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Chapter 447 Heavenly Khan

Chapter 447 Tian Khan

December 16, 4336 (1639 AD).

Qianqing Palace, imperial meeting.

Su He listened to Su Xiong's report on the Northwest War and the rewards of meritorious personnel from the Governor's Office.

He agreed with the reward plan formulated by the Governor's Office and ordered: "Wu Jie can be made a Duke. The imperial edict of the title will be sent to him first. When he returns to Beijing, I will hold a ceremony for him.

Personnel who have made meritorious service in the Northwest War will be rewarded according to this plan.

The country's northern prairie has stabilized, and the cabinet must come up with a plan to develop the grassland.

The military strength of the Metropolitan Governor's Office also shrunk from the north and shifted to other places.

But in order to continue to maintain sufficient military strength in the northwest region, Wu Jie should be allowed to guard the northwest for a period of time.

When the local regular army and militia were established, he returned to the capital.

Russia is our enemy and we must remain vigilant."

Li Dazhuang, Duke of Cao, who had just returned to the capital, heard this order from Emperor Su He.

He asked with some confusion: "Your Majesty, I conquer Khalkha Mongolia.

These Mongols had come into contact with Russian Cossack cavalry and had a certain understanding of the Russians.

From them, I learned about some conditions of the Russians.

The Russians had been conquered by the Mongols before. They resisted the Mongolian rule and established a new country, known as Tsarist Russia.

Russia's weapons strength is worse than some Western countries we have come into contact with.

Some Western countries are already using flintlock muskets, which are more advanced muskets, while Russia is still using old muskets like matchlocks.

I believe that Russia is incapable of being an important enemy of our great China."

When Li Fengming, Chief of the General Staff, heard Li Dazhuang's suggestion, he stood up and said, "What Mr. Cao Guo said is wrong!

Your Majesty, I have been collecting Western historical materials during this period, especially those about wars.

The minister discovered that Russia's war potential was great.

Let me give you just one example to clearly see the war potential of the Russians.

Russia and the Ottoman Empire fought for hundreds of years in the Crimean War in order to compete for Crimea and other areas.

In every war, the number of troops participating in the war can reach nearly one million. By the end of the war, the two armies suffered hundreds of thousands of casualties.

The Russian system is feudal slavery, and the officers of the army do not regard the soldiers at the bottom as human beings at all.

The population of Russian serfs was very large.

Once Russia made up its mind, it would launch large-scale war mobilization.

Even if the combat effectiveness of these serf armies is very poor, the continuous attack of hundreds of thousands of troops regardless of casualties will bring huge casualties to our army.

If we want to block the Russians in the northwest region, in addition to maintaining an elite force, we must also have a large number of steppe militia troops to assist the regular army in defense.

Second-line troops must be used to consume the enemy's cannon fodder troops."

After Su He heard what Chief of General Staff Li Fengming said, he praised: "The Duke of Jin is right, Russia has been able to expand its territory rapidly in recent years from a small country in the west.

They are now bordering our country, and this country must have something unique about it.

Incorporating grassland tribes and forming city militias for joint defense is the best strategy to resist the Russians.

This requires the cabinet and the Metropolitan Government to jointly formulate relevant policies, and also requires the cooperation of the grassland tribes."

Su He has always been wary of Russia.

He knew the name of the gray animal very clearly.

The imperial meeting reached a consensus, and everyone in the military was sitting in their seats. They had discussed all the issues to be resolved.

The Metropolitan Governor's Office will adjust relevant arrangements in a timely manner based on the content of the imperial meeting.

Han Cuibai, the Minister of Rites, stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the Wulianghai tribe, the Tuxiet tribe, the Chahar tribe and other grassland tribes have all come to Beijing en masse.

They wanted to pay homage to His Majesty, and the above table respectfully addressed His Majesty as Heavenly Khan.

Your Majesty, will the Ministry of Rites begin to receive them and prepare relevant etiquette?"

I just received the news before, and the ministers asked whether to let the grassland khans come to Beijing.

Su He immediately agreed to let people here come to Beijing. This was an opportunity to show the strength of the Dahua Dynasty.

He also asked his ministers to think about whether the imperial court needed the honorific title Tian Khan.

Su He heard the report from Han Cuibai, the Minister of Rites, and asked whether he would accept the title of Tian Khan.

This matter has reached a time when a decision needs to be made.

The title Tian Khan has advantages. Su He has this title, and he becomes the co-owner of the grassland in name.

If the grassland tribes are disobedient and Suhe sends troops to attack, no grassland tribe can object.

The title of Tian Khan is also a constraint. Accepting this title is equivalent to accepting the grassland tribes.

Su He did not answer first, but asked instead: "What do you think, dear friends?"

Cabinet Minister Li Zhisheng said excitedly: "I congratulate Your Majesty on this great achievement in opening up territory and expanding territory.

Your Majesty's reputation will be far greater than that of Emperor Qin, Emperor Wu of Han, and Emperor Tang Zong Mingzu."

Cabinet Minister Qian Mingyi said in surprise: "Your Majesty, the title of Tian Khan represents the complete surrender of the grassland tribes.

The Central Plains area can exchange supplies with the grassland tribes and promote trade between the two sides.

The imperial court can bring great benefits to the imperial court simply by collecting taxes on related trade."

Civil officials spoke one after another, and most of them agreed to accept the title of Tian Khan.

Cabinet Prime Minister Wang Zhongce finally said: "Your Majesty, the grassland tribes have surrendered. Among the several major strategies we set at the founding of the country, the Dingding Northern Territory has been completed.

In the north of the country, no grassland tribes can threaten us anymore.

There is no need to maintain a huge military force in the north every year, which can save a lot of money.

The most important thing is that we don't have to worry about threats from the north and can easily target other enemies.

Don’t worry about the embarrassment of fighting on two fronts.

Your Majesty accepts the title of Prairie Tribe, and we have the name to intervene in the disputes among the various tribes in the prairie.

It will help the country control the entire grassland area in the future and maintain the stability of each tribe.

It can also give reassurance to the grassland tribes. Many tribes in the grassland have always been afraid that we Han people will become a big tribe and massacre these grassland tribes.

Accept the title of Heavenly Khan and canonize these grassland tribes.

This proves that we still need some grassland tribes to help manage grassland areas."

Su He listened to the speeches of many ministers, and the speech of Prime Minister Wang Zhongce was the most suitable for him.

He ordered: "Leave this matter to the cabinet, and the Ministry of Rites must receive the great khans of the tribes in the grasslands.

There is no need to make the etiquette too complicated. We conquered the grassland with guns and cannons, not etiquette."

After hearing Emperor Su He's instructions, the cabinet immediately started busy with this matter.

Han Cuibai, the Minister of Rites, was mainly responsible for this matter.


Lin Danhan lives in the Rites Hotel.

As soon as he arrived here, he saw the very annoying Wuliang Hai Khan, who had only arrived a day or two before him.

He waited for more than ten days, and more than a hundred people from Khalkha Mongolia arrived.

Only leaders of large tribes such as Tushet Khan can enter this hotel. Leaders of other small tribes can only find inns to stay in the capital.

Lin Danhan put the kettle under a copper pipe. He opened the valve on the copper pipe, and the clear water flowed out.

"Tap water is so convenient. Chahar City will also have one in the future."

He put the iron kettle on the coal stove. The stove was burning in the house and it was warm in winter.

With the convenience of transportation, their Chahar tribe no longer burned cow dung, but instead burned briquettes.

A young man rushed into the house with a happy face.

"Great Khan, good news. The imperial concubine sent someone to bring us a message. Emperor Dahua is very satisfied with our operation.

The people sent by the imperial concubine specifically tell you that only by giving up can you gain something. Times have changed."

When Lin Danhan heard the news, he made tea with freshly boiled water.

Holding the fragrant teacup in his hand, his brain was running at high speed, thinking about his daughter's words.

My daughter is extremely smart and won't say anything without reason.

This kind of riddle-like words means that some words are not easy to say, but they are extremely important.

Lin Danhan was puzzled by the fact that his Chahar tribe had moved closer to the Han people very quickly.

They have even given up their right to rule the tribe.

If the tribesmen had any problems, they would not go to the tribe elders for justice. Instead, they would go directly to the Dali Temple of the Han people.

Lin Danhan was drinking tea and looking at the scenery outside the window.

Suddenly he saw his own old face on the glass mirror.

Lin Danhan suddenly realized that he was a tribe and the biggest obstacle to integrating into the Han people.

As long as he is in the Chahar tribe, the Han people will not relax their vigilance against the Chahar tribe.

When Lin Danhan thought of this, he suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness.

He quickly figured out that the Mongol era that belonged to him had come to an end, and he could not stop the tribe from heading towards a new era.

After Lin Danhan figured it out, he gave up his original idea of ​​competing with Wulianghai Khan.

He quickly waited for officials from the Ministry of Etiquette and sent them to teach them etiquette.


4336 (AD 1639), December 20th, the Great Court Meeting.

Several representatives of the Mongolian tribes, led by officials from the Ministry of Rites, approached the palace that represented the highest power of Dahua.

During this time, they saw the prosperity of Dahua and learned basic etiquette.

Su He was sitting on the dragon chair, and there were hundreds of civil and military officials standing below.

Officials all know, what is the main purpose of today's meeting?

Han Cuibai, the Minister of Rites, stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the Chahar tribe, the Wulianghai tribe, the Tuxiete tribe, etc.

The great khan of the nomadic tribes in the steppe, his tribe surrendered to His Majesty, and he personally came to the capital to pay homage to His Majesty.

They are already waiting outside the palace."

Su He issued an order: "Let them come into the palace to have an audience."

"I obey the decree."

After Han Cuibai finished speaking, he walked out and led the Great Khan of the grassland tribe into the palace to have an audience.

Lin Danhan walked away relatively easily. He already knew from his daughter the arrangements made by the Emperor of China today.

He looked at the sweats around him, especially Wulianghai Khan, whose steps were a little sloppy and sweat was already visible on his face.

The unknown is the scariest thing. These people don't know whether they can achieve what they want to achieve?

What they were most worried about was that they were even more afraid that they would not perform well and offend the Emperor of China.

After they entered the Jinluan Hall, they immediately bowed three times and kowtowed nine times.

Performing this great ceremony signifies their tribe’s complete surrender to the Emperor of China.

Su He waited until they finished saluting and then said, "Get on your feet."

The Khans stood up one after another and observed the situation in the palace.

Wulianghai Khan plucked up the courage, took a step forward with the memorandum written by the Han officials, held the memorandum in his hand and said: "Your Majesty, the emperor, has great literary and military skills, and your reputation resounds throughout the grassland.

On behalf of the Wulianghai Tribe, I respect your Majesty as the Khan of Heaven and become the co-owner of the grassland."

After Uliang Hai Khan finished speaking, the other Khans followed similar instructions and completed the process.

Su He sat on the dragon chair and watched the performance of these sweats.

He agreed simply: "If you all are sincere, I won't delay.

I agree to your request, officially become the Khan of Heaven, and will announce it to the world."

Su He did not engage in this trick of asking three times and resigning three times.

Prairie tribes value strength most and must do things simply.

Once you put it off, it will come across as cowardly.

Lin Danhan was the first to react. He was the first to kneel down and kowtow: "Greetings to the Heavenly Khan."

Others reacted immediately and followed Lin Danhan's actions.

Su He waved his hand and said: "Everyone, please stand up. I, the Khan of Heaven, need your help to manage the grassland together."

After Lin Dan Khan stood up, he said: "Tian Khan, I am old and frail, and I envy the prosperity of the capital.

Please allow Tian Khan to allow me to retire in the capital and pass on the throne to my son Ezhe."

Su He was a little surprised when he saw Lin Danhan's performance.

This powerful man who had just passed his prime actually chose to give up his rights.

This incident was very beneficial to the Great China Dynasty in managing the grasslands.

Lin Dan Khan also made a good start, as long as the court finds out which tribe has disobedient intentions in the future.

You can directly let the great Khan of this tribe come to the capital to retire.

"Lindan Batur, I grant your request."

Suhe re-canonized these grassland tribe leaders with Khan titles.

He rewarded these tribes with trade, militia and other related rights, allowing them to enjoy the same rights as the tribes in Monan Mongolia.

The great dynasty meeting ended successfully, and these Mongol Khans happily retired from the dynasty. They all got what they wanted.

This time I came to Beijing to communicate with each other.

They believe that the most important purpose this time is to find out the attitude of the Great China Dynasty.

From now on, they no longer have to worry because one day their tribe will disappear on the grassland.

Wuliang Haihan and his party were walking back to the Libu Hotel.

There is a group of well-informed big businessmen outside the hotel, who have been waiting for a long time.

Yang Tengfei looked at Ding Dezhen from Uncle Ding's family and Qiao Wenlu from Uncle Qiao's family.

"We each find a great khan to achieve our goals.

The news that His Majesty is the Heavenly Khan will soon be published throughout the country.

Those smart businessmen, after learning this news, all know what it will bring?

The most basic point is that when we go to the grassland to do business, it will be smooth.

Smooth roads will bring great benefits.

If we act as soon as possible, if we delay any longer, many people will come to grab food."

As soon as Ding Dezhen heard what Yang Tengfei said, he immediately selected his target and walked towards Wuliang Haihan.

"Great Khan, please give me some time, I am a businessman.

As long as you allow us to trade with your tribe, we can obtain a large amount of important supplies such as food, ironware, and salt."

Wu Lianghai Khan saw this gorgeously dressed businessman and heard this man's words. He was very moved.

Their tribe was often attacked by Cossack cavalry and lacked food.

As long as there are merchants who can bring food to their tribe, everything in the tribe can be exchanged.

When Ding Dezhen saw Wu Lianghai Khan's performance, he smiled in victory.

These grassland tribes have many treasures that they don't know about.

His Majesty the Emperor became the Khan of Heaven, opening up the connection between the Central Plains and the grasslands.

Their chamber of commerce will conduct trade between the two places, and even if they only get a small share, they will make huge profits.

(End of chapter)

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