prefecture to prevent the Vietnamese from attacking again.

Mi Yu also asked the Eighth Army Headquarters for instructions. He led his troops to stay in Yong'an Prefecture to guard against possible Vietnamese attacks.

He really wanted to follow the main force and attack Guangzhou City together.

But Yong'an Prefecture needed him more, so Miyu decided to stay.

While the Qin army defended Yong'an Prefecture with heavy troops, it also sent a regiment of troops to occupy other parts of Qin Prefecture.

The Qin army completely occupied Lianzhou Prefecture and controlled a very long coastline.

There is also Fangcheng Port, which is a very good port.

This chapter has been completed!
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