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Chapter 621 Defensive Counterattack

Commander Ma Zhenfei was in the bunker, looking at the charging Russian troops.

Every Russian soldier was holding a torch. As they were running so fast, the torch seemed to be extinguished at any time.

But the torches are connected together, like a huge fire dragon.

"The enemy force is huge! The number of people we face is at least 6,000."

He saw that the Russian army launched a night attack and was able to form such a scale, and he was secretly grateful in his heart.

Fortunately, they grasped the traces of the Russian army in advance and arranged corresponding defense lines.

Now all the officers and soldiers of the regiment are waiting in various bunkers.

In a non-war situation, there are only a few hundred patrols, and everyone else is sleeping.

Without detecting the Russian army's surprise attack at night, their regiment would have suffered heavy losses.

There is a real possibility that the Russian army could break through the defense line and cause huge casualties to the 19th Army.

But this situation is basically impossible to happen.

They have always paid the greatest attention to the Russian army in Kuznetsk.

It is impossible for the Russian army to dispatch heavy troops and they still know nothing about it.

A nervous little soldier in the bunker asked: "Captain, there are so many enemy troops, when are we going to shoot?"

Captain Ma Zhenfei’s confident and bold voice sounded.

"Little guy, why are you so anxious?

Only a small group of enemies are coming up now. If we fire at this time, it won't scare away these walking military medals.

When the enemy troops approached the position, we opened fire.

Everyone is in the bunkers and trenches, and they are afraid of these weaklings carrying matchlock guns."

Commander Ma Zhenfei spoke lightly, but his eyes never left the attacking Russian army.

He must use his strongest side to deal with these Russian troops coming from afar.

He didn't want to become a negative teaching material in the military school textbooks because he underestimated the enemy.

Commander Ma Zhenfei saw the Russian forward, less than fifty meters away from their position.

He could see from the fire coming from the Russian position that a large number of Russian troops formed a dense formation and had entered the range of the cannon.

Captain Ma Zhenfei yelled: "Hit."

He then pulled the trigger of the rifle in his hand, and a bullet flew towards where the Russian army was.

Due to poor visibility at night, the bullet missed its target, but because the Russian army was too densely formed, it hit the person next to him.

The shot fired by Commander Ma Zhenfei was the signal to open fire.

In the dark night, the Dahua army's defense line originally had only sparse lights.

With the sound of a gunshot, the Dahua army's position flashed with lights.

From a distance, it looks like a wall made up of streaks of fire.

The searchlights were lit on the Dahua army's bunker, illuminating the entire battlefield, leaving the Russian army with no way to hide.

As the Dahua army opened fire, the Russian troops charging ahead fell in large numbers.

Russian General Luke, as the general of the vanguard army, had a smile on his face when the Russian army launched the charge.

From the light of fire getting closer and closer to the Dahua Army camp, he could tell that the Russian army was about to rush into the Dahua Army camp.

As long as the Russian army can storm into the camp, the powerful artillery of the Dahua army will be useless.

The artillery of the Dahua Army cannot fire to kill its own friendly troops.

Even if the Dahua army does this, General Luke believes that it is not a loss to exchange serf soldiers for the Dahua army.

General Luke smiled so hard that he showed two big brown teeth.

He soon stopped laughing. He only saw fires emerging from the Dahua army's position, and gunshots rang out one after another.

General Luke saw the Russian soldiers in front, falling in pieces on the path of the charge.

The Dahua army's firepower is so dense that their muskets don't even need to be aimed. As long as they shoot in the right direction, they can hit the Russian army.

He knew that the muskets of the Dahua army did not require complicated loading movements and did not affect the soldiers' loading of ammunition at night.

General Luke agreed with Count Alexander Onukovych's suggestion of a night attack.

It is precisely because of this tactic that it is one of the few tactics the Russian army can choose if it wants to win.

He was very happy before, with the joy that the strategy was about to succeed.

Now, the violent gunshots were heard directly, interrupting the previous speculation.

General Luke yelled angrily: "Trap, this is a trap specially designed by the Dahua Empire."

He knows that the only way to win now is to use human lives to build a path to victory.

This road is littered with corpses, and the success rate is not high.

General Luke saw the shape of the battlefield. In just a short while, the vanguard army had suffered nearly one-third casualties.

But the troops supporting from the rear continued to rush to the front line holding torches.

The battlefield was pitch black and the sound of gunfire was so dense that his orders could no longer be transmitted to the front line.

Now we only rely on the grassroots officers to cooperate and supervise the battle team, preparing to use a large number of lives to break through the defense line of the Dahua army.


At the headquarters of the 1st Division of the 19th Army of the Royal Army of China.

Commander Ma Xianglin looked at the first division commander Song Xinghe who was busy.

The Russian army has entered the encirclement they set up.

Now we just have to wait for the various troops to tighten the encirclement, and the Russian army will be unable to fly by then.

The most critical point now is that the First Division must block the Russian attack and hold them firmly at their current position to buy time for other armies to move.

Except for the Cavalry Division, the rest of the 19th Army could not move in advance to avoid alerting the Russian army.

Commander Song Xinghe walked up to Commander Ma Xianglin with a smile on his face.

"Commander, the front line is fighting very well. Our second brigade, which is in contact with the Russian army, has blocked the most intense Russian offensive.

According to reports from the front line, the Russian army selected a death squad composed of officers and wanted to use the cover of night to sneak attack our camp.

This army had a strong will to fight, and it took nearly half of its casualties before its morale collapsed.

The front line is now in contact with the normal Russian army.

These troops were weak in fighting will and relied entirely on the Russian army's supervising team to suppress them.

When they encounter a slight setback, their morale will collapse.

The frontline troops have attracted large Russian troops, and they sent telegrams to call for support from the artillery regiment."

Commander Ma Xianglin nodded and ordered: "The frontline troops fought very well.

Now that the time has come, I will order the artillery regiment to attack the Russian positions."

Commander Ma Xianglin said to the guards: "Send a report to the artillery regiment and ask them to launch a covering attack on the Russian position.

The front line has attracted the main force of the Russian army. Even if the Russian army wants to withdraw from the battlefield, they cannot withdraw without paying some price."

The ticking sound of the telegraph spread the message throughout the entire military camp.

The artillery regiment of the 19th Army located in the center and rear of the military camp received the latest military order.

Liu Song, commander of the 19th Army Artillery Regiment, had an excited look on his face after reading the military order.

"Brothers, the commander of the army has issued an order, and it is time for our artillery regiment to show off its power."

The artillery regiment has observed the location of the Russian army through the hot air balloon.

The Russian army attacked at night. They all held torches. Looking north from the red hot air balloon, the flames were too obvious.

The artillery regiment had already adjusted the firing angle of the cannon, and the shells were loaded, waiting for the order to be issued.

Liu Song picked up the whistle hanging around his neck and blew the whistle immediately.

The crisp whistle sounded throughout the artillery position. Upon hearing the order, the artillerymen immediately pulled the cannon's rope.

Huge flames erupted from the muzzle, and the shells drew a bright line in the night sky, heading straight for the Russian army's position.

Liu Song watched the artillery regiment's cannons firing one after another, and he clenched his fists in a gesture of victory.

The artillery regiment is equipped with twenty-five 120 mm cannons and thirty-four 155 mm cannons.

There are also two 210 mm caliber cannons, which are siege guns specially designed to attack important cities and fortresses.

This behemoth did not fire tonight. The shells it used were too precious, and Liu Song could not bear to use them to kill small soldiers.

Commander Ma Zhenfei is commanding his men to resist the Russian attack.

Now they still need to use bunkers and trenches. After dawn, he will lead the army to charge against the Russian army and completely defeat the Russian army.

Commander Ma Zhenfei heard the whistling of artillery shells above his head.

He trembled with fright. As a soldier, he knew the power of this large-caliber heavy artillery all too well.

That means all living beings are equal with one cannon. If it explodes in the army, hundreds of people will lose their combat effectiveness with one cannon.

Commander Ma Zhenfei looked up and saw a large number of artillery shells flying overhead and quickly falling on the Russian position opposite.

The artillery support he had been requesting finally arrived.

The artillery regiment may have been afraid of accidentally injuring friendly forces, so the artillery shells did not explode at the frontline exchange, but directly exploded in the middle and rear of the Russian army.

Commander Ma Zhenfei saw a heavy artillery shell explode and a huge fireball appear in the night sky.

At this moment, it was like dawn, and the moment the shell exploded, it illuminated the entire battlefield.

Ma Zhenfei's long-distance shell explosion point was eight to nine hundred meters away.

He heard the huge explosion and felt his ears ringing.

By the flash of other shells exploding, he could see where the shells had just exploded. There was no one standing there.

The new recruits who had just joined the army, when they saw the scene after heavy artillery fire, their eyes widened and their mouths opened, looking frightened.

Commander Ma Zhenfei patted the recruits on the shoulder and warned: "New recruits are afraid of guns, veterans are afraid of cannons.

If you are shot, you have a good chance of surviving.

If you are hit by a shell, as long as you are within the killing radius, there is little hope of resuscitation."


Count Alexander Onukovych had been observing the Russian offensive.

He saw countless fire snakes appearing in the Dahua army's position, and the magical muskets opened fire one after another.

He knew that this risky move had a high probability of failure.

There is a generation difference in weapons, which is a crime other than war.

The main purpose of Count Alexander Onukovych's attack was to have a fight.

Battles in which the weak defeat the strong are common in history.

He is likely to take advantage of the pride of Dahua's army and take the opportunity to achieve good results.

If the goal is not achieved, then try your best to consume the personnel and ammunition of the Dahua army.

Count Alexander Onukovych is a relatively pure soldier.

He wants to judge the strength of Dahua's army through this war.

In the previous battle between the Chinese army and the Russian army, Count Alexander Onukovych had already discovered that with the strength of the Russian army, it would be difficult to break into the hinterland of the Chinese Empire.

He wanted to persuade Marquis Oleg Ivanov not to get too close to the Chinese army.

They reduced their forces to the Ural Fortress and took advantage of the Dahua army's disadvantage of difficulty in supplying. They tried their best to secure more areas.

Count Alexander Onukovych's proposal was rejected by Marquis Oleg Ivanov.

Margrave Oleg Ivanov not only had to consider military issues, he considered things from a very complex perspective.

The choice of abandoning military strongholds instead of waging a cruel war is the most wrong choice.

Marquis Oleg Ivanov recently ignored the advice and chose to take the initiative to attack the Imperial Army of China.

Count Alexander Onukovych could only reduce his losses by leaving his direct lineage in Kuznetsk.

When this army attacks the Dahua army camp, he will not be heartbroken even if he loses his clothes.

The Russian army has launched many charges, but has never broken through the first line of defense of the Dahua army.

It will light up soon, and it will be even more unfavorable for the Russian army after daybreak.

Count Alexander Onukovych wanted to retreat.

The performance of Dahua's army was enough for him to convince Marquis Oleg Ivanov, and the generals in the army would also be his strong supporters.

These people do not cherish the soldiers under their command, but if they want them to die, no one can do it.

Count Alexander Onukovych looked towards the southern sky, and he saw streaks of fire flying out of the Dahua army camp.

He hasn't realized yet, what does this phenomenon mean?

In just a few breaths, Count Alexander Onukovych knew that these fires were all cannonballs.

Even from behind, he could feel the vibrations coming from the grass.

The artillery bombardment of the Dahua army was so brutal that craters appeared in the Russian army formations. The Russian army at the center of the shell explosion had disappeared.

After the Russian army was bombarded by the artillery of the Chinese army, its morale collapsed completely.

Even if there is a threat from the supervising team, the Russian soldiers will flee to the rear. They are even more afraid of falling artillery shells.

When Count Alexander Onukovych saw the attacking army, he immediately retreated.

He sent his trusted generals to collect the defeated troops and informed them to evacuate the battlefield. This war could not continue.

After Count Alexander Onukovych saw the bombardment, he no longer believed that the Russian army could win.


After Commander Ma Zhenfei saw the artillery attack, the Russian army immediately retreated.

He muttered: "These Russian troops are too ineffective. Their morale collapsed after just a small artillery bombardment.

Many Russian soldiers simply threw away their swords and guns, turned around and ran to the rear."

Chief of Staff Qi Hongjin was responsible for commanding the trench defense area. After the Russian army retreated, he came to join them and heard the mutterings of Commander Ma Zhenfei.

"Captain Ma, this phenomenon is normal.

A soldier who has suffered one-tenth of the casualties in the army and whose morale has not collapsed is considered an elite soldier.

After the bombardment by the artillery regiment, the casualties of the Russian army were more than one-tenth.

The Russian army has never seen large-scale artillery bombings, so it is normal for morale to collapse.

But now that the Russian army has retreated, we have completed our mission.

We took the opportunity to attack the Russian army and drag the Russian army in front of the position."

Captain Ma Zhenfei thought for a moment and did not agree with Chief of Staff Qi Hongjin's suggestion.

"It's still dark, if we attack the Russian army rashly, we may be ambushed.

Besides, the Russian army is completely in retreat, and we want to tangle with the Russian army.

The Russian army only has to pay a negligible price for abandoning the troops entangled with us.

I will send a report to the superior for instructions, and follow the order form of the superior."

After Commander Ma Zhenfei sent the report, he quickly waited for orders from his superiors.

The whole regiment rested and cooperated with friendly forces to attack after dawn.

(End of chapter)

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