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Chapter 334: The Capture of Edo

4334 (1637 AD), January 15th.

"The east wind blooms thousands of trees at night."

"This big firework celebrates the Lantern Festival for us."

"It's a small country with no battleship in its navy.

The Japanese Navy dared to take the initiative to attack the East China Sea Fleet, who gave them the courage?"

Feng Sanqiu, Governor of the East China Sea Fleet, stood on the deck of the battleship Han Wudi.

He looked at the burning Edo Port ahead.

On the sea in front of the port, the wreckage of the Japanese naval warship was burning on the water.

Hu Nanzhu, the Commander-in-Chief of the East China Sea Fleet, said disdainfully: "You are a guy who overestimates your capabilities.

How dare the Japanese navy use such an old warship with few cannons.

Attack top-of-the-line sailing battleships equipped with hundreds of cannons.

This kind of naval battle with completely unequal forces will not fail even if a pig is put in command."

Feng Sanqiu coughed and said, "Master Hu Zhu, this metaphor is not appropriate."

"Governor, you are just trying to liven up the atmosphere. This is not about winning the battle, it is about making everyone happy."

After Hu Nanzhu finished speaking, he suppressed his smile and shouted to the rear: "Zheng Cai, come here and introduce us to the situation in Japan."

Zheng Cai nodded and walked over quickly, he said flatteringly:

"Master Feng, Master Dong, Master Hu, I would like to introduce to you the situation in Japan.

The nominally tallest person in Japan is the emperor.

But in fact, the emperor has no power at all.

There were several emperors in Japan who almost starved to death.

In the imperial family, no heir is willing to become emperor.

The person with the highest power in Japan was the shogun. All military and political affairs came from the shogunate. The Tokugawa shogunate is now in charge.

The current shogun is Tokugawa Iemitsu, who is the actual ruler of Japan."

Zheng Cai gave Feng Sanqiu and others a detailed account of the situation in Japan.

Hu Nanzhu said angrily: "It's just a small country, but it dares to call itself the emperor.

He was just a Japanese king, and the Ming Dynasty named him the Japanese king.

In our Dahua Dynasty, the Japanese country may not exist in the future."

Feng Sanqiu nodded and said: "I understand this, holding the emperor hostage to order the princes.

This is what Prime Minister Cao did during the Three Kingdoms period.

Prime Minister Cao's son directly plotted to usurp the throne.

Listening to your story, the Tokugawa shogunate failed to take over the Japanese throne for several generations."

Zheng Cai mostly heard about the situation in Japan.

How could he understand such a profound question?

Zheng Cai stuttered a few words and said: "Master Feng, the Tokugawa shogunate is only the largest prince in the Japanese country, and he has not yet unified the Japanese country.

The Japanese country was still in the era of feudal feudal rule.

The closer the princes were to Edo, the better their relationship with the Tokugawa shogunate.

The farther away the princes were from Edo, the worse their relationship with the Tokugawa shogunate was."

Feng Sanqiu suddenly realized: "If you say that, I understand the situation in Japan.

By analogy with the history of our country, they are still in the Spring and Autumn Period.

All the great princes joined forces vertically and horizontally, but they still provided for a false king.

The Tokugawa Shogunate is equivalent to the Five Hegemons of our Spring and Autumn Period."


Kotari Gengoro jumped down from the carriage and ran towards the general's mansion rolling and crawling.

When he saw a samurai blocking him, he immediately reprimanded: "Get out of the way, I want to meet General Tokugawa Iemitsu immediately."

A majestic general came out of the general's mansion after hearing the sound.

He saw Kori Gengoro who was in a stalemate with the samurai.

"Goro-kun, you are not the navy who led the navy to resist Dahua, why did you return so quickly?

I didn’t even expect that Wulangjun was so powerful and had already defeated Dahua’s navy.”

When Gengoro Kotari saw Tokugawa Iemitsu, he immediately fell to his knees and said sadly: "Sir General, our navy has been completely destroyed."

When Tokugawa Iemitsu heard this news, he couldn't believe it.

Kicking Kori Gengoro over, he said angrily: "You destroyed all of our more than 200 large ships in two hours.

After you were defeated, you actually escaped alone, which made you lose face as a warrior.

Go ahead and commit seppuku yourself."

Gengoro Kotari heard that General Tokugawa Iemitsu ordered him to commit seppuku.

He immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly: "General, the enemy we encountered this time is really too powerful.

Their firearms are sharp, and with the firearms we produce, they are no match for these people.

This was not a mistake in my command, but the ships we used were simply unable to withstand the enemy's artillery fire."

Tokugawa Iemitsu didn't want to hear Gengoro Kori's explanation at all.

"Lock him up. Since he doesn't want to commit hara-kiri to atone for his sins, then wait until I defeat the enemy and ask the question personally."

Tokugawa Iemitsu immediately summoned the troops from Edo Castle to assemble.

Among them, 20,000 elite shogunate soldiers served as the main force to resist the Dahua Navy.

These shogunate soldiers who used matchlock guns were the greatest source of confidence for the Tokugawa shogunate.

The navy was defeated and he wanted to prevent the enemy from landing.

With this powerful army in hand, how could the enemy land in Edo?


The East China Sea Fleet quickly approaches Edo Port.

Feng Sanqiu called all the officers of the four Marine Corps regiments of the East China Sea Fleet to the battleship Han Wudi.

He explained the strategic goals of the East China Sea Fleet to these officers.

"Our East China Sea Fleet Marine Corps only has four regiments of 5,000 people.

You must use the power of machine guns and artillery and try to destroy the enemy's ranks with artillery fire.

We have eliminated the Japanese navy. If you fight near the coast, you will have naval guns to support you.

You begin to build a beachhead to hide your own firepower and attract the enemy to attack you.

The enemy does not know the range of our naval guns.

There is a high possibility that they will take the initiative to attack you when they see that you are outnumbered.

If this strategy is successful and most of the troops in Edo Castle are destroyed through naval guns, we will be able to successfully capture Edo Castle.

Our goal this time is just to capture Edo Castle.

Use the strength of our East China Sea Fleet to force the Japanese nation, demand war reparations from the Japanese nation, and at the same time open the closed market of the Japanese nation."

Feng Sanqiu finished talking about the general strategic plan of the East China Sea Fleet.

Ask Chief of Staff Dong Scale to explain to these people in detail the combat missions of each regiment.

Feng Sanqiu stood on the deck of the battleship Han Wudi.

He used binoculars to observe the situation at the port.

"Holy crap, this is the smoke coming out of my Feng family's ancestral grave. I didn't expect my luck to be so good."

Feng Sanqiu was extremely surprised. He saw through the telescope that there were about 10,000 Japanese troops.

They lined up in a dense formation, holding matchlocks in hand, and stood ready at the Edo port.

The soldiers holding matchlock guns were the most elite soldiers of Japan.

They were directly within the range of the naval guns and did not need marines to attract enemy troops. These Japanese troops came to their doorsteps on their own.

Feng Sanqiu immediately informed each warship through semaphores.

All warships are close to each other before attacking, and the range of the naval guns cannot be exposed in advance.


Tokugawa Iemitsu stood on the roof of the Shogun's Mansion. Using the telescope transmitted from Taisei, he saw a huge navy approaching the port outside the Edo port.

"My navy was completely wiped out. Each of the Dahua Navy warships was extremely large, and the artillery on board was too powerful.

I got news some time ago that the giant Ming Dynasty has been replaced by the newly rising Dahua.

Unexpectedly, Dahua chose to expand outward and set its first target on our Japanese country.

Even if there is no divine wind to protect me, I will definitely teach the Dahua Navy a profound lesson.

Tell them that this place belongs to our Tokugawa family and no one should be allowed to touch it."

Tokugawa Iemitsu looked at the troops used as bait, and his performance was pretty good.

This army was mainly composed of a small number of warriors and a large number of farmers.

Once the Dahua Navy approaches, the forts hidden near the port will destroy the Dahua Navy.

Tokugawa Iemitsu was very well-informed. He knew that the behemoth of the West, the extremely powerful Ming Dynasty, had changed its dynasty.

They were replaced by the newly rising and more powerful Dahua.

The shogunate closed the country to prevent Japanese people from leaving the country.

After they come into contact with foreigners and gain broad knowledge.

It was not conducive to the rule of the Tokugawa Shogunate.

Tokugawa Iemitsu stood on the roof, looking at the Dahua Navy in the distance.

He saw that the Dahua Navy was out of range of the shore forts, and they had already moved the warships across.

A large number of cannons on the sides of the warship opened fire immediately.

Intensive shelling quickly covered the troops at the port.

The farmers pretending to be an army immediately fell into chaos after receiving a large-scale bombardment.

Tokugawa Iemitsu frowned and ordered: "Execute the second plan, we are using Edo Castle to resist Dahua's navy.

Don't get close to the shore, their warships' gunfire is too powerful.

I don't believe that the Dahua Navy can go ashore.

Even if all the sailors can get ashore, there are only a few ships loaded with troops, so how many people will there be.

After a few more days, the Tokugawa shogunate's troops in various places will be able to support Edo one after another.

Even our troops in Edo Castle can hold back the small amount of Dahua Navy that came ashore."


Feng Sanqiu saw the Japanese troops at the dock, being blown up by naval guns and running around.

The East China Sea Fleet had every advantage at the beginning.

"Order the Marines to attack."

Feng Sanqiu gave the order, and the Marines charged to the shore in small boats.

The small boats used by the Marine Corps have rapid-fire cannons and machine guns mounted on the bows.

These two weapons can provide powerful firepower in a short period of time and help the Marine Corps seize the beachhead position as soon as possible.

Feng Sanqiu saw the ships following the Marine Corps charging.

Some thatched houses on the edge of the port fired a large number of solid shells, preventing Marine Corps ships from docking.

These thatched houses are all camouflaged by forts.

"Inform all ships to concentrate on firing the forts on the shore to assist the Marine Corps to land as soon as possible."

The guns of the major warships in the East China Sea Fleet immediately roared.

With its ultra-long range and powerful power, the forts on the shore were quickly destroyed by the navy.

The Marines suffered little loss and landed at Edo Port.

Feng Sanqiu saw the Marine Corps and had already set up a beachhead position.

He led the warships of the East China Sea Fleet near the dock.

Chief of Staff Dong Scale saw the situation on the battlefield and analyzed: "The Japanese army was very vigilant. It should be our navy that quickly destroyed the Japanese navy.

The huge firepower displayed scared these Japanese."

Feng Sanqiu looked at the main force of the Japanese army, all huddled in Edo Castle.

He smiled and said: "What are the Japanese soldiers doing?

They want to start a street fight with us in Edo Castle.

Street fighting is difficult because there is no way to use heavy weapons for fear of accidentally injuring civilians.

This is in an enemy country, how could we not use heavy weapons?

Notify the battleship Han Wudi to prepare its main guns and be ready to launch a bombardment at any time.

Inform the Marines and allow them to use heavy weapons in the city."


"Company Commander, these Japanese are so stupid! They actually formed a dense formation and used the three-stage shooting tactic of matchlock guns to fight us.

But they were cut like wheat by machine guns. Most of the Japanese soldiers were killed, and only a few Japanese soldiers escaped."

Company commander Sun Wei said: "These Japanese just don't know how powerful machine guns are.

You see, they no longer take the initiative to fight with us.

Instead, use the courtyard to fight us."

Sun Wei shouted to the rear: "Hurry up and bring me the cannon, smash the wall of this courtyard, and use the cannon to open a road."

The artillerymen quickly pushed the 120 artillery gun over, and aimed the thick muzzle forward.

Sun Wei looked at the Japanese troops hiding behind the courtyard wall, and he immediately ordered: "Fire and destroy these houses."

The cannon immediately roared and blew down the low courtyard wall in front.

Sun Wei led his men to charge directly and quickly defeated the Japanese army here.

Feng Sanqiu stood on the deck of the battleship Han Wudi.

He saw four regiments, like four sharp knives, thrust directly into Edo Castle.

They used cannons to clear the way, and the Japanese army used old matchlock guns, which had no way of resisting them.

Feng Sanqiu saw the direction of the second regiment, and three green signal flares were raised.

This is when the Marine Corps encountered a difficult enemy and asked for help from the warship.

The artillery staff measured the coordinates of various places in Edo Castle on the main mast of the battleship Hanwu Emperor.

As long as the enemy is within the range of the battleship's main guns, the Marine Corps can call for reinforcements.

After receiving the request for help, he immediately adjusted the elevation of the main gun of the battleship Han Wudi.

After a huge boom, the shells hit the target accurately with a scream.


A general with his face covered in blood walked up to Tokugawa Iemitsu.

"Sir General, Dahua's army has too sharp firearms. This cannot be compensated by the number of troops. We cannot stop them.

General, please evacuate the city quickly and wait until the main force arrives before retaking Edo Castle."

Tokugawa Iemitsu also saw the battle just now, and Dahua's troops ashore were only 5,000.

He has 20,000 elite soldiers and 50,000 miscellaneous soldiers.

At the beginning, I could resist with numbers.

Until the warships on the beach opened fire and huge shells fell.

Each shell can take away dozens or hundreds of people.

Dahua naval guns continued to shell, and the morale of their army had collapsed.

"Inform our confidants to evacuate Edo Castle immediately.

You personally lead people to greet the emperor. If you cannot bring the emperor out of Edo Castle, you must not let him fall into the hands of Dahua."

The Japanese shogunate Tokugawa Iemitsu immediately withdrew from Edo Castle with his confidants.


Feng Sanqiu heard the cannon fire in Edo Castle subside.

He knew that the Marine Corps had completely eliminated the resisting enemies in the city and captured the most important city in the Japanese country.

This chapter has been completed!
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