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Chapter 323 New Dynasty New Deal

Su Xiong listened to His Majesty's arrangements for the military.

As the Deputy Governor of the Governor's Office and Minister of the Army, he stayed in the center to manage the Royal Army of China.

Li Qingmu, Marquis of Zhenhai, serves as the deputy governor of the governor's office and the minister of the navy.

He also stayed at the center to manage the Royal Navy.

The navy has added two new fleets. In addition to the South China Sea Fleet, it has also added the Northern Fleet and the East China Sea Fleet.

Northern Fleet Governor Zhang Wanfeng, the fleet's military ports are Lushun Port and Qingdao Port.

Feng Sanqiu, the governor of the East China Sea Fleet, has the fleet’s military ports at Wusong Port and Ryukyu Port.

The army did not change much. Su Zhuang, Duke of Song Dynasty, took charge of the Southwest Dudufu.

Zhang Yuliang, the Duke of Fujian, commanded the Southeast Governor's Mansion.

Xianghou Su Li was in charge of the Central Plains Dudu Mansion.

Wu Jie, Marquis of Cai, commanded the Northwest Governor's Mansion.

Now there are only small-scale wars in northern Saibei and large-scale wars in Liaodong.

The Duke of Cao, Li Dazhuang, and the Duke of Wei, Su Hu, continued to lead troops to eliminate the slaves.

The main responsibility of the governor's offices in various places has been transformed into the work of suppressing bandits.

Wang Zhongce was awarded the title of Duke of Zheng. While he was overjoyed, he listened to the imperial edict read by Zheng Ziliang, the general envoy.

He listened carefully to the content of the imperial edict and the governors of various provinces.

Basically, they promote prefects and officials from the six ministries who have made outstanding achievements in recent years.

Governors who performed well in the early stage were also promoted to wealthy provinces this time.

Xu Youlin, the prefect of Kuizhou, was promoted to governor of Hetao, and Wei Shiming, the former governor of Hetao, was promoted to governor of Jiangsu.

A group of officials were released from outside the Six Ministries, and a group of officials entered the Six Ministries.

Du Yuan, the prefect of Hanzhong County, was promoted to Minister of the Ministry of Personnel.

The status of Hanzhong County has been improved and is equivalent to that of a province.

Du Yuan was promoted to governor of Hanzhong on the same spot, which was a promotion too fast.

As a meritorious person, His Majesty chose to promote Du Yuan to the Ministry of Personnel.

Su He waited until Zheng Ziliang, the general envoy of general affairs, read out the imperial edict awarding officials.

He looked at the military generals and ordered: "The governors of each local governor's office will take their posts as soon as possible with their troops.

The governor's power supported the army and completely wiped out banditry across the country.

The bandit who occupies the mountain as king, the remaining soldiers of the Ming Dynasty.

We must wipe out all of them without leaving a single one behind.”

Officers such as Su Xiong and Li Fengming immediately stated that they would eradicate the banditry as soon as possible.

After Su He ordered the military, he looked at Prime Minister Wang Zhongce and said: "Wang Zhongce and Wang Aiqing, the new dynasty will implement new policies, and the cabinet will announce the new dynasty's new policies."

The new policies implemented by the new dynasty have been determined through the imperial meeting.

The cabinet promulgates it and orders governments at all levels to implement it.

After Wang Zhongce bowed and saluted, he said:

"According to His Majesty's instructions, the government and the private sector will have one day off for every six working days.

Important festivals will also have corresponding holidays.

A major meeting is held every seven days, on the first day after the holiday.

When major events occur, officials will be summoned to attend the court meeting.

The time for the imperial meeting starts at nine o'clock in the morning."

Wang Zhongce read out the time for the court meeting, and the civil servants breathed a sigh of relief.

During the Ming Dynasty’s imperial gathering, one had to get up before dawn to attend.

For many officials, it was torture.

Now that the time for the court meeting has been changed to 9 a.m., officials will have ample preparation time.

That is, the Great Chao Meeting is no longer held every day, but is held once every seven days.

This change is not very good. His Majesty the Emperor is suspected of being lazy in his administration.

Just after Wang Zhongce finished reading this policy, Wu Cheng, the governor of Shuntian, stood up and bowed to Su He first.

He then suggested: "Your Majesty, hold a court meeting every seven days, won't it take too long?

I suggest holding a large court meeting every three days, the time interval is more appropriate."

When Su He listened to Wu Cheng's proposal, he saw the expressions of some civil servants, who were also more supportive of Wu Cheng.

"I believe that some minor matters in the government can be handled by the six ministries and the cabinet.

In case of major emergencies, large court meetings can be held in time.

Holding a court meeting every seven days allows officials to have more time to prepare."

No specific issues can be discussed at the general meeting. Most of the time, numerous interest groups attack each other.

Major affairs of the country can be decided at the imperial meeting.

Su He believes that when there are no major emergencies, it is more appropriate to wait for seven days between major court meetings.

Emperor Wanli of the Ming Dynasty did not go to court for decades, and the Ming Dynasty did not collapse at that time, but the root of its collapse was laid.

Su He motioned to Wang Zhongce to continue.

Wang Zhongce looked at the civil and military officials and continued: "The tax policy implemented in our dynasty can be summarized as the officials and gentry all pay the grain together, and the grain is divided into acres.

No one or company has the right to tax exemption, and everyone must pay tax.

The royal family and government-run businesses also need to pay taxes.

Regarding agricultural taxes, the head tax will be completely abolished, all assessments and miscellaneous taxes will be cancelled, and all agricultural taxes will be merged into field taxes.

For farmers, there will only be one tax levied in the future, and that is the field tax."

When Wang Zhongce mentioned this tax system, all the officials present looked surprised.

The head tax has been a tax for thousands of years.

It can bring huge amounts of income to the court every year.

When His Majesty raised troops, there was no poll tax in the northwest and Sichuan.

That is to allow the people to recuperate and recuperate.

Now that the country has been unified, the poll tax has been abolished. This is really surprising.

Apportionment and miscellaneous taxes are extremely effective ways for local officials to oppress farmers.

In some places, the apportionment and miscellaneous taxes were more than the land taxes collected by the imperial court.

But no official refuted the tax policy.

Now taxation is not under the jurisdiction of local officials, nor is it under the jurisdiction of the cabinet and the six ministries.

The sole responsibility for taxation lies with the State Administration of Taxation.

Officials just ask His Majesty for money every year.

Su He looked at this policy and it passed smoothly in the court. He was a little surprised that no official objected.

The poll tax is an ancient tax.

When he collected taxes from the people, he never collected a poll tax.

Charging a poll tax is not conducive to population growth.

The popular folk custom of infanticide is closely related to the poll tax.

If you raise a baby boy, he will become a laborer after he reaches the age of twelve or thirteen, and the benefits he brings will be enough to offset the head tax.

Baby girls need to pay taxes, but they cannot provide labor for the family.

This led to people starting to drown female infants in large numbers.

Abolish the poll tax and cooperate with the township government welfare home.

The population of the Dahua Dynasty will usher in explosive growth.

Previously, the poll tax was essentially abolished, but it was never officially announced.

This time, we took the opportunity of promulgating the New Deal to completely abolish the poll tax from the system.

At the same time, the land tax is stipulated to be unified, and then if officials collect other taxes from the people, it is corruption and perversion of the law.

Only one type of tax is collected, which is very easy to identify and the people can see it clearly at the first time.

Wang Zhongce continued to talk about the new policies of the new dynasty.

“Enko will be held on October 10th this year and next year on the Imperial Examination Day.

The Ministry of Rites immediately began to prepare for Enke and told the world about it."

Song Kangnian, the Minister of Rites, immediately stood up and said confidently:

"The Ministry of Etiquette is ready.

The Ministry of Rites has long been preparing for the imperial examination and has sorted out the Gongyuan and other imperial examination offices in the capital.

And make corresponding changes in accordance with His Majesty's new policy on imperial examinations. After the examiners have finished setting the questions, the Ministry of Rites can start the imperial examination at any time."

The officials in Huangji Palace, when they heard that the encore was being held, immediately prepared to involve their relatives and friends.

The Enke examination process in the Dahua Dynasty was the same as the normal imperial examination process, with only two differences.

The first difference is that Enke increased the number of people admitted to Jinshi.

According to past practice, if 150 Jinshi were admitted in the normal imperial examination, Enke would admit at least 300 Jinshi.

This will increase the opportunities for scholars to go to high school.

The second difference is that Enke recognized the identity of the Ming Juren.

In the Ming Dynasty, people did not need to participate in the imperial examination of the new dynasty, but could directly participate in the Enke examination.

Enke only had two years. After two years, anyone else who wanted to take part in the imperial examination must obtain the status of a member of the new dynasty.

This year's and next year's imperial examinations will be the only opportunities for the Ming Dynasty to succeed.

Your Majesty has unified the world, and most of these Ming Dynasty candidates will come to take part in the imperial examination.

Han Chuang studied hard for ten years just to be admitted as a Jinshi and become an official.

The Dahua Dynasty is already the only dynasty, and these people from the Ming Dynasty will never miss this opportunity.

Wang Zhongce looked at Wu Donglin, the minister of Dali Temple.

He said solemnly: "The new dynasty was established and His Majesty ascended the throne.

Your Majesty will issue an edict of amnesty to the whole world.

This imperial edict only pardoned captured Ming soldiers.

As for the remaining criminals in Daming's cell.

The three yamen of the Provincial Dali Temple, the Provincial Procuratorate, and the Criminal Department jointly conduct inspections in various places.

Those who are indeed guilty will be sentenced according to the "Dahua Law"

Those who are falsely accused will be released in court."

Wu Donglin, Li Yuanzheng, and Su Yan immediately stood up.

They all expressed that they would sort out the prison records accumulated in the Ming Dynasty in accordance with His Majesty's orders.

Su He granted amnesty to the whole country, but only chose to pardon the Ming soldiers who had been captured before.

They had destroyed the Ming Dynasty, and these Ming armies that were relatively loyal to the Ming Dynasty lost their unified command.

Without weapons and food, they are just ordinary civilians.

They went through labor reform and eliminated those who were hostile to the new dynasty.

When these people are released into the market, they will just become ordinary strong laborers.

The world is settled, and they have no chance of causing chaos.

Su He did not choose indiscriminate amnesty for those in Ming Dynasty's prison cell.

Pardoning some extremely vicious criminals is extremely unfair to the victims.

There must be a lot of wronged people in Ming Dynasty's prisons.

Suhe will only send out three law divisions to go to various places to sort out grievances.

He saw that Wang Zhongce had already finished talking about several new policies of the new dynasty.

The conditions for these new policies are only now complete for implementation.

There are also several new policies with significant impact that are being prepared.

Su He looked at Li Yuanzheng, the censor of Zuodu of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and asked: "Li Yuanzheng and Li Aiqing, the interrogation of Ming officials and nobles.

How is the Metropolitan Procuratorate going?"

Li Yuanzheng bowed and replied: "Your Majesty, the Metropolitan Procuratorate has basically finished interrogating the officials and nobles of the Ming Dynasty.

The previous trial had been completed by Wu Cheng, the governor of Shuntian.

We went to the procuratorate, fixed the evidence, and tried it again.

Most of these officials and nobles come from extremely wealthy families.

The Ming Dynasty was very poor. There were many nobles and cabinet officials, and their annual income was more than the Ming Dynasty's annual income.

Thirty percent of the military pay sent by the Ming Dynasty to the front line did not leave the Household Department."

Li Yuanzheng smiled and said: "Your Majesty, these people are also responsible for our easy victory."

After hearing this, Su He laughed and ordered: "Now that the Metropolitan Procuratorate has completed its investigation, it will be handed over to Dali Temple to put these people on trial, and the people will be allowed to watch."

Wu Donglin, the Minister of Dali Temple, received this order and immediately stood up and said: "Your Majesty, our Dali Temple will complete the trial as soon as possible.

Publishing the crimes of these people in newspapers will give the people a clear understanding of the corruption of the Ming Dynasty."

"Wu Aiqing's method is very good. Just follow Wu Aiqing's method to interrogate these Ming officials."

Su He finished giving instructions on interrogating Ming officials.

He then looked at Tian Jiapeng, Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Rites, dean of the Academy of Sciences, and Hanlin scholar.

The Hanlin Academy was an institution that trained cabinet officials in the Ming Dynasty.

Cabinet ministers of the Dahua Dynasty must have experience in local governance and no longer need training from the Hanlin Academy.

The Hanlin Academy of the Great China Dynasty, its main function was the National Intelligence Corps.

The Hanlin Academy maintained a large number of scholars who provided professional advice to the emperor and the cabinet.

The Hanlin Academy is also responsible for the task of compiling history books.

"Tian Jiapeng and Tian Aiqing, the Hanlin Academy compiled the history of the Ming Dynasty.

There is no need to vilify the Ming Dynasty, and there is no need to vilify what the Ming Dynasty did.

As long as the actions of the Ming Dynasty are recorded truthfully.

I believe that every scholar can distinguish right from wrong."

After hearing Su He's instructions, Tian Jiapeng immediately replied: "Your Majesty, please rest assured that the Hanlin Academy has compiled the records of the Ming Dynasty.

We will look at what Daming did in an objective manner and record it carefully."

Everything has been arranged for this big court meeting.

Su He asked Zheng Ziliang to declare the next dynasty, and all the civil and military officials withdrew from the Huangji Hall one after another.

Wang Zhongce took the cabinet members to Wenyuan Pavilion, waiting for the emperor's summons at any time.

Su Xiong and Li Fengming went to the Governor's Mansion in Wuying Pavilion.

The other officials came out of the Meridian Gate, walked out of the Chengtian Gate, and returned to their respective yamen outside the Chengtian Gate.

Among them, the Criminal Department, Dali Temple and Duchayuan are the farthest from the imperial palace. They are located in Fucai Fang in the west of the capital.

The first great meeting of the Dahua Dynasty came to an end.

Su He returned to Qianqing Palace, where he met with Su Changsheng, the commander of the Xuanwu Guards.

"Er Gouzi, have all the princes of Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty been arrested?

Hongguang Emperor Zhu Cihong, is there any news about him?"

Su Changsheng said in a solemn tone: "Your Majesty, all the princes of Emperor Chongzhen have been captured.

Zhu Chunchen, Duke Cheng of Ming Dynasty, and Zhou Kui, Bo of Jiading, took the initiative to offer their princes.

Based on this news, our Xuanwu Guards left and captured all the princes in the capital.

When Hongguang Emperor Zhu Cihong was conquering Nanjing, he was taken away by Li Ruolian, the commander of the Jinyi Guards.

The city of Nanjing was in chaos at that time, and the army was unprofessional. Li Ruolian found an opportunity to escape.

After we took over, we investigated and found that Hongguang Emperor Zhu Cixiang had already fled overseas."

After Su He heard the whereabouts of Prince Chongzhen, he ordered: "These princes of Chongzhen.

Children are not much of a threat, so keep them in captivity and let them live out their lives safely.

Hongguang Emperor Zhu Cixi ran well, and it would be great to escape overseas.

This will be an excellent reason for us to send troops overseas.

It is still very important to have a well-known teacher.

The Xuanwu Guards just need to keep an eye on the movements of Hongguang Emperor Zhu Cihong, and don’t need to spend too much energy tracking them.”

Su Changsheng took the order and continued: "Your Majesty, we captured Dongchang and Jinyiwei and found out after interrogation.

Some of our officials are secret agents of the Ming Dynasty, what should we do with these officials?"

Su He thought for a moment and then ordered: "There is no need to hold the ceremony publicly, as this is not conducive to the stability of the current court.

I thought I was using Xuanwu Guard to remove the grinding wheel and kill the donkey.

Let these people die due to accidents or diseases.

If there is evidence that they have taken bribes and violated the law, arrange for someone to report it to the Metropolitan Procuratorate."

Su Changsheng asked a few more questions and took the order to leave Qianqing Palace.

Su He looked at the report compiled by the General Affairs Department.

The treasury of the Great China Dynasty is almost dry, and it must find ways to increase the revenue of the treasury.

The funds raised by bonds have been fixed and cannot be used.

The cash taken from the homes of Ming officials was circulated in the bank mint and used as funds to build factories.

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There are also some silver coins distributed to soldiers of the royal army.

Su He awarded knighthoods to the officers.

For the soldiers at the grassroots level, what they want most after this great victory is real silver coins.

Su He fulfilled their wish and distributed ten taels of silver coins to each soldier.

As a reward for their victory.

Soldiers and officers who have made meritorious deeds but are not knighted will be given more silver rewards by the court.

This chapter has been completed!
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