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Chapter 559 Occupy Cairo and block the Turkish army

Chapter 559 Occupying Cairo and blocking the Turkish army

Author: Feng Xiaomu

Niu Xiuqing put down his telescope. The Turkish troops above Cairo City were in a panic.

They never expected that there would be enemies that could attack Cairo directly.

Niu Xiuqing smiled. He had full confidence in winning the city of Cairo.

He saw that the First Corps had taken the position outside Cairo and surrounded Cairo.

Only the side facing the Mediterranean Sea they were unable to encircle.

This also formed a situation of being surrounded on three sides, leaving an escape route, which could shake the will of the Cairo defenders to resist.

Niu Xiuqing looked at the somewhat frail Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan.

"Chief of Staff, how is the situation with friendly forces?"

Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan is responsible for coordinating the cooperation between the main force and various armies.

He has a very clear understanding of the entire battlefield situation.

"Grand Commander, the Marine Corps, with the fire support of warships, has captured the southern port.

The Ninth and Tenth Regiments are responsible for ensuring the safety of the main force and the port. Military supplies transported from the port can be transported smoothly to the front line.

The West Route Army is responsible for cutting off the troops in Egypt supporting Cairo.

The Eastern Route Army was responsible for occupying the Sinai Peninsula and cutting off reinforcements sent by the Ottoman Empire.

Both the West Route Army and the East Route Army sent messages, and they were able to block the reinforcements.

However, the Eastern Route Army interrogated the prisoners and learned that the Ottoman Turkish Empire had sent a large army to suppress the Egyptian rebellion.

General Gao Gang of the Eastern Route Army said that as long as the Turkish troops coming to help did not exceed 100,000 people, he could hold on for half a month."

Niu Xiuqing said confidently: "It won't take half a month, just rely on the performance of Cairo City's Turkish army.

I only need seven days to capture the city of Cairo."

Niu Xiuqing ordered the army to bury pots to make rice and recharge their batteries.

Early on the next morning, hundreds of all-steel cannons from the Fujian Army poured shells towards the city of Cairo.

Niu Xiuqing shouted at the artillery general: "Don't be reluctant to give up the artillery shells, just take the city of Cairo.

These shells are worth every penny.”

Steel cannons and artillery shells cannot be manufactured by Fujian's industrial strength. These are purchased from Dahua, and the price is extremely high.

The value of one cannonball is as high as dozens of taels of silver coins.

In a short period of time, hundreds of thousands of taels of artillery shells had been poured out.

These are high value shells and they are also worth every penny.

The city wall of Cairo is a traditional earth and stone structure, not a reinforced concrete structure.

It could not withstand the bombardment of more powerful artillery shells.

Several large cracks have opened on the city wall of Cairo.

The defenders on the city wall could not withstand the continuous bombardment and hid under the city wall.

In this case, you only need to send troops to climb the city wall with ladders, and you can easily capture the city of Cairo.

But Niu Xiuqing did not do this. The value that every soldier in Fujian can bring far exceeds the value that cannonballs can bring.

All members of the First Corps were Han Chinese and were not cannon fodder. They did not need to do what cannon fodder did.

The walls of Cairo City can no longer withstand the attack. If they continue to attack for a period of time, they will inevitably collapse.

The situation of the defenders in Cairo City is that they may not dare to engage in street fighting.

The army of the 1st Corps was well prepared. They waited for the city to be broken and then rushed into Cairo.

Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan looked anxious and jogged to Niu Xiuqing's side.

"Grand Governor, the observation post on the hot air balloon discovered that there was a group of elite soldiers escorting the dignitaries of Cairo City.

They evacuated from the northern ports and prepared to evacuate from the Mediterranean to the heart of the Ottoman Empire."

When Niu Xiuqing heard the news, he laughed.

"A great thing has happened! The officials and generals of the Ottoman Turkish Empire have evacuated, which will definitely affect the will of the Yao Cairo City defenders.

After the city is broken, these people will never continue to resist."

Niu Xiuqing immediately informed the frontline generals and asked them to shout surrender without killing in front of the formation.

The soldiers of the First Corps can only speak this brief foreign language.

Thousands of soldiers besieging the city soon took advantage of the interval between artillery attacks under the city of Cairo to shout in Egyptian that they would surrender without killing.

The artillery continued to attack. On the evening of the third day of their attack, the cracked walls of Cairo finally could not withstand the bombardment of artillery shells.

The west wall of Cairo collapsed directly, forming a gap more than four meters wide.

When the Fujian troops on the front line saw this situation, they immediately launched an attack and rushed into Cairo.

When Niu Xiuqing saw this situation, he warned himself not to be complacent.

A person who travels a hundred miles is only half a century old. As long as he does not completely capture the city of Cairo, it is not worth celebrating.

He waited for an hour, only to see the city gate in front of him being blown open.

The southern gate of Cairo City has been opened by the Fujian army entering the city.

The collapsed city walls were full of ruins, making it difficult to transport heavy weapons into the city.

Now the city gate has been opened, and the Fujian troops outside the city entered the city carrying heavy weapons.

The sun has set, and the gunfire in Cairo has gradually stopped.

Chief of Staff Gou Shanquan approached the Chinese army tent with surprise on his face.

"Good news, our army has completely captured the city of Cairo.

After a short period of resistance, the defenders in the city surrendered to our army."

When Niu Xiuqing heard the news, her face, which had been tense for the past few days, smiled.

"Let the soldiers entering the city maintain order in the city.

To thoroughly clear out those who dare to resist in the city, we must clear out the hostile elements in the city before tomorrow morning to welcome the King of Fujian on his journey.

All the prisoners of the Turkish army were taken to the prison camps outside the city for custody.

Inform the King of Fujian that our army has captured the city of Cairo and ask for instructions on the next battle plan."


On the deck of the battleship Victory, King Zhang Yuliang of Fujian looked at the ships with carbide lamps hung high, constantly shuttled across the sea.

The First Corps was divided into three lines of operations, which required a lot of combat materials.

The naval transport ship could not stop for a moment to transport the supplies on board to the front line.

Zhang Yuliang, the king of Fujian, was thinking about the progress on the front line.

The West Route Army performed very well, and Bian Yuhe marched from south to north.

They shouted the slogan that they would only fight the Ottomans, not the Egyptians.

Effectively driving a wedge of trust between the Ottomans and Egyptians.

This slogan was shouted, and some Egyptians in the army assisted.

This resulted in the grassroots Egyptian tribal armed forces reacting indifferently to the army led by Bian Yuhe.

Part of the army, which was dominated by Egyptians, did not contribute much in the battle.

The combination of various conditions made the West Route Army unstoppable, and its marching speed was only slightly slower than that of the navy.

The governor of Egypt of the Ottoman Turkish Empire has deployed a large army to suppress the rebellion.

As soon as the counter-rebellion army was assembled, the army was surrounded by the First Corps and the Second Corps in a small space from the north to the south.

After a while, the main force of the Ottoman Turkish Empire in Egypt will be eaten by the Fujian army.

The Eastern Route Army fought very hard.

The garrison of the Sinai Peninsula was more than three times that of the Fujian army.

Gao Gang defeated the greater number with less and quickly captured the Sinai Peninsula. He concentrated all his troops in the north of the Sinai Peninsula to prevent the Turkish army from supporting the city of Cairo.

The Ottoman Turkish Empire responded relatively quickly this time, and the army moved quickly.

The prisoners captured by Gao Gang and the reasons why they were released from interrogation.

The Ottoman Turkish Empire had long heard that there were changes in Africa, but they had never reached a consensus.

Until an Arab businessman reported the prosperity of the three countries, the nobles of the Ottoman Turkish Empire were tempted and prepared to conquer the three countries in one fell swoop.

In addition, some nobles instigated the threat of the Three Kingdoms.

The two forces joined forces to promote this operation of the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

After the Ottoman Turkish Empire learned of the changes in Egypt, its 200,000 troops marched westward to prepare to support the city of Cairo.

The king of Fujian, Zhang Yuliang, issued an order to Gao Gang. He must defend the seven days at all costs.

He stood on the deck and pondered whether to put pressure on Niu Xiuqing and urge him to capture Cairo as soon as possible.

Zhang Yuliang, the king of Fujian, often read military books. He knew that if the monarch did this, it would easily lead to the collapse of the war.

But the current situation is a bit tense and they cannot allow them to slowly attack the city.

The actions of the Ottoman Turkish Empire were expected by Zhang Yuliang, the king of Fujian.

The Three Kingdoms of Fujian, Jin and Zheng developed so rapidly that a large number of people and wealth gathered there.

The Ottoman Empire was slow to react, and he could also notice the unusual things about the three countries.

Navy Governor Du Dayong took out a cryptex and found Zhang Yuliang, the King of Fujian.

"Your Majesty, this is an urgent military report from the front line."

Zhang Yuliang, the king of Fujian, skillfully opened the cipher box and took out the military report inside.

He hoped that this was good news and that the main force would occupy Cairo City, so he would not worry about the Eastern Route Army being unable to support itself.

After reading the military report, the King of Fujian Zhang Yuliang said happily: "Niu Xiuqing fought well, Cairo City has been occupied by us.

Immediately send troops to notify Niu Xiuqing, leaving part of the army to defend Cairo City.

He led the main force eastward to support Gaogang.

Capture the city of Cairo and Egypt will be stable.

Some of the navy's lightweight naval guns can be unloaded and handed over to the army for them to use to defend against Turkish attacks."

The king of Fujian Zhang Yuliang issued an order to Du Dayong.

At the same time, he also asked his cronies to prepare. Tomorrow they would leave the battleship and head to Cairo.


General Gao Gang watched the Turkish troops form a dense formation and launched a desperate charge towards his military formation.

These Turkish troops were equipped with cold weapons. There were only a small number of firearms in the army, and their power was very poor.

But he responded with 8,000 men against attacks by 200,000 in turn.

This is still a war taking place in the wilderness, not a battle to defend a city.

Gao Gang was under great pressure, but he knew he could not retreat.

Once it chooses to retreat, it will cause the collapse of the strategy that Fujian has carefully prepared for more than a year.

The front-loading artillery fires shotgun shells and steel balls the size of grapes. Hundreds of them fly out together, and a dozen of them form a large piece.

Soldiers hid behind bunkers and threw grenades.

The mine array they had set up kept making explosions.

A large number of Turkish troops were attacked, and soldiers continued to fall to the ground.

But these people still rushed towards the position.

Gao Gang frowned as he saw this, the Turkish army was going to fight a war of attrition with them.

The Fujian army's battle damage ratio would be very beautiful, but Gao Gang didn't want to do that at all.

He knew that the vanguard of the Turkish army were all foreigners under the rule of the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

For example, they ruled the Slavs, Armenians, and Persians.

The Ottoman Turkish Empire did not feel sorry for the death of these aliens at all.

Gao Gang was very distressed by the death of the soldiers of the First Corps.

The development of the war situation did not go beyond Gao Gang's expectations.

The soldiers of the First Corps were very brave. One of their casualties could be exchanged for at least five casualties of the other side.

But the Turkish army had too many people, and they were not afraid of death.

The 1st Corps' front line continued to the rear.

"General, retreat! If we continue to fight, our army will be wiped out.

In the past ten days, we have suffered more than 2,000 casualties.

The King of Fujian asked us to guard for seven days, and we have already guarded for ten days."

Gao Gang saw his subordinates contradicting his orders for the first time.

He slammed the table and said angrily: "You still don't know how to do simple arithmetic. We encountered the Turkish army's attack and it has only been five days.

The King of Min asked us to watch for seven days, so we must watch for the full seven days, not even an hour less.

Another batch of ammunition has been shipped from the rear and will be distributed to grassroots units soon.

Except for those who are seriously injured and can be removed from the front line, everyone must stay on the front line for me."

Gao Gang also knew that the army had suffered heavy casualties, but he could never retreat.

If Fujian loses this wonderful place, the Sinai Peninsula, the country will not be peaceful in the future.

Gao Gang said in a stern tone: "Gendarme, please strictly check the discipline of the army."

When the generals in the army saw General Gao Gang's attitude, they all lowered their heads.

When the atmosphere in the military tent was tense, a regimental commander broke in.

"General Gao, reinforcements are coming.

The Grand Governor, with more than 30,000 main troops, has almost arrived at our army's camp."

When Gao Gang heard the news, he couldn't hide the excitement on his face.

"is this real?"

"General Gao, the messenger sent by the Governor is outside the camp.

The Grand Governor has already occupied Cairo, and only then can the army be spared to support us."

Gao Gang excitedly slammed the table and said: "Reinforcements are coming soon, I will teach the Turkish army a lesson."

When the military generals heard that reinforcements were coming, no one talked about retreat.

Niu Xiuqing led a small number of people to Gao Gang's camp. He wanted to discuss the future battle plan with Gao Gang.

After Gao Gang heard this, he shook his head and said: "Grand Governor, you are trying to force someone into a difficult situation.

Let our army pretend to fail. This tactic of pretending to fail will turn into a real rout if we are not careful.

The frontal battlefield caused few casualties.

The greatest casualties in the army always occur during the escape process."

Niu Xiuqing looked at Gao Gang and he used provocation.

"General Gao is afraid that he will not be able to control this army."

When Gao Gang heard what Niu Xiuqing said, his face turned red with anger, and he finally agreed to cooperate with Niu Xiuqing.


The Fujian army and the Turkish army are about to start a decisive battle, and the war has entered a more intense moment.

The sound of gunfire from the Fujian army became sparse.

In the Fujian army camp, the sound of gongs soon came to mind.

The Fujian army began to scramble to retreat, the formation was relatively scattered, and flags were thrown everywhere.

The artillerymen of the Fujian Army simply threw their heavy cannons on the battlefield.

When the Turkish army saw this situation, it was impossible for them to let the Fujian army escape from the battlefield, and immediately followed in hot pursuit.

Gao Gang saw the Turkish troops in hot pursuit. They were about to enter the pocket formation arranged by Niu Xiuqing.

Niu Xiuqing had already laid out a dragnet and was waiting for the Turkish army to crash into him.

When Gao Gang saw the signal flare rising in the sky, he knew that his mission had been completed perfectly.

He immediately yelled: "Everyone, follow me, the time for our revenge has come."

Gao Gang led his troops to counterattack.

He saw that the Fujian army had surrounded the Turkish vanguard force of about 50,000 people.

The army with cold weapons is surrounded by the army with hot weapons, and their fate is already doomed.

The sound of gunshots and shouts of death continued from morning to evening.

The vanguard of the Turkish army was divided and surrounded, a few were killed with firearms, and most of them chose to surrender.

This chapter has been completed!
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