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Chapter 599: Before the Great War (2)

Chapter 599 Before the war (2)

Author: Feng Xiaomu

Chapter 599 Before the war (2)

Outside the city of Kuznetsk, two Russian sentries were sitting around a fire to keep warm.

A large iron pot was placed above the fire, and unknown vegetable leaves and black bread were cooked in the iron pot.

David said happily: "After joining the army, I can finally have enough to eat.

If I come here to join the army, I can offset the taxes paid to the noble lord.

This is authentic brown bread, a good thing that I could only eat a few times a year."

As David spoke, he kept swallowing.

Brown bread is bread made from wheat bran mixed with some flour. It is usually very hard and must be soaked in water to soften it before it can be eaten.

But this is authentic bread, it's enough to wrap your belly around, and it tastes pretty good.

In his hometown, David used to eat bread with a small amount of wheat bran and a large amount of sawdust. This kind of bread was difficult to swallow and could only trick his stomach into not feeling full.

David was born a serf, but his partner Culkin was born a commoner. He was thrown into the army because he violated the nobility.

He had eaten soft and brown bread before, and he was a little disdainful of these unpalatable brown breads.

Kalkin murmured in a low voice: "In Tangnu Wulianghai, a Chinese country not far from us, I heard that the army there can eat meat every day.

Those responsible for investigation can always smell the smell of meat when approaching the Chinese camp.

In our camp, only officers can eat meat."

When David heard about eating meat, his mouth watered involuntarily.

When he was a child, his father shot a rabbit. It was the first time he ate meat, and he would never forget it.

Calkin sighed again and said: "During this period, the officers' attitude towards us has become much better.

He doesn't always hit or scold us, but he also cares about the situation of our training.

Let me ask the veterans, this is probably going to be a war."

When David heard that there was going to be a war, his mood suddenly dropped.

After traveling from China for nearly a year, I arrived in Siberia.

There were fifty people from their hometown, and two of them died on the road.

If the military pays such a high price, there must be a big war to be fought.

David had only heard about the cruelty of war from the mouths of veterans. He didn't know whether he could survive?

If he really died on the battlefield, I don't know how sad his parents and younger siblings would be.

Culkin screamed: "David, be ready to blow the trumpet at any time. I hear the sound of horse hooves approaching."

David reacted conditionedly and picked up the brass horn next to him at an extremely fast speed, ready to blow it at any time.

Calkin stared in the northwest, and soon a taller war horse ran towards the camp.

He felt relieved when he saw the war horses and the people on the horses.

This is a messenger directly under the commander-in-chief, responsible for conveying urgent military information.

As long as there is no large-scale attack by the Chinese army, these sentry posts do not need to sound the alarm.


Margrave Oleg Ivanov is discussing with Count Alexander Onukovych the issue of artillery manufacturing for the city of Kuznetsk.

The adjutant knocked on the door and received the order to allow entry.

He entered the room and reported: "Your Majesty, Marquis Oleg Ivanov, and Commander-in-Chief of the Cavalry, Count Vladimir Sergeyev, have sent urgent military information from Central Asia.

The messenger is waiting outside the room, Lord Marquis Oleg Ivanov, do you want to meet the messenger?"

Margrave Oleg Ivanov and Count Alexander Onukovych immediately stopped their discussion.

Alexander Onukovych stood up and said: "I will let the arsenal implement Mr. Oleg's suggestion.

Sir, you have something to do..."

Marquis Oleg Ivanov directly interrupted Count Alexander Onukovych.

"You still have to listen to the military information transmitted from Central Asia, as it may affect the deployment of the army."

Count Alexander Onukovych received permission from Marquis Oleg Ivanov, and he stayed in the room with a curious expression.

He saw the adjutant go out and soon brought a messenger with frostbite on his face.

When he saw Marquis Oleg Ivanov, he immediately knelt down to salute and presented him with a wooden box.

"Your Majesty, the Marquis, Count Vladimir Sergeyev has written all the relevant information and put it in a wooden box."

Margrave Oleg Ivanov waved his hand and asked the messenger to step aside.

When he needed to know about the situation in Central Asia, he would approach the messenger and ask for information.

He opened the wooden box and took out the letter inside.

Marquis Oleg Ivanov recognized the person who wrote the letter as the commander of the cavalry, Count Vladimir Sergeyev.

The content of the letter, in addition to daily requests for supplies and troops, mainly explained one major event.

The Great China Empire suddenly took action and annexed the indigenous Kazakh tribes in Central Asia.

In this way, their previous plan to win over the Kazakh tribe first and wait for an opportunity to raid Tumu Mansion was aborted before it was implemented.

Marquis Oleg Ivanov immediately called the courier over and asked him about the situation in Central Asia in detail.

Marquis Oleg Ivanov knows the situation in Central Asia clearly.

He immediately wrote a reply to Count Vladimir Sergeyev.

Inform him that domestic supplies will be delivered soon.

The war in Central Asia was beyond his reach in Kuznetsk.

When Count Vladimir Sergeyev discovered a fighter plane, he did not need to ask for instructions and could make decisions on the fly.

After writing the reply, ask the adjutant to send three messengers with three identical letters to set off from different routes to find the cavalry headquarters.

After Marquis Oleg Ivanov saw the messenger leaving, he said helplessly: "Central Asia has lost its opportunity.

The Cossack cavalry mainly plays a diversionary role. Whether the empire can win depends on whether our main force can win."

Count Alexander Onukovych frowned and said: "Master Oleg, we use war horses to convey military information too slowly.

The news I learned is that the Chinese people across the street have a machine called a telegraph machine, which can transmit messages thousands of miles away in a short time.

If we also master this technology, Lord Oleg can command the cavalry in Central Asia from the city of Kuznetsk.

Our infantry and cavalry will also cooperate more closely."

Marquis Oleg Ivanov sighed again: "Our opponent is indeed the country that invented gunpowder.

They have incredible technology.

If we win this war, all these technologies will belong to the Empire.

If the empire can really obtain these technologies, it will definitely usher in great development."

Marquis Oleg Ivanov smiled, now he was just delusional.

His job is to turn this fantasy into reality.


The 1st Cavalry Division set up camp in the hinterland of the Kazakh tribe.

Division Commander Zhang Wansi saw the hero Zhao Zhiyong who was being reported in numerous newspapers.

He said happily: "Old Zhao, what you did has helped our cavalry division a lot.

I didn't expect you to be so brave and take down the Kazakh tribe directly.

Lao Zhao Qian should be the first to contribute to this war between the empire and Russia."

Zhao Zhiyong smiled honestly and said: "At that time, I had no regard for life and death. What I did was entirely for the empire, and I did not consider personal honor or disgrace.

I was thinking at that time that it would be very worthwhile to use my humble life in exchange for the imperial army to become famous and conquer the Kazakh tribe."

They exchanged a few words, and Zhao Zhiyong asked with a serious expression: "Commander Zhang, do you have any difficulties with your cavalry division?

Commander Wu Jie ordered me to assist the Kazakh tribe and handle the communication between the tribe and various departments of the empire.

My main task now is to serve your cavalry division well."

When Zhang Wansi saw Zhao Zhiyong talking about business, he was not polite either.

"Old Zhao, our cavalry division is most in need of dry food right now.

Hope you can raise a lot of cheese, jerky and other shelf-stable foods.

The transportation team of the Logistics Department is quite busy, and we hope that some young people from the Kazakh tribe can help the transportation team of the Logistics Department transport supplies."

When Zhao Zhiyong heard Zhang Wansi's request, he smiled and agreed: "Both of these things are very simple. I will consult with the Kazakh tribe Kozhehan immediately.

I don’t think the Kazakh tribe would refuse such a simple request.”

After Zhang Wansi saw Zhao Zhiyong leaving, he wandered around the camp and looked at the soldiers who were setting up tents.

"Wang Daniu, we should fight the Cossack cavalry. The atmosphere of war is already very strong. You are not afraid of war yet."

"Zhang Ermu, if I can serve as a soldier, I won't be afraid of death.

Killing one is enough for me, but killing two I can still earn one.

If I really sacrifice, the court will support my wife, children and parents.

The pension I left will also allow them to live a good life.

We can't be deserters. Once the court discovers deserters or rebels, the whole family will be implicated."

"Wang Daniu, you are looking down on me.

I would rather die on the battlefield than become a deserter.

Of course I can avoid death, but I still don’t want to die.

I just hope that our opponents are weaker and have a higher chance of survival on the battlefield."

Zhang Wansi walked around the camp and heard many soldiers discussing the upcoming war.

Some people are afraid of war, while others look forward to going into battle to kill the enemy and achieve meritorious service.

But no one chooses to escape the war and become a shameful deserter.

Zhang Wansi held a military meeting in the big tent to discuss the next battle.

Zhang Wansi took the map and said to the officers of the cavalry division: "Less than fifty miles away from us is the activity area of ​​the Russian Cossack cavalry.

We must make our own voice and tell the Russian Cossack Cavalry that the Great China Imperial Cavalry Division has arrived on the battlefield.

Before the big battle begins, I'm going to have a warm-up battle.

What do you think? Everyone has their own opinion."

Chief of Staff Du Hongqi frowned and said: "Lao Zhang, is it too early for us to choose to fight at this time of year?

The New Year has just passed, and it is winter in Central Asia, with large areas of snow covering the grasslands.

It is difficult for war horses to pass normally, so how can we fight?

This is also an important reason why we did not choose to directly capture the Kazakh tribe before.

I am really powerless and cannot use the power of the cavalry at this time of year.

When I was chatting with the meteorological staff, I learned a word, the Little Ice Age.

We are in the Little Ice Age now, with very cold winters and extreme weather events such as blizzards happening one after another.”

Zhang Wansi heard that the chief of staff was the first to object to the plan to send troops.

He laughed and said: "Look at the grassland outside the camp, it's a snowy scene.

We came here from Tumufu, and the deepest snow was so deep that it could even cover a horse's legs.

War horses are not the first choice for fighting at this time of year."

Tao Qianyi, commander of the first brigade, said with a surprised look on his face: "Commander, how can we still be cavalry without horses?

Cossack cavalry are difficult to deal with. If they cannot be defeated, they will choose to flee for their lives.

How can we catch up without a horse, on two legs?

We cavalry are all capable, and most of them are on horseback.

Without horses, it would be better to let the Fourth Army come over to deal with the Cossack cavalry.

We had to fight with the Fourth Army all over the place, which is totally unnecessary."

Zhang Wansi saw that many officers looked a little strange when they heard what he said.

He knew that these people had misunderstood and thought that he was going to use the cavalry as infantry.

The officers of the cavalry division are very arrogant. They think that they are a technical branch like the artillery, navy and other branches.

In the infantry, the big soldiers who come out of the new barracks can go directly to the battlefield with a gun.

An excellent cavalry does require two or three years of training.

Treat the cavalry as infantry and fight a war of attrition against the enemy.

Zhang Wansi would not do this no matter what.

"Have you ever skied?"

Zhang Wansi did not explain, but asked.

“I skated when I was a kid, but rarely skated when I grew up.”

“It doesn’t snow very much in my hometown, and I’ve never skied on snow.”

"I seldom ski and often go skating on the river."

"I'm from Liaodong. When it snows heavily, I get a dog sledge and go out. I'm no stranger to skiing."

As soon as Liu Haifeng, the leader of the second regiment, finished speaking, he immediately asked in surprise: "The snow here is very thick now, and horses cannot pass in many places, but dog sledges can, and dogs pull snowmobiles.

It's okay in Liaodong, where you can find a lot of dogs.

The Kazakh tribe only has some shepherd dogs here, and they don’t have enough endurance to pull carts.”

Zhang Wansi listened to the officers' answers. Most of the officers in the cavalry division were from the north, and they were no strangers to skiing.

Liu Haifeng's thinking was still divergent, and he thought of a dog-pulled snowmobile.

Zhang Wansi explained: "The battle plan I came up with is to make full use of the current environment.

Dog-drawn snowmobiles can transport goods. They are used in wars and can easily expose themselves on the battlefield.

Used this way for logistics, it should produce some good results.

The battle plan I thought of was that we approach the Cossack cavalry camp by other means.

The soldiers then used sleds to get close to the Cossack cavalry, taking advantage of our army's firearms to fire cold shots at a longer distance.

In the snow-covered environment, the Cossack cavalry horses could not run.

This battle plan is not to let the soldiers die.

The key training for our cavalry is to aim at the enemy on the back of a galloping horse.

We replaced the horses with sleds and achieved good results even when moving at high speeds.

This is the advantage of our cavalry; infantry simply cannot complete such a difficult task."

Zhang Wansi told him the battle plan he had formulated.

The generals of the cavalry division are all thinking about the feasibility of this plan.

Chief of Staff Du Hongqi slapped the table with his hand and said: "I think this combat plan is very good.

We cannot sit still and wait for death. Cavalry, unlike infantry, can stick to the fortifications.

The natural function of cavalry is to attack, to attack continuously.

This combat plan is not very dangerous, we can give it a try."

Chief of Staff Du Hongqi's speech changed the minds of some officers.

The officers of the 1st Cavalry Division expressed their position one after another and felt that this plan could be given a try.

(End of chapter)

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