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Chapter 386 Execution

Late July.

Yanhuang Daily reporter Qian Xiaoyun was walking on the streets of Zhenhaicheng.

Zhenhai City was the former Batavia City.

Batavia, a non-Chinese name, cannot be used as the official name of the city of the Great China Dynasty.

Batavia City has been temporarily renamed Zhenhai City, pending official cabinet approval.

Qian Xiaoyun felt that the name Zhenhaicheng was obviously the navy's attempt to highlight their prestige.

She walked on the streets of Zhenhai City and saw that Zhenhai City was gradually returning to its former prosperity.

The Ninth Army started a war on the island of Java. They wiped out the hardcore indigenous tribes who followed the Dutch.

At the same time, he conquered many local indigenous tribes.

Families of these indigenous tribes came to Zhenhai City to settle down and serve as hostages.

The Nanyang Governor-General's Office conducted Chinese education for these indigenous people who had defected to the Great China Dynasty.

The Sinicized indigenous people will assist them in managing the indigenous people in Nanyang.

The Han people in Java escaped from the massacre by the Dutch.

They packed up their belongings and fled to other parts of Southeast Asia.

Hearing that the Great China Dynasty had sent troops to drive away the Dutch, these people returned to Java Island one after another.

The island of Java was already considered their home, and the Nanyang Governor-General promised to return their assets taken away by the Netherlands.

It was precisely because of these people that they came to Zhenhai City.

After the Dutch were captured, the empty Zhenhai City returned to its former prosperity.

Qian Xiaoyun approached the Nanyang Governor's Mansion.

The Nanyang Governor's Office was the government office of the Great China Dynasty that managed the Nanyang region.

Qian Xiaoyun has her own source of information, and she knows that the Nanyang Governor's Mansion will exist for a long time.

The Nanyang region has not yet been completely occupied. There is a very large indigenous population under its rule, and the Han people are very rare.

The Nanyang region has been colonized by the Dutch and Portuguese for a long time, and Westernization in this area has been very serious.

In the Nanyang region, a governor-general's office was established in advance to manage the military and political affairs of this place.

By the time the Han and Han Chinese population in Nanyang region reached more than 70%.

Only then can it establish a province and officially join the Great China Dynasty, this big family.

Prior to this, the Great China Dynasty established the Nanyang Governor's Palace and used special laws and policies to manage this place.

Qian Xiaoyun had just walked into the Yamen of the Nanyang Governor's Mansion.

Then she heard Lu Yuanshan, the acting governor of Nanyang, shouting in his loud voice:

“All churches were closed down, and after simple repairs, they were converted into schools.

Education is the foundation. Other things can be put aside. Primary schools must be developed first.

If other work is slower, the impact will only be temporary. If education work is slower, it will affect a generation.

We absorb some of the growing generation, while others can only be slowly eliminated by society.

The generation that has not grown up must be allowed to grow up under the influence of Han culture.

Only in this way, after several generations of hard work, can we completely occupy the Nanyang region, and no one can take it away."

When Qian Xiaoyun heard Lu Yuanshan's opinions, she admired the soldier a little.

No wonder a soldier with such a vicious vision can command such a huge navy.

As soon as she entered the courtyard, she was stopped by the guard.

After Qian Xiaoyun revealed his identity.

The guard preceded her and approached the Governor's Palace to report.

The loud voices in the Governor's Mansion quickly disappeared.

Qian Xiaoyun, led by the guards, approached the Governor's Mansion.

He saw Governor Lu Yuanshan and explained the matter in a calm tone.

She knew all the officers in the Governor's Mansion.

She serves as a special correspondent accompanying the army.

She reported in detail every battle of the Southern Expedition Fleet.

Qian Xiaoyun is familiar with both the senior officers and junior officers of the Southern Expedition Fleet.

When Governor Lu Yuanshan saw Qian Xiaoyun coming in, he took the initiative to say hello: "Journalist Qian, are you interviewing me about something? I remember there was no corresponding arrangement."

Qian Xiaoyun immediately reminded: "Governor Lu, I came here this time to do a special report on the trial of the Dutch.

The Nanyang Governor-General is about to put the Dutch on trial.

I'm here to ask you to approve a pass for me to go to the prisoner camp for interviews."

When Lu Yuanshan heard this, he slammed the table excitedly and said, "Blame me, blame me, I've been too busy during this period.

These indigenous people are too weak in combat, but they are very capable of causing trouble.

Li Guofeng moved so quickly that he had already collected evidence of the Dutchman's crimes."

Qian Xiaoyun showed a sad expression, tears welling up in his eyes, and said in a sad voice:

“Evidence was collected very quickly, mainly because there were not many survivors.

From infants less than a month old to octogenarians, most people have died under the butcher's knife."

Governor Lu Yuanshan was about to cry when he saw Qian Xiaoyun.

He immediately wrote a pass and arranged for guards to accompany Qian Xiaoyun to the prisoner camp to interview the Dutch.

We can't let her cry here. The last time she cried here, she delayed a lot of things in the Governor's Mansion.

Governor Lu Yuanshan temporarily put aside his work to understand this matter.

The trial process for the Dutch has come to an end.

He immediately found Master Li Guofeng and discussed the trial process with him.

They finally discussed and decided that the trial process would be open to the public, but there would not be a public trial.

The Han Chinese in Java have been slaughtered by the Dutch.

Of the remaining people, many are still traitors, and they are examining these people.

The largest population in Zhenhaicheng is indigenous people, and these people are not eligible to participate in the public trial.

Only a few dozen people can participate in a public trial, so there is no point in holding a public trial.

The Nanyang Governor-General conducted public executions on the Dutch to frighten others.

The Great Hua Dynasty must use iron and blood methods to support the Han people in foreign lands.

The motherland has stood up, and only those wandering in a foreign country can stand up.


Wang Chongde followed the crowd to watch the execution of the Dutch at the Nanyang Governor's Palace.

The vegetable market in the center of Zhenhai City has been blocked by the army.

Hundreds of Dutchmen were dressed in prison uniforms and tied to pillars.

Behind them, there were many Dutch people queuing up.

Wang Chongde looked at the tied Dutchman.

He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, wanting to step forward and kill these culprits with a knife.

He saw soldiers holding steel guns standing upright around them to maintain order, but Wang Chongde did not dare to step forward.

There were important figures here including Anthony Van Diemen, the Governor of Batavia.

They have become prisoners, tied to wooden frames with ropes.

Wang Chongde went to China to purchase goods and escaped.

Only those members of the royal family who were on board the ship were left, and the rest of the family were massacred by the Dutch.

When Wang Chongde saw these Dutch people and thought of his family, especially his two-year-old grandson, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

Tang Defeng saw Wang Chongde crying loudly, his whole body twitching, his face turned purple, and he collapsed on the ground.

He immediately stepped forward and helped Wang Chongde up.

"Brother, please bear with me for a while and wait for the government to bring justice to us, and then you can pay homage to your loved ones.

If you faint from crying now, you won't be able to see the fate of these executioners."

When Wang Chongde saw Tang Defeng, he immediately became very excited and wanted to kneel down to Tang Defeng.

Tang Defeng quickly helped him up and said, "Brother, you can't do it, you can't do this."

Wang Chongde said intermittently in his trembling tone: "My benefactor, you are our family's great benefactor.

I recognize you. If you hadn't gone to complain, no heavenly soldiers would have come to Java.

At that time, not only us, but also our descendants will be slaughtered by the Dutch.

You are not only the benefactor of our family, you are the benefactor of all Han people in Nanyang."

Tang Defeng helped Wang Chongde up, waved his hands and said: "This is impossible, I only did an insignificant thing.

At that time, my head was burning, thinking about the new dynasty and the new atmosphere, and I just wanted to seek justice for my relatives who were massacred by the Dutch.

If you want to be grateful, then be grateful to His Majesty the Emperor of China and the soldiers of China.

His Majesty the Emperor is so benevolent that he could not bear to see us overseas survivors suffer, so he sent troops to save us from the fire and water.

These soldiers shed their blood and sacrificed their lives so that we can get justice."

Tang Defeng has a very clear understanding of his status.

It's not his own merit, and he is definitely not greedy.

If virtue is not matched, there will be disaster.

When Tang Defeng heard the sound of a bronze bell, he immediately said loudly: "The execution is about to be carried out, and the government is going to avenge us."

Master Li Guofeng, dressed in serious black clothes, walked in with a firing squad.

He saw the people watching, and they were a very mixed group.

There are a small number of Han Chinese, a large number of indigenous people, and some Western businessmen from other countries.

Li Guofeng looked serious and said: "The Dutch massacred the Han people. They refused to fully count the number of Han people they killed. There were as many as 30,000 Han people, including old, young, women and children. They didn't let go.

The Dutch are unforgivable, and it is only natural that those who kill must pay with their lives.

His Majesty the Emperor sent the Royal Navy of China southward to conquer the Netherlands.

Han people wandering around, please rest assured that your motherland will support you.

The Nanyang Governor-General has already put these people on trial, and today we will formally execute them here to restore peace to the world."

As soon as Li Guofeng said these words.

The nearby Han people immediately burst into violent applause.

These wandering Han Chinese had a very sad life before.

The Ming Dynasty regarded these people as abandoned people.

They have no support from the motherland outside the country, and any force can bully them at will.

Now that the dynasty has changed, people like them can also stand tall.

The faces of many Western businessmen present changed drastically.

They had already seen the warships and cannons outside the port.

The Royal Navy of Great China can easily defeat the Dutch and Portuguese, and their strength is also extremely strong.

These businessmen decided to spread the news and remind their country's rulers that they could no longer target the Han people in the future, as these people's backing was too strong.

Li Guofeng continued: "The Dutch are hateful, and those who help Zhou do evil are even more hateful.

The Tharu tribe assisted the Dutch in massacring the Han people and exterminating the entire nation.

The Kakachi tribe assisted the Dutch in massacring the Han people and exterminating the entire ethnic group.


Li Guofeng had a stern expression and spoke very fast, naming more than thirty tribes in succession.

Many of the indigenous people who were watching immediately recalled the horrific scene.

These Han people are more powerful than the Dutch.

They found tribesmen who assisted the Dutch in massacring the Chinese.

The army besieged these tribes and destroyed the entire tribe with fire from heaven. Not even a chicken could survive.

These people saw the consequences of being burned by heavenly fire.

Many people realized the strength of the Han people and chose to join them.

The power of sky fire is extremely strong. After the sky fire comes, even if it is rolling on the ground, it will soon turn into a pile of cooked meat.

When Wang Chongde heard this, he said excitedly: "It's very satisfying, how many people are there in the Netherlands.

We Han people are distributed all over Java, and it is impossible for the Dutch to catch them all in one fell swoop.

It's all these indigenous tribes, these slackers who live their lives by themselves every day.

But seeing that we Han people are wealthy, they want to directly rob us of the wealth we have worked so hard to accumulate.

The methods of these people are even bloodier than those of the Dutch.

I heard that the Ninth Army was very aggressive and used a weapon called incendiary bombs to burn all the indigenous tribes hiding in the mountains.

They cleared the isolation zone and would rather burn down a mountain than completely wipe out these inhumane indigenous tribes."

Tang Defeng also learned about the fate of the indigenous people, and he said happily: "Damn, these people deserve to die.

These monkey-like people are just greedy for our property.

We should catch them all in one fell swoop and burn them all clean.

Let all the natives realize that offending us Han people will not end well."

Not only Tang Defeng, but also many surviving Han people burst into tears when they heard the news.

Li Guofeng Zhu Shi saw the excited expressions of everyone, and out of the corner of his eye he saw Qian Xiaoyun leading a team of reporters interviewing among the crowd.

Li Guofeng has always advocated imposing harsh punishments on the indigenous people and the Dutch.

The Dahua military is biased toward hawks, and Li Guofeng is a hardliner among the hawks.

He presided over the trial of the Dutch and would not let them off lightly.

Li Guofeng saw that the atmosphere was already in place.

He loudly announced: "Those who aided Zhou in his evil deeds have received the punishment they deserve.

As the culprit, the Dutch, we must not let go.

On behalf of the Nanyang Governor-General, I declare that the Dutch who participated in the massacre of the Han people shall be sentenced to death."

Li Guofeng issued the order, and the Dutch were brought to the vegetable market in batches for execution.

They were beaten hard by soldiers with rifle butts until they knelt on the ground.

The soldier in charge of the execution put his gun against the back of the Dutch criminal's head.

Pull the trigger and a Dutch criminal is killed.

Gunshots rang out intensively from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.

The corpses of Dutch criminals were piled on horse-drawn carriages and taken outside Zhenhai City to be burned.

Tang Defeng watched as his enemy was repeatedly shot by Dahua soldiers.

There have been more than a dozen rounds of execution soldiers.

My legs are a little numb even when I stand, and my expression is also a little numb.

But seeing these enemies being shot, he felt a sense of relief without a trace of guilt.

His relatives were defenseless and had no ability to resist.

They were massacred by the Dutch, who were all murderous butchers.

As butchers, they are now being shot and deserve no sympathy at all.

Li Guofeng stood here watching the soldiers execute the execution, and he was also relatively numb.

But it must be done, and the execution of several principal criminals will cause shock.

Shooting thousands of people creates a sensation, which can effectively deter others.

When Li Guofeng saw the Dutch soldiers, they had all been shot.

Now at the execution ground, only Anthony Van Diemen and other principal criminals were left tied to the wooden frame.

Li Guofeng said angrily: "The principal criminal, Anthony Van Diemen, and others are the chief culprits in the massacre of the Han people.

They didn't kill anyone, but they gave the order and they can never forgive it.

Shooting them would be too cheap for them.

These principal criminals will be punished by lighting sky lanterns."

"Pour oil on fire and light a fire."

Li Guofeng issued the order, and several human-shaped torches were lit in the execution ground.

A huge wailing sound resounded throughout Zhenhai City, but soon became silent.

When many Western businessmen saw this situation, they kept making prayer gestures with a look of fear in their eyes.

Wang Chongde said excitedly: "Yes, this crime deserves death.

The natives who helped Zhou commit crimes were burned to death in the fire.

How could they, the chief culprits, be allowed to die so happily?

The punishment of lighting sky lanterns is really suitable."

When the Han people saw this situation, they cheered to vent their anger.

When the natives saw this situation, their eyes were full of fear.

Li Guofeng was very satisfied with his masterpiece, which effectively shocked others.

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