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Chapter 409 Inspecting the Coal Mine

Su He got off the train from Tangshanfu Railway Station. The moment he opened the train door, the pungent smell of soot poured into the train car.

When he smelled this smell, he coughed violently several times.

Wei Shiming coughed louder, and he could no longer move. He took a pill and returned to normal.

Su He covered his mouth and nose and walked out of the train car. He saw the sky was gray.

Looking up into the distance, there are countless black smoke pillars.

This is Tangshan Mansion, the largest heavy industry city in the north.

After Su He welcomed the triumphant naval fleet, he took the civil and military officials to the last stop of the tour.

Tangshan was the most important heavy industry base of the Great China Dynasty.

The location of Tangshan City is excellent. There are large coal and iron mines within the territory. The city is close to the seaside and the transportation is very developed.

Cabinet Minister Wei Shiming's symptoms eased after taking medicine, and he heard Su He begin to cough.

He walked to Su He and suggested: "Your Majesty, when I manage Tianjin, I will also check the industrial coal consumption situation in Tianjin.

Except for steel-making companies, most companies that use steam engines directly use lower-quality coal.

These coals with a lot of impurities produce a pungent smell after burning.

Coal poisons people in many areas in the north, and these low-quality coals are the culprit.

Chen discovered that there was a kind of coal of excellent quality that produced extremely high heat when burned.

It will not produce a lot of smoke and odor when burning.

The price of this kind of coal is high. After coking treatment, it will basically not produce toxic smoke after burning.

Even if it is ordinary coal, after coking treatment, the amount of toxic smoke produced is reduced to a very low level.

The minister is preparing to introduce relevant policies so that factory boilers must use coke."

Yang Wencai was accompanying the team. When he heard Master Wei's statement, he felt very uneasy.

If the imperial court really introduces this policy, it can be expected that the cost of the factory will increase sharply.

Many factories that have just started operations are not sure whether they can survive.

Su He waved his hand and said: "This kind of policy is not advisable. The forced use of coke will sharply increase the cost of the factory.

That kind of anthracite coal is also a rare coal of extremely high quality, and its reserves are not abundant.

Factory directors control the means of production, and they can pass costs on to downstream companies.

The final cost is paid by the people at the bottom.

Many industrial products, regardless of price, must be purchased by the common people.

This approach is not advisable, and I believe there will be a more cost-effective way."

Su He had a vague impression that in his past life, coal was excavated from the mine and had to be washed with water.

When he saw the coal smoke filling the entire city today, he remembered the existence of water-washed coal technology.

The water-washed coal technology is extremely simple. You can understand the details of this technology when you see its name.

Su He believed that as long as he arranged for craftsmen to keep trying, the relevant technology would soon be perfected.

It took Wei Shiming several days to think of a way to solve the problem of soot choking.

He did not expect that there would be no chance of implementation of this policy, and Emperor Su He directly vetoed it.

Zhang Yuanshuo, the prefect of Tangshan Prefecture, was at the train station, waiting for the arrival of Emperor Su He and his party.

He also heard the news from Tianjin City before Emperor Su He arrived in Tianjin.

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【Competing for the deer in the world at the end of Ming Dynasty】 【】

Zhang Yuanshuo joined forces with the Tangshan Prefectural Procuratorate to launch a campaign to combat corruption throughout Tangshan Prefecture.

Many low-level officials and petty officials who usually took advantage of the card were dismissed from their posts or arrested and brought to justice.

When Zhang Yuanshuo heard the news from Tianjin City, he was afraid that he would be implicated by these corrupt officials.

Choose to strike first and completely clear out the officialdom before Emperor Su He arrives.

Prefect Zhang Yuanshuo brought the main officials of Tangshan Prefecture to salute Emperor Su He.

He said respectfully: "Your Majesty is welcome to visit Tangshan. Your Majesty, Zhang Yuanshuo, has prepared the carriage."

Su He said with a smile: "I came to Tangshan this time just to see the heavy industry in Tangshan.

The cornerstone of heavy industry is coal and iron. How can we understand heavy industry clearly if we don't understand the conditions of these two industries?

I remember that there was a large-scale open-pit coal mine in Tangshan, so I went to the coal mine to take a look at it as my first stop."

Su He chose to see the situation in the coal mine. Steam engine production cannot be separated from steel, and steel smelting cannot be separated from coal.

Coal is the most important energy and material for industrialization.

Su He understands the coal production situation, has a glimpse of the leopard, and can understand the current industrialization process.

The water-washed coal technology he just thought of should be implemented as soon as possible to reduce pollution in industrial cities.

When Zhang Yuanshuo heard this request, he frowned but did not dare to stop it.

The young master ordered Li Tiankui to look nervous and said: "Your Majesty, all the open-pit coal mines discovered near Tangshan Mansion have been exhausted.

Now there are only coal mines buried underground. Your Majesty cannot go into the mines. These mines are very dangerous inside.

Accidents happen in mines every day across the country."

Li Tiankui discovered that Emperor Su He wanted to go to the coal mine, and he immediately reminded him.

When Zhang Yuanshuo saw Li Tiankui explaining the situation, he stopped him and said: "Your Majesty, it is very dangerous in the mine.

Even if we try our best to take safety measures, natural disasters such as mine collapse, water seepage, and explosions still happen from time to time.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, not to mention that your Majesty's safety is tied to the safety of all people in the world.

This small coal mine is not worth the risk for Your Majesty."

After Su He heard what Li Tiankui said, there was no open-pit coal mine nearby.

He had no intention of going into the mine before, he just wanted to take a look at the open pit coal mine.

Su He saw the accompanying civil and military officials who were also nervous and wanted to persuade him.

Su He said in a relaxed tone: "My dear friends, I will never put myself in danger. Let's go to the coal mine to take a look.

Investigate the coal production process without going into the mine."

When Su He said this promise, the civil and military officials heaved a sigh of relief. Finally, they no longer had to think of ways to stop the emperor who had so many ideas.

The young man ordered Li Tiankui to wipe the sweat from his head. He felt that he had escaped from the gate of hell.

He stood up and suggested: "The Dahua Coal Group under Shaofu is the largest coal mining company in China.

The new mine of Tangshan Branch of Dahua Coal Group has just been put into use. It uses a lot of new equipment and has the most advanced technology in the mining industry.

I suggest that your Majesty go there to investigate."

When Su He heard Li Tiankui's suggestion, he nodded and said, "Okay, let's go to Dahua Coal Group."

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【Competing for the deer in the world at the end of Ming Dynasty】 【】

Magistrate Zhang Yuanshuo followed, secretly giving a thumbs up to Li Tiankui.

This Shaofu Ling is worthy of being a Beijing official, with a quick mind.

Make the best choice for yourself immediately and in a short period of time.

The coal mine has been operating for a long time and has complicated interests. There are many things that are not suitable to be displayed in front of the emperor.

A new coal mine that has just been mined is as clean as a piece of white paper.

If the emperor inspects this kind of coal mine, he will never find any problems.

Under the protection of Qilin Guards, the convoy headed out of the city and soon arrived at the headquarters of Dahua Coal Group Branch.

Qu Yunyun serves as the general manager of Tangshanfu Branch of Dahua Coal Group.

She received the notice from the Qilin Guards and quickly made preparations for the emperor's inspection.

As a woman, Qu Yunyun can serve as the general manager of the Dahua Coal Group branch. She also has a backstage and excellent service experience.

But no matter how strong the background is, if the performance is poor this time, the emperor will probably beat him to the end.

Su He got off the carriage and looked at many people from Dahua Coal Group waiting in the yard.

Some people were covered in soot and looked pitch black. They must have just been recruited from the mines.

Qu Yunyun came out to greet him directly. She was from the Hanzhong Jiaofang Department and had no stage fright at all.

"Dahua Coal Group welcomes your majesty and all your gentlemen to inspect."

Qu Yunyun was like a master, introducing Dahua Coal Group to Su He and others.

Su He followed Qu Yunyun and his group for a walk. He saw a series of changes in coal from mining to coking.

Dahua Coal Group operates integratedly from coal mining, transportation and coking.

A large amount of coke is produced and transported to steel plants for steelmaking.

The mining part is underground and not much is known about it yet.

However, the degree of industrialization of above-ground coking has been very complete.

After the visit, Su He praised: "Every link is in order, you did a very good job.

Coal mining is a high-risk environment, and safety measures must be taken."

When Qu Yunyun heard what Su He said, she realized that her opportunity to express herself had come.

"Your Majesty, Dahua Coal Company has applied many new technologies in the coal industry.

Our coal mining efficiency and safety are far superior to those of small private coal mines.

Nowadays, once a major accident occurs in the coal industry, resulting in the death of fifty people.

The government will intervene in the investigation. If the accident is caused by human negligence, the mining license will be revoked.

This is a matter related to the management of the Yamen of the Ministry of Industry. We are a company under the Shaofu and we must also abide by this management regulation."

Su He saw Qu Yunyun gritting his teeth when he said this. The two units usually had conflicts.

This policy was promoted by him alone. The young master cannot be a referee and an athlete at the same time.

The Shaofu manages state-owned companies and takes charge of companies controlled by the royal family.

Its companies must also comply with policies set by the government.

If the young government and the government check and balance each other, there will not be a large group company controlling the situation of a place.

If the relevant government agencies impose unfair punishments and favor private companies, companies under the Shaofu also have relevant channels to report this matter to their superiors.

Qu Yunyun took Su He and others to an empty square.

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【Competing for the deer in the world at the end of Ming Dynasty】 【】

When Su He saw this, he had already built a model of the underground mine.

Qu Yunyun introduced: "Your Majesty, gentlemen, you are not allowed to go into the mine. I have people build a mine model to demonstrate many new mining technologies."

Wei Shiming saw the general situation of the mine for the first time.

He said in surprise: "The mine is so big, the length, width and height are more than two meters.

I read literature before and found that many mines can only accommodate miners crawling in and out."

Qu Yunyun explained with a smile: "In the past, mining methods were very primitive and the technology was very backward, which is why such a situation occurred.

The mine is wide and the miners can use their strength, so the mining efficiency is higher."

While Qu Yunyun was talking, she asked the miners to demonstrate the usual mining process.

Under the mine, we mainly rely on manpower, using iron picks and iron drills to knock the coal from the coal seam bit by bit.

Steam engines are widely used in coal mines for mining auxiliary work.

Steam engines are widely used in two ways.

On the one hand are the elevators that drive up and down the mine shafts and the mine cars that load coal.

Boilers cannot be used underground in mines. These two machines mainly achieve their goals through iron cables.

On the other hand, it is used for pumping water. Water seepage often occurs in mines, requiring a large number of pumps.

When Su He saw the mine model demonstrated, there were two special things.

One is a yellow bird in a cage, the other is a burning kerosene lamp.

He specifically pointed to these two things and asked Qu Yunyun: "What kind of bird is this little bird in the cage? It should be to prevent the poisonous gas from coal."

Can kerosene lamps be used in mines? If kerosene lamps can be used, then they should be able to burn boilers and use steam engines to drive machines for mining."

When Qu Yunyun heard Emperor Su He's questions, the expression on her face froze. She didn't understand these questions at all.

"Your Majesty, this lamp was invented by an engineer from our company. I will call him over immediately."

Su He soon saw a young man less than twenty years old being brought in by Qu Yunyun.

"Wu Yong, a humble citizen, pays homage to His Majesty."

Wu Yong had the opportunity to meet Emperor Su He. His legs were shaking with excitement. In the winter, when water dripped and turned into ice, sweat continued to break out on his forehead.

He is from Sichuan and was the right age when promoting primary schools.

After graduating from elementary school, his grades were not very good and he had no money to go to college. He became an engineer at a coal company, mainly responsible for repairing machinery.

He usually likes to make some small inventions.

Su He once again raised his questions to Wu Yong.

Wu Yong replied briefly: "Your Majesty, this animal is a canary. This species of canary was introduced from Westerners. It is very sensitive to the toxic gases in coal mines.

We have now figured out that the poisonous and explosive gas in coal mines is the same gas as biogas.

We previously used rats to monitor underground biogas.

Rats can bring diseases to humans, and they are not as sensitive to biogas as canaries, so they will be eliminated quickly."

After Wu Yong introduced the canary, he pointed to the kerosene lamp and said: "Your Majesty, this kerosene lamp is not an ordinary kerosene lamp, it has a fine metal mesh cover on it.

After constant experiments, I found that if the kerosene lamp cover is covered with a fine metal mesh, it will not cause a methane explosion in the mine.

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【Competing for the deer in the world at the end of Ming Dynasty】 【】

After experiments, Xiaomin specially collected some biogas and put a kerosene lamp with a metal mesh close to the gas, but no explosion occurred.

This lamp has been used for nearly a year and it has not caused an explosion underground."

After Wu Yong finished speaking, he picked up a kerosene lamp and put his hand on the metal mesh above the flame.

"Your Majesty, the metal mesh above the flames is not hot at all.

I learned in elementary school textbooks that if you want to ignite an object, it must reach a certain temperature, which should be called the ignition point.

The metal mesh will disperse the heat of the flame, and the heat of the kerosene lamp cannot be transmitted to the outside through the metal mesh.

It cannot ignite the flammable gas inside the coal mine.

Steam engines are completely different. They need to continuously add coal to the boiler, so there is no way to do this."

Qu Yunyun said from the side: "Your Majesty, this invention is extremely important, it is just a small invention, and the coal mining efficiency has been increased three times.

Previously we could only mine coal in dark mines.

Now that there is light in the mine, it not only speeds up the efficiency of coal mining, but also detects dangers in time."

When Su He looked at this kind of lamp, he had some vague impressions.

The term Davie lamp flashed across my mind. This kind of lamp was only invented in the previous life, at the beginning of the 19th century.

In the previous life, the British Empire's mining industry developed rapidly and promoted the industrial revolution, and the Davy lamp played an important role.

It brings safe light to the dark coal mine.

When Su He thought about the significance of this kind of lamp, he said happily: "This kind of lamp can bring about earth-shaking changes to the mining industry.

I must give a great reward.

Wu Yong is granted the title of Viscount and can join the Academy of Sciences for further studies."

When Wu Yong heard this reward, he immediately knelt down and kowtowed to express his gratitude.

When other engineers heard about this reward, their eyes were filled with fire and they were determined to make inventions too.

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