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Chapter 246

Lu Xiangsheng saw that it was already dawn.

At this time, the thief in yellow on the opposite side had already spent the night and was officially at his sleepiest time.

A surprise attack during this time can achieve unexpected results.

"Light the torch and open the city gate."

Lu Xiangsheng issued an order that one person in each Ming army should hold a torch.

They used tinderboxes and other kindling materials to light the torches.

Here at the East City Gate, a large number of torches were lit, turning it into a fiery red area in an instant.

Lu Xiangsheng lit torches to fight, mainly the soldiers under his command. Without light, it was impossible to see anything at night.

A torch must be lit to see clearly what is illuminated.

Many people are blind at night and cannot fight without lighting torches.

Lu Xiangsheng thought about the thieves in yellow, who could attack in the dark night.

I wonder what the thief in yellow has to do to help the soldiers see clearly at night.

Another purpose of lighting the torch is to send a signal to Sun Chuanting through the light of the fire.

The two armies must cooperate closely and rush out of the city gate at the same time, so that the thieves in yellow cannot concentrate their forces to encircle and suppress them, so that they can hope to break out.

Sun Chuanting, who was at the south gate, saw the fire at the east gate.

He also asked his men to light torches and open the city gate.


Wu Jie waited drowsily, wondering in his mind whether King Qin had guessed wrong?

He suddenly saw a huge fire burning at the east gate of Mengjin County.

Wu Jie's expression was shocked. As expected by King Qin, the Ming army really made a big move.

He immediately informed and sent messengers to inform all the troops.

"Put the enemy within the range of the machine gun, load the artillery with shotgun shells, and then hit me when you get closer."

Wu Jie chose to place the Ming army close by and use firearms to consume a large number of Ming troops.

In order to allow the Ming army to escape from the city smoothly, the King of Qin had previously notified all armies that they were not allowed to lay mines around Mengjin County.

Wu Jie saw the Ming army opening the city gate and walking out of the city smoothly.

As soon as the Ming army left the city, they opened fire and launched a fierce attack.

If he directly scared the Ming army back to the city, would he still carry out a brutal siege?

Lu Xiangsheng first sent out a small force to test and found that the yellow-robed thieves resisted extremely weakly.

In the trenches dug by the thief in yellow, there was only sporadic resistance, and they were quickly defeated by the small force he sent.

Through observation, Lu Xiangsheng did not find the thieves in yellow ambushing near the city gate.

He believed that the most dangerous place to leave the city was at the city gate.

If he is the commander of the yellow-robed thieves and learns that enemy troops have left the city to fight.

The thieves in yellow must be allowed to ambush near the city gate and seize the opportunity to seize the city gate.

Lu Xiangsheng confirmed that the city gate was safe, and he immediately led the Tianxiong army out of the city.

Here, the Tianxiong Army could hear a huge noise coming from the south gate.

Sun Chuanting at the south gate has been discovered by the thief in yellow.

The Ming troops in Dongcheng moved very quickly. They were afraid of being blocked by thieves in yellow clothes, so they all quickly ran out of Mengjin County.

The Tianxiong army led the military households and formed a military formation.

The military households held shields and swords and were at the forefront of the military formation.

The military households held torches and charged towards the yellow-clad thieves' defense line.

The Tianxiong army held muskets and followed behind the military households, looking ahead vigilantly, ready to fire a volley at any time.

The artillerymen dragged the cannons behind them, ready to set up artillery positions at any time and use the cannons to attack the yellow-clothed thieves.

Lu Xiangsheng watched the army progress smoothly.

Only a small group of thieves in yellow resisted desperately. After they realized that they could not defeat the Ming army, they immediately retreated.

Lu Xiangsheng felt that something was wrong, and the resistance of the thief in yellow was extremely weak.

From time to time, he heard fierce cannon fire from the South City Gate.

The east city gate is too quiet. The situation at the south city gate is normal.

The thief in yellow only has this level. He had already led the Tianxiong Army out of Mengjin County.

"The situation is not right, please inform everyone to suspend the attack."

Lu Xiangsheng ordered his soldiers to prepare for him to notify the front line.

Before the soldiers left, they saw the defense line of the yellow-clothed thieves in front of them suddenly bright as day.

There were several white beams of light, sweeping towards the formation of the Tianxiong Army.

Wherever the white light beam points, everything is clearly visible.

As the white light beam moved, little fire lights appeared in the formation of the yellow-robed thieves.

Especially the rattling sound is extremely harsh.

Following this sound, a large number of bullets slid across the night sky and shot towards the place guided by the light beam.


Wu Jie stared at the Ming army in the east of the city. They were far away from the city gate.

Li Dazhuang was so reckless. When Wu Jie heard the violent explosion at the South City Gate, he suddenly became very nervous.

Afraid of Li Dazhuang's attack, he directly scared the Ming army away.

Fortunately, the Ming army was very courageous and was not frightened by the loud noise in the south of the city. They walked into the encirclement of the Fourth Army.


Wu Jie picked up his rifle and fired a shot at the torch of the Ming army in front.

As Wu Jie pulled the trigger, intensive gunfire immediately erupted from the Fourth Army's defense line.

The soldiers didn't need to aim. If they fired at the torch, they would definitely hit the Ming army.

The scout turned on the carbide searchlight, and the carbide reacted violently, releasing a violent bright light.

The bright light is gathered by the lampshade, forming a thick beam of light that shines towards the area ahead.

The Ming army was illuminated by the beam of light, immediately revealing their figures.

Scouts operate carbide searchlights, mainly looking for high-value targets.

When they saw the ordinary Ming army soldiers holding shields and carrying swords, they immediately removed the lights.

It shows the Tianxiong troops advancing with muskets, as well as the artillery behind the troops.

When the carbide searchlight sees such high-value targets, the light immediately stays near these high-value sights.

Machine gunners and artillerymen see such high-value targets.

They immediately attacked the Ming army's artillery and Tianxiong army.

The rattling sound of machine guns continued, reaping the lives of the Tianxiong army.

The artillery of the Qin army aimed at the artillery of the Ming army in the rear.

The rate of fire of the breech-loading cannon is much higher than that of the front-loading cannon.

The artillerymen of the Qin army skillfully operated the artillery and fired shells one after another.

Directly suppressing the Ming Army's artillery, making it impossible for the Ming Army's artillery to provide fire support to the Tianxiong Army.

Wu Jie stared at the clock next to him and saw that twenty minutes had passed.

The Qin army continued to attack and achieved great results.

The Ming army, including the Tianxiong army, was on the verge of collapse.

Seeing that the opportunity was sufficient, Wu Jie immediately ordered the Fourth Army to charge.


"Master Lu, we can't stop you anymore, I'll take you back to the city.

The thieves in yellow have already besieged us, and if we don't leave, we won't be able to go back."

Lu Xiangsheng watched as the yellow-robed thieves rushed forward. The Tianxiong army slowly retreated, unable to withstand the intense firepower of the yellow-robed thieves.

If he leaves the military formation now, the Tianxiong Army will definitely collapse.

Not only did Lu Xiangsheng not retreat, he walked directly to the Tianxiong army formation.

"My sons, the time has come for us to be loyal to the Ming Dynasty.

Together with you, I swear to kill the enemy to the death and never retreat."

When the Tianxiong army saw Lu Xiangsheng, their morale immediately rose.

Guo Dalei, commander of the First Brigade of the First Division of the Fourth Army, saw that the morale of the Tianxiong Army suddenly rose.

When the searchlight swept over, I found a civil servant boosting morale.

"Sniper, kill this civil servant for me."

The sniper of the first brigade picked up the sniper rifle.

Sniper rifles are production lines that produce rifles with the highest accuracy.

Rifles produced on the same production line have extremely different accuracy.

The rifle with the highest accuracy is equipped with a quadruple telescope and is used as a sniper rifle.

The accuracy is the worst, and the equipment is used by the garrison and the reclamation corps.

Three snipers were lying in the trench, their guns pointed at where Lu Xiangsheng was.

When the searchlight swept over again, the light specifically stayed on Lu Xiangsheng for five seconds.

The three snipers pulled the trigger at the first opportunity.

Three bullets passed through the gap between the front row of Ming troops and headed straight for Lu Xiangsheng.

One bullet hit a Tianxiong soldier who was running forward, and the remaining two bullets hit the target.

One bullet hit the chest and one bullet hit the abdomen.

After Lu Xiangsheng was shot, he screamed and saw blood oozing out of his abdomen, and there was severe pain in his chest and abdomen.

Lu Xiangsheng felt that his life was about to pass away, and he shouted with all his strength: "Kill the thief!"

Then he collapsed to the ground and closed his eyes.

An officer of the Tianxiong Army saw Lu Xiangsheng shot and killed by a thief in yellow.

They cried out sadly: "Kill the thief and avenge Mr. Lu."

The Tianxiong army near Lu Xiangsheng's body shared the same hatred and immediately charged towards the Qin army's position.

The sound of machine guns rang out, and most of the Tianxiong troops who launched the charge fell to the machine gun bullets.

Most of the Ming army lost their will to resist when they heard that Lu Xiangsheng was killed and saw the Qin army rushing over with great ferocity.

When many people saw the Qin army attacking, they put down their weapons and surrendered.

The eastern horizon is gradually getting brighter, and the sun has not yet risen above the horizon.

Wu Jie looked at the Fourth Army that had surrounded the Ming army coming out of Dongcheng. Most of the Ming army had laid down their weapons and surrendered. This encirclement and annihilation battle was extremely beautiful.


Li Dazhuang led the main force of the Seventh Army to guard near the south city gate.

After receiving the order from King Qin Su He, he had already summoned the main force of the Seventh Army and guarded it in the trench.

He looked at the modified trebuchet next to him. This was the trump card of their Seventh Army.

More than a dozen exquisite trebuchets are rare among the Qin army.

With the continuous development of artillery, trebuchets have been eliminated by artillery.

Li Dazhuang still remembers that the first time they encountered a powerful pass like Jianmen Pass, they initially used trebuchets and fire oil tanks to attack Jianmen Pass.

Jianmen Pass is much higher than Mengjin County.

Trebuchets can be used at Jianmen Pass, and of course trebuchets can be used in Mengjin County.

Li Dazhuang silently built more than a dozen trebuchets, and he was ready to find an opportunity to use the trebuchets to throw explosive packets and destroy the cannon on the top of the city of Mengjin County.

The trebuchet has a very short attack range and needs to be close to the city wall to be effective.

The artillery on Mengjin County can easily destroy the trebuchet.

After Li Dazhuang built the trebuchet, he has been digging trenches and preparing to use the trebuchet in the trenches.

When he is almost successful, he is ready to shock everyone.

King Qin predicted that the Ming army in the city would probably rush out.

Li Dazhuang was not ready yet, but the trebuchet was barely operational.

I hope he can destroy the cannon at the top of the Ming army's city.

He wanted to wait for the Ming army to come out, so that the cannons on the city walls would mainly support the Ming army in combat, and would not specifically look for trebuchets to destroy them.

He only had one chance to attack, and it was ineffective the first time. The Ming army had a targeted defense, and the effect of the trebuchet became extremely poor.

Li Dazhuang patiently waited for the opportunity to appear.

He looked at the big clock next to the trench. It was already three-thirty-five.

"Commander, there is a situation in Mengjin County."

Li Dazhuang received the report from the guard and looked towards Mengjin County.

Only the south gate of Mengjin County was seen, a large firelight.

He saw that the east gate of Mengjin County was also lit up, and the sky was red.

When Li Dazhuang saw this situation, he clenched his fists. This was really a God-given opportunity.

He lay down in the trench, waiting for his prey to come out.

You cannot attack at the beginning to prevent the Ming army from abandoning a small number of troops and closing the city gate.

The Ming army was very vigilant. At first, they only opened a small crack in the city gate and sent people to check the situation outside the city.

After confirming that there was no ambush near the city gate, these Ming troops left the city in large numbers.

Li Dazhuang saw that the Ming army leaving the city had begun a tentative attack on the trench.

Ming troops continued to pour out of the city gates in the city.

"Launch an attack and seize the city gate as soon as possible."

Cui Xiuzhu, commander of the Third Division of the Seventh Army, heard the commander's arrangement and immediately led his soldiers to rush out.

The soldiers held rifles with bayonets fixed. After they fired a shot at the Ming army on the opposite side, they held the bayonets in both hands and rushed forward.

The Ming and Qin armies were fighting each other. It was very dark at night, and the Ming artillerymen on the city walls could not clearly see the positions of the Ming and Qin armies.

They could only fire at the Qin army's side, far away from the battlefield.

I want to try my luck and see if I can hit the Qin army.

Li Dazhuang saw that the two armies were already fighting, and the Ming army's artillery on top of the city was supporting the Ming army's battle outside the city.

"Tan Fangyuan, protect the trebuchet troops.

Su Cheng, you must be right for me, whether you can win tonight depends on whether you can knock out the Ming army's artillery on top of the city."

Tan Fangyuan and Su Cheng received the order and immediately adjusted the angle of the trebuchet.

The reconnaissance battalion of the Third Division did not hesitate to expose its position.

Use carbide searchlights to explore the main force of the Chinese army and the situation on the city walls.

They suffered heavy blows from Ming artillery on the city wall.

Su Cheng quickly adjusted the trebuchet. Today's trebuchets are all driven by springs.

The force release is the same every time, and the exact landing point of the object can be adjusted.

It can also throw objects weighing fifty kilograms ten meters high and two hundred meters away.

The trebuchets were equipped with explosive bags weighing fifty kilograms.

Su Cheng asked the soldiers to light the fuse of the explosive package.

"Start the trebuchet."

The switch of the trebuchet was turned on, and it immediately threw the explosive package onto the city wall of Mengjin County.

The shock wave of a fifty kilogram yellow explosive package is more powerful than a heavy artillery shell.

The explosive pack exploded and released a shock wave that directly knocked away the cannon on the top of the city.

A huge rumbling sound resounded throughout Mengjin County.

When Li Dazhuang saw a trebuchet attack, the artillery at the south gate of Mengjin County stopped firing.

"Zhuang Renyi, immediately lead your troops to the city wall of Mengjin County. After you enter the city, you and the third division will attack the Ming army."

Zhuang Renyi took the order, and with the soldiers of the Second Division, he climbed up to Mengjin County on a ladder.

They climbed onto the city wall and were stunned by the sight before them.

There were ruins everywhere on the city wall, and the heavy artillery they had sold to the intruders had been twisted into twists by the powerful shock wave.


Sun Chuanting was dragged by his own soldiers and hid in a fortress in the city.

Their breakout failed, and the army of thieves in yellow took advantage of their breakout, stormed the city wall, and rushed into the city.

Sun Chuanting had long expected this result.

The Ming army suffered from long-term hunger and their physical strength was not strong at all. They fought against the yellow-robed thieves for a long time and soon their physical strength was exhausted.

The thieves in yellow stormed the city wall again and directly blocked the city gate.

The Ming army outside the city was surrounded by yellow-robed thieves, and the Ming army inside the city was also defeated by yellow-robed thieves.

Sun Chuanting made three bows and nine kowtows towards the capital.

"Old minister, I am ashamed of my trust in the emperor and my cultivation in the Ming Dynasty."

Sun Chuanting stood up, took out Shang Fang's sword, and stabbed himself with the horizontal sword.

As a loyal minister of the Ming Dynasty, he must be loyal to the Ming Dynasty. He must never surrender to the thieves in yellow and sacrifice his life to serve the country and preserve his reputation.

This chapter has been completed!
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