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Chapter 355: Ambush

Duduo rides a horse on the snow.

After a snowstorm, the thickness of the snow is related to the terrain.

There is not much snow on the mountain road they are walking on.

There is deep snow under the valley.

With a plop.

From ahead came the neighing of war horses and the wails of soldiers.

Another Eight Banners soldier slipped and fell into the valley.

The road they were walking on now was a relatively hidden and rugged trail.

It is very dangerous to walk on this road under normal circumstances.

After heavy snowfall, walking this road at night without a torch will be more risky.

"Flag Master, after the snowstorm, there was snow all around the Dahua army camp.

We cavalry cannot launch a charge in snowy weather.

Why are we so anxious to attack instead of waiting a few days before attacking?"

Duduo saw other generals and also had this question.

He patiently explained: "The Dahua army has so many casualties and casualties, and now is their most panicked moment.

If we launch an attack at this time, we will encounter less resistance, which can reduce our casualties and maximize the results.

This is only the most important point, and there are several other reasons that prompted me to choose to attack the Dahua Military Camp as soon as possible.

The Dahua army suffered serious casualties and would inevitably seek help from the Dahua Dynasty.

We must attack the Dahua army before reinforcements arrive.

The earlier this time is, the better.

With the cover of wind and snow now, the Dahua army would never have imagined that we would launch an attack under such circumstances that are not conducive to the attack.

The Han people's vigilance is at its weakest now.

The weather will be our best disguise.

We launched the attack at night, and Dahua's hot air balloon was unable to detect traces of our troops.

The hot air balloons flying constantly in the sky are really annoying.

The movements of our army are all controlled by the Dahua Army.

This is why I strictly prohibit the military from lighting torches.

We cannot expose our position and let the Han people be prepared."

Duduo chose to launch the attack at night after the snowstorm.

He took advantage of the Dahua army's unpreparedness and launched a surprise attack on them.

Duduo didn't say anything, but in his heart he was still very afraid of the Dahua army.

The Dahua army is fully prepared.

He did not dare to launch an attack, facing the powerful firearms of the Dahua army.

The Eight Banners learned lessons from many battles, and the cavalry attacked Dahua's well-prepared positions.

The heroic Eight Banners disciples can only become the dead souls under the gunfire.

There is one thing Duduo has not said yet, and that is that he is afraid that the Dahua army will withdraw directly.

The Dahua army immediately withdrew, and it seemed that they had won the victory.

But in the spring of next year, after the Dahua army was replenished, it attacked North Korea again.

Relying on the huge population of the Han people to fight a war of attrition with them.

With the current strength of the Eight Banners, they will definitely not be able to compete with the Han people even if they spend too much money.

They could only choose to defeat the Han people in one battle.

The newly born Dahua court realized that attacking North Korea would outweigh the gains and losses.

They will get a short truce time, and then Jin can recuperate in North Korea and slowly return to his previous strength.

This was also a tactic specially taught by his brother Dorgon.

Look for opportunities to defeat the Dahua army in one battle.

If you can't find this opportunity, try to delay it as long as possible.


In the Dahua camp, the lights are brightly lit, and there is constant joy and sorrow.

Li Dazhuang ordered: "There are only a few sentries outside our camp, so everyone should be alert.

I predict that the Eight Banners soldiers will launch a night attack on us in the near future."

The Dahua army was disguised and suffered heavy casualties.

The army retracted its front line and most of the sentries in the front were withdrawn.

Li Dazhuang estimated that Jiannu, who was almost in desperation, would not miss this opportunity.

Jianu have always liked taking risks, and they have made huge profits through taking risks before.

Between taking risks and waiting for death, Jianu would definitely choose to take risks.

Chief of Staff Duan Ruide said: "We have made all preparations. Whether we can lure the snake out of the hole depends on Duduo's choice.

If Jiannu is not fooled, then we will continue to fight a war of attrition.

If the Jiannu are really lured out, we can eliminate the main force of the Jiannu, break through the Jiannu defense line, and attack Pyongyang.

Cui Xiuzhu launched an attack from Seoul to Pyongyang. They encountered this snowstorm and their marching speed would be slower.

But in December, Choi Soo-joo should be able to arrive at the gates of Pyongyang.

Our two armies surrounded Pyongyang City from the east and west.

The city of Pyongyang has become a coffin for the slaves."

Li Dazhuang did not continue to discuss the plan to lure the snake out of its hole.

They have made all preparations.

In order to be as realistic as possible, some frostbitten soldiers were also arranged to patrol the outside of the camp.

These soldiers signed up voluntarily.

Three soldiers were captured by the Eight Banners soldiers. After their sacrifice, they will be awarded as martyrs.

Li Dazhuang asked Chief of Staff Duan Ruide: "After the roar of North Korea's new army camp, what is the current situation?"

Duan Ruide said with a smile: "More than 40,000 new North Korean troops froze to death and roared in the camp, resulting in more than 20,000 direct casualties.

Now there are only more than 20,000 people left, and the North Korean New Army has experienced the camp roar.

They are also not able to obey the command of officers like before.

The North Korean New Army will be considered useless if it does not change its blood and replace this group of officers and soldiers."

"It's good to abolish it, it's good to abolish it.

We are about to win, and the new North Korean army will not be destroyed. I will still find a way to deal with this army."

Pan Hongcai, the commander of the Seventh Army, walked into the camp with excitement on his face.

"Commander, good news, the reconnaissance battalion has discovered traces of the Eight Banners soldiers.

It seems that the Eight Banners soldiers came out in full force, using the cover of night to attack our army."

When Li Dazhuang heard the news, he smiled.

"Duduo is very courageous, I thought he would have to wait for a few days.

Unexpectedly, they launched an attack on us as soon as they got the news.

Inform all troops to prepare for battle. Do not fire at the beginning and wait for my order.

We must let the main force of the slave-building forces enter the encirclement and must not let them escape."


Duduo led the Zhengbai Banner elite and arrived near the Dahua Military Camp.

He sent elite white-armored soldiers to lurk near the Dahua Army Camp and clear out the sentries outside the Dahua Army Camp.

The number of sentry posts outside the Dahua Military Camp was very small, so it seemed that the casualties of the Dahua Army were not low.

He took advantage of the moonlight and the bonfire beside the fence of Dahua Military Camp.

I saw that outside Dahua Military Camp, several roads had been cleared.

These cleared roads are so wide that five horses can be allowed to run parallel.

In other places, there is cleared snow, which is piled up outside like a hill.

When Dodo saw this situation, he frowned and subconsciously felt something was not good.

These roads are artificially divided by Dahua Military Camp.

When the armies attack, each other loses the opportunity to support each other.

Duduo saw that the Dahua military camp was very quiet.

The Han people were basically unprepared for their arrival.

After Dodo considered the pros and cons, he took out the scimitar from his waist.

He rode on his horse and shouted: "Light the torch and charge."

The cavalrymen with white flags lit torches and stuck them on their horses' heads.

Holding bows in both hands, he charged towards the Dahua military camp.

The sound of thousands of galloping horses resounded throughout the camp.

Duduo saw the white flag cavalry and successfully launched a charge.

A smile appeared on his face. This time they would crush the Dahua Military Camp and make these Han people feel fear.

“Break the Han camp, leave no one behind, and execute them all.

Avenge the deaths of our brothers."

With a smile on his face, Duduo watched the Zhengbai flag soldiers under his command mount a charge on their horses.

His smile quickly froze, and a look of panic appeared on his face.

In the center of Dahua Military Camp, a gunshot suddenly pierced the night sky.

In front of the military camp are soldiers wearing black clothes and crawling on the ground.

They got up and opened the black cloth covering the machine guns and artillery pieces.

The rattling sound of machine guns rang out, and a torrent of bullets pierced the night sky.

The huge muzzle of the artillery flashed with flames, and a large number of cannonballs were like hailstones, attacking the Eight Banners soldiers.

The space for the Eight Banners soldiers to move forward was directly restricted by the snow.

They became perfect targets for machine guns and artillery.

It's not just the military camps that have machine guns and artillery.

In the snowdrifts on both sides of the road, there were also bullets and a large number of shotshells rushing out of the snowdrifts.

This is a machine gun and artillery bunker covered by snow.

The heavy artillery of the three major artillery regiments of the Dahua Army also roared, firing a large number of artillery pieces, covering the military formation of Zhengbai Banner.

The incendiary bombs fired by heavy artillery formed streaks of flames in the Eight Banners Army formation.

The Eight Banners soldiers under Zhengbai Banner were directly set on fire by incendiary bombs.

They were rolling all over the ground, unable to extinguish the fire burning on their bodies.

The incendiary bombs illuminated the entire military formation of Zhengbai Banner.

Point out the direction of attack for other armies.

The encirclement network formed by the Seventh Army began to gradually shrink.

Duduo saw the Eight Banners soldiers in front being shot down by machine guns.

A large number of artillery shells were fired from the Dahua military camp.

He then understood that he had fallen into a trap. This was a Han Chinese strategy to lure a snake out of its hole.

"The Han people are too ruthless, and Li Dazhuang has too strong control over this army.

So many people in the Dahua army froze to death.

Li Dazhuang was actually able to take advantage of this opportunity and set up such an ambush."

"Retreat, get out of here immediately.

We have been ambushed by the Han, this place is not conducive to cavalry operations, and we cannot stay here for a long time."

A cannonball exploded directly near Duduo.

The war horse under Duduo's crotch was directly scratched by the shell fragments.

"Flag Master, the troops at the front cannot be withdrawn."

Duduo roared angrily: "There is an ambush among us. Retreat immediately. As much as you can withdraw, then withdraw as much as you can."

small book booth

After Duduo finished speaking, he changed his horse and led his own soldiers to turn the horse's head and kill towards the rear.

While the encirclement of Dahua's army was not closed, he wanted to lead his troops to fight out.


Ma She, commander of the 2nd Brigade of the 1st Division of the 7th Army of the Royal Chinese Army, sits on a flatbed truck.

Three big yellow dogs pulled a flatbed truck and galloped on the snow.

"Kong Erniu, you can do it!

The flatbed truck we are riding in can run faster than war horses on the snow."

Kong Erniu smiled naively and said: "Brigadier, I am from the north. When I was a child, I played in the snow in my hometown.

At that time, no one could afford to raise a horse, not even a donkey.

We caught the landlord's dog and let the dog pull the cart to take us running on the snow.

We have military dogs in the army, and their endurance is excellent.

There is no problem at all for a few military dogs to pull a cart and carry a soldier.

This is much faster than marching on the snow.

The Eight Banners soldiers run too fast, and we can't catch up with them even if we don't use this method."

Ma She used his binoculars to look at an Eight Banners army ahead.

After a night of fierce fighting, most of the Eight Banners troops were divided and surrounded by them.

But there were some elite troops of the Eight Banners who took the opportunity to escape from the encirclement.

The horse house has been firmly occupied by this Eight Banners Army.

Their horses were running on the snow, obviously not as fast as the dogs pulling the flatbed cart.

Ma She ordered: "Everyone, check the ammunition in the guns, we are about to fight the Eight Banners soldiers.

Be careful to avoid the arrows shot by the Eight Banners soldiers."

Duduo went through untold hardships and fought his way out of the encirclement.

Most of the soldiers around him have been killed.

Duduo's left thigh was wounded by a bullet, and blood is still dripping from it.

He saw a strange Han army behind them, hotly pursuing them.

These Han people were riding on flatbed trucks pulled by dogs.

They marched very fast on the snow, much faster than the horses running on the snow.

This army keeps getting closer to them and will soon catch up with them.

Duduo's eyes narrowed and he immediately gave the order.

"We immediately turned our horses around and destroyed this Han army.

With them following us, we will definitely not be able to escape."

Duduo issued an order and all Eight Banners soldiers stopped running.

They reined in their horses, bent their bows and set arrows, and headed straight for the Han soldiers riding on flatbed carts behind them.

Duduo took out his strong bow and showed off his superb archery skills.

Archery is the ability for their Eight Banners soldiers to live and work.

Every Eight Banners general is a marksman.

Duduo shot a Han soldier directly with an arrow.

He bent his bow and fired an arrow again, and heard a violent gunshot from ahead.

Duduo felt a pain in his chest, his vision went dark, and he lost consciousness.

Ma She saw Kong Erniu next to him and put down the sniper rifle in his hand.

Kong Erniu has been holding a sniper rifle in his hand, looking for the general of this army.

Kong Erniu saw a general very far away from them, so he bent his bow and drew an arrow.

Even if this general is not the general leading the army, he must be a high-ranking member of the slave establishment.

Kong Erniu did not hesitate and directly pulled the trigger.

He saw from the scope that the Eight Banners general was directly hit by him.

"Shooting cold arrows on the battlefield, now you enjoy the treatment of a sniper rifle.

My skills are unfamiliar, I missed the first shot but hit it with the second shot."

When Ma She saw Kong Erniu kill the Eight Banners general, the army in front immediately became panicked.

He took this opportunity to control the dog pulling the cart and let the dog run in a circle around the Eight Banners soldiers.

They used the range of their rifles to continuously eliminate the Eight Banners soldiers.


Li Dazhuang, Duke of Cao State, saw soldiers cleaning up the tragic battlefield.

Under the multiple rounds of machine guns and artillery, it is very difficult to find a complete body.

They can only bring body parts together.

After pouring the oil on it, burn it over a big fire.

In this battle to ambush Zhengbai Banner, almost no prisoners were captured.

Chief of Staff Duan Ruide held the military report in his hand and came over happily and said: "Commander, Tan Fangyuan has occupied the Eight Banners camp.

From here to Pyongyang, it will be a smooth journey.

The Jiannu cannot use the terrain to stop us, and with only an isolated city of Pyongyang, their defeat will be a matter of time."

Li Dazhuang said with a smile: "We can't be proud now. It won't be too late to celebrate when we capture Pyongyang City.

Notify all units to march to Pyongyang City immediately.

Engineers need to clear the snow on the road first.

They can use this free time to rest."

The Seventh Army captured the most difficult mountainous position and eliminated the Zhengbai Banner of the Eight Banners soldiers.

Li Dazhuang ordered the Seventh Army to continue the attack.

Their next target is Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea.

This is also the only remaining large city in North Korea.

If the war goes well, they can spend New Year's Eve in Pyongyang.

This chapter has been completed!
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