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Chapter 269

The Ming Dynasty dragon flag on the city of Shunde in North Zhili was replaced by the military flag of the Qin army.

Su He, escorted by the guard regiment, approached Shunde Fucheng.

I saw many Qin soldiers lying on the ground in the city.

Su He simply estimated the number of casualties among soldiers in this area.

In this attack on Shunde Fucheng, the number of soldiers killed was significantly higher than before.

Su He ignored the gunshots that continued to ring out in the city.

He went directly to the field hospital in the city.

The seriously wounded have been carried by soldiers and transported to the newly built field hospital.

Mildly wounded people could only have their wounds simply bandaged by military doctors. They supported each other and went to the field hospital together.

When the soldiers of the Qin army saw Su He, they immediately saluted Su He regardless of their own injuries.

"Long live King Qin."

Su He looked at the Qin soldiers saluting and immediately stopped them, allowing these people to be treated in peace.

He also briefly understood the reasons why these people were injured.

He walked into the field hospital and saw Lu Bo, Zhu Shi of the Third Army, counting the casualties of the Qin army.

Su He had been outside the city, observing the Third Army's attack on Shunde.

Before the city was breached, everything went smoothly.

After conquering the city, the Third Army seemed to know no more about fighting, and the battle was a mess.

It took two days to completely capture the city of Shunde.

Shunde Prefecture and Daming Prefecture were about the same strength, but the Third Army was not as effective as the Seventh Army.

There was only one hundred-household residence in Shunde Fucheng, and the Ming army in the city was extremely weak.

When Lu Bo saw the arrival of Qin King Su He, he immediately stepped forward and said respectfully: "Hello principal, our third army did not fight well this time.

It was the first time that the Third Army encountered such a difficult enemy. We did not realize the cruelty of war and did not prepare in advance, resulting in very heavy casualties among soldiers."

Su He did not listen to Lu Bo's explanation and asked directly: "How many casualties are there in the Third Army?"

Lu Bo said hesitantly: "Principal, the Third Army has 683 dead and 1,842 injured, including 345 seriously injured people who have lost their combat effectiveness."

Su He heard the casualties and attacked Shunde Prefecture. The casualties were relatively high.

Su He was angry not because of the high casualties. How could there be no war without casualties?

What made him angry was the avoidable casualties.

There are fewer seriously injured people than dead. This is normal. The current medical level is not high.

Generally, only people with injured limbs can be rescued. People with injuries to the trunk will die soon.

"The casualties are quite high this time. Lu Bo, you need to count the results and learn the lessons from this war."

Su He visited the injured soldiers and officers of the Qin Army in the field hospital and learned from them how they were injured.

In this battle of Shundefu, there were some major changes on the battlefield.

Their previous enemies were all Ming troops.

The Ming army's combat characteristics were very distinctive. They rarely took the initiative to attack and usually fought defensively.

Once defeated, these Ming troops fled and surrendered very quickly, and they would not defend the city at all.

This time the opponents of the Third Army were mainly gentry regiments training and armed forces.

This civilian armed force, which was formed less than a month ago, caused huge casualties to the Third Army.

The main reason is that the gentry regiment practices armed force and does not practice martial ethics.

When they defended the city normally, their performance was similar to that of the Ming army.

All changes occurred after the Qin army captured the city.

The gentry's regiment training and armed forces did not disperse like the Ming army.

The gentry formed regiments and armed forces in order to defend their fields and property from infringement.

They continued to command their men and fought street battles with the Qin army entering the city.

It is not a normal army engaging in street fighting, but a sneak attack using various insidious methods.

They dress basically the same as ordinary people, and they also use ordinary people as human shields.

Led by a famous gentleman, small teams were formed.

They used captive women, children and the elderly to attract the Qin army's attention.

They laid traps and hid in the dark.

Use traps, crossbows and muskets to cause casualties to the Qin army.

There are still a large number of regiments and armed forces. In this small city of Shunde, the gentry have organized more than 14,000 regiments and armed forces.

The main casualties caused by the Qin army were casualties caused by carelessness and other reasons during street fighting with the regiment trainers after entering the city.

Su He learned the details of the battle, and then went to interrogate some of the captured armed members of the regiment.

Before interrogating the prisoners, Su He informed Qin Shanshui, the head of the guard regiment: "Pan Hongcai, the commander of the Seventh Army, is organizing logistics in Handan County.

You send someone on a fast horse to inform Pan Hongcai and ask him to come to Shunde City as soon as possible."


A military meeting was held in Suhe. All middle and high-ranking officers, including Pan Hongcai, who came on horseback, attended the military meeting.

He slapped the table and said: "The series of victories makes you all a little proud.

I think that the Ming army is vulnerable, and if you fight casually, you can reach Shuntian Mansion.

Everyone was in a trance, feeling that their strength was invincible, and did not take every battle seriously.

This attack on the small city of Shunde Prefecture resulted in more than 2,500 casualties.

We have a few of 2,500 people. If we attack this small town, we will suffer 2,500 casualties.

How many casualties are you prepared to pay for attacking Baoding, Zhuzhou, and Tongzhou, the cities that the Ming army focuses on defending?

Are we going to wipe out all the troops? We will end up looking at Shuntian Mansion and have no choice but to go back in despair."

Su He looked at the officers who lowered their heads. A series of victories made everyone in the army, from the commander down to the soldiers, have arrogance on their faces.

He always looked down on the Ming army, always feeling that he had a chance of victory and that the Ming army was already vulnerable.

This attack on Shunde Prefecture was due to arrogance and the Third Army suffered unnecessary casualties.

This matter may be big or small, but Su He wanted to curb the arrogance among the Qin army.

He could only use the Third Army as a model to make these officers realize that they had not won yet and were not qualified to look down on the Ming army.

Even if you are sure of winning, but you have not won the final victory, you cannot show the attitude of a winner.

Su He stared at Su Hu and asked: "In the early days of the founding of the army, I already said that anyone who does not lay down their arms is the enemy of our army.

Why didn't the Third Army carry out my will?

The war has not subsided yet, and ordinary people are hiding in their homes in fear, so they have no time to hold a welcome ceremony.

No sense of caution at all.

As a result, the Tuanlian armed forces hidden among the people made a sneak attack, resulting in a company of Qin troops being crippled."

Su Hu stood up, lowered his head and said, "Your Majesty, I was wrong.

Seeing the people welcoming the Qin army into the city, I didn't notice the hidden risks.

The success of the previous war also allowed me to judge the situation based on past experience, and I did not notice in time that the war situation had changed."

Su He saw that Su Hu had a good attitude in admitting his mistake and asked Su Hu to continue to stand and reflect.

He told many officers: "Now the war situation has changed.

According to intelligence from the secret guards and the Military Intelligence Bureau, the Ming army is shrinking its forces.

The main force of the Ming army has been transferred to Baoding and other cities that the Ming army focused on defending.

In other prefectures and counties, famous local gentry recruited people to form regiments and train armed forces.

These regiments were trained and armed to take orders from the gentry, and their methods were extremely cruel.

They will use the people as shields, and they will hide among the people and launch deadly attacks on us like poisonous snakes.

We must not be soft-hearted towards these people. They are not common people, they are our enemies.

We must never be soft-hearted towards the enemy, and when we meet the gentry on the battlefield, we must practice armed training and completely eliminate them."

After Su He finished speaking, he saw that these officers were deep in thought.

The officers of the Qin Army, especially the grassroots officers, all came from the lowest level, and many of them were poor people who were illiterate before.

The previous education of the Qin army also told them not to disturb the people as much as possible.

These officers, subconsciously, do not regard the common people as enemies.

They did not understand the difference between the people during the war and the people after the war was won.

Coupled with the Qin army's usual education and the gradually spreading arrogance in the army, a variety of factors worked together to cause the Qin army to have the idea of ​​underestimating the enemy.

Because he underestimated the enemy and did not pay attention to it, he did not react immediately and was attacked by the gentry's regiment-trained armed forces.

Suhe now wants to correct this phenomenon.

He signaled to Qin Shanshui to bring in two people from outside.

One of the people dressed as a Qin Army officer immediately saluted with a military salute and introduced himself:

"Your Majesty, sirs.

I am a commander of the Logistics Corps, all the way from Kaifeng to Shunde.

We have captured the main cities, but some counties and towns have not yet been completely occupied.

There are regiments and armed forces formed by many gentry. Several of their regiments and armed forces unite to attack the logistics supply lines and prepare to plunder the logistics supplies.

These regiments are armed and often destroy bridges and roads.

Their strength is not strong, but they continue to harass our logistics supply lines and affect the marching speed of our transportation team.

The transportation team was protected by us, and the supplies did not suffer much damage.

The regiment's armed forces are familiar with the local terrain. Once they are repelled by us, they will quickly hide elsewhere.

We were afraid of falling into the trap of luring the tiger away from the mountain, and we simply did not dare to send troops to chase them and annihilate them."

After the officer finished speaking, Su He asked him to stand aside and wait, and asked the man kneeling aside: "County Magistrate Zhu, according to the information I know, in other places, gentry form regiments to practice armed forces.

It is still very rare for you, the magistrate of Xingtai County, to personally form a regiment and practice armed forces."

"Bah, you are free to kill or chop me into pieces. It is simply impossible for me to surrender.

I am at odds with you thieves in yellow."

Su He looked at the magistrate of Xingtai who looked like he was ready to die.

He waved his hand and asked the guards to start the torture.

Just after the ordinary punishment was applied, Zhou Zhixian's screams rang out.

"Forgive me! I'll do it. I'll do anything."

Su He asked the security team to stop the torture and wait for Zhou Zhixian to confess.

When Zhou Zhixian saw that the Qin army stopped torture, he kept gasping for air.

I used to torture others, but this was the first time I experienced it personally. This feeling of life being worse than death was so uncomfortable.

"King Qin, I am the magistrate of Fukuo County.

There are very few things to manage, and I heard the news that the imperial court is organizing a team training.

I teamed up with the gentry in Shunde Prefecture to organize a regiment training, hoping to resist the Qin army's attack in Shunde Prefecture.

These gentry were in need of someone to take the lead, and I still had a certain prestige in Xingtai County. With the strong support of the gentry, I quickly formed a regimental training force.

People who care about face usually lose it.

The face that others give to this person is derived from other benefits from this person.

This is why in life, honest people are easy to bully.

You, the Qin army, are the masters of benevolence and righteousness, and gentlemen can bully them.

Since the teacher of benevolence and righteousness wants the face of benevolence and righteousness.

In order to maintain the reputation of a benevolent and righteous army, the King of Qin did not care about the casualties of Qin soldiers.

I have carefully studied the Qin army's fighting methods.

As long as you pretend to be a commoner, you will be able to easily approach the Qin army.

Even if we replace one Qin soldier with several regiment trainers and cause huge damage to the Qin army, we will still win.

The number of the Qin army is limited, and the casualties are too great. The army cannot bear it and will retreat.

We control the wives and children of these team members.

For generations, they have relied on the gentry to survive, even if they were to perish together with the Qin army.

These team coaches must also act under pressure.

Their ability to withstand casualties is much higher than that of the Ming army.

The most important thing is that these team members will not surrender and will fight until the last moment.

Because they surrendered, their families would be executed.

I learned these tactics from the Gao family of Zhending Mansion.

We also learned about the tactics of strengthening walls and clearing fields from Zhending Mansion.

Loot all the food from the disobedient people and use them to consume the Qin army's military supplies.

Our people were blending in and took the opportunity to attack and kill the Qin army.

Let Qin Jun look at every citizen, his eyes full of hatred.

In this way, the Qin army will inevitably massacre the people.

Only by mobilizing all the people and uniting millions of people can the Qin army be blocked from Beizhili.

Because the Qin army came too quickly, the city was captured by the Qin army before we even started the subsequent operations."

When Su He listened to the introduction from the magistrate of Xingtai, he just felt that these people were too naive.

Most of the people are illiterate, but they can still tell which people are good to them.

If these gentry want to use this method, it will only be counterproductive.

Su He pointed at Zhou Magistrate County and said to the officers: "Have you seen that these gentry and their minions are extremely cruel.

Before they surrender, they are extremely ferocious enemies and must not be spared.

You must remember that kindness does not control troops, and when dealing with enemy troops, you must fully demonstrate the violent side of the army.

If your subordinates make mistakes, you cannot let them go lightly and cover up their mistakes.

Don't show any kindness to the enemy until they surrender.

As long as the war is not over, all those who point weapons at us are enemies.

Even if they are old, weak, women and children, we must not hold back."

Su He once again reiterated the combat philosophy that the Qin Army has always practiced.

He issued several orders at the same time.

The Third Division of the Third Army, which had the highest casualties this time, was given a serious offense by the entire army, and the entire army was criticized.

Adjust the officers of the Third Division of the Third Army.

The garrison army is responsible for occupying the cities and towns along the northern Zhili route. If it is short of manpower, it can supplement its manpower through logistics teams and prisoners.

The gentry regiments and armed forces were classified as enemies of the same level as the Ming army.

When there are civilians on the battlefield, it is assumed that they are armed gentry regiments, and you can fire directly without identifying their identities.

When the Qin army was training its armed forces to suppress the regiment, it did not deliberately kill civilians who accidentally injured them, and generally did not deal with them.

Su He knew that when he issued these orders, some people would be accidentally injured.

However, we can effectively combat the gentry regiment training and armed forces, and we must not allow the gentry regiment training to become a climate here in Beizhili.

This chapter has been completed!
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