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Chapter 592: New Changes in the Imperial Examinations (4)

Chapter 592 New changes in the imperial examination (4)

Author: Feng Xiaomu

Chapter 592 New changes in the imperial examination (4)

Huang Zisong, a scholar from Hangzhou Prefecture, led many scholars who were dissatisfied with the results of the imperial examination and set out from Gongyuan to Chengtian Gate in front of the Forbidden City.

Huang Zisong led the team and shouted: "The imperial examination is fair, let's re-select scholars."

Li Zizhan originally boarded the carriage and prepared to go to Baijia Academy.

When he heard Huang Zisong's slogan, he frowned.

He looked at Lu Yuanpeng and asked anxiously: "Brother Lu, do you think the court will compromise?

If we don’t compromise, will the number of Jinshi scholars be increased?”

Lu Yuanpeng waved his hand and said, "Don't worry! Based on the court's past behavior, they will never choose to compromise.

Even if the imperial court chooses to compromise, it will not increase the number of Jinshi.

There is a high probability that the imperial examination will be retaken instead of adjusting the candidates' rankings based on their results this time."

Li Zizhan's expression changed drastically. He immediately jumped out of the carriage and hugged Lu Yuanpeng.

"Brother Lu, I can't stand by and watch what happened today."

Without looking back, he ran towards Huang Zisong's team.

He was the last person to take the imperial examination. If he were to take the imperial examination again, Li Zizhan really had no confidence in passing the imperial examination again.

He would never allow Huang Zisong and his entourage to force the imperial court to resume the imperial examination in this way.

Li Zizhan knew that he was different from Lu Yuanpeng. Even if Brother Lu took the imperial examination again and lost his position as number one scholar, he would not fail.

"Brothers, we worked hard to pass the Jinshi exam.

The rules for selecting scholars in the imperial court were not changed just this year. This was the rule for the imperial examinations after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

This rule is already very fair and there is absolutely no problem.

We must not let this group of people force the court to cancel our Jinshi status."

Li Zizhan's voice immediately woke up most of the scholars watching the excitement.

They used to think that the matter had nothing to do with them, and it was up to them to see what results these people could produce.

Now when I heard Li Zizhan shouting, I realized that people like Huang Zisong wanted to seize their Jinshi.

Immediately, many people responded to Li Zizhan's call.

"Come on, brothers, knock down these losers.

We must not let them succeed, otherwise our Jinshi will be gone."

When Li Zizhan saw that some scholars responded to him and continued to mobilize the people watching, he immediately shouted: "We have four Jinshi places in Yili, but there are eighteen Jinshi places in Zhejiang.

Now the scholars in Zhejiang want to snatch the Jinshi quota that belongs to us in Yili, but we will never allow it.

Scholars from poor areas, please come with me.

We must not allow people from these wealthy areas to have silver spoons in their mouths since birth and rob us of the fame that belongs to us."

Li Zizhan's words immediately shocked many people who were watching, and the scholars in poor areas immediately realized that this was robbing them of the fame that belonged to them.

"Sirs from Yunnan, follow me."

"Where are the scholars from Guizhou?"

"We Gansu people must protect our honor."

"The scholars of Luzon support you."

"Burmese scholars cannot sit idly by. Today is the tomorrow we are waiting for in Yunnan, Guizhou and other places."

Li Zizhan quickly gathered a large group of people to stop Huang Zisong and others' actions.

“If you can’t compete with people from this province, then you are useless.

We will never allow you to snatch the fame that belongs to us."

"We want to seek back our own fame from the imperial court, and the barbarians on the border will step aside."

The interests of the two parties are completely different, and their tone is becoming increasingly unkind.

Their anger continued to increase, and they didn't know who struck first. The two groups started fighting on the road in front of Gongyuan.

Most of the scholars in the frontier areas were tall and tall, and their numbers were smaller, but they overwhelmed the scholars in Jiangnan and other areas.

The whistle continued to sound, and the Shuntian government officials from the brigade came to maintain order.

Mo Yuting, the prefect of Shuntian Prefecture, learned that some scholars were dissatisfied with the imperial policy and were preparing to cause trouble.

As the prefect of Shuntian Prefecture, he has too many mothers-in-law, and all the good things are taken away by his superiors.

Only some troublesome things can fall into his hands.

Some time ago, Han Cuibai, the Minister of Rites, was admitted to the examination, and the governor decided to let Shuntian Prefecture be responsible for maintaining order in the capital.

Mo Yuting had taken the officials from Shuntian Mansion and hid not far from Gongyuan.

When he saw that the scholars were preparing to cause trouble, he immediately asked his superiors for instructions and was ready to take action.

Before the orders from his superiors came down, Mo Yuting saw two groups of scholars fighting.

He immediately took his officials and arrested all the scholars involved.

Shuntian Prefecture has sufficient reasons to arrest these people directly.

What to do after the arrest?

Then let the higher ups have the headache. His mission as the prefect of Shuntian Prefecture has been completed.


Emperor Su He is signing the personnel transfer of first and second grade officials.

Li Tiankui, the Minister of Household Affairs, was transferred to the post of governor of Liaodong.

Zheng Ziliang, the Minister of Civil Affairs, was transferred to the post of governor of Shaanxi.

Song Kangnian, the governor of the northwest, was transferred to the position of Minister of Household Affairs.

Lin Wenjing, governor of Jiangsu Province, was transferred to the position of Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

Huang Wenxi, chief envoy of Shandong, was transferred to governor of Jiangsu.

The two northwest provinces are developing well, so the post of governor of the northwest has been revoked.

Emperor Su He finished signing and ordered: "Send the transfer order to the cabinet, and then publish it to the world."

After Eunuch Zhou Fangzhi received the order, he said: "Your Majesty, Mr. Han, the Minister of Rites, is waiting outside the palace."

"Let him in!"

Emperor Su He guessed that Han Cuibai's entry into the palace at this time must be related to the imperial examination.

After Han Cuibai, the Minister of Rites, finished the ceremony, he said with an uneasy expression: "Your Majesty, the imperial examination ended today, and something big happened."

Han Cuibai, the Minister of Rites, explained clearly what happened in Gongyuan to Emperor Su He.

"Excuse me, Your Majesty, what should the Ministry of Rites do in this matter?"

Han Cuibai, the Minister of Rites, was also undecided, so he reported to Emperor Su He.

For these troublemaking scholars, no matter what you do, it is not a good choice.

Emperor Su He thought for a moment and explained: "Let Shuntian Mansion deal with it in accordance with the law. Those who hurt others will be punished, and those who killed will die.

The Ministry of Rites does not need to do anything.

How can the major affairs of the country be changed at will because of the opposition of a few scholars?"

Emperor Su He was prepared to deal with this matter coldly.

If a few scholars were really impulsive, the imperial court would not go into a big fight.

If someone behind the scenes was adding fuel to the flames and preparing to stir up the situation in the court, Emperor Su He would not be polite.

When Han Cuibai, the Minister of Rites, heard Emperor Su He's instructions, he felt relaxed all over.

After he saluted, he asked again: "Your Majesty, Yu Wenhe, the Imperial College's wine minister, is a teacher for the prince. He has resigned from the position of Imperial College's wine minister.

A new Jinshi is about to enter the Imperial Academy, and the post of Jijiu cannot be left vacant for too long.

Your Majesty, please appoint the Imperial Academy to offer wine as soon as possible."

Emperor Su He smiled and said nothing, the Imperial Academy's offering of wine was the bait he threw.

All forces are vying for the position of offering wine in the Imperial College.

He can also judge the size of this force from the movements of various forces and decide whether to suppress this force.

Confucian Xinxue lost the position of offering sacrifices to the Imperial College, and Han Cuibai, the Minister of Rites, wanted to take over the position of offering sacrifices to the Imperial College.

"Han Aiqing, I have my own considerations regarding the position of Jiuzijian, and will never delay the training of new scholars."

After Emperor Su He saw Han Cuibai, the Minister of Rites, leave, he thought about the candidates for the Imperial College to offer wine.

This position is extremely important. It is the place where officials are trained.

Emperor Su He thought for a long time and decided to appoint his confidant Tian Jiapeng, the left minister of the Ministry of Rites, to serve as the imperial wine minister.


Li Zizhan rushed to the canteen of the Imperial College. He thought about what happened during this period and felt a lot.

He was impulsive that day, but he also achieved very good results, and his honor as a Jinshi was saved.

This was more important than anything else. I was compensated twenty taels of silver coins and was imprisoned for another five days.

This effort is completely worth it. If those people really succeed, even if they spend two thousand taels of silver coins, they won't be able to buy the title of Jinshi.

Now he is studying leisurely in the Imperial College and is preparing to take up a post in a certain county.

Li Zizhan saw Lu Yuanpeng holding a portion of Kung Pao Chicken and preparing to find a seat to eat.

He immediately greeted: "Brother Lu, I have something to ask. Let's have dinner together."

Lu Yuanpeng quickly came over with the dish. Li Zizhan smelled the spicy taste, but he didn't dare to order this dish.

After the expansion of pepper cultivation, it has become an affordable seasoning for ordinary people.

Especially in the Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Hunan and Guangxi regions, the climate is humid and chili peppers are popular.

People cannot afford expensive spices, so cheap chili peppers are the first choice.

Li Zizhan is thinking about where he will work in the future, and he must adapt to the seasoning of chili.

Lu Yuanpeng looked at Li Zizhan, they hadn't seen each other for a long time.

After the Xinke scholars entered the Imperial College, the Xinyin Imperial College's sacrificial wine was concurrently served by Tian Jiapengtian, the left minister of the Ministry of Rites.

Mr. Tian is also the president of the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Dahua Empire and the director of the Institute of Mathematics of the Dahua Empire.

His governance methods are full of science and engineering thinking.

This is a change from the previous practice of offering wine as a sacrifice to the Imperial College.

No longer controls the number of positions allocated by various yamen.

The previous Jinshi had to rely on their own performance to compete for a spot in the Imperial College.

People who perform well have many opportunities.

Even if the battle fails, you can still change the target.

People with previous family background and abilities, especially those who can choose positions based on information gaps.

They stand out quickly and have a lot of room for maneuver even if they fail.

The Imperial College Jijiu wields great power.

It can even make an outstanding talent have to go to a remote area to work as an eighth-grade official.

Master Tian gave up this right and allowed the Jinshi to compete freely.

Jinshi can choose their own direction and strive for it.

The Imperial College is only responsible for training. Whether Jinshi can be admitted to various yamen depends entirely on their own abilities.

Lu Yuanpeng likes Master Tian's approach very much. Jinshi can control their own future.

Those with corresponding abilities and family background can choose to stay in the capital.

Those with slightly worse conditions can choose to serve as officials in various parts of the empire.

Lu Yuanpeng was eyeing the position of a Beijing official, and he planned to choose one of the two yamen, the General Affairs Department and the Shaofu.

Officials in these two yamen had regular access to His Majesty the Emperor and were promoted very quickly.

Li Tiankui was less than 40 years old and was already the governor of a province.

Lin Wenjing is less than 40 years old and is already the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel.

Lu Yuanpeng believes that his ability will not be worse than that of his predecessors.

Li Zizhan looked at Lu Yuanpeng and asked, "Brother Lu, you are more capable and can see things further. I trust your judgment.

Now I have two choices, I hope Brother Lu can analyze them."

Lu Yuanpeng smiled and agreed: "I can help with the analysis, but the specific choice is still up to Brother Li to make his own decision.

After all, this is about your future, and I’m helping you make the decision, so that’s not a good idea.”

Li Zizhan said with a tangled expression: "I now have two choices, go to Luoyang, Henan, and serve as the county's Congqipin County Magistrate.

The second option is to go to the Governor's Mansion of Jiaozhi and serve as a seventh-grade magistrate."

After Li Zizhan finished speaking, he said tangledly: "These two choices are too difficult. Henan is stable and Jiaozhi has great potential.

For people like me who choose government affairs and work hard from the bottom, the choice is too difficult.

It was only after asking the gentlemen of the farmers for advice that we selected the two better places.

Our farm family had a difficult start, unlike the Legalists.

They can directly take the three-law examination, and the person who sets the questions is still their teacher.

This almost shows that it is basically impossible for them to pass the three-law examination."

Lu Yuanpeng listened to his friend's complaints and directly analyzed: "Luoyang, Henan is a good place, but I don't recommend you choose it.

If you are a student of Xinxue or an industrialist, you can make a career by choosing Luoyang, Henan.

If you are a child of a peasant family, going to a place like Henan, where there are many forces, you will only encounter more constraints.

Cochin has great potential, and its position in the empire is mainly focused on agriculture and mining.

The knowledge we have learned before can be applied there.

The key point is that local forces in Cochin have not yet taken shape. Even some extraordinary policies will not be blocked by local forces.

It's a good testing ground for you to come up with new results.

What's more, one is a seventh-grade official and the other is a junior seventh-grade. Choosing a higher position is more important than choosing a location.

When promoted from the seventh rank to the full seventh rank, many people are stuck for a lifetime and cannot be promoted.

It will take at least one term, that is, five years for Brother Li to be promoted from the seventh grade to the full seventh grade without meritorious service."

Li Zizhan listened to Lu Yuanpeng help him analyze the pros and cons.

Many of the situations analyzed by Lu Yuanpeng were not considered by Li Zizhan before.

He hugged Lu Yuanpeng and said, "Thank you, Brother Lu, for your analysis. I have already decided where to go.

A remote place like Cochin is where our generation strives."

Lu Yuanpeng separated from Li Zizhan. He was walking on the road to the Imperial College and looked at the new scholars gathering in twos and threes.

They are about to enter the officialdom. This year's Imperial College is slightly different from previous years.

In addition to Master Tian's approach, hundreds of schools of thought have also been established.

The various schools of thought can openly carry out their activities, and the Jinshi also join the various schools of thought and draw on the strength of the various schools of thought.

Their peasant family is not very powerful, but their leader is Mr. Song, the Minister of Household Affairs.

Their farmers know the situation in various parts of the empire very well, and they have more comprehensive information than some small aristocratic families.

When Jinshi join a farmer's family, they will not be disturbed by information gaps and can quickly make decisions that are beneficial to them.

The advantages of Legalism are more obvious. Those who want to apply for the Jinshi Examination of the Three Legal Divisions basically join Legalism.

Legalism provides detailed requirements for admission officers of the Three Law Divisions, and teachers explain relevant legal provisions every day.

It is much more difficult for a legal scholar to enter the Sanfa Division than for a legal scholar.

Lu Yuanpeng feels that the emergence of various schools of thought has more advantages than disadvantages.

It allows a large number of talents to work together and move forward towards a goal.

(End of chapter)

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