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Chapter 340: Recapture Shenyang

April 12, 4334 (1637 AD).

The 3rd Division of the 7th Army of the Royal Army of China arrived outside Shenyang City.

Cui Xiuzhu saw a cavalry unit running around Shenyang City outside Shenyang City.

He heard the cavalry keep shouting at the top of Shenyang City.

"We are all Han people, we should not serve as servants to the Jian slaves.

Before, you just assisted the slaves to do evil things, and you could survive by cutting off the slaves' heads."

"Brothers, don't forget that we are all Han Chinese.

You should be alert, Dahua's army will soon besiege the city.

The Jiannu do not trust you at all, and they will definitely attack you.

For the lives of yourself and your family, you must try your best to resist.

We will soon be able to storm the city and save you from the sea of ​​fire."

When Cui Xiuzhu heard these words, the cavalry division was using words to break down the resistance of the Han Army Banners and at the same time alienate the Eight Banners soldiers and the Han Army Banners.

Zhang Wansi, commander of the First Cavalry Division, saw that the main vanguard force had arrived.

He was finally relieved that he didn't have to worry about the remaining Eight Banners soldiers in Shenyang City escaping.

They broke through the Eight Banners' defense lines eight days ago.

The Eight Banners soldiers they encountered were all older cavalrymen with a strong will to fight.

Even though these Eight Banners cavalry were older, they still caused more damage to the cavalry division than some strong Eight Banners cavalry.

These Eight Banners cavalrymen tried to rush into the ranks of the cavalry division at all costs, despite the hail of bullets.

The cavalry division was initially attacked by a sudden attack, resulting in certain casualties.

After discussion, Zhang Wansi, Hong Han and Han Mingtong decided to use ranger tactics to wear down the Eight Banners cavalry, which had a strong will to fight.

They didn't realize at first that the main purpose of these Eight Banners cavalry was to delay their actions.

They destroyed this group of Eight Banners cavalry, arrived at Shenyang City, and rescued the enslaved Han people.

From these Han people, we learned that a few days ago, a large group of cavalry was heading north and northeast.

They immediately realized that Jiannu knew that they could not resist the attack of the Dahua army, and they had already withdrawn from Shenyang City in advance.

After Zhang Wansi's simple test, Shenyang City was indeed relatively empty. They were operating outside the city and did not see many elite archers.

Found a large number of Han military flags and old and weak Eight Banners soldiers guarding the city.

Even on the city walls, women can be seen.

They immediately realized that Shenyang City had been abandoned by the slave builders.

After they discussed it, they must not allow the main slave-building force to escape easily.

Hong Han pursued the Jiannu who fled to the north, and Han Mingtong pursued the Jiannu who fled to the northeast.

Zhang Wansi stayed behind to join forces with Su Hu and others, and was responsible for coordinating the Liaodong Governor's Office and the Cavalry Division.

After Hong and Han left, he had been commanding the First Cavalry Division to test Shenyang City's defenses.

At the same time, soldiers with loud voices were sent to shout to the top of the city to let the Han army flag know when it had lost its way.

These defectors who defected to foreign races and faced life and death crises would never be buried with their masters.

Through this kind of propaganda, it can also alienate the Jiannu's trust in the Han military flag.

Zhang Wansi could tell from the increasing number of slave women on the city wall that the slaves were wary of the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty.

At some important points of city defense, the Jiannu no longer used the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty.

Cui Xiuzhu and Zhang Wansi had a simple exchange.

He learned about the current situation in Shenyang City.

Cui Xiuzhu sighed, a little disappointed with the situation in Shenyang City.

The main force of the slave establishment did not dare to confront them head-on and had already fled.

There are only old, weak, sick and disabled people in Shenyang City, so it has become a useless place.

Cui Xiuzhu immediately sent troops to cooperate with the cavalry division to establish a defense line outside Shenyang City.

The current Shenyang City is not worth his efforts.

Cui Xiuzhu chose to do her part well and could not let the slaves of Shenyang City escape again.


April 15, 4334 (1637 AD).

Su Hu led the main force and rushed outside Shenyang City.

He finished listening to Zhang Wansi's report.

Su Hu was not surprised at all and said: "The main force of the slave establishment fled immediately after receiving the news of our departure.

The Jiannu have been frightened by us, and they are no longer worthy of being my opponents.

In which direction do you think the main force of the slave establishment will flee?"

Li Dazhuang guessed: "Jiannu chose to divide into two groups and escape.

This should be the three cunning rabbit holes to prevent them from being wiped out by our army.

The escape direction of the slaves is relatively easy to guess.

I think Chief of Staff Qin and Chief of Staff Duan Duan’s guesses were more correct at that time.

Jiannu fled in two directions: north and northeast.

This corresponds to the mountainous areas in the north and Korea in the east.

It seems that Jiannu's fear of us has penetrated deep into his bones.

None of them dared to attack Andongfu southward and take the smoothest route into North Korea.

Instead, they chose to cross the mountains in northern North Korea and enter North Korea from the north."

After Li Dazhuang finished speaking, he asked: "Commander Su Hu, we have sent the battle report to the capital.

Does His Majesty have any new instructions, such as whether the slaves fled to North Korea and whether we launched an attack on North Korea?"

Su Hu said: "According to the time, the imperial edict should have arrived at the camp three days ago. It may have been delayed due to unexpected circumstances.

We can fight all the way north to Nurgan, but whether we can attack North Korea must wait for your Majesty's exact news.

Korea must be a vassal state, which is related to the overall strategy of the dynasty, and we cannot act on our own initiative."

As soon as Su Hu finished speaking, Zhu Shi Lu Bo of the Third Army rushed in from outside.

"The transport ship encountered rough waves, and His Majesty has sent us an imperial edict."

Su Hu immediately took the box containing the imperial edict from Lu Bo's hand.

He took out the first imperial edict from the box and briefly glanced at the remaining contents of the edict.

“Your Majesty’s imperial edict arrived just in time.

Your Majesty has ordered us to send troops to pursue Jiannu.

Especially the banner owners of the Eight Banners, such as Dorgon, Yue Tuo and others.

Even if they run to the ends of the earth, we will chase them down and impose the death penalty on them.

To build slaves and massacre Han people, we must pursue them to the end."

Zhang Wansi said with some worry: "Commander Su, North Korea must be a country.

Has His Majesty given us a definite reply and authorized us to attack North Korea?"

Su Hu directly handed the imperial edict to Li Dazhuang, Zhang Wansi and others for viewing.

After Zhang Wansi read it, he breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Commander Su, I leave Shenyang City to you.

I immediately rush to the junction of Liaodong and North Korea, and I go to rendezvous with the 3rd Cavalry Division.

Our cavalry division serves as the vanguard, if North Korea wants to fight to the end.

Our cavalry division, as the vanguard, will attack first."

Su Hu nodded and said: "That's okay, the cavalry division won't play much role in the siege.

You don't need to bring too much luggage, our Liaodong Governor's Mansion can quickly eliminate the remaining forces of the slaves.

By then, the road from Liaodong to North Korea will be opened, ensuring that there will be no logistical problems."

Zhang Wansi nodded, expressing his understanding.

Then he said goodbye and left, leading the cavalry division to pursue the building.

After Li Dazhuang read the imperial edict, he said: "Commander Su, only the old, weak, sick and disabled are left in Shenyang City. If the third army is left, we can guarantee the capture of Shenyang City.

Our Seventh Army is prepared to pursue the remnants of the slave-building troops who fled to Korea in accordance with His Majesty's orders.

If the Jiannu did not flee to North Korea, the Seventh Army could seize Fushun and other areas and continue to search for traces of the Jiannu to the north."

After Li Dazhuang read the imperial edict, he was a little tempted.

Now only the old, weak, sick and disabled are left in Shenyang City, and it is not worthy for both armies to attack together.

Capturing this empty city with only the old and weak will not gain much military merit.

If the country of North Korea is eliminated, it will be a war of national annihilation, and the military merits gained will be far more than if one stayed here in Shenyang.

Su Hu heard Li Dazhuang's request, and he did not compete with the Seventh Army for the task of chasing the remnants of the Jiannu.

"Cao Guogong wants to share your Majesty's worries, so let's divide our forces and take action."

"Commander Su, I will leave Shenyang City to you. Our Seventh Army will immediately launch an attack to the east."

Li Dazhuang accepted the military order and continued to march eastward with the officers of the Seventh Army.

The cavalry division was responsible for chasing the main force of Jiannu, and the Seventh Army was responsible for attacking the city.

After Li Dazhuang left, Su Hu was in the military camp, arranging a battle plan to attack Shenyang.

The officers were not very interested, and Shenyang City was now almost an empty city.

Su Hu sent the Third Army to launch a tentative attack on Shenyang City.

Through this attack, the city's defense situation in Shenyang City was explored and the weak areas of Shenyang City's city defense were found.

At the same time, people were sent to fill in the moat outside Shenyang City to open up the road to attack Shenyang.

In the evening of that day, after the Third Army withdrew its troops and returned to camp, Su Hu held another combat meeting.

None of the officers present objected to the arrangements made by Su Hu.

But after the Seventh Army left, some officers of the Third Army showed envious looks on their faces.

When Su Hu saw the behavior of these people, he certainly knew what these people were thinking.

"Do you think that I voluntarily gave up the credit to the Seventh Army?

I complained in my heart, why I have military merits and don’t think about my direct subordinates.

Some people may still resent me in their hearts, thinking that I have become the Duke of the country and no longer lack military merit, so they take the initiative to pretend to be generous."

After Su Hu finished speaking, he saw some officers showing embarrassed looks.

These people are not very qualified, and they cannot express their emotions or anger through color.

Su Hu once again took out an imperial edict.

He looked at the shocked eyes of others and said with a smile: "You think His Majesty only issued an imperial edict.

Now that the Dahua Dynasty has entered the formal stage, many things must be regulated.

This time, Your Majesty issued an imperial edict on a certain aspect of matters.

This imperial edict is to promote the Liaodong Governor's Palace to the Northeast Governor's Palace.

And established the Tenth Army under the jurisdiction of the Northeast Governor's Mansion.

The Tenth Army is mainly stationed in the area north of Heilongjiang.

Establish a new Tenth Army. If Cao Guogong is still here, will he compete with us?

Princess Cao Guo requested to leave, why should I stop her?"

When the officers of the Third Army saw this imperial edict, they all smiled.

The Royal Army of Great China has not built a new army for a long time.

During this period, many students who graduated from military academies joined the army.

They can only be allowed to serve as grassroots officers and suppress the promotion speed of these talents.

Now that a new army is established, many people in the third army will have the opportunity to be promoted.

Su Hu looked at these smiling officers.

He said in a solemn tone: "You all have the opportunity to be promoted this time.

The commander of the new army is recommended by me, and I will serve as acting commander first.

But as long as you don't make any mistakes, you can officially become a military commander soon.

Your performance in past wars will be the criterion for my selection."

When the officers heard this, they were very motivated.

Facing Shenyang City, everyone screamed and prepared to perform better.

If there is a chance for promotion, then one must not perform too poorly in this war.

Su Hu looked at the performance of the generals and knew that Shenyang City was already within their grasp.

He immediately began to arrange the plan for the Third Army to attack Shenyang based on the information obtained from previous tests.


April 18, 4334 (1637 AD).

The military camp of the Third Army was filled with the sound of war drums.

After several days of preparation, Su Hu had already tested the reality of Shenyang City.

The Third Army officially launched a general attack on Shenyang City.

The heavy artillery of the Third Army continued to pour firepower into Shenyang City.

The soldiers of the Third Army launched an attack on Shenyang City with rifles in hand.

On the city wall of Shenyang City, Daishan was carried on a bamboo pole and commanded the battle on the city wall.

When Dorgon and Yue Tuo left, they had no way to carry heavy cannons.

All the cannons imitated by Hou Jin remained in Shenyang City.

Their craftsmen were poor, the imitation artillery had a short range, and the artillery was very easy to explode.

But these artillery pieces are the only weapons they can use to defend the city.

The Eight Banners Soldiers are cavalrymen and they are good at fighting in the wild.

It is neither good at defending nor attacking cities.

When the Hou Jin Dynasty was strong, they could also order the Han army to attack and defend the city.

Now in Shenyang City, Han military flags have been sent to the corners to do the most basic work.

Dai Shan knew in his heart that now that the Hou Jin Dynasty was weak, these Han Eight Banners would definitely become a factor of instability.

They did not dare to take the initiative to massacre the Han army flags. Now the army outside was besieging the city. Once civil strife broke out in the city, the consequences would be disastrous.

Wei Yunshang, commander of the Second Division of the Third Army, commanded the army to attack the city.

He looked at Shenyang City with tears in the corners of his eyes.

Unexpectedly, one day he would be able to lead troops to fight back to Shenyang City.

His father was a 100-year-old from the Puhe Qianhu Institute in Zhongwei, Shenyang.

The Ming army was unable to resist as the slave-building force was strong, and thousands of households in Puhe were defeated.

Wei Yunshang wandered to the pass with his father.

Through their previous relationship, their family found a job as a caravan guard in Hanzhong Mansion.

When Wei Yunshang signed up for the military academy, he never expected that His Majesty would develop so quickly.

He saw that his men, with the assistance of the artillery regiment, had climbed to the top of Shenyang City.

When Wei Yunshang saw this situation, he immediately asked the second division to charge.

We must expand our results and completely capture Shenyang City.

"Artillery regiment, the artillery fire extends into the city wall. We must prevent the Eight Banners soldiers from reinforcing the city wall."

Wei Yunshang continued to direct each regiment to launch attacks. He was racing against time with the Eight Banners soldiers.

Whoever can capture Shenyang City first will be the final winner.

The big clock next to him was ticking.

Time passed very long, and the cries of death on the battlefield were endless.

Wei Yunshang saw that the soldiers of the Second Division had planted the military flag at the top of Shenyang City.

The soldiers of the second division held grenades in their hands and threw a large number of grenades under the city wall.

The Eight Banners soldiers were knocked off their feet after being bombed by grenades, and they had no way to support the city wall.

More and more soldiers from the Second Division climbed onto the walls of Shenyang City.

When they captured the city wall, they cleared away the boulders at the city gate and opened the city gate of Shenyang City.

Wei Yunshang led the main force of the second division and rushed directly into Shenyang City.

The main force of the Third Army followed the gap opened by Wei Yunshang and continued to pour into Shenyang City.

Shenyang City, which had been occupied by Jiannu for a long time, was officially recovered by the Royal Army of China.

This chapter has been completed!
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