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Chapter 502 Good News

4338 (AD 1641), January 7th.

The atmosphere of the New Year has faded, and most people will go out to work starting today.

The streets of Beijing are full of festive red lanterns.

Huang Dongping and Song Hongda, a member of the civil service department, got off the carriage.

They looked at the crowded scene in front of the gate of Degui Tower.

Many young men and women wearing avant-garde clothes entered the Degui Building side by side. They laughed and chatted happily.

When Song Hongda saw this situation, he kept shaking his head and sighing: "It's so immoral, the world is getting worse!"

He was very dissatisfied with the customs in today's society, and all the teachings of Confucius and Mencius were abandoned.

Many women began to dress in the same way as the brothel women before them.

Song Hongda noticed that many people looked at him with strange eyes, shook his head and said: "Why do I say this? In this day and age, it is good to be able to take care of your own family.

My son is not very worried either.

Let's take a few steps and rush to the private room as soon as possible, don't keep Brother Qi waiting."

Huang Dongping said apologetically: "Brother Song please, Qi Bojia is on duty in the Etiquette Department these days and cannot invite Brother Song in person. Please don't blame me.

He can only come here for the banquet during his free time at noon."

Song Hongda waved his hand and said: "I also envy Brother Qi, who can be on duty during the holidays. He is favored by his superiors and is going to focus on training."

They walked into Degui Building and went to the private room where Qi Bojia was.

Song Hongda and Huang Dongping have already negotiated things.

Huang Dongping's son failed to pass the examination because the examination questions were becoming more and more difficult.

With his level, it was difficult to pass the exam, so Huang Dongping began to find a way out for his son.

He now has a way out, and there are rumors that a war is about to begin.

Huang Dongping wanted to prepare his son in advance. He was one step ahead and the court really started the war.

If a large amount of territory is captured, officials will definitely be sent to manage the new territory.

This is a very important opportunity. His son can use this method to enter the officialdom.

Song Hongda is a member of the Literary Selection Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. He has a great say in the selection of new officials below the seventh rank.

For officials who have been in the officialdom for many years, being transferred from the Central Plains to the border areas is considered to be demoted.

But for a white person to obtain an official position, this is a very good opportunity. There is no need to take the imperial examination and he can directly get a ticket to enter the officialdom.

Even if his future development is limited, he still has an official career with a high starting point.

They walked into the private room, and Qi Bojia stood up to welcome them and apologized to Song Hongda again.

His brother-in-law did not ask him for help during his son's imperial examination, which was very helpful for his career.

Someone in the Ministry of Rites once again made small moves in the imperial examination, so that he could be transferred to a better position when the position became vacant.

The three of them waited for the wine and food to be served, and then began to change glasses.

Qi Bojia toasted Song Hongda and thanked Song Hongda for helping them.

Song Hongda took a sip of wine and said: "Your relatives are college students, and the imperial court has relevant policy arrangements for college student officials to serve in the frontiers.

Only if he meets the requirements can I arrange for him.

But there are certain risks when you do this.

Now the imperial court is going to war in the south, which is just a rumor.

This news is really a rumor, or the imperial court does not want to occupy new territory.

Brother Huang's son was delayed instead.

It was precisely because of the uncertainty of the news that I had the opportunity to secure this quota through the formal process."

Song Hongda did not ask for credit, this little thing helped each other.

He may also beg Qi Bojia in the future.

Now the Metropolitan Procuratorate's investigation is too strict, and Song Hongda dare not commit any malpractice for personal gain.

No matter how hard it is, he is still willing to help.

Song Hongda also helped his brother-in-law's family for Qi Bojia's sake.

He can understand some official trends in the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and Qi Bojia has the opportunity to be promoted.

Huang Dongping toasted a glass of wine and said with a smile: "My son's future future depends on whether our guess is accurate.

If the imperial court really wants to occupy a large area, the current officials alone will not be enough.

A large number of officials must be recruited, and this is my son's opportunity."

Qi Bojia also nodded and said: "The new territory does not need too many officials, so we will bet on occupying a large area.

The sheer number of officials needed cannot be filled by redeploying officials."

While they were chatting, they heard loud cheers outside the private room.

"Special Issue of Hualian News Agency, Qi Hou sent troops to Burma."

"The message for sending troops was very strict. The imperial court will completely occupy Burma, and our borders will expand outward."

"How can a small country in that area of ​​Myanmar stop the attack of the Royal Army of China?"

"The imperial court is expanding into new territory. Will the price of food increase?"

"You are thinking too much. The battlefield is far away in Jiaozhi. How can it affect the price of food in the capital?"

Deguilou is a high-end restaurant, and the people here are very well-informed.

They discussed loudly in the corridor, and without suppressing their voices, their voices were heard in the private room.

This shows how shocked they were by this news.

When Song Hongda heard the news, he was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise: "Brother Huang, I am here to congratulate you on achieving your wish.

Myanmar alone requires a large number of officials to rule.

Based on my experience in the Ministry of Civil Affairs, my nephew’s official position is stable.

I believe that with the capabilities of the military, the Myanmar region will not be able to hold on for long and will be captured by us soon."

Huang Dongping and Qi Bojia were also celebrating, and they had a great time drinking.

Huang Dongping left Degui Building. He bought a Hualian Newspaper and read the contents of the newspaper.

Qihou Sushan launched the attack on December 26 last year.

The Hualian News Agency took so many days to announce the news.

The imperial court's blockade of information was too strict. Before the news was announced, not a single bit was revealed.

His wife's brother Qi Bojia is still a middle-level official in the Ministry of Rites.

He only received public information about the mobilization of the army.

No one can tell whether the imperial court wants to intimidate, send troops to teach a lesson, or completely occupy.

Huang Dongping thought about it carefully, and he lamented that today's communications are so advanced that it only takes a few days to understand the news on the front line.

The imperial court was also afraid, and the news of sending troops was immediately announced.

The secret agents planted by other countries in the country may pass the news back.

After all, the flight speed of homing pigeons is much faster than that of humans.

The news of the war quickly attracted the attention of everyone in the capital.

Newspapers are full of articles, constantly reporting news from the front line.

Wei Guogong Su Hu also formally launched an attack on Jiaozhi on January 9.

People all over the country know that this will be a war of huge scale.

Two hundred thousand troops have now been invested, which is the largest deployment of troops by the imperial court in recent years.

Only Zhang Yuliang and Su Li passed the news too slowly, and they didn't know when to launch an attack.

If the common people knew, there would still be 150,000 troops preparing.

They will realize that the scale of this war is greater than they imagined.


January 25, 4338 (1641 AD).

The news that Qihou Sushan captured Awa, the capital of Myanmar, spread through newspapers, and most people in the country knew the news.

Many people held newspapers and couldn't believe the news, and went around reading the unexpected news to everyone.

No one expected that Qihou Sushan would achieve an unprecedented victory in just one month of dispatching troops.

When the people got the news, they all smiled happily.

Many people knelt down in the direction of the palace and shouted long live the emperor!

What they have felt over the years is that every time the Great China Dynasty wins a foreign war, their lives will get better.

Emperor Su He came to the Governor's Mansion. He had received good news a few days ago.

Su Shan is progressing very smoothly and has captured Burma.

Su Hu also led the troops to advance steadily, and good news came one after another without encountering any major problems.

Emperor Su He was in the sand table room, watching the military attaché of the Metropolitan Governor's Office using a sand table to review the situation on the Burmese battlefield.

Qu Tian, ​​Deputy Chief of General Staff, constantly mobilized various armies in front of the sand table to show the mobilization of the two armies on the Myanmar battlefield.

Emperor Su He watched quietly as the situation on the battlefield was reviewed.

He asked the Governor's Office to try its best to restore the true situation of the battlefield in Myanmar.

The main purpose is to understand the contributions of each army.

This will determine Emperor Su He's rewards for each army and each general.

The Metropolitan Governor's Office reviewed the Burmese battlefield, and Emperor Su He could also understand the strength of the Burmese army.

He will decide how to govern Myanmar in the future based on the different strengths of the Myanmar army.

After watching the review of the Burmese battlefield, Emperor Su He praised: "Su Shan fought this battle very well, with overwhelming momentum, and did not give the Burmese army any chance at all.

Chai Jin of the Second Army responded flexibly and cleared the forest area blocking the road in advance.

Su Pengfei of the Sixth Army launched a blitzkrieg, leaving the Burmese army no time to prepare.

Before they could mobilize the entire army, the king was captured and the capital fell."

The Grand Governor Li Fengming took a telegram and asked for instructions: "Your Majesty, Qihou Sushan has captured the city of Ava and is now commanding the army to seize other cities in Myanmar.

Qihou Sushan asked for instructions, and he was going to send troops to attack Siam and try to attack the Indian region near Burma.

The Governor-General approved of the army's entry into Siam, which would speed up the end of the war.

The army has entered India to the west of Burma, and the governor's office has great differences. Please make a decision."

Emperor Su He thought about Qi Hou Su Shan's suggestion.

Before the twentieth century, India was just a geographical term, not a country.

They are composed of dozens of independent kingdoms, and these kingdoms are not very harmonious with each other, and they will attack each other.

People in this area have similar customs. Most believe in Hinduism and respect the caste system.

The people in this area have been ruled by foreign forces many times, and their resistance to foreign forces is not fierce.

In later history, England was able to control India with only a small number of troops.

Now Su Shan is preparing to send nearly 50,000 troops to try to attack India.

Su He believes that this plan is feasible, and Su Shan can adjust the strategy in time according to the situation in India.

"I agree to Su Shan's request."

Qu Tian, ​​the deputy chief of staff, received the oral instructions from Emperor Su He and immediately went to send a report to Su Shan.

Emperor Su He stared at the other three sand tables, wondering how long it would take for him to receive good news from other places.


In the old tavern, many drinkers were having lunch and discussing the most important topics of the day.

Many of them are just factory workers or vendors setting up stalls.

Most of these people are illiterate.

They listened to Lao Yu, who read newspapers to everyone in the tavern, to get information from the outside world.

Laoyu Tavern is a cheap tavern that mainly serves sweet potato roast and corn wine, as well as some snacks to go with drinks.

The tavern is a small business and cannot be like a big restaurant. Please tell me sir. The only way is for the shopkeeper, Lao Yu, to read the newspaper himself.

He picked up a newspaper and said in his accent with a dialect: "The Second Fleet and the Fifth Army of the Navy will destroy all Japanese resistance forces on January 19th.

They captured the Japanese emperor alive and prepared to parade him through the streets of the capital."

When Dao Scar Liu heard the news, he shouted: "Old Yu, don't just read the brief news, but also introduce some detailed information to everyone.

Just read it as it is written in the newspaper.

This is another good news. I don’t know the cause and effect, and I feel nothing at all.”

When Lao Yu heard this, he was so angry that he blew his beard.

"I don't charge you money to read the newspaper to you, but many people don't know how to be grateful.

If I knew all the words in the newspaper, I would open a tavern here.

I have already gone to a big business as a shopkeeper."

When Steamed Bun Zhang saw Lao Yu getting angry, he quickly smoothed things over, and only then did Lao Yu calm down.

Master Yang asked curiously: "Old Yu, these are newspapers from many days ago.

The results for January are only being reported now, and it’s almost the end of March.

I heard the good news about Wei Guogong a few days ago.

Wei Guogong commanded an army to attack from the north and south, wiping out all the forces in the Jiaozhi area.

This battle showed Han'er's style."

Old Yu said angrily: "This is a fresh newspaper.

If it were an old newspaper, I would be too lazy to read it to you.

You think the Japanese country is Jiaozhi, but there is no telegraph there.

If you want to send the news back, you have to send it back slowly by boat."

When the diners heard the good news, they toasted to celebrate.

Master Yang drank a cup of sweet potatoes, shook his head and said, "In the past few months, there have been so many good news that I have become numb.

Still, this good news makes people happy, as the news of annihilating a country comes directly.

I heard about the abominations of Japanese pirates when I was a child, and now that the imperial court has destroyed the Japanese pirates’ hometown, this is really satisfying.”

Old Yu wanted to continue reading the newspaper, but he heard the newspaper delivery person outside the door yelling.

"Lao Yu, come out and get the newspaper. This is the urgent special issue of Hualian News Agency today."

Lao Yu immediately went out to get the newspaper. He muttered: "It's another special issue, is it another good news?

During this period, there have been too many good news."

He walked in the center of the tavern, holding the newspaper with both hands, and read the title directly: "On February 11th, Min Guogong Zhang Yuliang captured Siam."

When the diners heard the good news, most of them were no longer surprised.

They just started, listening to the content of the good news.

Even if it is a small victory, such as when Wei Guogong led his army to fight out of the mountains.

They also cheered and cheered for the victory of the army.

Over the past two months, good news has continued to come.

Most people have become accustomed to hearing good news again and will not have any more emotional fluctuations.

Old Yu said excitedly: "Let's celebrate! Today's two good news are not only double happiness, but also mean the end of the war.

Japan, Burma, Cochin, and Siam were successively occupied, and this war has ended."

The diners realized it later and started drinking to celebrate.

The war ended with frequent good news, which is worthy of celebration.

This chapter has been completed!
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