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Chapter 467 Strategic Objective

Chapter 467 Strategic Goals

The long court meeting is over, and Emperor Su He can take a short break.

There are a lot of things going on in today's imperial meeting.

He awarded medals to the meritorious soldiers in the northwest battlefield and those who made meritorious service in controlling the plague.

There are too many nobles awarded. The morning meeting started at nine o'clock and it is already three o'clock in the afternoon.

There were so many people attending the imperial meeting that a banquet could not be held in the Huangji Hall. Emperor Su He took the lead and all the officials were given only one meat bun.

Today's court meeting also decided on several matters that had been delayed due to the plague.

The special ocean-going ships for exploring America have been built, and the exploration fleet is about to set off.

Go and explore Dahua’s route to America.

America is a continent that has long been discovered by Europe.

The Great China Dynasty has ushered in the Age of Discovery, and we must not miss the God-given land of America.

Cabinet Minister Qian Mingyi was responsible for supervising the construction of a new river channel for the Yellow River. After several years, hundreds of thousands of Nanyang indigenous slaves and Japanese Japanese workers risked their lives to dig a new river channel.

A new channel of the Yellow River has been successfully dug. The Yellow River no longer diverts the Huaihe River from entering the sea. It flows into the Bohai Sea from Le'an County, Qingzhou Prefecture, Shandong Province.

In order to save construction time, new river channels of the Yellow River are expanded on the basis of the original river channels.

The new channel of the Yellow River has been built and will be put into use during the flood season.

If the Yellow River, the mother river, is well managed, tens of millions of acres of fertile farmland can be expanded along both sides of the river, allowing hundreds of millions of people to live and work in peace and contentment.

Suhe today appointed cabinet minister Wei Shiming and Zuodu Yushi Li Yuanzheng to inspect the quality of reservoirs and Yellow River embankments across the Yellow River.

Only if the Yellow River embankments are of high quality can the Yellow River water be diverted from the old river channel to the new river channel.

Once there is a problem with the Yellow River embankment, it will be a man-made flood that will cause millions of casualties.

Su He believed in Qian Mingyi's ability, but he could not pay for his trust with the lives of millions of people.

The new Yellow River channel must undergo detailed inspection and pass the quality inspection before it is allowed to be put into use.

The civil and military officials began to retire from the court, and Su He was also preparing to go to the imperial dining room. The imperial chef had already received instructions and had prepared meals for Emperor Su He to enjoy.

He received a notification from Zhou Fangzhi that Zhang Yuliang, Duke of Min State, asked to see him.

Su He asked the guards to bring in Min Guogong Zhang Yuliang.

After Zhang Yuliang saw Su He, he saluted and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, today Caifeng Pavilion will hold a scholar debate at eight o'clock in the evening.

There are many well-known scholars debating. I think Your Majesty will be interested in it and specially invite Your Majesty to watch the scholars' debate.

Caifeng Pavilion is the property of Weichen's concubine, and it is very close to the Governor's Mansion, so it is safer there."

Zhang Yuliang stated the situation of Caifeng Pavilion just to reassure Emperor Su He.

The property of his wives and concubines was the property of the Duke of Fujian, proving to Emperor Su He that it was extremely safe.

The disaster caused by the plague to the imperial court has passed, and the imperial court has continued to arrange many matters.

There's only one thing that hasn't happened yet.

That is the Great China Dynasty. Does it have any plans to expand abroad in the near future?

Now there is not even an increase in special military expenditures, and the Logistics Department has not made any large purchases.

A nobleman like Min Guogong Zhang Yuliang was only one step away from being crowned king and heading overseas to found a country.

In the past, the establishment of a country overseas was just a castle in the air.

Now that some people have chosen wise men and are officially preparing to found the country, how can they not be anxious?

Zhang Yuliang has always wanted to find an opportunity to talk to His Majesty the Emperor and understand the Emperor's thoughts so that he can prepare in advance.

Zhang Yuliang learned from his wife Bian Yujing that there was a scholar debate meeting in Caifeng Pavilion.

He knew that Emperor Su He paid great attention to the ideological trends of various schools of thought in society and always promoted changes among various schools of thought.

Only then did Zhang Yuliang come to invite Emperor Su He to participate in the scholar debate.

After a few days, Su He heard the name Caifeng Pavilion again.

He ordered Zhou Fangzhi: "Let the imperial dining room pack the food, and we will go to Caifeng Pavilion to eat."

Caifeng Pavilion is the property of the Duke of Min, and Su He will not eat the food there.

The Chemistry Institute of the Academy of Sciences has produced so many potent poisons and chronic poisons that Su He has no idea of ​​eating food from other places.

Su He put on a common set of clothes, and the guard behind him was carrying a slightly heated food box with a charcoal fire at the bottom.

They took a carriage and headed to Caifeng Pavilion.

Su He asked doubtfully: "Mr. Min, I heard that Caifeng Pavilion is a place for singers and dancers. How can there be scholars debating there?"

Zhang Yuliang explained simply: "There are many singers under Caifeng Pavilion. In order to maintain their reputation, they hold scholar debate competitions.

The top three will be rewarded with 10,000 taels of silver coins, and they will also attract the attention of the singer and win the beauty back.

An activity that brings fame and fortune and brings beautiful women back home.

Red sleeves add fragrance and read at night.

How could a young and energetic scholar let go of this opportunity?"

When Su He heard this situation, he immediately understood the purpose of Liu Rushi and others.

She is worthy of being a woman who will go down in history. She is indeed very skillful and knows how to use her own strengths.


Liu Rushi, Gu Hengbo, Dong Xiaowan, and Li Xiangjun saw Bian Yujing approaching with a boy in his arms, and they all looked extremely envious.

Dong Xiaowan said in a clear voice: "Sister Bian, why did Mr. Min Guogong carry a lunch box this time?

Duke Min Guo and Sister Bian both praised the food I cooked last time."

Bian Yujing thought about her husband's instructions, and said with a smile: "The person my husband is accompanying this time is also a big shot. He is used to eating food from his own family."

Liu Rushi was the first to react and asked nervously: "The Duke of Fujian is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

Could it be that someone with a higher status than Duke Min is..."

When Liu Rushi asked, she pointed to the sky with her finger.

Bian Yujing nodded and said: "Sister Liu's guess is correct, it is indeed that person.

I will create opportunities for the sisters. Whether you can please that adult or not depends on your ability.

You must know that there is a queen who is from the Jiaofang Department, and her status is lower than ours.

I hope sisters can cherish this opportunity.

Sisters, it's best to show off all your charms. Once you get noticed by this big shot, you won't have to worry about it for the rest of your life.

When the time comes, I will still have to rely on my sisters."

Liu Rushi and others looked at each other, with eager light flashing in their eyes.

Li Xiangjun was the first to react and said thanks: "Thank you, Sister Bian, for the tip."

Liu Rushi and others quickly thanked them, wondering how they could express themselves.

They put on clothes that best showed their charm and waited for news about Bian Yujing.


In the attic on the top floor of Caifeng Pavilion, Emperor Su He and Min Guogong Zhang Yuliang were sipping imperial wine and eating meals cooked by the imperial chef.

The attic around them was full of guards and others, and conversations here could not be heard outside.

The attics of Caifeng Pavilion are all very similar in layout.

It is a series of suites, with several rooms in the front where the maids rest, a large living room in the middle, and a huge berth in the back.

Emperor Su He and Min Guogong Zhang Yuliang were eating and drinking in the living room.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Duke Zhang Yuliang of Min State saw that Emperor Su He was in a better mood. After toasting, he said: "Your Majesty, I saw that the King of Liao and others had gone overseas to found a country.

I am extremely anxious and want to ask Your Majesty if the imperial court has any plans to expand abroad in recent years."

Zhang Yuliang chose to ask questions directly and make his thoughts clear.

He said it more euphemistically. Emperor Su He did not understand his intention, and it would be very troublesome if he misunderstood it.

For example, Emperor Su He understood that if Duke Min wanted to avoid the war, this would be a big trouble and would require huge costs to remedy the situation in the future.

Su He had already expected that Zhang Yuliang would come to him privately to inquire about the situation.

He did not expect that the first person to lose his temper was Zhang Yuliang, Duke of Min.

Su He thought for a moment, and he could also figure out why Zhang Yuliang couldn't hold his breath the most.

Several princes in the imperial court were not related by blood or marriage to Emperor Su He, except for the Duke of Jin, Li Fengming, and the Duke of Min, Zhang Yuliang.

The blood relationship between Su Zhuang, Duke of Song Dynasty, has been in the fifth server, but he has been able to keep his composure since he grew up with Emperor Su He.

Duke Li Fengming of the Jin Dynasty was a military advisor and staff figure who did not rely on external battles to accumulate military merit.

Only Min Guogong Zhang Yuliang was the most worried about his own situation.

Su He drank the wine offered by Zhang Yuliang and said: "The Mongolian grasslands in the north of the Great China Dynasty have been completely solved by us.

The Buryat tribes near the North Sea have not yet surrendered, but the general trend of Transkarkha Mongolia has been determined, and the Buryat tribes are unable to survive alone.

The climate near the North Sea is extremely cold, so the imperial court would send out cavalry divisions in summer to completely conquer the Buryat tribes.

In the two northwest provinces, the situation in western Turpan is relatively stable, and the Kazakh tribes have no time to take care of themselves.

We also need to cultivate enough cavalry divisions before we can continue to attack westward.

The Wulianghai tribe in Ili Province encountered the Russians advancing eastward.

Now the Russians are competing with the Ottoman Turkish Empire for the Crimea region, and they do not have the strength to move eastward with all their strength.

The local garrison alone could block the Russians' eastward advance.

We reached the Ulianghai area and occupied more territory than the Central Plains area.

It would take a long time for the imperial court to digest the fruits of victory before it would continue to compete with Russia for the large area of ​​frozen land in the north.

I will never allow a powerful European empire to appear on top of Dahua's head.

The north is temporarily building troops, and the next main direction of attack is the south.

Dahua will send troops from three directions: Guangxi, Yunnan, and Nanyang to seize Southeast Asia in one fell swoop."

The next strategic goal of the Great China Dynasty is to conquer Southeast Asia.

The main targets are Vietnam, Myanmar, and Siam.

After conquering Southeast Asia, Dahua bordered the Indian subcontinent.

This fertile and well-ruled place will sooner or later be in the possession of the Great China Dynasty.

The goal set by Su He for the Great China Dynasty was to dominate East Asia.

Take advantage of this best time to expand the sphere of influence of the Great China Dynasty.

Even if the Great China Dynasty lacks strength in the future and shrinks its sphere of influence.

If these places are separated, they will also become the country of the Han people.

When Min Guogong Zhang Yuliang heard the exact answer given by Emperor Su He, he was satisfied.

The meritorious deeds produced by Vietnam, Burma, and Siam were enough to give birth to five or six kings.

The pie painted by Emperor Su He was also big enough. The North wanted to capture more than just Beihai, the land where Su Wu was herding sheep.

The vast frozen land in the north of the North Sea must be completely occupied by His Majesty the Emperor.

Even the Mongols don't know what the situation is like at the northern end of the North Sea. They only know that there are snowstorms all year round and the environment is extremely harsh.

Even if we don't get the opportunity to send troops this time, if we conquer these desert lands, we can still earn a royal title.

If you get the title too late, you won't be able to compete with others.

At that time, we can only choose a remote area to establish our country and rely on others.

They are all founding monarchs. Whoever wants his own country is often bullied by other countries.

Zhang Yuliang still needs to be prepared to become a king as soon as possible.

Zhang Yuliang asked clearly what he wanted to ask, and they could have a happy meal.

He suggested: "Your Majesty, the leading singers of Caifeng Pavilion are all singers who were born in Qinhuai River in that year. They are not old and have not yet left the pavilion.

These four leading singers are very good at playing, so I called them into the attic to play for us."

Zhang Yuliang observed Su He's expression and saw that Su He did not express any position, especially no objection.

He immediately informed his wife Bian Yujing and called the four Liu Rushi girls into the attic.

The leading singers of Caifeng Pavilion, Liu Rushi, Gu Hengbo, Dong Xiaowan and Li Xiangjun performed the show again.

Su He and Zhang Yuliang enjoyed the music and dance, drank and ate.

Soon the jars of imperial wine he had brought were consumed, and the food on the table was finished.

Zhang Yuliang saw that Emperor Su He was slightly drunk, and he signaled to his wife.

Bian Yujing gently pinched the child in his arms, and the child immediately burst into tears.

Zhang Yuliang said apologetically: "How about I go see the child?"

He immediately took his wife and left the attic.

Liu Rushi and the other four girls have extremely high levels of observation of words and expressions.

I saw that the Duke of Fujian and his wife had left, and His Majesty the Emperor was the only one left in the attic.

Eunuch Zhou Fangzhi and the guards outside would not enter the attic unless ordered.

They showed their charm, slowly approached the emperor Su He, and used all their abilities to please him in order to get rid of their current fate.


Su He went downstairs to watch the scholar debate held in Caifeng Pavilion in the evening.

He rubbed his sore waist and lamented his lack of concentration after drinking.

Eunuch Zhou Fangzhi put away the emperor's daily life record he had just written. He asked: "Your Majesty, there is no precedent for this matter. How should we handle it?"

Su He ordered: "How can the royal heirs be wandering outside? There has been no draft girl since I ascended the throne.

Now it seems that they have to make an exception and let them draft girls and enter the palace through formal procedures.

It’s not like she’s a queen with a mother-in-law, so my other concubines don’t need to care about their origins.”

For Su He, this matter was just a trivial matter.

Four famous women took the initiative to throw themselves into their arms. He did not resist, and what was supposed to happen happened naturally.

Su He was more concerned about the upcoming scholar debate.

The Dahua Dynasty is now an agricultural country and is accelerating the process of transformation into an industrial country.

The etiquette system that has been implemented for thousands of years has encountered drastic social changes and is no longer suitable for the current situation of society.

An industrial country produces more wealth in one year than an agricultural country produces in ten years.

The gap between various classes of scholars, farmers, industry and commerce is getting wider and wider, which will also cause social divisions.

The Great China Dynasty now urgently needs a consensus to bridge all classes.

If we don’t lay a good foundation now, we will lay down hidden dangers in the future.

The Great China Dynasty may usher in a series of grassroots uprisings and divisions among all classes of the country in a few decades.

(End of chapter)

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