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Chapter 608: Sino-Russian War (3)

Chapter 608 Sino-Russian War (3)

Author: Feng Xiaomu

Chapter 608 Sino-Russian War (3)

Du Wenying went to the battlefield for the first time. He looked nervously at the situation on the battlefield.

He noticed several black figures flashing across the front, and because he was too nervous, the hand holding the gun directly pulled the trigger.

The bang of a gunshot directly attracted everyone's attention.

"Sir, there are enemies ahead. This should be a Russian scout."

Ma Kaiyuan looked at the situation ahead. Dozens of people were riding horses and running leisurely on the grassland.

They were now thousands of meters apart, and they could only see a blurry figure, and they couldn't even see clearly what the person was wearing.

Ma Kaiyuan was originally planning to get closer, but then suddenly launched an attack.

Du Wenying's gunshot directly destroyed his tactics.

The sound of the Dahua Empire pistol is very unique. The Russian army and the Dahua Empire often had small-scale frictions in the past.

They were already familiar with the sound of pistols and could tell that an enemy attack was coming even when they were far away and couldn't see the person clearly.

In the flash of lightning, Ma Kaiyuan had no time to rebuke Du Wenying. He immediately ordered: "Everyone, follow me and charge down the Russian scouts."

Their number is about the same as the Russian army opposite.

The imperial army also often had small skirmishes with the Russian army.

Both armies are used to small groups of troops from the other side entering their defense zones.

Ma Kaiyuan put himself in his shoes. If he encountered a small group of Russian troops near the Kazakh tribe, would he run away?

He has the exact answer in his heart and will never run away.

The camp is far behind. As long as you send people to ask for help, the army will come to support you in a short time.

Even if you are defeated, as long as you can hold back the enemy, it will be a great achievement.

Ma Kaiyuan thought this way, and he believed that the Russian army on the opposite side had similar ideas.

If you encounter a small group of enemy troops and run away in front of the camp, doesn't that mean you are a coward?

As long as he is a man in the military and has a sense of honor as a soldier, he will not do this.

Ma Kaiyuan led the cavalry and began to accelerate. The Dahua Empire's war horses were very explosive, setting off bursts of smoke and dust on the grass.

When he saw the Russian cavalry on the opposite side, he did not choose to escape.

They dismounted from their horses and formed two lines.

The soldiers at the front were in a half-kneeling position.

They held the matchlocks in their hands, ready to fire at any time.

When Ma Kaiyuan and other cavalry division officers saw this situation, they felt strong confidence in their hearts.

They all already use breech-loading guns, and the Russian army is still using matchlocks. The gap between the two armies is too big.

This is simply a strong man bullying a two or three year old child.

Ma Kaiyuan saw the Russian army using this method, but did not rush over with a knife.

The Russian army has also learned from previous lessons. In the past, this defensive method resulted in the lowest casualties.

Mainly because the previous scouts will not fight with the Russian army for too long.

They would shoot from a distance, drive back the Russian scouts, and then leave with the intelligence they collected.

Today is different from the past, the rear is the main force, and their task is to prevent the main force from being exposed prematurely.

Ma Kaiyuan had already seen a Russian soldier leaving on a war horse.

But the news he received was that dozens of cavalry were attacking, which was normal and would not attract the attention of the Russian camp.

Ma Kaiyuan could already clearly see the face of the Russian army on the opposite side. He reined in the reins slightly to slow down the horse.

He raised his gun and shouted loudly: "Brothers, the time has come to perform meritorious service.

Let's surround this pair of scouts and clear the way for the army to advance."

Ma Kaiyuan was galloping on a war horse, but his upper body did not shake much.

He steadily picked up the pistol and fired at a nervous Russian soldier in front.

"Hit me, hit me hard."

The sound of gunfire is an order.

The sound of pistols rang out one after another.

Dorsky felt a pain in his chest, his arms could no longer use their strength, and the matchlock fell directly to the ground.

He immediately realized that he had been shot.

Before his head hit the ground, he heard screams coming from beside him.

He is a squad leader of the Russian Army Scouts.

After receiving orders from superiors, patrolling near the camp is a relatively safe task.

Under normal circumstances, the Dahua Empire army will not approach the main camp because they are afraid of being surrounded.

Today's patrol was almost over, and he found a Dahua army with less than a hundred people.

Dorsky guessed that this might be because they didn't know which direction their camp was located?

The Dahua army was confused and ran directly into it.

He only needs to lead the team to hold on for a short while, and the reinforcements in the camp will feel it.

Eating these Dahua Empire troops will be the greatest victory achieved by the Russian army before coming here.

He was not that group of stupid Cossacks. He immediately ordered his soldiers to get into formation and use muskets to teach the Imperial Army of China a lesson.

Dorsky regretted it greatly. He heard from his colleagues that the army of the Chinese Empire was like wolves and tigers and was very scary.

He believed that these people were cowardly and incompetent, so they were beaten miserably by the Dahua Empire's army.

He did not expect that the firearms of the Dahua Empire were too fast and had a relatively long range.

As soon as they lit the match, they were shot and fell to the ground.

Ma Kaiheng saw smoke rising from the opposite side.

People around him screamed one after another and were hit by Russian matchlock guns.

With his left hand, he pulled out a pistol from his waist again.

He controlled the direction of the war horse with his legs, fired continuously with both hands, and suppressed the Russian army with bullets.

This small-scale conflict ended quickly.

Ma Kaiyuan ordered: "Check the weapons and ammunition, especially the magazines must be fully loaded.

Leave two people to treat the wounded, and the rest will follow me and continue deeper."

Du Wenying got off the horse and looked a little dazed.

He put his arms around the horse's neck and kept murmuring: "I killed someone, I killed someone."

When Du Wenying thought of the Russian soldier he had killed, his head exploded and all the red and white stuff came out.

Thinking of this situation, he immediately felt uncomfortable in his stomach and wanted to vomit but couldn't.

Ma Kaiyuan came over, patted Du Wenying on the shoulder and said: "You are a new soldier, and it is your first time to experience the cruelty of the battlefield.

It's normal to feel a little uncomfortable at first.

This time you will stay and take care of the wounded soldiers.

The large army will arrive soon and hand over the wounded soldiers to the field hospital.

I hope you can adapt to the battlefield environment as soon as possible.

If you feel unwell now, I will take care of you.

When the war really begins, if you are still unable to adapt to the battlefield, you may lose your life."

Du Wenying barely controlled her expression and said firmly: "Sir, I know that I performed very poorly this time.

Please rest assured, sir, I will definitely overcome the fear in my heart and adapt to the battlefield environment as soon as possible."

Ma Kaiyuan led the scouts and continued deeper.

They encountered no Russian scouts along the way.

In the Russian forward camp, Eric Komikov was listening to the scouts' continuous reports.

In all directions to the east, small groups of troops from the Great China Empire were found.

This situation is very suspicious, he has smelled something different.

He immediately called for the Cossack cavalry commander Kandel.

Kandel walked into the camp wearing light armor and a sword hanging on his waist.

"General Eric, what do you want from me?"

Eric Komikov ordered: "Commander Kandel, I now order the Cossack cavalry to enter a state of combat readiness.

All must be ready to fight."

Kandel's eyes lit up and he asked excitedly: "Has Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Sergeyev decided to launch an attack on the Great China Empire?

I have suggested before that before the Great China Empire is ready for war, we use the power of thunder to break through the Great China Empire's defense line.

I read our opponent carefully and it is a very difficult opponent.

As long as there is no problem in the Dahua Empire, it is basically impossible for us to invade the hinterland of the Dahua Empire.

We can only break through the Tumu-Balkhash Lake defense line.

As long as Tumu Mansion can be captured, most of the goals the Tsar wants to achieve can be accomplished.

Tumufu is much richer than Tangnu Ulianghai, so our place should be the main direction of attack."

General Eric Komikov saw some complaints from the Cossack cavalry commander Kandel.

No one in the Russian army in Kazakhstan has any complaints.

Rumor has it in the military that Commander Vladimir Sergeyev agreed to help some nobles on condition.

Only then can they obtain a large amount of domestic material assistance.

Otherwise, they are just outcasts responsible for harassing the Great China Empire.

General Eric Komikov shook his head and said: "The scouts in the east of the camp reported one after another that they found traces of multiple groups of Great China Empire cavalry.

This situation is very unusual and we need to be vigilant."

Kandel knew General Eric Komikov's character.

Especially since he is only a minor nobleman behind him and is not known as a big nobleman, but he can climb so high in the Russian army, so he must have real abilities.

"General Eric Komikov, I will go down immediately to make arrangements.

On the steppe, our Kazakh cavalry has no fear of anyone.

The bravery of the Kazakh cavalry is famous throughout Eastern Europe.

Our Cossack cavalry is an elite force, and it is definitely not the Cossack waste that was wasted by colonization before."

General Eric Komikov saw Kandel leave.

He stared at the map and kept thinking. The Tsar ordered the Russian army to attack the Great China Empire.

He was not optimistic about the outcome of this war.

The Dahua Empire was an extremely powerful country.

For the Russian army to engage in a full-scale war with such a country, it must undergo long-term preparations instead of conducting a surprise attack.

Others can't change the direction of things with their words. They can only do their job well and give the Russian troops under his command a chance to return to their hometown.


Zhang Wansi put down the telescope, and he could already see the outline of the Russian forward camp through the telescope.

This was due to the airship locking the position of the Russian camp in advance, so the cavalry division would not run in the wrong direction.

"The Russian generals are very capable. I thought I could make a successful raid, but now I find that the camp opposite is in good order."

Zhang Wansi raised the telescope again and carefully observed the situation in the Russian army camp.

The war horses are approaching the Russian camp, and the telescope can see them more clearly.

The Russian army camp is now ready and has formed a military formation.

In the center is a phalanx composed of five thousand Russian infantry.

They held muskets and formed a three-stage array, which was a typical formation of queuing to kill.

On the periphery of the musketeers, there were also pikemen guarding the perimeter.

The long spear, which is about three meters long, is specially customized for cavalry and can prevent cavalry from rushing into battle.

On both sides of the infantry, there were a large number of Cossack cavalry ready to fight.

They wore light armor and carried steel knives, and few chose to carry muskets.

These are the Cossack cavalry, cavalry who are about to be eliminated by the times and don't know it yet.

Zhang Wansi put down the telescope again and said firmly: "If you want to fight, then fight."

The Russian army noticed something strange in advance and they were unable to complete the raid.

The Royal Army Cavalry Division of Dahua will never be afraid of a head-on battle.

Zhang Wansi wants to use absolute strength to crush the pride of the Russian army and make them realize how desperate it is to provoke the Great China Empire.

His orders were issued continuously, and the flag soldiers waved flags and mobilized the cavalry divisions to form troops.

Zhang Wansi saw that the cavalry division had dispersed, and he issued the last order.

"Inform the artillery battalion and blow it up hard.

Let them see the power of the King of War.

The Russian army on the opposite side has relatively complete weapons and equipment, but it only lacks artillery.

We will use artillery to suppress the enemy's movements."

Zhang Wansi used artillery to boost the morale of the army.

Even if he is a new recruit in the Royal Army of China, he knows the power of artillery.

Zhang Wansi is confident that no army can withstand the indiscriminate bombardment of artillery.


General Eric Komikov prepared the Cossack cavalry for battle.

He was still worried and sent scouts to explore the east.

In order to prevent the scouts from being ambushed, there was no way to send back the message.

The method chosen by General Eric Komikov was to send each scout a firework.

Based on the calculations of the small group of troops, if it is as he guessed, the number of Dahua troops that will attack will definitely not be small.

When the scouts actually encountered the main force of the Dahua army, they lit up fireworks and passed the news back.

General Eric Komikoff expected this approach to work wonders.

If his guess is correct, the main force of the Dahua army is not too far away from the camp, and the sound of the fireworks will definitely be heard back.

General Eric Komikov issued orders one after another, and the camp became busy again.

He arranged everything and looked at the eastern sky.

I only saw two specially-made fireworks with exquisite patterns exploding in the sky.

The scout has completed his mission. Based on the abnormalities on the battlefield, his guess was correct.

The Dahua Empire did not sit still and wait for death, but took the initiative to attack them.

This is also in line with the character of the Dahua Empire.

Since the founding of the Great China Empire, its territory has almost doubled.

Colonies have expanded to the Mediterranean coast.

This country is definitely not a country waiting for enemies to attack.

The camp avoided a sneak attack by the Dahua army.

General Eric Komikov was confident of holding the camp.

But he also sent messengers to inform Count Vladimir Sergeyev in the rear, letting the entire army realize that the Great China Empire army had launched an attack.

General Eric Komikov issued various orders in an orderly manner.

Kandel, the commander of the Cossack cavalry, received the order and rushed out of the camp with his Cossack cavalry.

Around the east of the camp, arrange the cavalry in formation.

He saw General Eric Komikov, leading a group of well-trained infantrymen out of the camp.

They are ready for the attack of the Dahua Empire army.

Kandel looked to the east at the clouds of smoke and dust raised by the rapid passage of the cavalry.

With his experience, the cavalry of the attacking Dahua Empire numbered about 10,000.

If the camp is really successfully raided by the Dahua Empire army.

The Cossack cavalry trapped the camp. They were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, with no power to resist.

Now that the Cossack cavalry is ready, let these Chinese people see the real Cossack cavalry.

(End of chapter)

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