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Chapter 368

Su He saw that the military had a clear attitude. It had always been a staunch fighter and had never wavered.

He looked towards the civil servants, especially Li Zhisheng, who had made anti-war remarks at the court meeting just now.

Civilian factions are extremely complex, and they have different positions regarding different goals.

Li Zhisheng felt His Majesty's gaze, but he didn't react at all.

Li Zhisheng knew that Tang Defeng had finished explaining the cause and effect.

When barbarians slaughter Han people, the Great China Dynasty must respond to this kind of thing.

The Dahua Dynasty was a country that was founded not long ago.

The officials are younger and not so lifeless.

Public opinion did not allow it, and the Dahua Dynasty ignored this matter.

There is no way to stop this.

Li Zhisheng could not find any reason and persuaded His Majesty the Emperor to ignore the Dutch actions.

What's more, the military is now so excited that no one can stop it.

The military had a very high status in the Dahua Dynasty.

Looking only at the number of dukes, only one civil official, Prime Minister Wang Zhongce, received the title of duke.

He is truly the second-in-command in the civil service, and is only a marquis.

The Dahua Dynasty implemented a strict separation of civil and military governance, and the power of each yamen was very clearly divided.

These founding figures can only handle military affairs and cannot interfere in administrative affairs.

But if anyone dares to stop them from obtaining military merit, they will see the powerful energy of these nobles.

Especially those princes, they went crazy thinking about military glory.

They want to go one step further and meet the requirements of being crowned king overseas.

Several military princes who were not rated as Dukes also wanted to promote the war, and their titles were further improved to become Dukes.

The military wants war, and the civilian government wants stability.

His Majesty has very strong control over the army.

His Majesty balances the demands of the military and civilian officials.

Now that the army is not expanding outward on a large scale, His Majesty is suppressing them.

Tang Defeng sounded the drum of grievance, leaving His Majesty with no choice but to block the military's request.

The main military leaders just now couldn't wait to stand up.

They just want to influence His Majesty and make His Majesty's choice bias towards starting a war.

Li Zhisheng's bottom line is very clear. The military's outward expansion cannot affect the stability of the country.

As long as the military did not break through this bottom line, he could tolerate some of the military's actions.

The court was quiet for a second or two.

Huang Wenxi and other anti-war backbones were waiting for Li Zhisheng to come forward.

As soon as Li Zhisheng stood up to object, they immediately supported him.

This created a situation in which a large number of officials opposed it.

The Great China Dynasty can no longer start wars lightly, the status of the military is already high enough.

As the scale of the war expands, the status of the military will become higher and higher.

The military will eventually form a powerful interest group that can compete with civilian officials.

In the end, it is very likely to lead to a situation where warriors rule the country.

If this situation occurs, it will be everyone's nightmare moment.

Huang Wenxi, as the only remaining true scholar in the Dahua court, must not let this happen.

The anti-war faction saw that Li Zhisheng continued to remain silent.

They couldn't bear it any longer and His Majesty agreed to the military's request if they waited any longer.

Huang Wenxi looked left and right and found that everyone else was indifferent, waiting for others to take the lead.

Huang Wenxi, the left minister of the Ministry of Personnel, saw His Majesty frowning and knew that he could not delay it any longer.

He immediately stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I have different opinions.

In war, the troops must be well-known. How could Qian Mingyong refuse to send troops on the grounds that the untouchables wanted to initiate a military revolution?

Wei Chen thinks this reason is not appropriate. The Han people in Java are by no means untouchables.

We Han people are the most outstanding nation, we cannot call them untouchables.

But we need to clarify the most important point: whether these Han people in Java are members of the Great China Dynasty.

Our military only protects our own people.

If these Han people in Java Island become Yi Di, then they will be Yi Di.

The precious lives of Dahua soldiers who do not belong to the Chinese people cannot be sacrificed for the Yi and Di people."

Huang Wenxi was proud of his quick wit.

He thought of this statement in just a second or two.

After Tang Defeng told his story, people are now furious, and the military's attitude is very clear.

Even their most important ally of the anti-war faction, Li Zhisheng, one of the leaders of the anti-war faction, did not speak out against the war.

The current situation is very unfavorable to the anti-war faction.

The anti-war faction was just a loose alliance.

They get together for various reasons that are completely different and even polar opposites.

They have only one main purpose, which is to oppose war.

Because the war would damage their interests, these people united to oppose the war.

Huang Wenxi saw the backbone of the anti-war faction stepping forward.

Mao Xiang is a lowly official, but he has a strong pen and is particularly good at speaking.

If he stands up now, he should be supporting his statement.

"Your Majesty, I am a low-ranking official, Maoxiang, a member of the Ministry of Civil Service, a foreign minister, and the editor-in-chief of the Confucian newspaper.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there were dozens of countries.

But they all consider themselves Zhou people.

The people of Qi are Zhou people, the Jin people are Zhou people, and the Qin people are also Zhou people.

Why? Because these people have the same cultural origin and bloodline origin.

They are just tributaries of one big river, not two independent rivers.

The distinction between Han people should not be based on household registration and location.

Cultural identity should be used as the main criterion for classification, supplemented by bloodline.

What Mr. Huang just said is very correct. Our country's soldiers cannot sacrifice their lives for the barbarians and the Di.

They must recognize that they are Han Chinese before we can send troops to fight.

Wei Chen believes that there is no need to overemphasize whether they have Dahua nationality.

As long as we identify with Chinese culture and the ancestors of Yan and Huang, we should send troops to help these people take revenge.

After the princes established their country overseas, they and the people no longer belong to the Chinese people, but they all belong to the Han people.

Wei Chen believes that we should send troops.

We must make those barbarians clearly understand the consequences of offending the Han people."

Huang Wenxi's face turned red and his body was shaking with anger.

I thought this was a friendly force, but I didn't expect that Maoxiang stabbed him hard in the back.

Huang Wenxi cursed secretly in his heart: "Traitor, villain, villain who is good at speculation.

We gentlemen feel ashamed to associate with this man."

Tang Defeng understood the arguments of these officials.

After he heard what Maoxiang said.

Tang Defeng held the identity badge issued by the ancestral temple in both hands.

He shouted loudly: "I am Han Chinese, and this is the identity badge issued by the ancestral temple.

My family has been studying Chinese culture and Chinese since childhood.

The cultural heritage of all of us has not been lost, and I can still speak Mandarin and Minnan dialect fluently."

After Tang Defeng finished this sentence in Mandarin, he switched to the southern Fujian dialect and talked about some local cultural heritage of southern Fujian.

"Mazu bless us, we are all pure Han people."

Wang Zhongce has seen the situation develop to this point, and he has clearly seen the current situation.

His Majesty must be behind the emergence of Tang Defeng.

Your Majesty has not expressed his attitude yet.

If you don't show your attitude, you are already showing your attitude.

Wang Zhongce suddenly thought that Tang Defeng was from Java Island.

During this time, he heard this place frequently.

The island of Java is where rubber is produced.

Only by obtaining a large amount of rubber can the stability of the steam engine be ensured.

Only in this way can we realize His Majesty's plan and build a railway network connecting major cities.

When Wang Zhongce thought of this, he had already figured everything out.

He immediately stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I think we should take revenge.

To deal with the Yi Di who are hostile to us, we must give them a harsh lesson.

Only by demonstrating our strength can we effectively deter potential enemies.

Java is just an island and does not require the use of a large army.

Only navy and a small amount of land operations are needed to achieve our goals.

Not deploying the army will not consume much money and will not affect domestic stability.

Our country's maritime borders are very safe, and there is no problem in dispatching the navy.

The navy spends so much military expenditure every year, so they should also demonstrate their capabilities."

Civil officials saw Prime Minister Wang Zhongce and already supported sending troops.

The anti-war faction believes that the situation is over now and no one is speaking out against it.

Civil officials who favored sending troops gradually gained the upper hand.

When Su He saw this situation, he smiled.

This time he hid behind the scenes and allowed these civil servants to fight among themselves due to inconsistent interests.

In the end, officials who want to seek benefits will personally fight.

Once the civil servants start fighting, they cannot be united.

Su He saw clearly that the war faction and the anti-war faction were not static, but flexibly changed according to their respective interests.

Except for some stubborn people, most of the civil servants of the main war faction were officials from the southeastern coast.

Most of the anti-war officials were from inland areas.

Their choice is simple, they have different interests.

When the navy captures the island of Java, people in the southeastern coastal areas can earn a lot of profits from trade.

Officials in this region will support policies that are beneficial to them, and vice versa.

Su He saw all the civil and military officials standing in line and the situation became clear.

Only then did he express his opinion.

"The overseas survivors must not be abandoned!

Tang Defeng, I will uphold justice for you."

As soon as Su He said these words, the officials of Huangji Palace already understood His Majesty the Emperor's choice.

The four words "overseas survivors" ended the debate among many officials.

His Majesty said eloquently that they were overseas survivors, and these people were identified as Han people.

The Han people were massacred by barbarians, and the Dahua Dynasty must give everyone an explanation.

Tang Defeng heard that His Majesty the Emperor agreed to his request.

He kowtowed as if pounding garlic, and said with a cry while kowtowing: "On behalf of the tens of thousands of people in Java, the common people are grateful for the mercy of the Emperor of China.

The Emperor of Great China avenges us overseas survivors, and they can rest in peace under the fountain of wine."

Tang Defeng knocked his head on the ground, making a loud banging sound.

He was so excited that he fainted.

Su He waved his hand, and the Qilin Guards who were standing guard at Huangji Palace immediately carried Tang Defeng away as he fainted.

After Tang Defeng was carried away, the grievance incident ended.

Tang Defeng's purpose was to get Dahua to send troops to avenge his relatives.

Su He left the Huangji Hall and asked Zheng Ziliang, the general envoy, to notify relevant personnel to participate in the urgent imperial meeting.


From the Qianqing Palace, all the officials who were qualified to participate in the imperial meeting arrived.

"This meeting will discuss issues related to sending troops."

Civil and military officials were all listening to Su He's instructions.

Su He's behavior was completely different from that of Dachao Hui.

He said angrily: "The Spanish and Dutch have repeatedly massacred the Han people in Southeast Asia.

They did this before and achieved great benefits without suffering any losses.

The number of these Westerners is small, in order to facilitate their rule.

They will inevitably use hatred to rule, allowing some people to rule other people.

If a place is full of the same race, these people can even differ according to the gap between rich and poor.

Think of dividing one race into two races.

Just like the gentry and individual households, after long-term propaganda, they will think that they belong to two different races.

In Southeast Asia, the Han people have very low military force, but they have created a lot of wealth because of their hardworking and hard-working national characteristics.

These people in the West occupy colonies just for wealth.

Like raising pigs, they would naturally plunder the wealth accumulated by the Han people.

The reason why this happens is because there is no strong military support behind the local Han people.

Now that the navy has been built, the navy's battleships cannot be placed in the military port.

We need to send out battleships to fight for relevant interests for us.

The General Staff Headquarters and the Navy Department will make relevant arrangements.

Our purpose this time is to occupy Java Island and its surrounding areas.

This island is extremely rich in products and can also provide us with the most important rubber resources.

The Dutch took this place out of necessity."

When Li Fengming heard Su He's instructions, a thick smile appeared on his face.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured that the General Staff Headquarters will definitely arrange relevant actions."

Minister of the Navy Li Qingmu suggested: "Your Majesty, after the navy captures Java Island, it must station troops on Java Island.

It is very troublesome for the Navy to mobilize troops now.

Wei Chen suggested that, similar to the army's garrison, the navy should also set up a garrison to be responsible for security around the coast, escort merchant ships and detect pirates.

The navy's main battleships are mainly ocean-going fleets, and their main purpose is for ocean-going operations.

The garrison will stick to one side, and the main fleet can be mobilized at any time."

Su He listened to Li Qingmu's suggestion and agreed with it.

"Minister Li, your suggestion is very good. The Navy Department will make relevant arrangements and leave it to me for review."

Su He finished communicating with military generals.

He looked at Prime Minister Wang Zhongce and said:

"Wang Aiqing, the cabinet used special military funds to allocate funds to the navy to send troops to fight.

The cabinet also prepared officials to manage the territory occupied by the military.

When we capture these territories this time, we cannot let them escape again."

Wang Zhongce said confidently: "Your Majesty, there is absolutely no problem with the cabinet.

It’s just that the cabinet currently has too few people, with only Li Zhisheng and me.

Wei Chen suggested increasing the number of ministers in the cabinet.

The cabinet handles all the government affairs of the court, and the two of us are simply too busy."

Su He agreed to Wang Zhongce's request. He had not added ministers to the cabinet before just to inspect these officials.

After more than a year of investigation, Suhe already has several good candidates.

The cabinet must remain stable and cannot be changed too frequently.

Su He must complete all inspections before appointing cabinet ministers.

This imperial meeting ended soon.

Su He only decided to send troops to Java Island.

The navy's strategic and tactical arrangements require everything to be prepared before discussion.

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Chapter 368: Overseas survivors cannot be abandoned for free reading.

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