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Chapter 547: The Iron-Blooded Wei (4)

Chapter 547 The Iron-Blooded Wei (4)

Author: Feng Xiaomu

Chapter 547 The Iron-Blooded Wei (4)

King Su Hu of Wei waited until three o'clock in the morning last night before taking a nap.

The artillery was very powerful. Before resting, he took a look at the Spanish bastion.

There are already cracks all over the wall, and the fortress is not far away from being completely destroyed.

The Spaniards still resisted stubbornly, and even at this time, they did not open the city and surrender.

King Su Hu of Wei estimated that this was the fate of the Spaniards on Luzon Island, and it was known to the Spaniards here.

They massacred the Chinese in Luzon because of the Spaniards, and most of the Spaniards there were sentenced to death.

The Spaniards who survived also became slaves.

When the news reaches here, the Spaniards here will inevitably resist desperately.

The huge cheers outside the camp directly woke up Wei Wang Su Hu, who had just rested.

He put on his makeup and walked out of the camp, and saw bright carbide searchlights shining on the gaps in the Spanish bastion, guiding the army's direction.

The bastion has two walls, which have been destroyed by cannonballs.

Under the command of the officers, the soldiers shouted victory slogans and rushed into the bastion through the gap with rifles in hand.

Now inside the bastion, the sound of gunfire can be heard from time to time.

King Su Hu of Wei observed the current time and found that the sky was dark with only a few stars hanging high.

The current hour should be the dawn when people are most tired.

The troops under his command can take turns to rest, and the attacking troops can keep their physical strength strong.

The Spaniards were tense all night, always worried that the enemy troops would rush in.

The Spaniards are now physically and mentally exhausted, their fighting will and weapons are lagging behind, and they will definitely win this time.

King Su Hu of Wei looked around, but he did not see General Song Kangbo.

Song Kangbo should be at the forefront, commanding the army to fight.

The sound of gunfire in the bastion continued. It was already getting brighter, so the sound of gunfire slowed down a little.

King Su Hu of Wei stood in the camp. He saw medical soldiers carrying stretchers and constantly carrying out injured soldiers from the city.

Most of the soldiers were injured by gunpowder, and only a few were hit by lead bullets.

The field hospital has the miracle drug penicillin, which has a very high survival rate even if a limb is amputated.

Most of the soldiers who survived on the battlefield, they survived.

King Su Hu of Wei ordered the guards around him: "Go to the field hospital to deliver my order.

As long as there is an injured soldier, let the doctor use penicillin as soon as possible to prevent wound infection."

Penicillin is an extremely expensive drug. The same weight of gold cannot afford the same weight of penicillin.

The excessive use of penicillin made Wei King Su Hu very heartbroken.

But this was the first battle before the founding of the Wei State, and it was almost the battle that established the soul of the Wei army.

He personally takes command here, and all matters must be prepared, so as not to chill the soldiers.

Just before noon, General Song Kangbo walked out of the fortress with several officers.

He came to Wei King Su Hu and reported excitedly: "Your Majesty, under the humble leadership of the army, we have completely captured this fortress and eliminated the last Spanish army near Daliang City.

The Spaniards have little will to fight and can easily collapse on a frontal battlefield.

But in the last battle, they showed amazing courage and fought with our army in street battles in the city.

Use weapons such as grenades and landmines to hinder our army's attack.

I wonder if these two weapons are firearm applications they learned from fighting the enemy in Dahua.

But they were very proficient in using these weapons, and they immediately changed their tactics and adopted the tactics of pressing in layer by layer, gradually crushing the Spanish resistance.

Our army won the final victory and captured all the Spanish troops in the city."

King Su Hu of Wei listened to General Song Kangbo's introduction, and now he could finally feel relieved.

They destroyed all Spanish troops.

Without the protection of the army, the Spanish immigrants here and the property they owned were fish on the chopping block.

King Su Hu of Wei used this property to quickly establish the framework of the Wei state.

The Spanish power here in South America alone can no longer drive them away.

If Spain really sends a large army from Europe, it will take a very long time.

With this time, Wei will be able to gain a firm foothold.

Even if the navy is defeated, it can still compete with Spain by taking advantage of the depth of the interior.

They are not alone here in America.

King Su Hu of Wei patted Song Kangbo on the shoulder, then gave a thumbs up and praised: "General Song Kangbo, you fought well in this battle, and I am very satisfied.

The war is over, and we still have to wrap things up.

Some people were left to clean the battlefield and guard the prisoners of the Spanish army.

Most of the troops went to botanical gardens in various places to seize Spanish property. They must not let Spanish farmers destroy the botanical gardens.

Except for the important farmers, the other Spaniards were detained on the spot."

King Su Hu of Wei finished giving orders to General Kangbo of Song Dynasty.

He returned to the city with his guards escorting the Spanish colonial officials captured in the bastion.

He sent people on fast horses to inform Qu Xiaolong of the corresponding arrangements.


When Wei King Su Hu returned to the city, he saw Qu Xiaolong leading officials and organizing a large number of people to greet him.

King Su Hu of Wei rode a spotless white horse and walked at the front of the team.

The guards were brightly armored and followed behind with rifles in their hands. The bayonets on their rifles gave off a cold light.

The army suppressed the Spanish colonial officials and walked at the back.

These prisoners were pale and some were weak, and they were carried away by soldiers.

When the crowd saw this happening, they immediately burst into cheers.

King Su Hu of Wei led his troops to victory, which meant that they could take root here.

Qu Xiaolong led the officials and consciously came to the side of Wei Wang Su Hu and followed the team forward.

He walked to the horse and said quietly: "Your Majesty, everything has been arranged."

King Su Hu of Wei looked normal. He waved to the crowd, causing everyone to scream.

The team continued to move forward, and in front of it was no longer a team of immigrants, but an army staying at the dock, escorting the Spanish residents to the prison camp.

King Su Hu of Wei had the colonial officials tied up beside the avenue for everyone to see.

The Spaniards who were taken to the prisoner camp saw that the officials who had been arrogant before were captured by these people who suddenly appeared.

The spiritual support in their hearts collapsed immediately. Before, they thought that the army might make a comeback and save them from here.

Now this hope has been shattered, and many people's eyes have lost the luster called hope.

King Su Hu of Wei used this method to completely destroy the resistance of these Spanish immigrants.

This way they can be slaves with peace of mind.

King Su Hu of Wei led his officials to the Spanish church.

This is the finest building in the Spanish colony. He worked here before the new city was built.

King Su Hu of Wei looked at the civil servants headed by Qu Xiaolong and ordered: "The war here is basically over at this stage.

The next most important task is to receive the Spanish property, establish related industries, and resettle the immigrants.

The military also needs to establish a coastal defense artillery battery at the dock to protect the dock and the new Daliang City from harassment by enemies at sea.

Once all these are taken care of, the time will be considered ripe for us to establish the Wei State."

King Su Hu of Wei wanted to establish the Kingdom of Wei immediately and fulfill his long-held dream.

But he knew that nothing should be rushed. The foundation must be laid first before he could do this kind of ritual thing.

Even if a country is not established, it does not affect his rights at all.

Why bother affecting the most important period of development just for this false reputation?

Qu Xiaolong understood Wei King Su Hu's opinion, and he immediately stood up and said: "Your Majesty, there is no problem with other matters.

But the seizure of Spanish property required the assistance of the military.

The State of Wei has not been established, nor have the various yamen been established, and we officials are short of subordinates, let alone officials to cooperate with us."

Wei King Su Hu said: "I have made arrangements, and the army has begun to gradually clean up the plantations left by the Spanish.

You only need to contact the army and send people to receive relevant properties from the army.

As for the lack of subordinates, you can recruit some people from immigrants.

For other people, it is necessary to train naturalized personnel.

The Inca Empire civilization left by the indigenous people here has been basically destroyed by European colonists.

After the collapse of the Inca Empire, they dispersed into independent tribes.

Civilization has degenerated to the point where it basically has no civilization of its own.

We can easily train these indigenous people to become our own people."

When Qu Xiaolong heard Wei Wang Su Hu's words, he immediately felt much more relaxed.

Among these things, the only thing he felt he couldn't do well was to confiscate Spanish property.

Without absolute force, how can property be confiscated?

Now it is appropriate to leave this matter to the military.

He is confident that he can handle other things well.

Especially for the naturalization of indigenous people, Dahua has summarized a set of effective methods in Southeast Asia and other overseas regions.

Qu Xiaolong said confidently: "Your Majesty, you are waiting for the good news from me. I will definitely handle these things."

He has been secretly competing with General Song Kangbo.

Now the military has handed over a relatively perfect answer sheet.

The civil servants on their side must not hold back and must handle the matters arranged by King Su Hu of Wei.

In order to recruit officials and handle government affairs conveniently, King Su Hu of Wei opened a government office in advance before founding the country.


As an official in the household department of the royal family, Sun Huosheng took several of his subordinates and hundreds of immigrants with him.

They went to the plantation outside the city, preparing to take over the plantation from the military and distribute the plantation land to the immigrants.

King Su Hu of Wei opened a government office and Qu Xiaolong became the head of the civil service.

These days, literate people are selected among immigrants to become officials.

When Sun Huosheng thinks about this situation, he always feels a sense of urgency.

As a child born in the Ming Dynasty and a middle-aged man who failed many tests, he has always been an official fan.

Who would have thought that after the change of dynasty, the books on sages that I had read before would suddenly no longer be tested.

For readers with a flexible mind, this is not a problem at all, it is just a matter of reading a few more books.

But for a middle-class person like him, the imperial examination in the new dynasty was too difficult.

Sun Huosheng took the imperial examination many times in his hometown, but failed even to pass the examination as a scholar.

He heard that several princes of Dahua went overseas to establish countries and recruit scholars.

Sun Huosheng immediately chose to sign up, and chose Su Hu, King of Wei, who was far away and more risky and had the smallest number of participants.

The hardships along the way were beyond words, but now he finally got what he wanted.

He had become an official of the Ministry of Household Affairs, and after the founding of the Wei Dynasty, he was at least a fourth-rank official.

Their old Sun family, this can be regarded as the smoke coming out of the ancestral grave, and they have lived up to their father's training.

Sun Huosheng led everyone on the dirt road to the plantation.

It had rained two days ago and the road was very muddy.

He was wearing rain boots issued by the yamen so that he wouldn't get muddy.

Precisely because the roads were muddy and even wheelbarrows could not move, many immigrants used shoulder poles to carry their daily necessities.

"Master Sun, how long do we have until we reach our destination?

I saw other adults, with immigrants, already entering the plantation."

Sun Huosheng looked at the anxious immigrants and replied impatiently: "Why are you urging me? I asked you to bring food and water. That means the plantation is a bit far away.

All immigrants are allocated by lottery, so you are not very lucky.

The one allocated is Damian Village in Mianmian Township. At our speed, it will be good to arrive at noon tomorrow.

Even I am not tired, so why are you tired?"

While Sun Huosheng was speaking, he also took out a simple map and compared the roads they had traveled.

He is not familiar with this place, and if he takes the wrong route, it will waste a lot of time.

These immigrants have a lot of time on their hands and they are not afraid of being delayed.

Sun Huosheng was different. Once he failed to return to the city in time and failed to perform in front of the leaders, he would not be eligible for the position of head of the household department.

He looked at the names on the map. These places were named very randomly.

Basically, they are named according to the plantation's specialties or local landmarks.

Their destination was several cotton plantations, connected together to form a township.

Soon it was night, and Sun Huosheng chose a plantation to stay overnight.

They don't dare to pitch tents in the countryside.

There are more than just lions, wolves, bears, wild boars and other beasts here.

There will also be local natives who attack them at night.

After a night's rest, everyone was full of energy and continued to rush towards the goal.

Before noon, they arrived at a plantation.

Thick cotton is grown here, and it is harvest time now.

Sun Huosheng felt that things were magical. This was the time to plant seedlings in Dahua.

The crops here in South America have already reached harvest time, and winter will come in a little while.

They also caught up with the good times, and these plantations were full of crops waiting to be harvested.

The army was like an autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, quickly annihilating the Spanish army.

Those plantation farmers who wanted to wait and see for a while without destroying the plantation crops were directly captured by the army.

Sun Huosheng led people into the plantation. He took out documents and official seals and handed them over to the officer in charge of the plantation.

The officer handed the key to the plantation to Sun Huosheng, and he led his men to find the prisoners.

Sun Huosheng asked the immigrants to stand in front of the big house on the plantation and read loudly: "The king of Wei promised you things, and now it is up to me to fulfill the promise.

Each person will be given one hundred acres of land. The other land in the plantation will be used as government land, and you can rent it instead of buying it.

Now take the family as a unit, sort by the name of the head of the household, and I will allocate land to you."

Sun Huosheng worked vigorously and resolutely, and the land conditions in the plantation were similar.

He directly distributed the plantation land to the immigrants present.

The plantations opened by Spanish farmers occupy a huge area. Even if everyone is allocated land, less than half of it is owned by the government.

When Lu Daniu saw the land he had just divided, his hands were shaking with excitement.

They can give up the stable environment in Dahua. Everyone has their own story.

He didn't want to recall what he had encountered before, but looked at the large land he owned with a sad look on his face.

Their family of six was allocated a total of 600 acres of land, on which they also planted cotton that was about to be harvested.

Lu Daniu mustered up the courage to ask: "Master Sun, does the cotton on the ground belong to the government?"

Sun Huosheng answered: "The King of Wei is kind-hearted, and all the crops on the land belong to you. These are your property."

As soon as he said these words, he immediately caused a sensation on the scene.

This was completely beyond the expectations of the immigrants, and they looked sad at the same time.

(End of chapter)

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