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Chapter 526 Livestock Breeding

Chapter 526 Livestock Breeding

After Emperor Su He paid homage to the Yellow Emperor Temple, he stayed in Xi'an for a few days to meet with officials and people's representatives from Shaanxi.

He visited the martyrs in Shaanxi. As an important territory where Emperor Suhe started his career, Shaanxi had many martyrs.

Concubine Jing Liu Rushi performed very well in Shaanxi and was praised by officials and people.

She gave the little white cat in her arms to four orphans of martyrs who were paying attention.

Emperor Su He finished handling matters in Shaanxi and took the train to Zhangjiakou, the last stop of this tour.

Zhangjiakou is the northwest gate of Beijing and is very close to the capital.

They calculated the time in advance and did not plan to stay in Zhangjiakou. They would return to the capital immediately after handling the matters there.

The train passed by Datong Prefecture in Shanxi Province, a former military town.

Now there are no soldiers in Datong Mansion, and there are horse-drawn coal carts everywhere.

Emperor Su He pointed to the scene outside the train and said: "Those who are good at fighting have no great achievements. A real powerful force will destroy all enemy countries.

There is no threat from the Mongolian grassland, and the imperial court does not need to maintain a large army of hundreds of thousands of people on the line of the Great Wall."

Deputy Chief of General Staff Qu Tian then said: "In addition to the grassland forces being dismembered by us and the defense line moving northward.

Railways extending in all directions can also maintain smaller troops in important inland areas.

By issuing orders via telegram from the General Staff Headquarters, tens of thousands of troops can be mobilized and reinforced by trains.

The army can arrive at the scene of the accident in the same day if it is nearby and two or three days if it is far away.

The army can be mobilized very quickly via railway lines, and there is no longer any need to garrison large regiments in one place."

Emperor Su He nodded. The emergence of railways brought about earth-shaking changes to transportation.

Thousands of horse-drawn carriages transport a month's worth of goods, while a train can transport the same amount of goods to its destination in just three days.

Emperor Su He said with emotion: "The railway is indeed much more convenient. The army transports troops by railway, which perfectly illustrates how valuable the troops are and how fast they are."

Before I set out for this trip, I was afraid of wasting money and spending millions of silver coins.

Traveling by train can ensure my safety and cost very little.

The cost of this trip is less than ten thousand taels of silver coins."

Emperor Su He was very satisfied with this trip. The purpose had been achieved and not much money was spent.

The expenses for this trip were all paid for from internal funds.

The royal family of Dahua is extremely wealthy, but the cost of travel depends on whether it is worth it.

If each trip costs millions of taels of silver coins, the cost is definitely not worth it.


Emperor Su He got off the train from Zhangjiakou City Railway Station.

It is extremely busy here, and Zhangjiakou is a transit point for trade from the mainland to beyond the Great Wall.

The construction of the railway leading beyond the Great Wall has not yet begun.

Goods from the mainland are transported to Zhangjiakou by road or railway.

The merchants then set out from Zhangjiakou to do business with the Mongolian tribes outside the Great Wall.

Every day, a large number of carriages, pulling various supplies, went to trade beyond the Great Wall.

They also brought back a large amount of livestock, furs, dried meat and other supplies from the Mongolian tribes outside the Great Wall.

Lin Yongguang, the prefect of Zhangjiakou, was already waiting at the train station.

When he saw Emperor Su He get out of the car, he immediately came forward to pay his respects.

"I, Lin Yongguang, the magistrate of Zhangjiakou, pay homage to Your Majesty."

Emperor Su He looked at the orderly Zhangjiakou Railway Station, which had been restored very well.

He asked: "The plague first broke out here in Zhangjiakou, and now it seems that the shadow of the plague has emerged here."

Magistrate Lin Yongguang straightened up and replied: "Your Majesty, Zhangjiakou has survived the plague and that great epidemic.

The common people and grassroots officials have learned how to deal with the plague.

The most critical point is to isolate and treat patients in a timely manner.

There are also sporadic cases of plague spreading over the grasslands.

We promptly isolated patients and actively treated them with penicillin and other drugs.

Most early-stage patients can be cured as long as they are treated properly.

To prevent the plague, every household kept cats and bathed them frequently to prevent fleas.

When the people discovered that the plague could be controlled, they no longer panicked."

Emperor Su He praised: "You Zhangjiakou did a very good job in dealing with the plague.

I will ask a reporter from Yanhuang Daily to write an exclusive interview and promote your experience to all parts of the country.

When other places encounter plague, they can also learn from it."

When Magistrate Lin Yongguang heard what His Majesty the Emperor said, he was overjoyed.

He can serve as a benchmark for prefects across the country and will definitely be ranked first in promotion in the future.

The pride on Lin Yongguang's face flashed away, and he quickly returned to normal.

He bowed to the emperor again, stood up and said, "I am deeply honored that your Majesty's approval has been given to my actions.

I will definitely introduce the various policies in Zhangjiakou to Yanhuang Daily without any reservation."

After Magistrate Lin Yongguang bowed his thanks, he asked, "Will Your Majesty go to the palace?"

Zhangjiakou is too close to the capital, and Magistrate Lin Yongguang could not predict how long the emperor would stay here.

Emperor Su He waved his hand and said: "Zhangjiakou is too close to the capital, so there is no need for me to prepare a palace.

I am also familiar with the situation here, and I am not prepared to meet with people's representatives.

I heard that the Royal Academy of Sciences set up a livestock breeding research institute in Zhangjiakou, and it has achieved good results.

I’m going to go take a look.”

Whether it is animal breeding or plant breeding, it is a project with slow results and huge investment.

In terms of grain breeding, the Royal Academy of Sciences has developed many achievements such as winter wheat, cold-resistant corn, and cold-resistant potatoes.

In terms of livestock breeding, previously it mainly focused on three breeds: horses, cattle and sheep.

Horses are mainly war horses. Emperor Su He also learned about the success of war horse breeding, so he made a special trip to the research institute.

The cattle are mainly large yellow cattle, which are used to cultivate the dry fields in the north. These cattle are mostly found in the Mongolian grasslands.

Buffalo breeding is done in Changsha, which is suitable for paddy fields in the south.

Sheep are mainly long cashmere sheep, such as Liaodong long cashmere sheep, which is a new breed developed in Zhangjiakou.

It is a new breed developed using local long-haired sheep from Liaodong and Mongolian sheep as male and female parents.

Cattle and sheep have been successfully bred, and new breeds are popular among the people.

Prefect Lin Yongguang heard that His Majesty the Emperor was going to the Livestock Breeding Research Institute.

He thought about the not-so-good experience he had when he went there before.

He saw that Emperor Su He was in high spirits and did not dissuade him, but took the initiative to ask for guidance.

Lin Yongguang led the way, and they took a carriage and rushed to the Livestock Breeding Research Institute.


Ma Fu, director of the Livestock Breeding Research Institute, saw a group of soldiers carrying guns coming into the institute.

He immediately stepped forward to understand the situation and learned that Emperor Su He was about to inspect the institute.

Ma Fu was overjoyed and immediately arranged for research institute personnel to cooperate.

The Livestock Breeding Research Institute is located in Zhangjiakou, which shows that the status of the Research Institute within the Royal Academy of Sciences is not high.

It is an extremely difficult journey for Ma Fu to collect funds every year.

If Emperor Su He was satisfied with the results of the institute, it would be much easier to ask for funding in the future.

Ma Fu believed that this possibility was very high. There were so many research institutes, but Emperor Su He did not go to inspect them, but specifically inspected the Livestock Breeding Research Institute.

This is Emperor Su He's affirmation of the work of their institute.

Ma Fu knew that war horses were the most important to the country, so he devoted the main force of the research institute to the breeding of war horses.

The ace of their research institute, Mongolian BMW, was successfully cultivated, which should be the main reason for the arrival of Emperor Su He.

Ma Fu frowned when he saw the Qilin Guard approaching him.

He reacted immediately, put his sleeves tightly against his nose, and inhaled hard.

He smelled the smell on his body, which smelled of livestock manure and urine.

He has lived in a pen for livestock for a long time and has been pickled by this smell.

Ma Fu secretly thought that something bad was going on. How could he leave a good impression on Emperor Su He in this situation?

He prepared to take a shower and change clothes, but found that it was too late.

Several carriages have arrived in front of the institute.

Ma Fu and the senior management of the institute immediately returned to the dormitory and changed into clean clothes.

They sprayed a lot of perfume on their clothes to try to cover up their smell.


Emperor Su He and his party came to the Livestock Breeding Research Institute.

Liu Rushi held a small white cat and listened to the screams and roars of various animals in the research institute.

She turned to look at Emperor Su He and asked doubtfully: "Husband, where is this place? I heard the sounds of several animals.

Among them are horses, cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks, and many other sounds that cannot be heard.

Is this a large breeding farm?"

Emperor Su He said with a smile: "This is not an ordinary animal breeding farm, this is a breeding center, specializing in breeding better livestock."

Liu Rushi was a little confused, but she could guess the role of the breeding center from the name here.

"My husband means that the cattle bred here can cultivate more land.

Horses bred here can run farther.

If that’s the case, then this is truly a magical place.”

Emperor Su He said with certainty: "The livestock cultivated here are more magical than you think. This is the power of science."

The questions and answers he and his wife Liu Rushi had made the accompanying officials more curious about the institute.

Emperor Su He and his party just walked into the research institute.

Ma Fu led a group of scholars and hurried here.

He met Emperor Su He at the Longteng Award ceremony.

Ma Fu looked excited and immediately saluted with his entourage.

They were upwind, and a breeze blew by.

Mixed with various smells, they floated among the crowd on the wind.

Some people were choked and coughed by the sudden smell.

Magistrate Lin Yongguang has been to the institute many times and he knows the situation inside the institute.

He walked to Emperor Su He and suggested: "Your Majesty, the environment in the research institute is not good. Do you want to inspect other places?"

Emperor Su He rejected the suggestion of Prefect Lin Yongguang, and he expressed his attitude with practical actions.

He immediately walked up to Ma Fu and said, "Please, Viscount Ma, please take me to visit the research institute."

Ma Fu kept bowing, but he used his peripheral vision to observe the performance of these people.

Seeing someone covering his nose, Ma Fu felt a chill in his heart.

Those of them who are engaged in research on the front line have a smell similar to that of horsemen. This is completely unavoidable.

Many pampered people hate this smell.

When Ma Fu saw that Emperor Su He didn't pay attention to the smell and walked straight towards him, he put down his worries.

With tears of excitement in his eyes, he immediately led Emperor Su He to visit the Livestock Breeding Research Institute.

The people accompanying him didn't care when they saw the emperor, and they immediately followed him.

Ma Fu learned about Emperor Su He and wanted to see the new BMW.

He led everyone to the stable and looked at the BMW walking in the stable.

He simply popularized science: "Your Majesty, Marquis Li Dajiang was studying plants.

He discovered that certain characteristics of plants can be passed down to future generations.

Marquis Li Dajiang studied this situation and opened up the new discipline of species genetics.

Through experiments, Chen discovered that the genetics of animals also applies to species genetics.

For example, horses, no one can tell how many stallions there are in the world.

But each type of horse has its own unique characteristics.

When horses of different breeds are bred, the dominant characteristics can be stably passed on to offspring.

Our research institute artificially selects excellent genetically stable varieties based on species genetics."

Can Emperor Su He understand what Ma Fu is saying?

Many of the officials accompanying him looked confused.

Ma Fu stopped explaining and asked someone to bring over a horse.

Everyone saw a tall and handsome horse being led over.

Emperor Su He fell in love with this kind of horse at first sight.

It is taller than the Mongolian horse, but not as tall as the Arabian horse.

Ma Fu introduced: "These are the thirty-eight different kinds of horses we found, and we used them as grandfathers for breeding experiments.

The main breed is the Mongolian horse, which also includes the Sweat Horse.

After breeding research with different horses, this Mongolian BMW was bred.

Most of its bloodline comes from Mongolian horses, and it has the super endurance of Mongolian horses.

Its strength and charging speed are much higher than those of Mongolian horses.

Apart from a larger appetite for this kind of horse, I can’t find any obvious weakness in it.”

Emperor Su He asked Ma Fu to find a well-trained Mongolian BMW.

He got on his horse and rode the horse in a circle.

After he dismounted, he held the horse and couldn't put it down.

Before the advent of tanks, the importance of cavalry was unquestionable.

The cavalry of the Great China Empire had the advantage of weapons and defeated the Russian Cossack cavalry.

Now that there is this kind of BMW, it is even more powerful.

Emperor Su He explained: "This kind of horse has very good endurance and very good obedience.

The research institute should increase the breeding speed, increase their population size, and equip them to the cavalry division as soon as possible."

Ma Fu said respectfully: "Your Majesty, the institute has enough stallions and can expand the population at any time.

A population of one hundred mares and five stallions is enough for a pasture to breed a population of Mongolian BMWs.

The Mongolian BMW population will grow very quickly."

Emperor Su He told Prime Minister Wei Shiming that the cabinet should pay attention to this matter.

They continued to visit the research institute and saw large cattle with better endurance and long-staple sheep with more wool.

These two animals have long been popularized, and Mafu is only briefly introduced.

They came to the pig house, where there were black and white spotted pigs, lying in the pig pen and basking in the sun.

Even when they saw people arriving, these pigs did not get up.

Emperor Su He looked at these large spotted pigs. Each pig weighed about 200 kilograms.

Ma Fu said: “Pork has always been the most commonly eaten meat by the people.

Traditional large black pigs have very delicious meat, but their meat production rate is too low and they do not grow fast.

Weichen selected various pigs for breeding, and finally found that this black and white spotted pig can grow to 200 kilograms in just eight months, and this kind of pig is not picky about food."

Emperor Su He looked at the big spotted pig and he was very satisfied.

When people eat enough meat, their bodies will become stronger.

The promotion of improved pigs will also allow people to make profits from pig raising.

Emperor Su He said with emotion: "I am very happy to see this kind of pig.

People can make a fortune by raising pigs, and pork reserves increase. Many people can eat a few taels of pork at least during the Chinese New Year.

But for people to eat meat on a daily basis, pork is still too expensive."

When Ma Fu heard the emperor's words, he said excitedly: "Your Majesty, our research institute has also conducted research on common meat.

Chicken is the most common poultry, and our institute focuses on broilers and laying hens.

The goals that these two projects intend to achieve are to produce more broiler chickens and lay more eggs from laying hens.

Their disease resistance is even stronger and they are suitable for large-scale breeding by the common people.

This project has achieved a breakthrough, and I believe it can solve the problem of lack of meat on people's tables."

When Emperor Su He heard about these two projects, he explained: "These two projects are very important, and the funds from the Royal Academy of Sciences will be given priority to your institute.

If there are any problems or breakthroughs in these two projects, your research institute must inform me."

When Ma Fu heard the promise given by Emperor Su He, he was extremely happy.

With Emperor Su He's golden words, their institute no longer has to worry about funding.

Emperor Su He left the research institute, and there were two big fat pigs on the carriage behind the team.

This is a lunch given to them by the institute. These two pigs are not breeding pigs, but slaughtered pigs.

(End of chapter)

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