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Chapter 309 South to Shandong Qufu Kong Family

Wu Jie led the Fourth Army from northern Zhili to the south and easily captured Jinan Prefecture in Shandong Province.

The Fourth Army is stationed outside Jinan City, and the garrison accompanying the army is clearing out the remnants of the Ming Army in counties near Jinan.

Here in Shandong, only Shi Kefa from Yanzhou Prefecture has a certain amount of troops.

Wu Sangui, who was previously stationed in Jinan City.

Before the Qin army attacked Shandong, they heard rumors of the demise of the Ming Dynasty.

Wu Sangui led his troops and ran towards the southern area.

"Chief of Staff Fu, you continue to organize the army and prepare for war. I will go to the Shandong Governor's Yamen to take a look.

This place is a bit far from the Yellow River, and the materials shipped from Henan cannot be sent directly to Jinan through the Yellow River.

Current military supplies still need to be circulated through the North Zhili region.

In order to facilitate the attack, our army carries a large number of weapons and ammunition.

Only a very small amount of food was carried.

Shandong is a major grain-producing province, and we hope that Shandong can solve the food problem of the army.

In this way, our army can continue to attack and capture the remaining prefectures in Shandong as soon as possible.

The current military strength here in Shandong is extremely weak. When the generals of the Ming army heard the news of the demise of the Ming Dynasty, they also had mixed thoughts.

After Shi Kefa sorts out people's hearts and prepares the army for war, our attack on Shandong will be in a lot of trouble."

After Wu Jie finished speaking, he took a carriage into Jinan City and went straight to the Shandong Governor's Yamen.

He was going to meet Zhang Youfeng, the governor of Shandong, and hoped that Governor Zhang would be appointed as the governor of Shandong from the position of Minister of Rites.

He is not the kind of scholar who can find ways to get food.

The current situation here in Shandong is that their Fourth Army not only cannot buy food, but also has to spend a lot of military rations to help the hungry people.

Wu Jie came to the Shandong Governor's Yamen. This was the original office location of the Shandong Governor in the Ming Dynasty. It can be used directly after modification.

After reporting his identity, he was invited into the government office to wait for Zhang Youfeng, the governor of Shandong.

Zhang Youfeng heard the report from his subordinates and was inspecting the officials in Shandong.

He immediately returned to the Shandong Governor's Yamen and met with Wu Jie, commander of the Fourth Army.

Now the military is attacking Shandong. As the governor of Shandong, he must prioritize the military's affairs.

Only if the military can capture Shandong quickly can he, the governor of Shandong, play his greatest role.

Zhang Youfeng was transferred from the position of Minister of Rites to governor of Shandong.

In the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty, this meant being demoted.

It was easy for the Minister of Rites of the Ming Dynasty to enter the cabinet.

But in the officialdom of the Qin Palace, this was a signal for promotion.

King Su He of Qin personally said that only officials who had served as local governors could enter the cabinet.

If Zhang Youfeng had been serving as the Minister of Rites and the Six Ministers, he would have reached the top.

Now that he has become the governor of Shandong, as long as he makes no major mistakes in the local area and makes certain achievements.

With Zhang Youfeng's qualifications and achievements, it will not be difficult for him to enter the cabinet.

"Hurry up and serve tea to Commander Wu Jie. I'm really sorry. I just came back because I have something to do."

Zhang Youfeng sat opposite Wu Jie and said politely.

When Wu Jie saw Shandong Governor Zhang Youfeng rushing back, he said straight to the point: "Governor Zhang, our Fourth Army has something to ask of you.

Now here in Shandong, can we raise a batch of grain?

This batch of grain is huge and needs to supply 60,000 people for two months.

The Ming army here in Shandong was extremely weak and their will to resist was not strong.

Our army has enough weapons and ammunition, but the weapons and ammunition can be used sparingly, but the food consumed by the army every day will not be reduced.

I am confident that I can capture all of Shandong within two months.

If food can be prepared here in Shandong, our Fourth Army can quickly launch attacks on other prefectures in Shandong.

After the logistics department delivers the grain, your locality will write it off with the logistics department.

I am borrowing food from your place, not asking for food from the place."

Zhang Youfeng was not surprised at all when he heard Wu Jie's request.

He followed the army of King Qin and knew that various provinces along the way were very short of food due to the superposition of natural and man-made disasters.

Food can only be shipped from Shaanxi, and a lot of it is collected from Sichuan.

The logistics transportation line is very long and needs to be transported to many places, such as the Liaodong region where food is even more scarce.

As a result, the food for each army can only be maintained in a sufficient state, and the transportation time is still a bit long.

Zhang Youfeng said with a smile: "Commander Wu Jie, our Shandong Governor's Yamen can meet your request.

After the army captured Jinan, I and the officials who came with me established the Shandong Governor's Yamen and the corresponding government Yamen.

We have already investigated the vassal palaces and gentry here in Shandong.

These people hoarded a lot of food.

Some grains are severely moldy and can only be used to brew industrial alcohol.

Some of this food will be left to ensure the survival of the people, and the rest can be temporarily used as military rations."

Zhang Youfeng had only seen the practices of these feudal kings and gentry in newspapers before.

Now that he is dealing with it himself, he realizes that what they did is just the tip of the iceberg.

Wu Jie sent troops to attack Jinan City before. He found that the official Taicang didn't even have a mouse and had been empty for a long time.

He had some doubts before, whether the grain collected in Shandong could be used?

Wu Jie heard that the governor's office in Shandong now had a lot of grain.

He smiled and said: "Governor Zhang, thank you for the help of the Shandong Governor's Yamen.

Once food enters the camp, our army will move as quickly as possible to conquer other areas of Shandong."

Zhang Youfeng said happily: "Then I wish Commander Wu Jie a great victory.

Our Shandong governor's office can not only raise a large amount of grain.

Many people here in Shandong do not have enough to eat, and countless people starve to death every day.

The Shandong Governor's Yamen is conducting work-for-relief work.

But there are too few jobs now, and there is no way to accommodate so many people.

One of our ideas for working-for-relief is to support the military.

Our Shandong governor's office can remove fifty to sixty thousand young and strong supporting troops.

The Fourth Army does not lack young people to carry out tasks, such as transporting some food, weapons and ammunition."

Wu Jie is worried about the shortage of manpower in the army.

In order to rush to repair the Yellow River embankment, Henan absorbed too many young people.

The young people in the Northern Zhili region were unable to recruit many young people due to the invasion of slaves and the war.

The logistics department is currently a little short of manpower.

The transportation of food and materials is slow, partly due to lack of manpower.

Wu Jie smiled and thanked: "Thank you Governor Zhang for your help.

If there are enough young people to help us transport supplies, our army will march faster."

Zhang Youfeng saw that Wu Jie agreed, and the two of them began to discuss in detail the procedures and scale of the young men's support of the army.

Zhang Youfeng and Wu Jie discussed everything and asked: "Commander Wu Jie, will your Fourth Army attack Yanzhou Prefecture next?"

Wu Jie took a sip of tea and briefly introduced the situation to Zhang Youfeng.

None of this information is confidential information from the military.

As the governor of Shandong, Zhang Youfeng is qualified to know this information.

"Governor Zhang, our Fourth Army is divided into two groups, one of which marches eastward into the Shandong Peninsula.

Capture Qingzhou Prefecture and Denglai area.

The main force of the Fourth Army will attack Yanzhou Prefecture, where Shi Kefa's troops of the Ming Dynasty are currently entrenched.

We want to eliminate the Ming army there and station troops in the border areas between Shandong and South Zhili.

Look for opportunities to attack the southern Zhili area and cooperate with other friendly forces to capture Nanjing City."

Zhang Youfeng heard the general marching route of the Fourth Army.

He requested: "Commander Wu Jie, I have an unkind request. I would like to act with the Fourth Army.

In addition to serving as the governor of Shandong, I also manage the government affairs of various parts of Shandong.

There is another important responsibility.

The king asked me to deal with the Kong family in Qufu and the Yanshenggong residence of the Kong family.

Qufu is in Yanzhou Prefecture, on the path that the Fourth Army must pass through."

When Wu Jie heard this request, he immediately nodded in agreement.

Qufu is a small county town. It is easy to capture this small county town, but it has the behemoth of the Kong family.

Wu Jie is not good at writing, but he knows the influence of the Kong family in Qufu in Shilin. He is a hedgehog.

When a civil servant accepted this hedgehog, he felt more relaxed.

The Fourth Army received a large amount of grain transported by the Shandong Governor's Yamen, and tens of thousands of young men and women helped them transport supplies.

The Fourth Army immediately took action.

The first division, Han Shuliang, attacked Qingzhou Prefecture and Denglai area eastward and captured the Shandong Peninsula.

Wu Jie led the main force of the Fourth Army and went straight to Yanzhou Prefecture to kill.


Yanshenggong Mansion, Qufu, Shandong.

Kong Yinzhi, the sixty-fourth generation grandson of Confucius and the contemporary Yanshenggong, was discussing matters with Mr. Su of the Confucius Mansion.

Kong Yinzhi frowned and said: "The Ming Dynasty has died, and King Su He of Qin has conquered the world. What should we, the Kong family, do now?"

When Kong Yinzhi said this, wasn't he thinking about what the Kong family should do?

Yan Shenggong's knees are very weak. Whoever conquers the world will immediately kneel down and surrender.

Yan Shenggong was Shilin's front man, as long as the emperor of the new dynasty wanted to gain Shilin's support.

We must win the support of Yan Sheng Gong Mansion. They Yan Sheng Gong Mansion will definitely win forever.

Yan Shenggong is the mascot and does not have much power.

But they can also control the resources of Qufu, a county town, which is enough for them to live a life of luxury and debauchery.

Ninety percent of the land in Qufu is under the name of Yanshengong Mansion, and all the people in Qufu are slaves of their Yanshengong Mansion.

The older generation is not easy to talk to, so Kong Yinzhi's legitimate son Kong Xingxie immediately said: "Now the Ming Dynasty's Governor Shi Kefa is stationing troops in Yanzhou Prefecture.

Our Duke Yan Sheng's Mansion is under the eyes of others, so we don't dare to report to the King of Qin.

There is a team of Ming troops guarding our house, so something extraordinary like this happened.

Those Qiu Ba carrying knives really rushed into Yanshenggong's mansion and caused massacres, what can we do?"

As soon as Kong Xingxie said these words, everyone present fell silent.

They are still Duke Yansheng of the Ming Dynasty, so these Ming soldiers dare not harm them.

Once they change the court under the eyes of the Ming army, who knows what will happen.

No matter how stupid a person is, he will not do such stupid things under the pressure of a butcher's knife.

Kong Xingxie's words aroused discussion among the Kong family.

"King Su He of Qin, because he was born as a tenant farmer, he hated the gentry very much.

Will he attack our Yan Shenggong Mansion?"

When Kong Yinzhi heard this, he immediately yelled angrily: "Don't be alarmist.

The King of Qin is about to ascend the throne and proclaim himself the emperor, and his mind encompasses the whole world. How could he not be able to accommodate our mere Yanshenggong Mansion?

We are a memorial arch held high.

Keeping us in Yanshenggong's Mansion will prove that the King of Qin attaches great importance to scholars.

This was extremely beneficial to the King of Qin and the new dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang, the Hongwu Emperor who founded the Ming Dynasty, also looked down upon Yanshenggong Mansion.

But in order to maintain the stability of Ming Dynasty, I pinched my nose and admitted it.

King Qin Su He is a smart man and he will not do stupid things.

At most, our Yanshenggong Mansion received some insults in the new dynasty, which is no problem.

As long as we endure it for a generation or two, we will return to normal."

Kong Yinzhi was talking eloquently when the door of the room was suddenly pushed open by the housekeeper.

His expression changed and he yelled angrily: "What's going on with you? You don't know we are discussing something.

Go and receive the punishment yourself."

The butler's expression changed. If he really wanted to be punished, half his life would be lost.

He said quickly: "Mr. Yansheng, something big happened here in Qufu.

Superintendent Shi Kefa led the army to fight against the Qin army. They did not hold back for even a day before the Ming army was defeated by the Qin army and collapsed.

Supervisor Shi Kefa fled in embarrassment with the remaining soldiers of the Ming army.

The Qin army attacked the city and captured the territory, and now it has entered the city of Qufu.

Our Yanshenggong Mansion is surrounded by the Qin Army."

When Kong Yinzhi heard the news, he was all smiles.

"It's okay. The Qin army has already attacked. I will go up to the table and ask the King of Qin to proclaim himself emperor to show the sincerity of our Yanshenggong Palace."


Zhang Youfeng has been operating behind the main force of the Fourth Army.

After the Fourth Army defeated Shi Kefa's Ming army and captured the city of Qufu, they entered Qufu.

He was not alone. He took officials from many yamen in Shandong to deal with Duke Yansheng's Mansion.

Zhang Youfeng looked at a young man beside him.

This is Zheng Ziliang, the top candidate in the imperial examination, now the director of the secretariat, and a confidant around King Su He of Qin.

Zheng Ziliang cupped his hands and said, "Governor Zhang, the King has made new arrangements for the Confucius family in Qufu.

Arrange for me to come over and assist Governor Zhang in dealing with the Kong family in Qufu.

Guilty members of the Kong family will be dealt with according to the law.

The rest of the Kong family were exiled to the border areas and asked to educate the foreign races in the border areas.

Let foreigners learn from Confucian benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom and trust.

Foreign races learning these things will be beneficial to our rule.

All the land owned by the Kong family was given to ordinary people.

Yan Shenggong's Mansion was directly converted into a Confucius Temple.

From now on, scholars will only worship the saint Confucius, and there will be no Duke Yan from the beginning of the new dynasty."

Zhang Youfeng listened to Zheng Ziliang's story about Qin King Su He's method of dealing with it.

It was gentler than the treatment he had received before, and easier for readers to accept.

Zhang Youfeng and Zheng Ziliang came to the door of Kong's house and looked at the splendid mansion.

Tian Dagua, commander of the third division of the Qin Army's Fourth Army, saluted them and said: "The commander ordered me to follow your arrangements and ask for instructions from the commander."

"Storm into Confucius' mansion and arrest everyone.

Anyone who dares to resist will be shot on the spot."

After Zhang Youfeng's order was issued, the Qin army immediately kicked open the door of the Kong family in Qufu and led troops directly into the Kong family.

When Kong Yinzhi saw the Qin army rushing in, he was frightened and froze.

The servants of the Confucius Mansion were used to being arrogant. They always looked down on the soldiers. During the Ming Dynasty, no soldier dared to rush into the Confucius Mansion.

They subconsciously wanted to stop the Qin army.

With a few gunshots, these servants were killed directly.

Tian Dagua yelled: "Whoever dares to resist will be shot on the spot."

Zheng Ziliang saw the Kong family in Qufu, and everyone was quickly arrested by the Qin army.

He looked at Zhang Youfeng and said: "The two of us should work harder and identify the people from the Kong family in Qufu as soon as possible.

Those who deserve to be put to death shall be put to death, those who deserve to be exiled shall be exiled.

From now on, there will be no Yanshenggong Mansion."

Zhang Youfeng said: "Sage Kong once said that the virtue of a gentleman will be cut off in five lifetimes.

It’s time for the Duke Yansheng’s Mansion, which has been passed down for thousands of years, to die.”

This chapter has been completed!
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