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Chapter 489 Sand Table Deduction

December 8, 4337 (1640 AD).

Duke Su Hu of Wei State and Zhang Yuliang, Duke of Min State, met again in Guangzhou city.

In the reception room of the Governor's Mansion of Guangdong and Guangxi, Su Hu sipped tea and asked curiously: "Mr. Min, let's take the train south together and part ways in Jinling.

I thought we wouldn't be able to meet each other for a long time, but I didn't expect that we would meet in Guangzhou in such a short time."

Zhang Yuliang drank a cup of tea, moistened his throat, and explained: "If we go further south, I won't be able to receive the telegram.

The telegraph line had just been connected to Guangdong, but now it cannot cross the sea.

I came to Guangzhou City and asked for instructions from His Majesty the Emperor and the Governor-General.

After arriving in Nanyang, it will be up to me to act independently, and it will take a very long time to transmit military information."

When Su Hu heard this, he laughed and said: "Mr. Min, you can wait for my good news.

I will command the army to attack Dai Viet, and the telegraph lines will be built following the army.

As long as we do a good job in publicity work in the early stage, for example, only conquer the Zheng family.

Su Hu smiled and said: "It's not necessary. How can Duke Min have any chance of winning if we conduct a sand table deduction like this?"

Their families even married each other.

For a small country like Siam, sending two armies to attack is completely overkill.

When the time comes when the Ruan family is captured by our army, Duke Wei, please don’t blame me for competing for military glory."

Su Hu smiled and replied: "The Third Army and the Tenth Army are both in the northeast and will take a long time to move to the south.

He walked to the Dai Viet sand table, held a blue flag and said: "I represent the Dai Viet side, and Wei Guogong represents Da Hua."

The Duke of Min, Zhang Yuliang, followed the thought of Su Hu, the Duke of Wei.

There is no need for strategies and tactics. If you still don’t know how to fight a war, then go to the military academy and get better at it.”

Min Guogong Zhang Yuliang waved his hand and said: "The sand table simulation has given me a lot of advantages out of thin air, but it is still unable to deal with the Royal Army of China that only fights stupidly."

This is why he immediately asked the imperial court for instructions after arriving in Guangzhou.

Many dirt roads have not been repaired at all, and there are deep holes of various sizes on the roads.

Maybe with a collision of ideas, we can come up with some better ways to fight.

Ruan Fulan, the ruler of the Ruan family and Duke of Renjun, is not a man of great talent and strategy, so he is likely to have doubts.

Sooner or later we will have the moment to meet, and then it will be very simple to convey the message."

You just follow the instructions in the military manual and command the army according to the script.

Su Hu frowned and said, "Commander Feng, you are marching too fast.

How could I ruin my reputation for a lifetime because of this small country?

Staff officer Feng Jinzhong mobilized the army to fight all the way, but Min Guogong Zhang Yuliang mobilized all the troops to resist.

Zhang Yuliang saw that Dai Viet’s information and terrain were the most complete.

Duke Su Hu of Wei heard the analysis of Duke Zhang Yuliang of Min.

The Netherlands has been driven out of Southeast Asia by us, and the Portuguese still have some power in Siam and Burma.

Zhang Yuliang, Duke of Min, pointed in the direction of Siam and said: "Siam has just recovered from the turmoil a few years ago.

The other two roads are connected by land. Even if it is extremely difficult to build a telegraph line, it can be built at any cost.

When we looked up, there was not even a qualified opponent."

Once the great turmoil broke out in Shandong's officialdom, I no longer had to worry about the insufficient number of officials."

When the difference is not big, a general can rely on his excellent command to win a war with fewer troops.

Zhang Yuliang was very curious. Su Hu took the train south and arrived in Guangzhou ten days earlier than him.

He frowned, thinking about what impact Zheng Ruan's merger would have on the current situation.

He sent reports to the imperial court. In addition to reporting relevant situations, he also asked for instructions on the strategic direction of the imperial court.

I am not Staff Officer Feng, and the Vietnamese army on the opposite side is not united. Those Vietnamese soldiers who are greedy for life and afraid of death cannot use this kind of tactics of mutual destruction."

He really lacks a lot of firepower to command an army.

I attacked the Zheng family while the Ruan family in the south stood by and watched. This would reduce a large number of casualties for our army.

Wei Guogong Su Hu said with a smile: "Only when we think from others' perspective can we come up with strategies to break the situation.

Zhang Yuliang, Duke of Min, said confidently: "I'm just talking, and I will respond to this war at my peak.

With this strategy, I will indeed lose and lose 50,000 troops.

"The combination of Zheng and Nguyen will bring out Dai Viet's inner strength, which may indeed cause certain obstacles to our army.

Even if they are light infantry, walking on muddy roads and marching twenty kilometers a day is extremely fast."

In this war, we must not be in a hurry and crush it with strong strength."

Now the team with more baggage will march slower.

Duke Su Hu of Wei nodded and said: "This is normal. There is a huge difference in strength between the two parties.

His Majesty the Emperor sent elite troops southward because he wanted to solve the Southeast Asian region once and for all as quickly as possible."

Zhang Yuliang also thought about this problem on the road.

There are all dirt roads in Dai Viet, the climate is warm and there is a lot of rain.

He saw the Duke of Fujian Zhang Yuliang and his staff officer Feng Jinzhong. Their sand table deduction was almost coming to an end.

Even if it is true, if the Ruan army enters the battlefield led by the Zheng army, what should they do if they become cannon fodder on the battlefield?

If the two extremely different forces want to unite, there are too many problems that need to be solved.

After communicating with people in the cabinet, I found that relevant personnel from the local police force and government offices have been assigned to me.

Duke Su Hu of Wei said magnanimously: "On the battlefield, everyone depends on their ability.

Duke Su Hu of Wei pointed at Guangping City.

He pointed to the accompanying staff officer Feng Jinzhong and ordered: "Advisor Feng, you come to be the commander-in-chief of the army.

Myanmar had just completed national reunification and almost annexed Siam.

Siam spent a lot of money to drive the Burmese army out of the country.

The most important thing is that the imperial court needs supplies and people.

The Zheng family alone cannot resist our army. Will Zheng and Ruan join forces?

Is this trying to lure you into a trap and take the opportunity to destroy the Ruan family's army?

After the Qing Dynasty King Zheng Jie failed to attack Ruan in the south, he has always been worried about it.

Wei Guogong Su Hu and Qi Hou Su Shan could ask for instructions in real time, receive timely support from the court, and dispel the court's doubts.

This highlights his difference, and he can only ask for instructions from time to time to make himself behave less unusually.

I am observing from the sidelines, and your sand table deduction tactics may be able to inspire me."

Su Hu laughed loudly and said: "I just fancy that you have no experience in commanding an army.

After receiving a letter asking for help from King Zheng Zhi of the Qing capital, he would definitely have doubts.

I am waiting for news from Qinzhou Port. Communication here is convenient and I can communicate with the court at any time.

There is a huge difference in strength. As long as the commander of the side with sufficient strength does not make fatal mistakes, the other side will not be able to win at all."

But on paper, as a top student who graduated from a military academy, he didn't think he was any worse than these veterans with outstanding military exploits.

In such a place, we can use strategies to deal with the enemy, and we are fully prepared.

He thought there was no way he could meet Su Hu in Guangzhou.

Duke Su Hu of Wei saw that Duke Zhang Yuliang of Min was too confident.

The Ming army, which also belongs to the Ming Dynasty, will not work hard to support friendly forces.

Staff officer Feng Jinzhong wiped the sweat from his forehead. These veterans are sharp in combat, can discern the most inconspicuous changes on the battlefield, and are good at utilizing all forces.

Staff officer Feng Jinzhong wiped the sweat from his forehead again and adjusted the marching speed of the army in time.

He said humbly: "Every war is related to the survival of the country, and a lion needs all its strength to fight a rabbit.

Min Guogong Zhang Yudian nodded and carefully watched the situation on the sand table.

When staff officer Feng Jinzhong heard what Wei Guogong said, he took out a small red flag and planted it on Zhennang Pass. He took the first step and sent his troops out of Zhennang Pass.

What's more, there is a life-and-death battle between Zheng and Ruan, who are not in harmony with each other."

He has already figured out what strategy should be used in this war going south?

In a situation where Zheng and Ruan are divided and confronting each other, psychological tactics are more effective than ordinary tactics.

Zhang Yuliang was a little happy when he thought about this, and the hero had the same opinion.

The King of the Qing Dynasty, Zheng Jie, has a heroic appearance. When life and death are at stake, asking for help is the only option."

Normal, this is normal.

Duke Su Hu of Wei changed his mind. He was very familiar with Duke Zhang Yuliang of Min and had conducted sand table simulations on the train going south.

The Duke of Min, Zhang Yuliang, accepted the invitation of the Duke of Wei, Su Hu, and they came to the sand table room together.

Don't let Wei Guogong's progress be too slow. After I capture Siam, I will march in both directions.

As long as Duke Nguyen Nguyen Fu Lan thinks for a while, I can lead the army to break through Thang Long Palace, and there will no longer be a possibility for the two forces of Vietnam to unite."

This time the sand table deduction is over, the two of them are also building confidence in themselves.

If I make a mistake that is too low-end, I will become a laughing stock in the army."

We must not underestimate the enemy. The biggest opponent in this war is not the enemy, but the local environment and people.

In this war, our navy completely crushed the enemy's navy.

My ability is not as good as others, and there is nothing to complain about if my military glory is robbed."

If Zheng Ruan can maintain the current confrontation status.

But when Vietnam's life and death were at stake, even if I commanded the army, the morale of the Vietnamese army was high, and all the soldiers were not afraid of life or death.

I have played the commander-in-chief of Dai Viet many times, and this time I want to see what Duke Min is thinking."

When Min Guogong Zhang Yuliang heard the news, he waved his hand towards Su Hu and said: "Wei Guogong, goodbye!

After I read His Majesty the Emperor's decree, I will take a boat and go south.

The Duke of Fujian Zhang Yuliang successfully promoted the Zheng-Nguyen alliance, and Dai Viet's army also came to an end.

I hope that when the army passes by Dai Viet, it will not surprise Dai Viet."

The Zheng family rules the north, and the Nguyen family rules the south. They only follow Li Shenzong Li Weiqi in name, but in fact they can be regarded as independent forces.

The moment Zhang Yuliang saw Su Hu, he was a little surprised.

The entire Portuguese navy came to Nanyang, but he couldn't defeat the First Fleet.

The Duke of Min, Zhang Yuliang, nodded and said, "That's true. During the founding war, I led the army to fight in Guangdong and Guangxi, and I often encountered this kind of situation.

Li Shenzong Li Weiqi is just a puppet monarch.

It was extremely difficult for light infantry units at that time to pass.

But your army will lose at least 3,000 men.

Telegraph lines could extend southward with the army.

If you conduct the sand table deduction again, the gains will not be too great.

Staff officer Feng Jinzhong followed his own steps and advanced the army bit by bit.

It split into two factions, Zheng and Ruan.

Our army has no regard for the combat effectiveness of tribal armed forces like the Burmese army, but the Burmese army can suppress Siam.

When staff officer Feng Jinzhong heard Wei Guogong's instructions, he tremblingly picked up the little red flag.

The differences between Zheng and Ruan were extremely serious, but they still nominally obeyed Li Weiqi, the emperor of Li Shenzong.

Zhang Yuliang smiled. He knew that the imperial court would give priority to ensuring communication between the army.

I have to find a way to keep Zheng Ruan at bay."

Duke Su Hu of Wei smiled, with all four big teeth exposed.

When you occupy a place, someone is responsible for maintaining order and managing the chaos at the rear.

Su Hu is thinking about what tricks he can use to drive a wedge between Zheng and Ruan.

"Mr. Min Guogong, Your Majesty and the Governor's Office have called you back."

When Min Guogong Zhang Yuliang saw this situation, he shrugged and said: "Consultant Feng, you completely ignore my military formation.

I only need to lead the troops to attack all the way, which makes it much easier."

But their strength cannot even compare to the First Fleet.

The roads were muddy and difficult to navigate, and in some places there were no roads at all, requiring the army to stop and clear the way.

Staff officer Feng Jinzhong wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a frown: "Your Excellency, Mr. Wei Guogong and Mr. Min Guogong, they are in humble positions and do not understand the navy.

Looking around, throughout Southeast Asia, Dai Viet is quite powerful.

Duke Su Hu of Wei slapped the table excitedly and said, "Yes, if I were Ruan Fulan, Duke of Ren, the two forces have been at war with each other for many years.

The two parties went back and forth, and soon the red flag took up most of the sand table.

The war has not started yet and we have enough time to adjust."

Banning the navy will have little impact on the situation of the war."

Can the navy be banned from entering this sandbox exercise?"

The army, with its heavy equipment, could not move very fast at all.

A staff officer knocked on the door, and he walked in after receiving permission.

In the past few years, I have been recuperating and preparing to attack the Ruan family again.

Staff officer Feng Jinzhong turned pale with fright, and quickly postponed: "Master Wei Guogong, you hold a humble position and have no experience in commanding an army of tens of thousands, how can you command an army to fight indiscriminately.

If I were Zheng Jie, the king of the Qing capital, I would definitely ask for help from the Ruan family.

Su Hu, Duke of Wei, laughed and said: "The Zheng clan in Vietnam has the support of the Dutch, and the Nguyen clan in Vietnam has the support of the Portuguese.

How many three thousand men do you have in your hands that can withstand continuous attrition?"

I have been worried that there are not enough officials willing to come to this newly recovered area.

Su Hu laughed and said: "Commander Feng, don't be anxious.

Wei Guogong Su Hu stood up, pointed to the sand table room next to him and said: "Let's have a sand table deduction to discuss this war.

Zhang Yuliang held the blue flag in his hand and hesitated. He analyzed: "After the Le Dynasty of Dai Viet experienced the Mo family rebellion.

He said calmly: "This matter is simple. Zheng and Ruan have been fighting for many years, and they have great concerns about each other.

Zhang Yu nodded and said happily: "Before we set off, I heard that there was great turmoil in Shandong's officialdom, and a large number of officials were demoted.

The Duke of Min, Zhang Yuliang, asked: "The Duke of Wei should have gone to the front line long ago, why are you still waiting here in Guangzhou Mansion?"

Wei Guogong Su Hu said with a smile: "I am very relieved about this matter. This is not the first time that the navy has been mobilized on a large scale, and Dai Viet's reaction will not be too drastic.

Even if they are prepared, there is no way they can block my attack."

Duke Zhang Yuliang of Min and Duke Su Hu of Wei parted ways. After confirming the contents of the telegram, he took a boat south to chase the troop ship that had left the port for three days.

The Duke of Wei, Su Hu, received the telegram that the army had landed at Qinzhou Port.

He also rushed to Zhennanguan as quickly as possible to join the army.

This chapter has been completed!
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