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Chapter 470 Ocean Voyage I

Chapter 470 Ocean Sailing (1)

Lu Benyun, captain of the exploration fleet, heard His Majesty the Emperor's will.

He shouted loudly: "Salute to Your Majesty."

All the officers and soldiers of the exploration fleet bowed and saluted Emperor Su He.

"Always loyal to Dahua, always loyal to His Majesty. Long live! Long live! Long live!"

After Captain Lu Benyun saluted, he faced the military formation and loudly ordered: "The captains of each ship will lead their men to board the ship and the exploration fleet will set sail."

The officers and soldiers of the exploration fleet turned back neatly, trotted forward, and boarded their own ships.

The ship was docked at the dock, and the boiler was never turned off, allowing the boiler steam to always maintain a high pressure.

It takes several hours for the ship's boiler to be ignited and reach the pressure required to drive the steam engine.

In order not to keep His Majesty waiting, the pressure of the boiler needs to be maintained for a long time so that the steam ship can set off at any time.

Captain Lu Benyun stood on the deck of the flagship. He issued an order: "Sound the whistle and notify all ships to get into formation and set off."

The shrill sound of the air horn echoed throughout the pier.

The amount of smoke in the ship's large chimney increased significantly.

A towering black smoke rose from the chimney.

There are some differences in the color of the smoke. The smoke from the ship on the left is thicker, giving a sight of billowing black smoke. There is also a pungent smell on the dock.

The ship on the right also emitted a lot of black smoke, but it was lighter than the one on the left.

When the stoker heard the command from his superior, he opened the valve of the steam pipe.

A large amount of high-temperature and high-pressure steam enters the steam engine and drives the steam engine to operate.

The steam engine drives the main shaft to rotate at high speed, and the main shaft is connected to the propeller on the bottom of the ship.

The propeller rotates rapidly in the water, generating huge reaction force and pushing the ship to slowly accelerate.

Su He and his party listened to the exploratory fleet's whistle gradually getting smaller and watched the exploratory fleet gradually move away.

He blessed: "I hope the exploration fleet has a smooth journey and does not encounter too big a storm."

The storms in the South Pacific are getting more violent, which is one of the reasons why the Suhe expedition fleet must open a route to the North Pacific.

Grand Governor Li Fengming saw the ship gradually moving away from the shore driven by the steam engine.

He said in surprise: "Your Majesty, I didn't expect propeller technology to be really successful.

I have already seen that steam-powered warships are the direction of future warship development.

This is also the reason why I blocked the navy from building battleships on a large scale.

The battleships currently in service can already protect the security of our country's coasts and routes.

Just keep the normal iteration of the battleships.

Without the most obvious weakness of the paddle wheel, steam-powered warships have great potential."

After King Li Qingmu of Liao left Dahua and went to Africa to found his country, the navy's influence in the court was obviously not as strong as before.

The strength of the navy has been constantly expanding, and the number of battleships is no longer growing at a rapid rate.

The senior officials of the Dahua Dynasty's Metropolitan Government also saw the ironclad ship technology that was being perfected.

They realized that steam-powered ironclads were the future of the navy.

The sail power is inherently insufficient. In order to protect the warship, a layer of steel plate protection is added to the warship.

This will affect the speed of warships, making battleships become iron turtles on the sea.

After many military exercises, this kind of warship is effective only when dealing with coastal defense artillery.

With the same number of battleships, it could not defeat the original model of battleships.

The protective performance of battleships covered with steel plates is still too low and cannot withstand the attack of naval guns.

In this case, speed and the power of naval guns are the ways to enhance the strength of the battleship.

Li Fengming saw Emperor Su He smiling, and he said with some concern: "Your Majesty, I remember that steam ships use coking coal and simply refined petroleum as fuel.

There is a big gap between coal-fired boilers and oil-fired boilers. Will using two types of boilers affect the navy's future logistical support?"

Everyone in the military knows that the simpler and more uniform the military's weapon models are, the easier it will be for logistical support.

The weapon models are too complex and may not be replenished in time during wartime.

When Su He heard Li Fengming's inquiry, he thought of the previous dispute between steam engine boilers, coal and oil.

This originated from the uneven distribution of resources in the Dahua Dynasty.

There is a lot of coal in the north of China, but there are few large-scale coal mines in the south.

The fierce oil discovered in Nanyang, a mineral officially named petroleum, is easy to mine and has large reserves.

The most critical point is that even after refinement, the current price of oil is lower than that of coal.

After simple refinement, petroleum is often used as fuel for kerosene lamps.

There are also some by-products such as paraffin and asphalt.

The production of oil is large, but the usage has not been high.

A large amount of petroleum has been refined, but no use has been found for it.

In the end, businessmen discovered that the cost of oil was lower than that of coal, but the heat generated by combustion was no less than that of coal.

Because of the lower cost, areas near Nanyang used a large amount of oil as fuel for steam engine boilers, and they did not hesitate to replace the steam engine boilers privately.

Dahua Steam Power Company, after seeing this situation, specially developed boilers that use oil.

Of course Su He knew the real use of oil, which was as fuel for internal combustion engines.

The processing precision required for internal combustion engines is too high, and Dahua's current industrial level cannot produce it.

Businessmen have found ways to utilize oil, and the court has no reason to ban it, allowing it to develop freely.

This time we explore the fleet’s boilers and use two types of steam boilers.

The main purpose is to verify which fuel, coal or oil, is suitable for ocean use.

Su He looked at Li Fengming and said with a smile: "How can I hide my thoughts from the Duke of Jin?

I do this, of course, to select the best of the best and find the most suitable fuel.

Once the navy determines the fuel for steam warships and builds supporting facilities, it will be difficult to replace it."

When there is not much difference between the two fuels, Suhe prefers oil.

Petroleum does not need to be crushed to be fully burned.

You can't see the difference now. When steam engine technology is upgraded to steam turbines, petroleum, a fuel that is easier to fully burn, will be the best choice.

Su He saw off the exploration fleet and briefly inspected the post-plague situation in Tangshan Prefecture, before returning to the capital with his officials.


Ma Port, Luzon Island, where the exploration fleet docked for supplies.

This will be their last stop at Dahua Dynasty.

Spanish guide after boarding ship in Luzon.

They will take the traditional Spanish route to South America.

Zhou Qianxue, Chief of Staff of the Exploration Fleet, made a record in the voyage diary, looked at the clock tower on the Macang Pier, and checked the time on the navigation clock.

He said with emotion: "Lao Lu, steam-powered ships travel too fast.

An ordinary sailing ship heading south at this time is traveling against the wind.

Taking the northern route to Luzon takes more than two months.

It only took us a month to arrive in Luzon.

This is just to observe the steam engine and not to sail at full speed."

Zhou Qianxue and Lu Benyun had a clear division of labor, and Lu Benyun came ashore to receive them.

Zhou Qianxue took the engineer and began to maintain building materials at the dock.

After the ship sails for a month, the entire steam power system must be inspected in detail and damaged parts replaced.

Without careful inspection, the steam engine is likely to collapse at a certain moment and the ship will lose power.

Lu Benyun smiled and nodded, and said: "King Zhao and King Cao are waiting for me at the dock.

I'll get off the boat right now, don't keep the two princes waiting.

Brother Zhou, you need to check each ship carefully. When sailing on the ocean, if a ship loses power, it will be very troublesome."

Su Xiong and Li Dazhuang, they were still muttering a few months ago, but Li Qingmu left them behind and happily went overseas to found the country.

At the scheduled time, the exploration fleet had not yet arrived at Luzon Island, and the two of them were extremely anxious.

They learned from businessmen from China that a great plague broke out in the capital, and almost everything was delayed.

Only then did he put down his worries and wait for the exploration fleet to arrive.

Su Xiong and Li Dazhuang looked around, and they finally came to explore the fleet.

According to their previous agreement, their confidants will follow the exploration fleet.

Their people did not have the ability to open a route, so they mainly inspected the situation in the Americas to determine the location of the landing and the strength of the first carry.

Once the exploration fleet opens a route to America.

They will carry large armies eastward and go to the Americas to establish countries.

King Cao Li Dazhuang saw Lu Benyun, the captain of the exploration fleet, stepping off the ship.

He smiled and said: "King Zhao, we finally don't have to worry, all affairs are proceeding as planned.

If we have a few more months, we can be better prepared, and we don't have to worry about not being able to defeat even the local indigenous tribes."

Su Xiong nodded, now he could only think in a good direction.

They were the first people to found a country in America, and they were not afraid that if they delayed for a few months, they would fall far behind others.

Su Xiong and Li Dazhuang held a grand welcome ceremony for the exploration fleet.

But in their words, they tactfully told Lu Benyun that they hoped that the exploration fleet would set off as soon as possible.

It only took Lu Benyun three days to load the supplies that the exploration fleet should carry.

He found Su Xiong and Li Dazhuang and said respectfully: "King Zhao, King Cao, the exploration fleet is about to set off, and I came here to say goodbye to you."

Su Xiong smiled and asked with concern: "Are all the personnel and materials of the exploration fleet ready?"

Lu Benyun nodded and said: "Most of the exploration fleet's warehouses carry fuel and food, as well as a small amount of weapons and ammunition.

Carrying only a small amount of goods, he observed the sales of various commodities in America.

The personnel are also ready, and the two princes' men, as well as the Spanish guide, have all boarded the ship."

The exploration fleet is not a caravan, and there is no need to carry a large amount of cargo.

Most of the supplies they carry are related to survival and combat.

Su Xiong nodded and said boldly: "King Cao and I have each prepared some small gifts for you.

What I prepared was doctors and medicines. I know the military's medical arrangements very well.

Most of them are good at treating trauma, but not good at treating diseases in life.

I assign three doctors to each ship of the exploration fleet to ensure the health of the crew of the exploration fleet."

When Li Dazhuang heard what Su Xiong said, he lowered his voice and said: "The gift I prepared is very special. This is a young Japanese woman I bought at a high price.

The exploration fleet needs to sail on the sea for more than ten months, and you are not monks, so you also need to live."

Lu Benyun's face changed drastically after hearing this. He welcomed King Zhao's gift very much. He didn't want to miss out on the large number of doctors.

King Cao's gift is too hot to accept.

He didn't need to think about it and refused quickly: "King Cao, you also know the military discipline in the army.

I am a general of the navy, not a private caravan, and we dare not ask for this gift."

When Su Xiong saw Lu Benyun's embarrassment, he smiled and said, "Dazhuang, I told you that no one dares to ask for your gift."

Li Dazhuang smiled calmly and said: "This gift is too heavy, so I will change it to another gift.

Give each person a reward of five hundred taels of silver coins, and you can buy the gifts you want.

If you really succeed in opening a route and the exploration fleet comes back, I will reward you women."

Li Dazhuang originally wanted to give money as a gift. For most people, giving money is the most effective way.

The exploration fleet is a naval officer. If they directly offer money, Lu Benyun will probably refuse.

He first gave Lu Benyun something that he had to refuse, and then he gave Lu Benyun money, and it was difficult for Lu Benyun to refuse.

Lu Benyun thought for a moment and could only accept King Cao's gift.

He was afraid that King Cao would really send a Japanese woman on board the ship.

Lu Benyun boarded the ship with gifts, and the exploration fleet left Luzon Island.

They followed the guidance of Spanish guides and headed to South America.

These Spanish guides are all Spaniards who have surrendered to China.

Their homes and properties are all in Dahua itself.

The imperial court also promised these people that as long as they completed the work of leading the way, they could become Dahua nationals and receive a reward of 10,000 taels of silver coins.

Liu Yuanshan, a confidant of King Cao Li Dazhuang and a sage from his wife's family, was assigned by Li Dazhuang to manage the people who followed the exploration fleet.

Liu Yuanshan tried his best to do everything well and chose the place where King Cao would land. He hoped to become prime minister.

If you fail in this matter, you can only become a governor.

As the leader of the Liu family, he will keep the Liu family away from the center of power in Cao State. This price is too heavy.

Liu Yuanshan hopes that the exploration fleet will succeed more than anyone else in the exploration fleet.

He saw the Spanish ghost guys as guides walking up to the fleet's chief of staff Zhou Qianxue.

"Master Zhou, don't you worry about those ghost guys leading the way and the exploration fleet getting lost in the sea."

Zhou Qianxue looked at Liu Yuanshan and smiled.

It is not just Liu Yuanshan who is worried about this matter. Many people who do not understand naval technology will have such worries.

Zhou Qianxue said calmly: "We have asked many Spaniards to draw the charts of the Spanish route.

The charts they drew are not very different.

We also inquired about the Spaniards, America and the situation around the routes.

We have sufficient evidence to believe that this route is authentic.

With this chart alone, I can lead the fleet to South America.

These Spanish guides just save us some effort.

Mr. Liu, please rest assured that the exploration fleet will not lose its way in the sea."

The exploration fleet has three major artifacts: the compass, the navigation clock, and the sextant.

Zhou Qianxue was confident in determining the fleet's position and direction.

The exploration fleet may deviate from its course, but it will never lose its way.

As long as the direction is correct, they will not be lost on the sea.

Steam-powered ships do not need to rely on wind power for power.

The most they can do is spend some time, and even if the journey is not smooth, they will definitely be able to reach South America and open up this route.

(End of chapter)

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