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Chapter 518 Capital Germination

The train was speeding on the railway, and the general affairs envoy Zhao Wenfeng knocked on the door of Emperor Su He's private room.

After receiving permission, he walked into the box and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, the train will arrive at Songjiang County Railway Station in half an hour."

Emperor Su He exclaimed, "Songjiang Mansion is coming.

My time is a bit tight and I can only stay in Songjiang Prefecture for three days.

I must rush to Kaifeng Mansion in late June.

Let the Yellow River divert its course in time, otherwise the farming season will be delayed.

The new channel of the Yellow River has no water, and the severe drought in Shandong cannot be solved. Most of the fields planted with corn and sweet potatoes cannot be irrigated.

During this period, crops are growing rapidly and require a lot of water.

If the Yellow River is blocked, it will easily lead to large-scale harvest failure in Shandong.

After you get off the bus, inform the Songjiang governor's office and ask them not to be extravagant and prepare too many welcome ceremonies."

The more things Liu Rushi recalled, she fell into memories and said with some nostalgia: "Songjiang Prefecture has a great reputation. When I was a child, my father often went to Songjiang Prefecture to do business. When he came home, he told me interesting stories about Songjiang Prefecture.

Emperor Su He observed the businessmen, their procedures and purposes in doing business in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

As long as the price of sugarcane rises, the price of white sugar will naturally rise.

Other local policies and regulations, as long as the imperial court does not allow it, their yamen will not allow it.

"Wei Aiqing, you are right.

They watched the officials of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau working.

The Yangtze River is also the only channel for goods from inland provinces along the way to go to sea.

Water transportation is extremely cheap, and our domestic products are mainly sold domestically.

Emperor Su He visited various places in Songjiang Prefecture and returned to the temporary palace for lunch.

“Our biggest opponent is the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce.

Emperor Su He said happily: "Li Aiqing, Songjiang Mansion is developing so fast.

Regarding the merchants in Songjiang Prefecture, I found that they banded together to form a chamber of commerce, hoping to monopolize the price of a certain commodity or monopolize an industry.

Private companies, without the supervision of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, will inevitably do whatever they want."

Even if they are government-run companies, they must maintain full competition.

Li Tianyang was very happy when he heard what Emperor Su He said.

He has secretly pushed for everyone to go overseas to enhance their interests, and there are still some unscrupulous people who are preparing to cause trouble at home.

But things are changing too fast now, and many industries will not have time to develop while waiting for regulations and systems to be formed."

Geographical and human factors work together, coupled with the clustering of a large number of government-run enterprises.

Li Tianyang stared at these people. He was so angry that he wanted to send patrols now to arrest them all.

The soldiers of the Qilin Guard, with pistols on their waists, defended the guards.

When I'm not paying attention, I always make mistakes.

Emperor Su He listened to many companies selling their company's shares.

"I plant a lot of sugar beet in the north. In addition to the increase in sugar cane, I will also drive the increase in sugar beet in the north."

The local garrison in Songjiang Prefecture pretended to be on daily patrol and stood guard around the convoy.

Emperor Su He frowned when he heard these hurtful words.

Li Aiqing, please take me to understand the business environment of Songjiang Prefecture."

Li Tianyang pointed to the businessmen who came to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to handle matters.

Emperor Su He listened to Prime Minister Wei Shiming's analysis and nodded secretly.


Emperor Su He and his party, surrounded by Qilin Guards, stepped out of the special train.

Going directly to the sea from the Yangtze River will be cheaper.

When I think back on it now, I feel like everything is impermanent.”

But their main experience now is focused on the competition for European routes and the resources of the Governor's Palace. This is a good opportunity for our group of businessmen."

This is still shipped inland, to major governor-general offices or foreign countries.

After Emperor Su He met the last person, he asked the Prime Minister Wei Shiming who had been accompanying him: "Wei Aiqing, what do you think of Songjiang Mansion?"

Emperor Su He looked at the local Songjiang County officials headed by Governor Li Tianyang and Chief Envoy Sun Guiwen who were waiting anxiously on the train station platform.

Governor Li Tianyang asked most of the governor's Yamen officials to step down.

If other places imitate Songjiang Prefecture, they will be imitating a tiger rather than a dog.

Songjiang Prefecture guards the Yangtze River, a major artery, and the current development situation is normal."

Liu Rushi watched General Zhao Wenfeng exit, and she said curiously: "Husband, in your mouth, it is Songjiang Prefecture, and in Zhao's mouth, it became Songjiang County.

The train whistle kept sounding, reminding everyone in the carriage that the train had arrived at the station.

The low cost of water transportation has promoted the continued prosperity of business here in Songjiang Prefecture.

Emperor Su He saw clearly that a relaxed business environment was conducive to the development and growth of businessmen.

Emperor Su He looked at the busy river, nodded and said: "The good location is indeed one of the reasons for the rapid development of Songjiang Prefecture.

Mainly local scholars and businessmen, listening to their suggestions for the development of Songjiang Prefecture.

The development of these places is far less rapid than that of Songjiang Prefecture."

Wei Shiming encountered something unusual today, and he has been thinking about it.

A large number of merchants complete transactions here.

There are so many dialects that even if you hire a translator, you cannot translate accurately.

He saw two businessmen doing business, each writing their requirements on paper.

The status of a county is equal to that of a province, and the official in charge is a second-grade official.

He originally thought that the businessmen here in Songjiang Prefecture had already sprouted capital.

Commodities from Sichuan are transported to Songjiang Prefecture via the Yangtze River, and then transferred to Shandong.

After the train docked, he would immediately find Songjiang Governor Li Tianyang and inform him of the emperor's decision.

Many businessmen still don't know Mandarin.

But the location of other places in the south is not very different, and many provinces have coastlines.

They took a carriage to the busiest dock in Songjiang Prefecture.

Li Tianyang was very happy. He received great preferential treatment and could ride in the same carriage as Emperor Su He.

The imperial court allocated one prefecture each to Songjiang County from Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

Last year, Songjiang Prefecture surpassed Guangdong Prefecture and became the prefecture with the highest tax amount, with a narrow gap of five million taels of silver coins.

After monopoly, the industry becomes a stagnant water, which is not conducive to the development of the industry.

It doesn't matter which name you call me in private, it's hard to break the habit."

No one else dares to live in this kind of palace, so it will gradually become deserted and waste a lot of money.

We, the Guangxi Chamber of Commerce, are prepared to raise the price of sugarcane.

Li Tianyang introduced: “This is the trading market of the terminal.

The imperial court pays fixed salaries to officials, but Songjiang Prefecture can provide high rewards to officials.

These locations can not only demonstrate his abilities, but also not bore Emperor Su He and other officials.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate will inspect the monopoly companies of Shaofu.

A large group of them arrived at the dock, but they did not attract the attention of the merchants.

The benefits this can bring are far beyond those of normal business.

Without the unification of words, normal communication between two places far apart would be impossible.”

Li Tianyang looked at the accompanying personnel such as Emperor Su He and Prime Minister Wei Shiming. He could only think silently in his heart about the places to visit.

"We don't know if it's illegal or not if we do this. We must not let the officials catch us."

This is not an isolated case, but a common phenomenon here.

Li Tianyang took Emperor Su He and entered through the side door of Songjiang Prefecture Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

With the emperor's comment, he will definitely be able to rise to prominence in the future, which proves that Emperor Su He recognizes his ability.

In the afternoon, he summoned representatives from all walks of life in Songjiang Prefecture.

A brick thrown at a crowd can hit a fifth-rank official, and businessmen will be suppressed.

When facing officials from Jiangnan and Guangdong and Guangxi, he rarely met with these officials face-to-face and read the memorials written by them.

"Your Majesty, the Industrial and Commercial Bureau is the government agency that has the closest relationship with these businessmen.

This is like putting a tight curse on their heads.

Officials whose ratings are too low every month will be investigated by the Procuratorate."

He looked a little frightened, and immediately knelt down to plead guilty and said: "Your Majesty, I am not ignoring the law. After all, there is no precedent for these things, and the law is also blank.

After seeing the relatively luxurious palaces in Jinan Prefecture, he had already sent a telegram to inform various places that there was no need to build palaces in various places.

In a broad sense, Songjiang Prefecture refers to Songjiang County. We are used to calling it so and it is easy to pronounce it smoothly.

Even with all this trouble, the freight is about 60% cheaper than shipping directly to Shandong.

As a county, Songjiang County has only one prefecture, which is too small.

Emperor Su He happily praised: "So, your guess is correct.

Emperor Su He listened to the dialects from all over the dock.

When Prime Minister Wei Shiming saw this scene, he sighed with emotion: "Thanks to the First Emperor for his writings and writings traveling in the same direction.

For some new things, you really need to give them room to develop, so that you can see whether the thing is good or bad.

When Zhao Wenfeng heard Emperor Su He's order, he immediately exited the carriage and waited.

The imperial court's tax collection is now mainly based on commercial taxes. Songjiang Prefecture can pay huge taxes, which shows the prosperity of business here.

A large number of businessmen gathered in Shuntian Mansion, and their main purpose was not to do business.

The inland river terminal and the ocean terminal together form a huge terminal area.

Unexpectedly, they are good at absorbing various systems. This seed has gradually developed and will soon grow into a towering tree.

The north is dominated by government-run companies, mainly engaged in heavy industry and high-tech industries.

Instead, join parliament to formulate regulations and industry standards for various industries.


The profit-seeking nature of capital will inevitably lead it to pursue monopoly, and only monopoly can bring the greatest benefits.

Songjiang Prefecture is the core place of Songjiang County.

Before Su He got off the bus, he didn't even wear a dragon robe in order to see the situation in Songjiang County.

When Governor Li Tianyang heard Emperor Su He's request, he clenched his fists excitedly.

Wearing Suzhou embroidered silk clothes and boots made of cowhide.

The transactions at Songjiang Wharf are too frequent and a large number of people come and go, so no one cares.

There is no room for error in the official title.

A certain official stands out from the crowd. He may be corrupt or have a wealthy family.

Company share trading is still a concept brought by caravans from Europe.

In order to grow, capital must promote the progress of productivity.

The business environment in the north is very different from that in the south.

“The price of white sugar is too cheap now, and this is all due to the impact of Nanyang sugar cane.

When Li Tianyang and the officials of the governor's Yamen saw the arrival of Emperor Su He, they immediately bowed and saluted.

If all officials are like this, it can only mean that the local government is extremely wealthy.

Emperor Su He rarely had the opportunity to go on tour, and there were so many palaces built in various places that he could not use them.

The group of businessmen grew and capital began to sprout.

Emperor Su He saw that Liu Rushi was in a low mood, so he took the initiative to change the topic and talk about other things.

The direction of the dock he chose perfectly met the requirements of Emperor Su He.

Li Tianyang talks about the local system here in Songjiang Prefecture.

Songjiang Prefecture in the narrow sense indeed refers to the original Songjiang Prefecture.

Every businessman who comes to do business can rate the official responsible for handling the matter.

However, Li Tianyang had an extremely tough attitude and suppressed a group of officials, allowing the policy to be implemented smoothly.

Liu Rushi listened to Emperor Su He's explanation, and she began to talk about the Songjiang Mansion in her impression.


Emperor Su He continued to visit the dock and came to a huge building on the dock.

Emperor Su He asked Li Tianyang to become the governor and said: "I am not an old antique who clings to laws and regulations.

In addition to regular trading, they will also trade technology or company shares here.

The largest dock in Songjiang Prefecture is located at the mouth of the Yangtze River in Songjiang Prefecture.

After Emperor Su He let them get down, he ordered: "It's still early now. Governor Li will take my group of people to visit the prosperity of Songjiang Mansion."

Restaurants used by local governments to entertain guests can be used as temporary palaces.

Because he couldn't understand what these ministers who couldn't speak Mandarin and had strong dialect accents were saying.

Governor Li Tianyang pointed to the broad sea of ​​the Yangtze River and looked at the various types of cargo ships flowing continuously on the water.

If we want to make the business environment good, we must improve the efficiency of officials in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

Emperor Su He was hanging out on the dock, pretending to be merchants purchasing supplies.

The accompanying officials did not wear official uniforms, but changed into ordinary clothes.

Li Tianyang saw that Emperor Su He could figure things out after just observing for a short time.

If capital wants to carry out primitive accumulation, it has only two options: to squeeze its own citizens inward or to plunder other countries outwards.

Especially Shuntianfu, as the seat of the capital of the Dahua Dynasty, has a strong political atmosphere.

"Don't worry, brothers, I have read through the laws carefully and there are no charges similar to ours."

White sugar has become an important raw material. Even if it increases by one penny per kilogram, we can earn a lot of silver coins."

Is it the same as Shuntian County, which consists of Shuntian Prefecture, Tangshan Prefecture, Zhangjiakou Prefecture and other places."

The officials of Songjiang County are all beautifully dressed.

When this local system first appeared, officials reacted violently.

He introduced: "Your Majesty, the Yangtze River is an important waterway that connects many provinces in the south.

Emperor Su He asked Concubine Jing Liu Rushi and other entourage to wait in the temporary palace.

In this way, businessmen know that the company's shares can be sold at high prices."

He suddenly pricked up his ears and heard several businessmen talking in Mandarin.

From this point of view, we can understand how wealthy Songjiang County is.

It's the complete opposite here. As long as it's not prohibited by the imperial court, you allow businessmen to do it."

By then, it will not be too late to issue regulations and management.”

It has many well-known attractions.

When primary school students everywhere grow up and learn Mandarin from an early age, this problem will not occur.

Emperor Su He knew very well the inability to communicate.

The imperial court has corresponding fixed amounts in salary and treatment for officials at each level.

“Your Majesty, the situation of Songjiang Prefecture Industrial and Commercial Bureau can only be implemented in a few places such as Songjiang Prefecture.

He sighed: "I can really see how your place is different from other places.

He changed his clothes and led the group to visit Songjiang Mansion.

It's just that the Industrial and Commercial Bureau accepted this kind of treatment, and there was little opposition from the Songjiang Prefecture officialdom.

Without this reward, which is several times higher than the salary, it is impossible to mobilize the enthusiasm of officials.

The Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions have a tradition of thousands of different pronunciations, and there are many types of dialects.

Chen believes that once an industry is monopolized by businessmen, it will lose its vitality for development.

In addition to Songjiang Prefecture's strategic location and the flexible thinking of businessmen, our ability to develop so well is also closely related to the performance of officials and yamen.

Merchants sell a small number of high-value products to Europe and other places and earn a lot of money, and we can also collect a lot of export taxes.

The cabinet must formulate relevant policies to prevent chambers of commerce from joining forces to monopolize."

Emperor Su He saw the situation in Songjiang Mansion.

He was happy and worried at the same time.

Capital is in its budding state and is about to develop and grow. When capital is hatched, it will spread across the country at an extremely fast speed, and at the same time it will promote the development of productivity.

But we must also put capital in a cage and not allow it to develop unchecked and leave nothing but chicken feathers.

This chapter has been completed!
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