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Chapter 405 Tour (Part 3)

Su He saw that the accompanying official looked nervous.

He showed a smile and said in a calm tone: "We came to Tianjin Industrial Park, and everyone wants to see the development of Tianjin's industry.

Let’s continue today’s itinerary and solve any problems we encounter later.”

Su He didn't let this matter go lightly.

Whether it's gangs oppressing people, or grassroots officials exploiting people and small factories.

The reason for this phenomenon is the collapse of officialdom.

We should not be too hasty in rectifying officialdom.

Su He had to wait until Zhang Shengbei, the censor of Qiandu, completed his investigation to analyze the typical characteristics of these cases.

When he returns to the capital, he will convene cabinet officials to jointly study the rectification of officialdom and come up with a charter.

The Dahua Dynasty must set up a long-term mechanism to continue to rectify the administration of officials.

Instead of arresting a few corrupt officials like a gust of wind blowing through them as a show, the remaining officials will do what they did before.

Yang Zhengfeng, the governor of Hebei, stood in the crowd, feeling very uneasy.

As soon as Emperor Su He came to Tianjin, he found that the officialdom in Tianjin was corrupt.

He just hopes that nothing will happen to him in the future. His small body cannot bear more burdens.

Yang Zhengfeng regrets it now. He should take serious measures to rectify the officialdom.

Who knew that Emperor Su He suddenly wanted to go on tour, and the first battle was in Tianjin, so he had no time to prepare.

Su He looked at Yang Wencai, the president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

"President Yang, you should be familiar with this industrial park. It's up to you to introduce the situation of this industrial park to me."

Yang Wencai just told the truth on the carriage, so Su He gave him a chance to express himself.

Yang Wencai stood behind the crowd and didn't hear clearly what Emperor Su He was saying?

Eunuch Zhou Fangzhi walked to Yang Wencai and reminded Yang Wencai of what the emperor had just said.

Yang Wencai was extremely excited. He did not expect such a big surprise to fall on his head.

Having the opportunity to perform in front of Emperor Su He and let him remember him will be of great benefit to the Yang family.

He immediately walked to the front of the team, bowed and introduced the situation of Tianjin Industrial Park to Su He.

Su He listened to Yang Wencai's narrative as he walked in the industrial park.

This industrial park is mainly engaged in the porcelain and textile industries.

The porcelain here is not the ornamental porcelain in Jingdezhen.

The porcelain here is the bowls and dishes used by ordinary people. Each large bowl has two copper plates.

These porcelains are made using mechanized embryo making and firing, which makes them large in quantity, cheap and affordable.

Su He saw a large number of heavy-duty carriages traveling on the road to the industrial park.

Some carriages were covered with broken straw, with a large number of dishes stacked on top.

Some carriages had bundles of cloth placed on them.

In order not to affect the normal logistics of the industrial park.

Su He led a group of people and walked directly on the small road instead of taking the main road.

He looked at factories everywhere, with huge chimneys erected, emitting thick black smoke.

From time to time, they could still hear the roar of huge machines coming from the factory.

Su He just walked into the factory area of ​​the industrial park through the gate, and a layer of black soot fell on his clothes.

Among the accompanying officials, someone started coughing and took out a handkerchief to block his mouth.

When Yang Wencai saw this situation, he said helplessly: "The factory produced a large number of products and contributed enough tax revenue to the court.

But there is one thing not so good here, the environment is a bit harsh.

In particular, some coal produces a strong odor after burning, which sometimes makes workers faint.

Let’s go inside the factory and see if there is another factory that wants to buy some low-quality coal cheaply.”

Yang Wencai did not take the emperor and others to the factory run by the merchants, but to the factory run by the Shaofu.

As merchants, there are many irregularities in their factories, and it would not be good for them to be exposed.

Su He looked at the big chimneys in the factory area, which represented the power of industry.

They are also polluting the environment, but this is the price that must be paid for industrial development.

As long as industry develops, these costs can be transferred out.

If China does not develop its industry, sooner or later, China will have to bear the price transferred by others.

Wei Shiming covered his nose tightly and sneezed continuously, accompanied by violent coughing.

He didn't know why? Others just frowned when they smelled the stinky smell.

He couldn't help sneezing and coughing violently.

Wei Shiming heard Yang Wencai tell him what caused his cough.

It turned out that some factories burned low-quality coal for their boilers in order to save costs.

Wei Shiming made up his mind to introduce relevant policies after returning to Beijing and set standards for the coal burned in factories.

As the cabinet minister in charge of industry, he has the right to do so.

He can't stand it even if he stays here for a while, and the people around him will suffer so much.

For the sake of the lives of the surrounding people, Wei Shiming decided to take control of these unscrupulous factories.

Su He saw a huge textile factory in front of him, with twenty-six and seven chimneys.

He watched Yang Wencai continue to walk forward, and Su He said: "This factory is very good.

It seems that it is a textile factory. There is no need to go in to see the porcelain factory, but the textile factory is very typical, so you must go in and have a look.

Why should we abandon the near and seek the far away? Let’s go to this place to take a look.”

As soon as Su He finished speaking, Qin Shanshui immediately led the Qilin Guard soldiers and rushed into the factory ahead.

Emperor Su He will inspect the location, and they have made corresponding arrangements before.

Qilin Guard soldiers are stationed at all commanding heights and hidden corners where hidden guns can be fired.

Su He decided to go to a certain factory, and Qin Shanshui wanted to ensure the emperor's absolute safety.

He personally led a team to carefully inspect the factory.

Yang Wencai looked at the factory in front of him. His expression remained unchanged, but his heart felt bitter.

This factory is a factory jointly run by the Yang family and some business friends.

Yang Wencai had a lot of thoughts in his mind, but he still remembered his responsibility as a guide.

"Your Majesty, this is the largest textile factory in Tianjin.

The cost of producing silk in the north is too high and it cannot compete with the south.

The textile factories here in Tianjin mainly produce linen and cotton.

Small textile factories mainly produce hemp, producing various linen clothes and sacks for carrying things.

Large-scale textile factories mainly use cotton, and cotton clothes are durable and cheap.

It is only slightly more expensive than linen and far lower than the price of silk, and it is already the most popular fabric among the people."

When Su He listened to Yang Wencai's introduction, he was not surprised at all.

In the past, the textile industry was underdeveloped, and cotton, a good textile raw material, could not be effectively utilized.

With the improvement of textile machinery, textile mills require a large amount of cotton, which also stimulates cotton farmers to plant a large amount of cotton.

Currently, cotton growing areas are mainly in Henan and Shaanxi-Gansu areas.

The imperial court has decided to launch a northwest strategy and wait until the second northwest province is captured, which is very suitable for growing cotton.

Qin Shanshui returned soon and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, I have sent people to arrange manpower to ensure the safety of the factory."

Only then did Su He lead people into the textile factory.

They walked into the factory wall. The layout of this textile factory was very reasonable.

In the front is the textile workshop and storage workshop, and in the rear is the steam workshop and huge boiler room.

The factory building is a one-story building with a brick-concrete structure.

Su He led people into the factory, and the factory manager immediately came out.

He was about to salute, but when he saw Yang Wencai, he immediately dodged aside and handed over the introduction of the factory to Yang Wencai.

Yang Wencai acted as a guide and led everyone into the textile workshop.

"Your Majesty, you stand here and have a very broad view.

The factory manager usually stands here to supervise the work of the textile workers.

Being too close to industry, I'm afraid that the textile machinery may have a mechanical failure and injure His Majesty and all the gentlemen."

Su He led everyone, standing in a wide field of view, watching the female workers working in the textile factory.

He asked Yang Wencai: "Are all female workers in textile factories? What are the wages of female workers? Are their labor intensity high?"

He looked at the female workers in the textile factory with a smile on his face.

Women can also participate in industry.

More than half of the already wealthy population of the Great China Dynasty could be utilized by industry.

Women can make their own money, which effectively gets rid of personal dependence, which will bring great changes to society.

Suhe will never allow women, who account for half of the population, to be excluded from the industrial system.

When Yang Wencai heard Su He's inquiry, he immediately replied: "Your Majesty, the workers who operate textile machines are mainly female workers.

Weaving is a delicate job, and trained female workers are faster and have better quality.

For a skilled worker, a man's salary is three to five taels of silver coins per month, and a female worker's salary is two to three taels of silver coins per month.

Female workers are cheaper than male workers.

In order to save costs, factories try to use female workers wherever possible.

Most of the workers in the textile workshop are female workers, while the boiler room and porters are all male workers.

This factory operates three shifts, with people repairing the machines but not repairing them. Each team works eight hours, so the labor intensity is not high."

Su He was satisfied with the salary of female textile workers when he heard about it.

Two taels of silver coins per month, at the current price of food, is enough to feed a family of five.

He looked at the machines and power structures in the textile factory.

The power structure of the factory is much the same as before.

The textile machines in the factory are driven by a sky shaft and connected to the machine through belts.

However, the appearance of these textile machines has changed greatly from the machines Su He saw for the first time.

He looked at the efficiency of these machines, which was at least three or four times higher than the first generation machines.

"These machines are more advanced and they weave so fast."

Yang Wencai said with heartache: "This is the Ruiyong brand textile machine, which is already the seventh generation.

The price of a textile machine is as high as 80,000 taels of silver coins.

There are a total of 300 textile machines in this factory, and every five textile machines need to be equipped with a steam engine.

This factory only requires more than 50 million taels of silver coins for investment in machinery."

Yang Wencai said this huge figure, which shocked many officials accompanying him.

The annual income of Dahua Dynasty this year is only 50 million taels of silver coins. This factory invested 50 million taels of silver coins alone in machinery.

Minister of the Navy Li Qingmu asked in a low voice Li Tiankui, the Young Master.

"The investment in a textile factory is only 50 million taels of silver coins. There are so many textile factories in your young mansion. How many silver coins have been invested."

He was thinking in his mind how many battleships could be built with fifty million taels of silver coins.

The Royal Navy and the Royal Army compete fiercely for hundreds of thousands of taels of extra military spending every year.

Unexpectedly, these businessmen spent 50 million taels of silver coins to build a factory and just invest in machinery.

Li Tiankui smiled bitterly and said: "Master Li, the textile factory in our Shaofu is not even one-tenth the size of this textile factory.

There are only four textile factories of this size in the country.

One is in Baotou, which is a wool textile factory.

One is in Tianjin, which is this cotton textile factory.

The remaining two, one in Hangzhou and the other in Songjiang, are both silk textile factories.

None of these four textile factories are owned by Shaofu."

Li Qingmu heard that there were actually four such large-scale textile factories. He said with emotion: "Can they really make back their investment in such a large textile factory?"

When Su He heard this, he smiled and said: "Those who buy are not willing to sell. There are people who do the business of beheading, and no one does the business of losing money."

When Yang Wencai heard Su He's words, he was so frightened that he knelt on the ground.

"Your Majesty, we are all serious businessmen, and we dare not engage in the business of beheading."

Su He looked at Yang Wencai's stress and said with a smile: "I didn't tell you, this factory belongs to your Yang family, right?

The workers and factory managers in the factory have an unusual attitude towards you."

Yang Wencai stood up tremblingly and responded: "Your Majesty, our Yang family alone cannot afford such a large sum of money for this factory.

This is a partnership investment by more than ten businessmen.

Nowadays, it is popular in the business world to form joint stock companies.

The market changes too fast, and starting a company costs too much money.

In order to avoid bankruptcy and integrate the resources of many people, large companies basically form partnerships with several companies."

Su He listened to Yang Wencai's introduction, after the imperial court loosened many business policies.

These businessmen are highly motivated and have established joint-stock companies.

He estimated that after a few more years, the stock market would be tinkered with by these businessmen.

Yang Wencai looked in the direction of Li Qingmu and said: "Master Li, despite the huge investment in this textile factory, it only takes three to five years for this factory to recover its capital.

The service life of the machine is more than ten years, and the rest of the time is pure profit."

Su He and his party walked out of the textile workshop and continued to visit along the factory.

He asked Yang Wencai: "How is the textile market now? Is the sales going smoothly?"

Yang Wencai replied respectfully: "Your Majesty, as the imperial court distributes fields to households, the people have some extra money in their hands.

Many people in the village only have one set of shabby clothes at home.

After they had some extra money, they would pull out a few pieces of cloth and make clothes for their families and children.

Cotton cloth has the best sales, especially cotton cloth printed with patterns and colors. Now there are a large number of horse-drawn carriages parked in front of the factory to pull goods.

The sales volume of linen cloth was good before, but now the sales volume is somewhat declining, but the sales volume of linen bags has been increasing.

The sales of silk are not very good, mainly because too much silk is produced.

The domestic wealthy population is limited, and the main output is exported to Westerners.

If a piece of clothing is mended and mended and worn for six or seven years, it will become tattered and need to be replaced with new clothes.

The textile industry is an industry that will last forever.

If everyone could have two or three new pieces of clothing, the textile industry would usher in great development.

We businessmen set up such a large-scale textile factory.

We are just betting that the people in China are getting richer and richer and can afford two or three new clothes."

Su He was quite satisfied after listening to Yang Wencai's words.

These businessmen have a very sensitive sense of smell, and they are betting that the Great China Dynasty will usher in a long period of growth.

Businessmen like them should earn this money.

Su He walked to a workshop inside the factory and saw many thin figures operating looms with difficulty.

His face was gloomy, he looked at Yang Wencai and asked angrily: "What is going on?"

This chapter has been completed!
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