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Chapter 297

Su He led his troops to Zhuzhou, but he found that the Qin army's flag had been set up on the top of Zhuzhou city.

"Su Hu's combat effectiveness has become so strong. In such a short time, he was able to capture Zhuzhou, which was heavily defended by the Ming army."

Su He was a little surprised. He thought Zhuzhou could stop them for ten days and a half.

He led the main force of the Qin army to Zhuzhou City.

Su He learned more about the Zhuzhou campaign from Su Hu.

Su Hu's eyebrows were beaming and he said: "Your Majesty, our third army was overwhelming Zhuzhou. Wu Sangui knew that the Ming army could not stop our army, so he fled from Zhuzhou in a hurry.

Captain Bai Yuangui discovered that Zhuzhou East City Gate was not closed in time.

He immediately seized the east gate of Zhuzhou in time, creating favorable conditions for the army to enter the city.

The third army entered Zhuzhou City, and most of the Ming army had just been awakened from their deep sleep.

We directly blockaded the Ming army's camp and caught turtles in an urn.

The Ming army's combat effectiveness was not strong, and very few Ming troops dared to resist.

Only the imperial eunuch Fang Zhenghua and his royal guards resisted desperately.

Our army directly used machine guns and artillery to destroy them."

Su He understood the reason why the Third Army captured Zhuzhou so quickly.

People like Wu Sangui value their own life and wealth more than anything else.

In history, for the sake of one's own glory and wealth, one can directly surrender to foreigners.

Now it was discovered that he could not withstand the Qin army's attack and abandoned the city directly.

Su He asked: "You sent the reconnaissance cavalry to track the direction of Guan Ning's army's escape. Do they have any news back?"

Su Huhui reported: “They have sent back the news.

Guan Ning's army galloped eastward and then turned southeast.

Looking at the direction in which Guan Ning's army is heading, they are preparing to enter Shandong."

Su He recalled the situation in the North Zhili region.

"Qin Shanshui, write down my order and give it to the staff department for distribution to the relevant troops."

Qin Shanshui took out a pencil from his pocket and immediately prepared to record Su He's order.

"Inform the cavalry in Changping and ask them to dispatch their entire army to pursue Guan Ning's army.

We do not seek to eliminate the Guan Ning Army, but we must drive this Guan Ning Army completely out of the Northern Zhili area.

We cannot let this Guanning army affect our plan to attack the capital, nor can we let them cause havoc in the North Zhili area.

Order the garrison troops from all over the city to strictly guard the city, and report the movements of Guan Ning's army in a timely manner."

The cavalry did not play much role in siege warfare.

Su He directly sent them to pursue this Guan Ning army.

Based on his understanding of Wu Sangui, Wu Sangui would definitely not dare to stay in the Beizhili area.

He is preparing to go south to Shandong, which has not yet been captured by the Qin army.

Su He believed that Wu Sangui had a simple idea. If the capital was captured by the Qin army, the Ming crown prince would definitely ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor.

He took a large number of troops to join the crown prince, and by then he would become an important minister of the Ming Dynasty's small court.

At that time, his status will be different, whether he is using the emperor to control the princes, or selling the small court of the Ming Dynasty for a good price.

At that time, Wu Sangui had a choice.

Su He thought that Wu Sangui was overthinking, that he was a white-eyed wolf, and he would not dare to accept him as his subordinate.

The result of waiting for him is to be buried together with Daming.

The Qin army left part of its troops to collect prisoners of the Ming army from Zhuzhou City.

The main force continued to attack north.

The Ming army along the way had no fighting spirit, and in many places the Ming army abandoned the city and fled.

The Ming army generals in the North Zhili region have been able to clearly see the situation that is gradually becoming clearer.

It will be difficult for the Ming Dynasty to survive this disaster, and they will not die for the Ming Dynasty.


Su Hu captured Huangcun, south of the capital, and received a notice from King Su He of Qin that he no longer needed to attack the north.

The Third Army is stationed in Huangcun.

4333 (the ninth year of Chongzhen), April 30th.

Su He led the main force and set up camp here in Huangcun.

Su Hu immediately came to Su He's camp. He saw Su He dipping a pen in ink and writing orders by hand.

Su He saw Su Hu coming in. He had known that Su Hu would come to him, so he told the security team in advance and did not stop Su Hu.

He put the written order aside and said: "You want to ask why we stopped at Huangcun and didn't continue to attack the capital.

Where do you want to hit? Do you want to hit Yongding Gate?"

Su Hu immediately nodded and said: "Your Majesty, we still have a lot of ammunition left.

I was on a state-by-state basis and didn’t use much ammunition at all.”

Su He waved his hand and said, "It's easy to say we'll hit Yongding Gate.

The Ming army is on the verge of life and death, won't they still resist?

If we move towards the capital, the Ming army will be ready to defend the city and mobilize the people in the capital to go to the city wall to defend the city.

After the war starts, it cannot be interrupted midway and the capital must be captured.

Even the Mongols would not do this kind of disorderly fighting.

I will hold a military meeting here in Huangcun to discuss the plan to attack the capital with the Fourth Army and the Seventh Army.

At that time, our four armies will act together according to relevant plans, and each army will be responsible for one city wall."

Su He simply explained, and he sent a guard regiment with orders written by himself to the hands of the Fourth Army and the Seventh Army.

The soldiers of the guard regiment rode fast horses, and Su Changsheng sent secret guards to lead them to Changping and Tongzhou.


Li Dazhuang stood on patrol on the city wall of Tongzhou. Their Seventh Army had just captured Tongzhou.

He somewhat admired the eunuch Cao Huachun. He was a capable man with extremely superb political skills.

Cao Huachun mobilized the Ming army in Tongzhou City to actively defend the city, and sent a large number of young men to defend the city.

If the quality of the Tongzhou city wall hadn't been so poor that it was directly destroyed by heavy artillery, Cao Huachun would have been able to hold on to Tongzhou for a long time.

"Master Pan Zhu, the Fourth Army has been in Changping for a long time.

Our army has also captured Tongzhou, but there is no news about the main force yet?"

"Two days ago, the large cavalry force was transferred to the southeast to pursue Guan Ning's army. When they passed Tongzhou City, they brought news of the main force.

The main force has already captured Zhuzhou, and I estimate that it won't be long before they reach the capital.

We sent troops to clean up the area around Tongzhou, and the reconnaissance battalion came back and said that they had seen the main force of our army's scouts near Huangcun.

I estimate that the main force will arrive at Huangcun soon, which is not far from us."

Li Dazhuang looked outside the city. The main force had already captured Zhuzhou and the reconnaissance camp had arrived at Huangcun, which was very close to the capital.

The battle to attack the capital is about to begin.

Their Seventh Army has made all preparations and is ready to go to war at any time.

Li Dazhuang suddenly saw three fast horses coming from the southwest toward Tongzhou City.

The vague clothing on one of them can be seen as the military uniform of the Guard Regiment.

When Pan Hong saw this situation, he said: "Commander, let me go over and see who they are."

Li Dazhuang also walked down the city wall and waited for Pan Hong to return.

Pan Hongcai returned quickly and handed a newly opened envelope to Li Dazhuang.

"Commander, this is the king's personal letter."

Li Dazhuang opened the letter and read its contents carefully.

King Qin Su He has already led the main force to garrison in Huangcun, south of the capital.

King Su He of Qin asked the Seventh Army to send a military commander, chief of staff or military commander to attend a meeting in Huangcun to study how to attack the capital.

They must reach Huangcun before May 10th.

Li Dazhuang felt pity, and he said to Pan Hongcai: "Your Majesty, why do you only ask us to send one person from the Seventh Army?

I am going to meet the king, and I will leave the seventh army to you and the chief of staff."

Pan Hongcai guessed: "Your Majesty doesn't know the specific situation of our two armies.

We don't know if any senior officers are ill or injured, so we can only choose to send the appropriate candidates.

Like Chief of Staff Duan, he is now exhausted because he is not acclimatized to the climate.

After taking three decoctions plus allicin, my health improved.

With his current physical condition, he certainly cannot travel far.

The day before yesterday, the capital sent people to support the Ming army in Tongzhou, which we had just defeated. They will not send troops into the city for a short time. There is no fighting in Tongzhou for the time being.

Commander, just feel free to go!

Remember to bring Admiral Zhang from the Navy, the King should ask about the Navy."

Li Dazhuang arranged the Seventh Army, and he brought with him Navy Admiral Zhang Wanfeng and a guard company of more than 100 people.

They rode towards Huangcun.

From Tongzhou to Huangcun, the surrounding area was scouted many times by the reconnaissance battalion of their Seventh Army. There was no large Ming army here.

If you encounter some broken troops with dozens of people, there won't be much of a problem if there is a guard company.

Li Dazhuang had an uneventful journey and arrived at Huangcun at noon on May 4th.

Su He learned that Li Dazhuang and Admiral Zhang Wanfeng of the Third Fleet of the South China Sea Fleet had arrived in Huangcun.

He immediately met Li Dazhuang and Zhang Wanfeng in the Chinese army's tent.

Su He asked Li Dazhuang in detail about the current situation of the Seventh Army and the performance of the Seventh Army's march after they separated from the Chinese Army.

Li Dazhuang briefly talked about the experience of the Seventh Army.

After Su He listened, he ordered:

"Dazhuang, you go to the camp to rest first. After the representatives of the Fourth Army arrive, we will study the plan to attack the capital."

Li Dazhuang took the order and withdrew from the Chinese army's tent.

Su He asked Zhang Wanfeng to come over and sit opposite him.

"Zhang Wanfeng, how much weapons and ammunition does your navy transport to the north this time? Is it convenient to transport them near the capital?"

Before Zhang Wanfeng entered the big tent, he had already thought about the questions that Qin King Su He might ask.

He had already thought about this problem and brought the goods list.

Zhang Wanfeng handed the cargo list to the soldiers of the guard regiment next to him.

"Your Majesty, this is a detailed cargo list. The Seventh Army organized prisoners from Tianjin City to serve as trackers to help us tow the transport ship.

The navy carries a large number of transport ships. As long as the canal is open, it can ensure that these materials are continuously transported to the front line.

The naval transport fleet has traveled to and from the canal many times, and there have been no problems for the time being."

Su He read the cargo list and saw that such a huge quantity was enough for four armies to attack the capital.

He looked at Zhang Wanfeng and said, "I didn't even expect that your navy could come near Tianjin.

Tell me about the history of the navy and the situation on the southern battlefield."

Zhang Wanfeng was extremely excited and told King Su He of Qin about his naval experience in detail.

He did everything in detail, from taking the navy to sea from Guangzhou to cooperating with Zhang Yuliang of the Eighth Army to use leapfrog tactics to capture Fujian.

The navy surrendered to Zheng Zhilong, defeated the Western Yi coalition, and captured the large island of Taiwan.

He also heard about the specific progress of the First Army.

He didn't know much about the Qin army in other places, so he just mentioned them briefly.

Zhang Wanfeng finally talked about his experiences on the journey north from Fujian.

He talked from noon to dusk before finishing all his experiences.

Zhang Wanfeng's story was extremely difficult. During the story, King Su He of Qin interrupted him from time to time and asked him about some details in detail.

Zhang Wanfeng thought carefully about what he could recall. If he couldn't remember it, he could only say that he didn't understand it. He didn't dare to make it up.

After Su He listened to Zhang Wanfeng's story, he learned about the situation in the Navy and Jiangxi and Fujian.

As expected, Su Xiong attacked Jiangxi very quickly.

Su Xiong's tactic for attacking Jiangxi was to use strong troops to bully weak troops.

The Jiangxi area is mountainous. After crossing the Nanling Mountains, the main force of the First Army can directly reach Nanchang through waterways.

Su Xiong abandoned other prefectures and counties and directly attacked the core cities of Jiangxi.

Other places in Jiangxi will be slowly conquered later.

This method of siege is extremely fast and can only be used by powerful forces.

Zhang Yuliang has a very flexible mind. He was trapped in the artillery before, so he was buried.

Seeing that the navy was powerful, he wanted to use the leap-frog tactic to capture Fujian as quickly as possible.

Zhang Yuliang's leapfrog tactic is very immature, but the flaws are not concealed. He can create a new tactic, which is already better than many army commanders.

Zheng Zhilong of Fujian indeed made the same choice as in history.

He doesn't have much ambition at all. He is just a big pirate who wants to make a fortune and want to be an official to ensure the prosperity and wealth of his family.

If there is a chance to clear his name, he will not give up.

The navy's most gratifying performance was the defeat of the combined fleet of the Dutch and Portuguese.

Taking the big island of Taiwan, Taiwan and the Ryukyu region to the north built an island chain.

They are controlled by the enemy, and they are chains that can block China at any time.

It is controlled by our own side. It is an unsinkable aircraft carrier and the most powerful fort on the sea.

The navy has captured this series of islands, which will be the best base for the navy to send troops to the ocean in the future.

The navy severely attacked those Western colonists, letting those people know that this place belonged to their sphere of influence.

Su He smiled and praised: "The Navy has done a very good job.

If you can fight and dare to fight, these battles will be fought very beautifully."

When Zhang Wanfeng heard the praise from King Qin Su He, he took advantage of King Qin's happiness and said: "Your Majesty, I will rush all the way from Guangdong to Beizhili.

We found that our maritime territory is very huge, and the current navy has too few people to take care of such a huge maritime territory."

When Su He heard this suggestion, he admired Zhang Wanfeng's ability.

The current number of people in the South China Sea Fleet are not enough to guard the ships in the southeast region, let alone China's huge maritime territory.

The navy will definitely need to expand.

Su He said with a smile: "Zhang Wanfeng, if you have any good suggestions, you can write a memorial and submit it to me."

When Zhang Wanfeng heard Qin Wang Su He say this, he clenched his fists.

He is now only one step away from success.

As long as the content of this memorial can satisfy Qin King Su He.

It is very possible for him to become the governor of a new fleet.

Zhang Wanfeng had nothing to report, so he bowed and left, going back to write a memorial.

May 6th.

Fu Xiucheng, chief of staff of the Fourth Army, came to Huangcun with a regiment of soldiers.

Su He held a military meeting involving senior officers of the four armies to discuss plans to attack the capital.

This chapter has been completed!
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