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Chapter 616 Russian Army Breaks Out

Fourth Army Commander Yu Tianyou and Chief of Staff Fu Xiucheng are inspecting the southern defense line.

Fu Xiucheng looked at the newly appointed Yu Tianyou. Before the battle, it was not appropriate to transfer foreign generals to take command. His Majesty the Emperor would definitely choose to promote the generals of the Fourth Army.

Among the Fourth Army, only Yu Tianyou has a good foundation and outstanding performance.

In terms of personal ability alone, the candidate for commander of the Fourth Army will be chosen between Tianyou and Han Shuliang.

But Han Shuliang was older and came from a military background.

Under the same conditions, this is a very big disadvantage.

Cai Gong Wu Jie always held the position of military commander in his hands in order to be crowned king.

This time he was confirmed to be the commander-in-chief of the war zone. He was responsible for overall command of the war in various places and could not follow the actions of the Fourth Army.

Only then did he choose to resign as commander of the Fourth Army.

What Cai Gong Wu Jie did was to support his old subordinates to the position of army commander.

Once he resigns as army commander in advance, the Fourth Army will inevitably achieve great results.

It is difficult for the position of commander of the Fourth Army to fall into the hands of Cai Gong Wu Jie and his family.

As Fu Xiucheng changed his mind, these things flashed through his mind.

He has worked with Yu Tianyou for such a long time, and he believes that there will be no problems with the cooperation between the two.

Now the Fourth Army is united and ready to win this battle.

This huge battle in front of us will make everyone jealous.

They are not like Cai Gong and Wu Jie, who seek a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity like being crowned king overseas.

But let your title rise by one level, turn your family into a famous family, let you have successful battles in the army, and improve your status.

No one will miss this kind of great benefit.

After Yu Tianyou read the reports of each group, he asked Fu Xiucheng:

"Chief of Staff Fu, today is June 10th.

We have been on the battlefield for just over a day and have set up our defense lines.

Chief of Staff Fu believes when the enemy will launch an attack on our front."

Fu Xiucheng pointed to the rear of the position, with a frightened expression on his face, and the Russian prisoner squatting on the ground holding a bowl and drinking sweet potato porridge.

"In the position of the third regiment alone, more than a thousand Russian troops surrendered to us throughout the whole day yesterday.

After a simple interrogation of the prisoners, the Russian camp had already run out of food.

These low-level Russian soldiers, in order to survive, coupled with the propaganda of surrendering Russian soldiers, will definitely usher in a wave of surrenders as time goes by.

If I were the commander-in-chief of the Russian army, I would definitely not sit back and watch this happen.

Either today or tomorrow, the Russian army will definitely make big moves.

Otherwise, these hundreds of thousands of Russian troops will be captured by our Fourth Army in one fell swoop, and the Russian troops will not even have a chance to resist."

Yu Tianyou said confidently: "We have already set up the iron barrel array.

In particular, the southern defense line looks very weak according to traditional concepts, with a large number of soldiers spaced very far apart, which seems to be a lack of strength.

In fact, Tie Zhenwu's regiment is the model regiment of the Fourth Army.

This regiment is equipped with the largest number of heavy machine guns in the entire army, with a full 50 heavy machine guns.

As long as the bullets are not used up, even if the cavalry division rushes into battle, there is no chance.

I don’t know if the Russian generals will be fooled and take the initiative to attack the weaknesses exposed by our army.”

Commander Tie Zhenwu, who was accompanying him, looked very honest, and couldn't help but say: "Commander, Chief of Staff, this should be the Wei San Que Yi that was taught in the military academy.

The enemy general must determine the weakest point of our army in a short time.

He can only rely on his own experience to choose the direction he thinks is best for a breakout.

We also took advantage of the psychology of the Russian generals and deliberately conveyed signs of heavy defense in the west and north, cutting off the Russian army's escape route."

Yu Tianyou praised: "The iron regiment commander is very talented. I am relieved that the most important section of the southern defense line is entrusted to your regiment."

Chief of Staff Fu Xiucheng did not interrupt. He was already attracted by the situation in the Russian camp.

"Bring me the high-power monocular telescope."

Fu Xiucheng had just used a telescope to observe the situation in the Russian army camp.

The distance between the two armies was quite far, and the telescope observation was not careful enough.

But he could see that smoke was rising everywhere from the Russian positions.

It was precisely because the Russian army was out of food that Chief of Staff Fu Xiucheng focused on the smoke situation of the Russian army.

The cavalry division has besieged the Russian army for nearly half a month. Under normal circumstances, the Russian army's food reserves should be exhausted.

Chief of Staff Fu Xiucheng found it strange that the whole camp was covered in smoke.

Commander Yu Tianyou and Commander Tie Zhenwu heard the request from Chief of Staff Fu Xiucheng.

They all knew that Chief of Staff Fu Xiucheng had discovered something important.

Three soldiers from the Guard Regiment carried a large cylinder and quickly brought the monocular telescope requested by Chief of Staff Fu Xiucheng.

This monocular telescope, which is very similar to an astronomical telescope, can see clear scenes several kilometers away. It is a veritable clairvoyant.

Chief of Staff Fu Xiucheng used a telescope to observe the situation of the Russian army's positions.

He saw that some Russian troops actually killed the horses and cooked the horse meat in a large pot.

Chief of Staff Fu Xiucheng stood up straight and said: "The Russian army is killing the war horses.

The Russian army is at a disadvantage and dares to kill war horses on the grassland. They are going to fight tooth and nail.

Level 1 alert should be carried out now, as the Russian army may break through at any time."

Yu Tianyou also knew what this situation meant, and he agreed with Chief of Staff Fu Xiucheng's suggestion.

While they notified the Fourth Army's defense lines to prepare, they also notified the cavalry division of the news.

Once the Russian army can really break through the Fourth Army's defense line, a cavalry division will be needed to pursue the remaining Russian army.


Vladimir Sergeyev, the commander-in-chief of the Russian Army in Kazakhstan, finished eating white bread with horse meat.

He felt a little emotional that the logistics line had been cut off and that foie gras and caviar, two of his favorite delicacies, could no longer be transported.

Now I can only eat horse meat to satisfy my hunger. Horse meat is really unpalatable.

He put on his armor, put the command sword given by the Tsar on his waist, mounted his horse, and walked around the core camp.

The Russian army has more than 10,000 elite troops and is ready to break out.

All the firearms of the Russian army were concentrated on the southern defense line, preparing to use firearms and a large number of serf soldiers to tear a hole in the Great China Empire's defense line.

Because the serf soldiers ate horse meat, their morale also improved.

Cooperating with the supervising team and the generals responsible for breaking up the rear, these serf soldiers can also fight.

Most of the generals who are responsible for the war are middle-level officers from poor families who have climbed up the ranks. Their families are somewhat powerful but not very powerful.

For the sake of their family, these people would never dare to disobey orders.

As generals, these people are lucky enough not to die immediately. If they lose the battle, they still have the opportunity to surrender. If they are cut off, their resistance is not strong.

Ivan Niksky, riding a fast horse, found Vladimir Sergeyev who was inspecting.

"My lord, the generals have reported that they are ready according to yesterday's plan.

Now that the soldiers are well fed, their physical strength is at its strongest.

Please tell me, Lord Count, whether to carry out the plan."

Count Vladimir Sergeyev drew his command knife and pointed the tip south.

"Pass my order, and the entire army will launch an attack on the defense line of the Great China Empire."


Han Shuliang, commander of the First Division of the Fourth Army, is responsible for defending the western defense line.

After receiving the order from the military headquarters, he immediately became nervous.

The army commander was not too competitive. God had blessed him. If the Russian army were to break through the defense line this time, he would not be able to show his face.

Han Shuliang shouted with his loud voice: "Artillery regiment, machine gun regiment, are you ready?

This time in defending the defense line, we have to face several times the enemy's attack.

Whether we can hold the defensive line mainly depends on the performance of your two regiments."

Zhao Jinhai, commander of the artillery regiment, and Ma Shangfeng, commander of the machine gun regiment, immediately straightened their backs and replied in a loud voice: "Commander, we have no problem at all."

Han Shuliang reminded: "Everyone, please cheer up, no one will lose his temper.

I will embarrass the whole army, and I will not make it easy for them.

Let's all disperse! Return to your troops quickly.

The Russian army looks at this situation and they may launch an attack at any time."

Han Shuliang used a telescope to observe the movements of the Russian army.

He also ate candies and chocolates brought from Europe to replenish his physical strength.

The Russian army did not keep him waiting long. Just after nine o'clock in the morning, a large number of Russian troops began to attack the camp.

Han Shuliang watched as the Russian troops on the opposite side first mounted their infantry, many of them carrying sabers and spears, forming a dense formation to attack their defense line.

"It's so stupid. With such a dense formation, one shot can make hundreds of people lose their combat effectiveness.

The artillery carried by the artillery regiment uses 110mm large-caliber explosive shells, and its power is not comparable to the mortars of the cavalry division."

Han Shuliang issued an order: "Let the artillery regiment fire and inform Zhao Jinhai not to save ammunition.

In a short time, this is our last battle."

Zhao Jinhai, commander of the artillery regiment, could not close his mouth when he saw the Russian troops forming a dense formation.

This dense formation is simply the favorite of artillerymen.

He immediately ordered the artillery regiment to fire, and a large number of artillery shells exploded directly on the Russian army.

Only the smoke of gunpowder continued to rise, and the powerful power of the King of War was undoubtedly revealed.

Tens of thousands of Russian troops were directly bombed by artillery regiments and were knocked out of combat effectiveness.

When Ma Shangfeng saw this situation, he said angrily: "The artillery regiment didn't even leave any soup for us.

This style of play directly destroyed the Russian army.

It would be great if there were cavalry here. With the high speed of the cavalry, many of them can break through the artillery blockade, and our machine gun regiment will have a chance to perform.

It’s not that the Russian army is mainly cavalry, but most of the Russian troops attacking us are infantry.

They don’t look like elites, they don’t even have matchlocks, they mainly use broadswords and spears.”

Han Shuliang heard Ma Shangfeng's envious voice.

However, he has always been sober and clearly sees the purpose of the Russian army.

He analyzed: “Our defense clearly showed a heavy defensive posture.

In order to break through the encirclement, the Russian army will not choose to confront us head-on.

Everyone knows the story of Tian Ji’s horse racing.

This should be a low-class horse versus a high-class horse, using cannon fodder to attract the attention of our army.

We should also be happy. In the eyes of the Russian army, we are the best horses.

As for the lack of cavalry, the situation is very simple.

I saw someone holding a knife very much like a nomad.

These people should have been cavalry before, but the Russian army ran out of food and they ate their own horses.

Most of the Russian troops that came over to surrender to us were serf soldiers, but there were very few Cossack cavalry.

They are not Slavs who joined the Russian army as mercenaries.

It is unlikely that the loyalty of these Cossacks was higher.

The only explanation is that these Cossack cavalry have food to eat.

They can't compete with the horses for fodder, the only explanation is that they eat the horses."

When Ma Shangfeng and others heard the explanation from division commander Han Shuliang, they understood the meaning of the Russian army's actions.

Han Shuliang had a guess in his mind. The Russian troops he faced were not even low-class horses. They should be the most rubbish Russian army.

Looking at the performance of these Russian troops on the battlefield, they are completely a cannon fodder army.

The Russian commander used this cannon fodder army to attract their attention. He was preparing to abandon these cannon fodder and fight for the lives of others.

Han Shuliang heard the sound of gunfire from other directions.

When the war is over and they review the battle, they will be able to understand the purpose of the Russian army.


Ji Feiyang, commander of the Second Division of the Fourth Army, is responsible for defending the northern defense line.

When he was transferred to the Fourth Army, he thought he had offended someone and was sent out.

In the past, the northwest region was a desert of war, and people with lofty ideals in the army did not want to be transferred to the northwest.

Ji Feiyang now feels that he has made a lot of money.

The Fourth Army did not understand this, but it was a blockbuster.

He had never thought before that the Fourth Army would encounter such a large-scale battle, with both sides investing hundreds of thousands of troops.

Chief of Staff Zhou Zixin reminded: "Commander, look quickly, the Russian army has launched a charge towards our position."

When Ji Feiyang heard what the Chief of Staff said, he picked up his binoculars to observe the movements of the Russian army.

They had just taken over the northern defense line and were not very familiar with the Russian opponents.

But Ji Feiyang was confident that he could block the Russian attack.

The number of people who launched the attack on the Russian army was probably more than 20,000, including 10,000 Cossack cavalry.

The remaining more than 10,000 infantrymen, arquebusiers and spearmen were roughly evenly divided.

Ji Feiyang discovered that the Russian army's tactics were very simple.

Use the infantry to attract their attention, and wait for the opportunity to use the cavalry to break through their defense lines.

Ji Feiyang was just about to issue an order to have the artillery regiment and machine gun regiment use heavy weapons to kill the Russian troops.

This is a common method used by the Dahua Empire army to deal with weak armies.

If it can be solved with cannons, use cannons. If it can be solved with rifles, use rifles.

Only under unavoidable circumstances will soldiers be allowed to fight with bayonets.

But the commander of the Sixth Cavalry Division, Battle, came running over on a fast horse.

He rode up to Ji Feiyang, his breath still a little uneven, but he asked anxiously:

"Commander Ji, I still have the word "agent" on my head, can you share the profit and give some military merit to my brothers?

The Russian infantry will be left with your division, and the cavalry will be handed over to our Sixth Cavalry Division."

Ji Feiyang looked at the Mongolian man in front of him and asked him for help in a low voice.

Their Fourth Army rushed to the battlefield just as the cavalry division was about to overwhelm the enemy.

Many people in the Cavalry Division have complained that now that their Fourth Army has chosen to live alone, it will leave a bad reputation.

Ji Feiyang thought for a moment and said: "In order to reduce the casualties of our army, we will first let the artillery regiment carry out artillery fire coverage.

When the bombardment is over, we will attack together."

Since Ji Feiyang decided to agree to the cavalry division's request, he would also take the initiative.

He left the machine gun regiment in charge of defending the position. With the strength of the Russian army, even twice as many troops would not be able to break through the defense line.

When Battle heard this request, he smiled and agreed immediately.

The Second Division Artillery Regiment immediately launched artillery fire coverage, and a large number of explosive shells exploded in the Russian army's formation, directly disrupting the Russian army's formation.

As the exciting drum beat sounded, the soldiers of the Second Division of the Fourth Army and the cavalry of the Sixth Cavalry Division came out of the defense line together.

The artillery regiment also stopped shelling to prevent accidental damage to friendly forces.

Amidst the sound of war drums, they raised their guns and attacked the Russian army that had fallen into chaos.

On the three defense lines of east, west, north and west, the Russian army paid huge casualties, and the war entered an anxious state, with no winner yet in sight.

On the southern defense line, the Russian army fought hard despite being trapped, struggling to deliver the final blow in an attempt to penetrate the Great China Empire's defense line.

(End of chapter)

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