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Chapter 614 Russian Army Running Out of Food

In the main tent of the Russian army camp, Count Vladimir Sergeyev was looking at the map and thinking.

The situation of the Russian army during this period was very bad.

The Russian forward collided with the Chinese Empire, and the troops under Eric Komikov suffered heavy casualties.

This made Count Vladimir Sergeyev realize the strength of the Great China Empire's army.

The armies scattered in various places are likely to be eaten up by the concentrated advantages of the Great China Empire.

In order to avoid this happening, he ordered the Russian troops in various places to move closer to the main force.

The battlefield was shrouded in fog, and those in charge of the battle could only guess at the upcoming changes on the battlefield based on limited intelligence.

Count Vladimir Sergeyev thought he had done the right thing.

Now looking at the formation of the two armies on the map, he felt that this step was not a good one.

The three cavalry divisions of the Dahua Empire compressed their living space from three directions.

Count Vladimir Sergeyev also made certain efforts to resist the encirclement of the armies of the Great China Empire.

He sent elite Russian troops to collide with the cavalry divisions of the Great China Empire. The result of the war was that they returned with a disastrous defeat.

The exchange ratio produced is totally shameless. If it continues, the Russian army will be slowly bled by the armies of the Great China Empire.

He could only adopt shrinking tactics, gather all the strength of the Russian army, and cripple a cavalry division of the Great China Empire.

Only in this way will the Russian army have some hope of victory.

Now that most of the fog of war has dissipated, the intentions of the Dahua army are very clear.

By encircling them on three sides, they restricted the Russian army, whose main force was cavalry, to a smaller area.

In this way, the Russian army's greatest advantage, the cavalry, would not be able to exert its true strength.

Count Vladimir Sergeyev reviewed his previous approach, which was still a bit too conservative.

He thought of gathering all the troops to fight the menacing enemy together.

But he only wanted to rally the Russian troops in the Kazakh steppes, and his vision was too low.

The Russian army should flee from the battlefield prepared by the armies of the Great China Empire.

The army of the Great China Empire planned the battlefield at the Russian camp.

Although this is the territory of the Russian army, since the Great China Empire is so confident, they must have sufficient confidence to win the war.

Count Vladimir Sergeyev looked at the military map, they still had a chance.

The army of the Dahua Empire is so strong that they can abandon part of the rear army.

The main force of the Russian army evacuated to the west, waiting for the arrival of the Great China Empire on the larger grasslands.

The Cossack cavalry will show the cavalry of the Great China Empire, the cavalry's elusive style of play.

Count Vladimir Sergeyev said confidently: "The key is the West, and being surrounded on three sides is the biggest loophole.

As the army moves westward, it will be closer to the Russian homeland, making it easier to obtain weapons, ammunition and supplies from the homeland.

The armies of the Dahua Empire were further away from the mainland.

Logistics will be a disadvantage of the army of the Great China Empire.

Just send an elite force to cut off the Great China Empire's army logistics supply line.

Without the continuous supply of ammunition, the powerful firearms of the Dahua Empire will lose their effectiveness."

Count Vladimir Sergeyev fought with the cavalry of the Great China Empire for many days.

He also seized several Dahua Empire firearms called pistols.

These short fire blunderbuss with exquisite craftsmanship are very powerful.

Within thirty to forty meters, bullets can easily penetrate all-iron heavy armor.

A body of flesh and blood cannot withstand the huge hail of bullets.

Count Vladimir Sergeyev thought of a way to deal with the sharp weapons of the Chinese Empire, which was to cut off the logistical supply lines of the Chinese Empire's army.

This firearm, called a pistol, is indeed powerful, but it has a prominent disadvantage: it consumes bullets too quickly.

As long as the cavalry of the Dahua Empire has no time to replenish their bullets, the pistol is not as useful as a sword.

Count Vladimir Sergeyev is thinking about how they will deal with the offensive of the Great China Empire Cavalry Division and accomplish his combat goals.

He took out his pen and kept marking on the military map to perfect the battle plan in his mind.

Count Vladimir Sergeyev is concentrating on thinking about the next battle plan.

The door of the tent was pushed open with force, and there was a bang, interrupting Count Vladimir Sergeyev's thinking.

Count Vladimir Sergeyev frowned and looked towards the door with dissatisfaction.

The generals in the army all know his usual habits.

When thinking about important decisions, you don’t want to be disturbed by other people.

Who was so reckless as to interrupt his thoughts by pushing the door open?

When Count Vladimir Sergeyev saw the visitor, he knew something was seriously wrong.

The person who came in was none other than his confidant Ivan Nikisky. All important information in the camp would pass through the hands of Ivan Nikisky.

If it were someone else, it might be reckless behavior.

Ivan Nikisky knew his situation very well, and there must have been a major problem that must be reported.

Ordinary things would never come in and disturb him at this moment.

Count Vladimir Sergeyev asked worriedly: "Ivan, what happened?"

Ivan Niksky replied with a horrified look: "To the west of us, the cavalry division of the Great China Empire has appeared.

Our army's retreat has been blocked by the Great China Empire Cavalry Division, please make preparations in advance, Lord Count."

When Count Vladimir Sergeyev heard the news, he seemed to be struck by lightning.

His body was a little unsteady and he felt his body shaking.

When Ivan Niksky saw that the officer was in a daze and seemed about to fall to the ground, he immediately stepped forward to help Count Vladimir Sergeyev.

"My lord, please cheer up.

You are related to the lives of hundreds of thousands of Russian troops, so nothing can happen to you!"

Count Vladimir Sergeyev felt dizzy. When he heard the news, he realized that something was wrong.

The west is their retreat. Once blocked by the enemy, they will be lambs to be slaughtered.

More importantly, after the Great China Empire was surrounded on all sides, all directions were occupied by enemy forces.

This is equivalent to the transportation line between the front line and the rear being cut off.

There are hundreds of thousands of Russian troops on the front line, and a huge number of people and horses are fed every day.

In particular, the rations required by war horses are several times that of young horses.

The food stored in the camp is limited and once it is completely blocked by the Great China Empire Cavalry Division.

It doesn't need to be sealed off for too long. It only takes about seven days for the food reserves in the camp to be exhausted.

A hungry soldier can do anything.

There are cavalrymen from the Great China Empire watching eagerly outside.

The situation of the Russian army is very dangerous now.

Count Vladimir Sergeyev kept thinking, and he could not come up with a solution to the crisis in a short time.

He was just too anxious and suddenly felt a little confused.

Count Vladimir Sergeyev recovered quickly and drank a sip of milk tea to calm down his shock.

He looked at Ivan Niksky with sharp eyes, stared into his eyes and asked: "How do the soldiers on the front line report? It must be a cavalry of the Great China Empire of at least ten thousand people.

Or a small force with only a few thousand people."

Count Vladimir Sergeyev must ask this crucial question.

If it were a small force of Dahua Empire cavalry, he would penetrate the western passage at all costs.

He would abandon part of his army, lead the elite Russian army, and find a way to escape to another place.

Their strength was inferior to that of others, so they asked the Tsar to send troops for reinforcements.

It is very likely that because of his defeat, he was tricked by his political opponents and imprisoned in a Moscow prison.

But for many Russian troops, this outcome is already the best outcome they can get now.

The most worrying situation is that the cavalry of the Great China Empire came to the West in an organized form.

Count Vladimir Sergeyev had previously dealt with nearly 40,000 cavalrymen, but he had lost all his troops, and his living space was constantly being squeezed by the cavalry of the Great China Empire.

If another cavalry division comes, it will be the last stone that breaks the camel's back.

Let’s not talk about the Russian army being surrounded, how to solve the crisis of declining morale and food shortage?

It’s just the cavalry of the Great China Empire, and if there are more than 10,000 reinforcements, Count Vladimir Sergeyev doesn’t know what to do about this matter?

Ivan Niksky's answer completely shattered Count Vladimir Sergeyev's illusions.

"My lord, General Fukas has led his troops to confirm that it is indeed the 10,000 additional cavalrymen of the Great China Empire.

Their numbers and clothing are different from the cavalry of the Great China Empire that is besieging us now.

The combat effectiveness of this cavalry is no less than that of the other three cavalry."

"Ah! This is impossible? How is this possible?"

Count Vladimir Sergeyev felt like he was going to collapse.

He immediately issued an order for the Russian camp generals to attack in all directions to test the strength of the Great China Empire's army.

If the report from the front line is correct, a cavalry group from the Great China Empire circled to the west of the Russian camp.

They must find a way to fight to the death, and they must not sit back and wait for death slowly.

Count Vladimir Sergeyev asked his confidant Ivan Niksky to secretly find out how many days the food in the camp could be eaten.

He doesn't dare to investigate in a big way now.

Investigate secretly, only some smart people can find out, and investigate in a big way. If hundreds of thousands of people in the entire camp know that they are about to run out of food, then there will be a big problem.

The generals of the Russian army received an order from Count Vladimir Sergeyev. They felt that the order was a bit strange, but they still acted in accordance with the order.

Count Vladimir Sergeyev quickly received feedback from the front.

The First Cavalry Division of the Great China Empire to the east of the Russian camp, their strength has not only not weakened, but has also increased slightly.

The frontline generals were able to confirm that the 1st Cavalry Division was fully manned and there was no sign of being diverted to other places.

The Second Cavalry Division of the Dahua Empire in the southern direction of the Russian army performed relatively cowardly in this war.

By not taking the initiative to attack the enemy, it seems that he wants to conserve his strength.

But the generals on the front line can see that the troops of the Second Cavalry Division of the Dahua Empire have not been attrited.

The Sixth Cavalry Division of the Great China Empire in the south of the Russian camp was more excited than before.

He tried many times to break through the Russian defense line, but was blocked by the Russian army.

The frontline generals swear by God that the Sixth Cavalry Division is definitely not short of troops.

Noticing the incredible situation, Foucas, the general to the west of the camp, learned from the previous lesson.

The west's tentative attack on the two forces was launched again, but Fukas was defeated miserably.

If it were not for the timely support from friendly forces, the Russian army's Western Camp would also have been affected by the war.

After Count Vladimir Sergeyev read the report, he sighed deeply.

The gap in strength between the two parties is indeed quite large, and the worst-case scenario has already occurred.

Ivan Niksky, the confidant he sent to investigate the food reserves in the camp, has also returned.

"Ivan, how is the investigation going?"

Ivan Niksky frowned and said: "Your Majesty, the situation in the camp is not good.

Because I had never thought before that the logistics supply line could be cut off by the enemy.

The food stored in the camp will be used up in seven days at the normal consumption rate.

Saving food for two meals a day will reduce the strength of the soldiers and make them unable to withstand the offensive of the Great China Empire."

Count Vladimir Sergeyev listened to the report and found that nothing worst happened in the camp.

Vladimir Sergeyev kept pacing in the tent, sipping milk tea and thinking about how to deal with it.

"Inform me that all the food in the camp will be distributed by me.

Elite troops do not reduce their food benefits.

Ordinary troops are only given one meal of food every day, and they are left to deal with the remaining food themselves."

Count Vladimir Sergeyev has made up his mind to lead the elite to break out.

The remaining Russian troops stayed here to hold back the armies of the Great China Empire.

Sorkin and Duke were both from St. Petersburg. Duke saved Sorkin's life on the battlefield and the two became good friends.

Sorkin, who was born as a small businessman, had a much more flexible mind than Duke, who was born as a serf.

Sorkin learned that enemy troops were also present on the west side of the camp.

He quietly told Duke while he was on duty.

"These days, try to collect as much food as possible. People may starve to death later in the camp."

Duke asked honestly: "Why is this happening?"

Sorkin explained helplessly: "Are you stupid? Where does the food we usually eat come from?

Now that everything is blocked in all directions and food cannot be transported in, how many days do you think we can survive with only the food in the camp?

Even smart people can see it, but don’t go around shouting about it.”

When Duke heard the news, his face turned pale instantly.

His parents died of hunger during the disaster years, and they knew how terrible hunger was.

When people are extremely hungry, their animal nature takes over and they can do anything.

He immediately made preparations in advance, went to the kitchen, stole some black bread, and hid it in a hidden place.

Things in the camp developed exactly as Sorkin expected.

Suddenly, the meal was changed to one meal a day, and the amount was reduced by half. If you wanted to eat more, you had to bribe the officers with your military pay.

Three or four days passed, and the soldiers were too hungry to surrender, let alone pick up their swords and guns and go to the battlefield.

Word has spread in the camp that the food route has been cut off by the Great China Empire, and the camp can no longer obtain food from the outside world.

This directly breeds despair among the Russian army.

A brave soldier's morale will collapse if he cannot even eat black bread.

The Russian army's food supply is getting less and less, and the elite troops are eating only two meals a day.

Ordinary soldiers, as ordered by Count Vladimir Sergeyev, only had a small piece of black bread.

The order was passed to the grassroots, and ordinary soldiers in the Russian army were completely deprived of food.

They smelled the aroma of stew coming from the enemy's position opposite.

Because the Russian army was too hungry, they ran to the enemy's positions in groups and surrendered to the cavalry of the Great China Empire.

(End of chapter)

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