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Chapter 437 The Ambassador Escapes

4336 (1639 AD), July 15th.

Spanish Embassy in China, Ambassador Rubio, who has just been in office for half a year, is chatting with Bishop Bria.

As a devout believer, Rubio trusted Bishop Bria very much.

Not long after they met, they became close friends.

Bishop Bria read the good news in the newspaper. The Great China Dynasty continued to expand outwards, and news of victory appeared intensively in the newspapers.

He asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Ambassador Rubio, the nobles in the country, can't you see the danger of the Dahua Dynasty?

Now is the moment when the Great China Navy is at its weakest, so a large number of battleships should be dispatched to defeat the Great China Navy in one fell swoop.

Why did the Armada send three battleships to East Asia?

These three battleships alone cannot protect our colonies in East Asia.

Once the Great China Dynasty shifts from land expansion to ocean expansion, our colonies will be in danger."

Ambassador Rubio sighed and said: "The country is stuck in a long-term quagmire of war.

Europe is now in a state of chaos and is about to usher in the final decisive battle.

The Habsburg family must preserve its honor.

The main force of the Armada must stay in the homeland to ensure the security of the homeland.

For the domestic nobles, if the colony is really impossible to hold, they can only choose to give up temporarily.

Anyone can tell which is more important than the security of the homeland or the colonies.

The colony is lost, and we can get it back again if we have free hands.

Once the enemy invades our homeland, no one will be able to bear the loss."

Ambassador Rubio sighed, it has been half a year since he came to Dahua Dynasty.

I saw the vigorous development and vitality of the Great China Dynasty.

As an intellectual, seeing this situation, he also had a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

Especially the war in Europe has involved most countries.

The development of Europe has basically stagnated, and a large number of people have emigrated.

Spain is the richest country in Europe and ships a large amount of gold and silver minerals and cotton grain from the Americas.

Everyone who can stay in the country is rich and has endless money.

A large number of poor people took ships to the colonies to make a living and exchanged their lives for money.

But the society is like a stagnant water, purchasing large quantities of handicraft products from England and other countries. Buying tea, perfume, porcelain and other luxury goods.

Rubio always feels like there is something missing in the country?

He didn't understand it before, but after coming to Dahua, he realized that Spain lacked industry.

Industry develops on the basis of handicraft industry.

Spain is too rich. There are only rich people left in the country, and no one does such menial jobs.

If the industry is underdeveloped, the country can only be considered wealthy, not powerful.

Among the more mature industries in Spain, only the shipbuilding industry remains, and it is gradually being surpassed by England.

Rubio had previously learned about the plan of the former ambassador Sedes from the Bishop of Bria.

He regretted that Sides' plan did not succeed, and now he took over Sides' legacy and continued to complete the plan.

Rubio must bring steam engines to Spain.

He has deeply realized that if Spain wants to continue to develop, it must master the technology of steam engines.

Spanish businessmen who came to Dahua to do business had brought information about steam engines to Europe through oral instructions.

But without the actual object as a reference, and only relying on the stories of some businessmen and sailors, craftsmen could not imitate the steam engine.

Bishop Bria sighed and said: "The Netherlands and Portugal were robbed of their colonies in East Asia, but they did not respond at all.

Even the Netherlands and Portugal do not join forces with us to fight because of local grievances.

As long as they send troops to deal with the Dahua Dynasty together, our pressure will be reduced a lot."

Ambassador Rubio also felt a little regretful when he heard what Bishop Bria said.

Even if their relationship with these European countries is not good, they still have hidden rules when it comes to fighting for colonies.

Unless you encounter a colony of extremely high value, the rule is basically maintained on a first-come, first-served basis.

There are too many empty colonies in the world now, and there is no need to snatch colonies from other countries.

European countries can compete within themselves in any way. Once they encounter resistance from indigenous countries, priority will be given to defeating them.

The current situation in Europe is too tense. The Netherlands, which is at the center of the vortex and is weak, cannot send troops to East Asia.

Portugal also made similar choices to Spain in order to maintain the security of its homeland.

Ambassador Rubio and Bishop Bria continued to discuss issues that have always concerned them.

By what means, a steam engine was smuggled from Dahua and allowed to be transported back to China by businessmen.

They have secretly controlled a small factory and have several old-model steam engines in their hands.

Bishop Bria knows a lot about machinery. By dismantling these old steam engines, he has already understood the principles of steam engines.

Ambassador Rubio said regretfully: "The Chinese dynasty has learned wisely.

During this time, I briefly understood the history of the Han people.

In the previous dynasty, as long as someone came to worship, the two sides established diplomatic relations.

The Han court would reward many things, especially advanced technology.

Those civil servants didn't care at all and gave rewards to foreigners without reservation.

Little did I know that when I learned this method, the Great China Dynasty only rewarded me with a few mirrors and glasses.

What do I need these things for?"

Bishop Bria sighed: "The Chinese dynasty is very smart and they no longer adopt the policy of obscuring the people. This method does not work.

I just hope that I can return to China safely and make a steam engine.

I am now being watched by people from the Dahua Dynasty, and if I leave suddenly, I will probably end up like Ambassador Sides."

Bishop Bria's tone was a little lonely. He didn't know if he could find a chance to leave Dahua.

While they were chatting about this matter, the door to the study room was suddenly pushed open, and Rubio's confidant walked in with a panic look on his face.

"Ambassador Rubio, a letter from home, this is a letter forwarded from Manila."

Rubio looked shocked and reached out to receive the letter from home.

The distance between Spain and Dahua is too far, so it is impossible to send letters from China unless it is a big deal.

After Rubio read the letter, his expression changed drastically.

Bishop Bria asked: "Ambassador Rubio, what happened? Is there some problem in the country?"

Rubio put the letter on the table and said sadly: "The king knows that something happened to Ambassador Sides.

The country has decided to sever diplomatic relations with the Great China Dynasty, and the two countries have officially entered a state of war.

The king asked me to take the opportunity to declare war and appointed me Governor General of the Philippines, authorizing me to mobilize the local army."

Shortly after Rubio took office, he received news from Manila.

Sides' fleet did not go to Manila as originally planned.

Manila dispatched ships to search the sea along the way, but no trace of the Sedes fleet was found.

They finally found the broken wreckage of the fleet on the sea.

Only then was it confirmed that Sides had been killed, the entire army was wiped out, and no one escaped.

When the Sides fleet was sailing, there were no hurricanes at sea, so the possibility of encountering a shipwreck was low.

The fleet was escorted by Spanish warships, and no pirates around dared to touch the fleet.

The only force that has the strength to annihilate this fleet without even a single boat escaping is the Royal Navy of Great China.

Rubio whispered to his confidants: "We immediately packed up our things, disguised ourselves as businessmen and evacuated Dahua.

We know too many things, and Dahua Dynasty will never let us leave.

Ambassador Sides

It was because he knew too much that he was killed by these hateful Han people.

I decided to take advantage of the Han people's unpreparedness and leave Dahua by boat now."

When Bishop Bria heard Ambassador Rubio's arrangement, his face was livid with fear, and he immediately stopped him: "Governor Rubio, we can't leave directly, we must find a way to disguise ourselves."

Bishop Bria thought for a moment and came up with a good idea.

"The ambassador went to represent the Kingdom of Spain to prosecute the Chinese Dynasty.

If the Dahua Dynasty doesn't give us exact information, the ambassador will stay in the Ministry of Rites."

Ambassador Rubio heard about Bishop Bria's plan.

He stared at Bishop Bria with his eyes, as if to say, you are trying to kill me.

Bishop Bria continued: "The Han people have a very poor ability to distinguish us Spaniards.

Just like when we look at Han people, they all look the same.

The ambassador I am talking about is a fake ambassador.

Find someone who looks similar to Governor Rubio and pretend to be an ambassador to buy us a chance to escape.

We sneaked into the merchant's merchant ship and escaped from Dahua without anyone noticing.

There is no enmity with Dahua now, and they will not restrict the entry and exit of the caravan."

When Ambassador Rubio heard about Bishop Bria's arrangement, he immediately adopted the strategy.

He has already smelled the smell of war. The Royal Navy of the Great China Dynasty has been continuously launching battleships during this period.

These battleships will certainly not become mere decorations.

The first place to be impacted by the expansion of the Royal Navy of China was the Spanish colonies.

Rubio now serves as the Governor of the Philippines. He will immediately return to the Port of Manila and take over the local defense.


Han Cuibai, the Minister of Rites, came to the cabinet and reported the situation to Prime Minister Wang Zhongce.

Han Cuibai said angrily: "Your Excellency, Prime Minister, Spanish Ambassador Rubio gave our Ministry of Ceremonies an ultimatum.

He said that Spain has obtained evidence that the former ambassador Sedes was killed by us.

Let us turn over the killers of former Ambassador Sedes.

If the murderer is not handed over within ten days, the Kingdom of Spain will sever diplomatic relations with us.

Now the Spanish ambassador is staying in the lobby of the Ministry of Ceremonies.

I wanted the government officials to kick him out, but I was worried about the impact on the relationship between the two countries.

Now our economic exchanges with Spain are very close.

The relationship between the two countries cannot be frozen because of me."

Wang Zhongce nodded and said, "You did a good job, without His Majesty's explicit instructions.

The Ministry of Rites cannot make arbitrary claims and affect the relationship between the two countries.

But we must not compromise and lose Dahua’s face.

The Ministry of Etiquette immediately rejected the Spanish ambassador's rude request."

After Wang Zhongce told Han Cuibai what to do, he immediately went to the palace to meet the saint.

When Su He heard Wang Zhongce's report, he smiled and said: "The Spaniards were so slow to react, and only now are they sure that Sides is dead.

This man was a descendant of the Habsburg family, even a collateral descendant, and he died in Dahua.

The Habsburg family will not turn a blind eye. This is related to the face of the Habsburg family and Spain.

The cabinet is trying its best to delay. I will first see the attitude of the Spaniards.

The four major fleets of the Navy have basically taken shape. The Navy currently has no ocean-going experience and it is still relatively difficult to open up routes to Europe.

But starting from Nanyang and opening up a route to Arabia is relatively easy.

The Spanish merchants don’t want to make a profit on the price difference, so we will let the Arab merchants make a profit on the price difference.

Even if the country is currently at odds with Spain, it will not affect the export of goods."

Before Su He ordered Su Changsheng to take action, he had already made preparations for war with Spain.

The Great China Dynasty went to war with Spain and paid the price.

That is much lower than the amount that Dahua will have to pay in the future if the aristocratic children who know Dahua very well return to the country to take power.

The price paid.

After the emergence of Nanyang gold mines, the country no longer needs a large amount of silver input from the outside world to alleviate the currency shortage.

Now that Dahua and Spain are about to go to war, it will have basically no impact on Dahua's country, and it will also get the treasure land of Luzon Island.

When Wang Zhongce heard the emperor's order, he knew what the cabinet should do.

Su He continued: "I have long expected that there will be a battle between Dahua and Spain.

When Dahua established diplomatic relations with Spain, I made excuses not to send an ambassador to Spain.

If an ambassador is sent, the ambassador now becomes a hostage.

I can’t just do whatever I want like now and start a war whenever I want.”

Wang Zhongce left the palace. He personally summoned the Spanish ambassador and severely refuted his request.

When he met the Spanish ambassador for the first time, he felt that the ambassador was obedient and seemed to be in control.

Su He summoned Navy Minister Li Qingmu and asked the Navy's Second Fleet to prepare for war and be ready to launch an attack at any time.


Governor Rubio and Bishop Bria disguised themselves with their henchmen.

They successfully left Dahua and returned to Manila on an armed merchant ship.

They took a detour to Japan to avoid the area patrolled by the Royal Navy of China.

The ship was sailing on the vast sea, and no large Chinese warships were following it.

Governor Rubio learned that the fleet was temporarily safe.

Then he said excitedly: "We finally escaped from Dahua. Bishop Bria's plan is perfect."

Bishop Bria wiped the sweat from his head and said happily: "It's a false alarm, Governor Rubio, what should we do in the future?"

Governor Rubio raised the corners of his mouth and said fiercely: "The two countries have now entered a state of war, and we can use various means to achieve our goals.

The Great China Dynasty used merchant ships to transport a large number of steam engines to Southeast Asia.

We directly used warships to intercept these steam engines and transport them back to Europe.

What Thades couldn't do even if he lost his life, I can easily accomplish."

Bishop Bria praised: "Governor Rubio's strategy is really brilliant.

The steam engine we obtained through this method is still the most advanced steam engine in the Dahua Dynasty.

I read in the newspaper that the Dahua Dynasty Nanyang Gold Mine ships ten tons of gold to the mainland every month.

This is ten tons of gold. If we can intercept this batch of gold, we will make a fortune."

Governor Rubio's eyes lit up when he heard the large amount of gold.

He was already thinking about how he should distribute the gold after robbing it.

This chapter has been completed!
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