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Chapter 216 Guangzhou Industrial Zone

Yang Wencai walked out of Dinghe Tower drunkenly.

For a person like Fuyun, he will never break his promise.

He can wait for May 5th with peace of mind.

Yang Wencai can devote more energy to his textile factory in Guangzhou Industrial Zone.

The silk produced in our own factory is shipped overseas and sold by ourselves.

In this process, there is no middleman to earn the price difference, and he can eat the profits of the entire chain.

Yang Wencai took his carriage and rushed to Guangzhou Industrial Zone.

Honeysuckle, the governor of Guangzhou, almost copied all the policies of Hanzhong.

He built the Guangzhou Industrial Zone on the wasteland outside Guangzhou City, which was twice the size of the Hannan Industrial Zone.

Guangzhou Industrial Zone has the advantage of being a latecomer and can plan the location and roads of factories in advance based on the characteristics of steam engines.

The industrial zone also thoughtfully concentrates related industries in one area.

For example, Yang Wencai's textile factory is located next to the silk cutting factory, which makes it easier to purchase raw silk.

There are three main roads in Guangzhou Industrial Zone.

Coal-carrying vehicles use a dedicated road to transport large amounts of coal in and large amounts of cinders out.

These cinders are used to pave roads.

There is a dedicated road for goods entering and exiting, and a separate road for personnel entering and exiting.

This will avoid rush hour rush hours, when a large number of workers, trucks and coal trucks are crowded together.

In Hanzhong Industrial Zone, this phenomenon is extremely prominent.

As a result, each factory has agreed upon a mature and fixed working time, and does not arrange the transportation of goods and coal during this time.

This time of commuting to and from get off work is also habitually taken to other factories by various factory owners.

Go to work at eight in the morning and get off at eight in the evening.

There is half an hour to eat at noon, and the evening shift is exactly the opposite of this commuting time.

In Yang Wencai's factory, the evening shift earns an extra two taels of silver coins per month, and the workers fall in love with the evening shift even more.

Nowadays, there are too many factories and few qualified workers. It is not easy to train a worker.

If the money is not enough, workers will be snatched away by other factories.

Yang Wencai stood in front of the industrial area and looked at the large chimneys erected in the industrial area, which kept emitting thick black smoke.

Several tax policemen in black clothes were holding down a businessman walking on the main road.

When Yang Wencai saw this familiar black clothes, he immediately sobered up from his semi-drunk state.

"I'm not guilty, why should you arrest me?"

"You are retaliating against me."

"What are you talking about?" Yang Wencai looked confused.

His newly recruited translator Wang Fucai is still working in the factory.

He couldn't understand Cantonese, so he could only ask others.

Yang Wencai saw a lot of people watching and saw an acquaintance in the crowd, so he joined him.

"Li Gong, President Li, you are also here in the industrial zone."

"This is not Yang Wencai, Vice President Yang.

I thought your Hanzhong Chamber of Commerce would be the slowest to respond, but I didn’t expect you to come here."

Li Gong didn't expect that he would meet an acquaintance here.

He glanced at the tag on Yang Wencai's body.

This is a pass issued by the industrial zone. The tax bureau and industrial and commercial bureau will only issue this pass if the factory is officially put into operation.

He originally thought that the Hanzhong Chamber of Commerce would respond very slowly, but he did not expect that Yang Wencai's factory in the Guangzhou Industrial Zone had officially started production.

Yang Wencai asked Li Gong what happened at the scene?

Li Gong said disdainfully: "The factory owner who opened the factory is a native of Guangdong, and he dared to open a factory before he understood the relevant laws.

It produces porcelain with very ordinary technology and is used as rice bowls for ordinary people.

This kind of thing depends entirely on volume, and you can earn a lot of hard money.

He wanted to make more money and evaded taxes with very crude methods.

The vultures from the Guangzhou Taxation Bureau came to check the accounts and found problems with his accounts.

He also paid for bribes and was detained by the tax police on the spot.

These vultures want to be promoted every day, and this is not the result of his contribution.

Li Bingshan, Wang Qiaoli, and Zhou Qiniu are each more ruthless than the other, and each appreciates faster than the other.

With these three role models and this small amount of money, it would be too naive to just try to satisfy the appetite of the tax police.

What’s more, there are role models like Wang Qiaoli, who specialize in reporting colleagues who break the law and get promoted.”

When Yang Wencai heard these three names, he immediately woke up.

The iron abacus Li Bingshan, the tigress Wang Qiaoli, the selfless Zhou Qiniu.

These are the three most feared and famous tax policemen.

They made their name with the blood and tears of countless merchants.

Yang Wencai said with emotion: "People here in Guangzhou Industrial Zone have never heard of the name of the tax police.

The noses of these vultures are so sharp that there is no case that they cannot detect.

This man is a loser. I don't know how long he will be in jail.

He may not be able to pay the fine. I hope he can, otherwise generations of his family will be ruined.

The tax fines are unlimited, and the children and grandchildren are endless.

If you don’t pay back the money, you will be forced to work by Marble to pay back the money.”

Li Gong looked at them with a gloating expression.

"These people have never suffered, and they don't know King Qin's methods.

Only when the first person suffers a loss will the next person act according to the rules.

We have been taught that they are at this stage.

It is better to abide by the rules, which are also our greatest protection."

He has been targeted by locals in Guangdong and Guangxi many times before.

Li Gong mainly runs sugar factories in Guangdong and Guangxi.

He invested most of his fortune in the sugar industry and holds a large number of patents.

Sugar factories produce brown sugar, white sugar, rock sugar and various candies.

The factory can also produce sugarcane wine, which is wine brewed from sugarcane bagasse left over from sugar extraction.

The factory was established very smoothly. He has his own unique patent, and the efficiency of sugar cane juice extraction is higher. He only needs to go to the machinery factory to customize some special equipment.

Purchasing sugar cane encountered great difficulties.

He wanted to buy the sugar cane in the hands of farmers, but was blocked by local forces.

If King Suhe of Qin had not destroyed the gentry,

Most of the land was in the hands of the gentry, and it was impossible for him, an outsider, to purchase sugar cane.

He spent a lot of money to open up connections with the government and was able to purchase a small amount of sugar cane.

Most of the sugarcane still needs to be purchased in the market, so the local people in Guangdong shave off a layer of profits.

"Brother Yang, let me take you to visit my sugar factory and taste the newly produced sugar cane wine." Li Gong invited Yang Wencai.

They are in Hanzhong and they are competitors.

But now in Guangzhou, they have become allies and need to jointly resist the threat of Guangdong locals.

The business environment here in Guangdong is already developed.

Now these local businessmen just don't understand the rules. When they adapt to the rules, their powerful potential will burst out.

Outsiders like them may not be able to compete with the locals. To unite and cooperate, every strength is extremely important.

Yang Wencai had completely sobered up from the wine, and he noticed the kindness expressed by Li Gong.

In business, many friends lead to many paths.

Unless you are a companion, if you don't kill him, you will be doomed.

Factory owners from two industries that have no intersection, even if they belong to different chambers of commerce, will not fight each other to the death.

"President Li invited me, and I happen to be curious about your sugar factory, so I'll go and bother you."

Yang Wencai agreed and followed Li Gong to his sugar factory.

When he walked into the door of the sugar factory, he saw a large amount of sugar cane piled here.

There are many workers inside the sugar factory, cleaning sugar cane with brushes.

After cleaning the sugar cane, workers still need to peel the sugar cane.

Workers feed the peeled sugar cane into a high-speed rolling juicer.

The juicer bites one end of the sugar cane and quickly swallows the entire sugar cane.

The steam engine drives huge steel rollers and begins to press the sugar cane.

Sugar cane juice flows into a huge iron tank.

This machine also spits out a lot of bagasse.

This is the only machine that can be seen in the factory. The rest of the machines are all sealed and the sugar processing process cannot be seen at all.

Li Gong said at the side: "The sugar liquid is concentrated many times and processed into white sugar and brown sugar through multiple processes such as filtration, centrifugation, and crystallization.

The sugar liquid is placed in a drying room at 90 degrees and the temperature is gradually dropped to form rock sugar.

The sugarcane planting scale in Guangdong and Guangxi is large, the sugarcane grows very well, and the sugar yield rate is also very high.

The current size of the factory can produce two tons of sugar a month."

Yang Wencai heard that Li Gong Sugar Factory had reached this scale.

"Two tons a month, this is still an early stage factory.

All the machinery has been built on this construction site, and there is no problem in producing ten tons per month.

As a result, sugar prices will definitely fall sharply.

This is really good news. A family like mine cannot let go of eating sweets.

It’s not that I can’t afford candy, it’s that I can’t buy candy.”

Li Gong smiled and said: "This is still due to the steam engine, which does not have the efficiency brought by the steam engine.

There is also the centrifugal crystallization technology of white sugar, which still uses ancient methods to produce white sugar.

Even if I double the number of workers, I won't be able to produce half a ton of sugar in a month.

I'll take you to taste sugar cane wine, and you can give me some advice.

You are a famous wine taster in Hanzhong City and you have the most picky taste. If this wine can gain your approval, I think it can be put on the market."

Yang Wencai and Li Gong came to the factory canteen.

He looked at the two types of wine placed in front of him.

One is a slightly yellowish turbid wine, and the other is white wine.

Yang Wencai had already drank a lot of wine today, so he didn't drink in large sips, but sipped a little.

"President Li Gong, from my point of view, this liquor with the flavor of sugar cane will definitely not be popular in the north. I don't know the taste of the south.

This kind of turbid liquor, distilled liquor, has a unique aroma.

But its mellowness is not even comparable to that of sorghum wine.

The taste of this wine, from my point of view, is better than sweet potato roasting.

If you are prepared to compete with common people's wines such as Sweet Potato Shao, this wine still has great potential.

If you want it to compete with high-end wines, it still needs some heat."

Li Gong was very happy. The Shu Chamber of Commerce already had the Luzhou wine brand.

The sales volume of Luzhou wine also ranks among the top ten wines.

But they have never been able to come up with a product that can compete with civilian liquor like sweet potato shochu.

For grain brewing, there is a grain quota every year. If the quota is used up, no further brewing is allowed.

Sweet potatoes are a grain, but because the yield is too high, it is not strictly controlled and winemaking is allowed.

Hanzhong Chamber of Commerce was the first to lay out sweet potato roasting, whether it was patents or control of sweet potato acquisition channels.

Even the Sichuan Chamber of Commerce cannot compete and can only stop losses in time.

Now that they have sugar cane wine, they also have a trump card to compete with sweet potato roasting.

Sugarcane is not even considered as food and will not be controlled by the Qin Palace, let alone sugarcane bagasse wine making, which is completely waste utilization.

Yang Wencai bid farewell to Li Gong and returned to his factory.

In less than a month, he will take a boat to sea.

The goods for trading must be prepared now.

When he opened a textile factory, he would definitely trade in cloth.

Linen is too cheap. This extremely cheap cloth cannot be traded even if the shipping fee is not enough.

The same is true for cotton cloth, unless you can transport a large amount of cotton cloth and spread the transportation cost equally.

Otherwise, the profit gained from transporting cotton cloth would be too low, so it would be easier to sell it directly locally.

The only product Yang Wencai could choose was silk.

This is also what he is best at.

"Hello, director."

"The factory director is back."

Yang Wencai saw the factory team leaders greeting him, and he responded enthusiastically.

Each group leader manages twenty female weavers.

They usually do not work on the looms to weave cloth. Their duty is to manage the workers and calculate their bonuses based on the cloth woven by each worker.

When workers take time off to use the restroom, these team leaders also have to temporarily cover the shift.

One steam engine drives twenty looms, and if one loom is shut down alone, it will affect the progress of the entire workshop.

I heard that in government-run factories, all looms can be parked independently.

However, the cost of this kind of loom is too high, so it is not as cost-effective as hiring one or two more workers to change shifts.

Generally, people rest and the machines continue to operate.

Yang Wencai was quite satisfied when he saw the workers working hard.

He called Zhou Liping, the deputy manager of the factory.

This is a technical expert. Yang Wencai can stand out in the textile field. This technical expert is of great help to him.

Zhou Liping occupies 10% of the textile company, and she is also one of the owners.

"Manager Zhou, I see that the newly recruited female weavers in Guangdong are working very efficiently. The production speed here has almost caught up with the factory in Hanzhong."

Zhou Liping shook her head and said: "This is the credit of the new shuttle loom in the machinery factory.

The workers are still not very skilled, but they are very hardworking.

I saw my former self in them.

These people have seen the dawn of destiny and want to seize their own destiny.

They are all extremely grateful to you, your presence allows them to support their families."

Yang Wencai heard Zhou Liping say this.

He shook his head and said: "I don't have such a great goal, my purpose is very simple.

They can help me make money. I pay them wages, which is a matter of course."

"Can you prepare 60,000 pieces of silk before the end of the month?"

Yang Liping thought carefully and said: "Sixty thousand pieces of silk are a bit difficult given the current scale of the factory.

To achieve this goal, we must stop the cotton and linen production lines and concentrate on silk production."

"Have we already received a large number of orders for our silk and sold it?"

Zhou Liping asked in surprise.

"If it weren't for anyone else, I would buy the silk produced in the factory."

Yang Wencai had to pay for the silk produced in his own factory.

Because this factory does not belong to him alone.

This textile factory also has craftsmen such as Zhou Liping.

He wants to buy the silk produced by the factory first like a normal transaction.

Otherwise, the money from the factory and sea trade will be combined and it will be difficult to keep accounts.

When the interests of the sea trade are included in the interests of the factory, he will also suffer a great loss.

If the benefits are distributed in advance, all owners of the factory will be satisfied, and accounts can be kept well at every step to facilitate tax payment.

This chapter has been completed!
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