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Chapter 629: Qu Tian Returns to Beijing

Tumu Prefecture, Northwest Dudu Prefecture, Ili Province.

When Cai Gong Wu Jie received a telegram from the north, he couldn't help laughing.

"Well done, Ma Xianglin played really well.

I just received a telegram from Fu Xiucheng and others not long ago. They annihilated the main force of the Russian army in the Central Asian battlefield.

Now Ma Xianglin of the 19th Army has sent another good news. The main force of the Russian army in the Siberian battlefield has also been eliminated by them.

The important city of Kuznetsk was captured by the 19th Army, and less than 10,000 Russian troops fled back to the Ural Fortress.

This battle was fought so beautifully and it completely solved the problems in Siberia.

I was worried about the situation of the 19th Army before.

This is an army that was established after the founding of the People's Republic of China. I'm afraid that it lacks the ability to attack difficult situations.

This is the first time our army has sent troops to Siberia, and we don’t know much about the local terrain.

The weapons and equipment were better than those of the Russian army, but Commander Ma Xianglin made a rash advance, and the outcome of this war was completely unpredictable.

Now that the 19th Army has achieved a great victory, the Empire will take the strategic initiative.

Russia decides when this war will begin.

The Empire will decide when this war ends."

When Qu Tian, ​​Deputy Chief of General Staff, told Cai Gong Wu Jie about this incident, he had already begun to read the telegram sent by the 19th Army.

He waited until Cai Gong Wu Jie finished speaking and said with a smile: "Cai Gong is very close to the Fourth Army and can understand the current situation of the army at any time.

Cai Gong is not worried about the situation of the Fourth Army. It is far away from the 19th Army and is too worried about the situation of this war, so he is worried that the 19th Army will not be able to complete its mission."

Cai Gong Wu Jie did not hide anything and admitted openly: "Chief of Staff Qu, you are right.

I pay close attention to this war, and the outcome of this war is too important to me.

It's not that I don't trust the 19th Army, but I have higher expectations for it.

Judging from the current results, the 19th Army has lived up to my expectations.

The more than 300,000 Russian troops were instantly wiped out, and they also lost a huge amount of supplies.

With the background of the Russian army, it is unable to organize an army of this size in a short period of time.

The empire can simply celebrate the victory of this war."

After Cai Gong Wu Jie finished speaking, he stared at the military map on the wall with an unconcealable smile on his face.

The Royal Army's losses were minimal, and the total number of soldiers and disabled persons was only over 1,000.

Another great victory was achieved in the Sino-Russian War. With his past achievements, he was just around the corner to be crowned king.

Now the Russian army obviously does not have the strength to make a comeback, and they can only wait for the official end of this war so that Duke Cai and Wu Jie can return to the capital and become King Cai.

Both Cai Gong and Wu Jie felt that he should use his free time now to figure out where to go to found the country.

Most of the fertile areas have been carved up by the first and second batch of kings.

He must avoid these areas, otherwise he will become cannon fodder and be eliminated first by those who founded the country first.

Cai Gong and Wu Jie are not stupid. He can clearly see that the new couple will not pay attention to brotherhood for the sake of the development of future generations.

At most, he can be safely sent back to his country after being captured.

Qu Tian, ​​deputy chief of staff, saw Cai Gong and Wu Jie looking at the map in a daze.

He also thought Cai Gong Wu Jie was thinking about the next strategy.

Central Asia and Siberia, these two huge areas, will soon fall into the hands of the empire.

The empire deployed troops on the Russian border to intimidate the Russians.

These are all methods they have thought of before.

Russia must pay a huge price if it wants to end this war.

But he and Cai Gong and Wu Jie have repeatedly deduced the next war, and the option of attacking the Russian hinterland has always been the last option among my plans.

The Russian army labored on an expedition, and they had already seen the outcome.

The Great China Empire rashly entered the Russian hinterland without familiarizing itself with the local conditions.

The fate of the army is likely to be the same as that of the Russian army.

At the moment of imminent victory, it is simply not worth it for the army to take such a huge risk.

If the empire really wanted to expand westward, it would not be possible to expand now.

After the railway was completed, the empire had a better understanding of Russia's strength, and its weapons and equipment were completely updated.

Only then will the empire's army be more confident before attacking Russia.

Deputy Chief of Staff Qu Tian saw that Cai Gong and Wu Jie had come to their senses.

He said with emotion: "Mr. Cai, the two of us have worked together for more than ten months.

The Sino-Russian War has come to an end, and I do not need to participate in the next war.

After I ask for your Majesty's instructions, I will prepare to return to Beijing."

Qu Tian, ​​deputy chief of staff, knew that he could not stay on the front line much longer.

As deputy chief of staff of the General Staff, he came to the front line to coordinate various military units, as well as cooperation between the military and local governments.

He has completed his task perfectly.

If Qu Tian doesn't return to the capital, most people in the governor's office will almost forget his existence.

Cai Gong Wu Jie nodded and said: "Chief of Staff Qu has no unfinished business to answer on the front line.

This sudden war was basically reduced to minutiae.

The 1st Cavalry Division and other cavalry divisions are wiping out the indigenous tribes in Central Asia.

The purpose was to make these indigenous tribes submit to the rule of the empire.

The 19th Army requested that troops be sent to assist them in defending the vast Siberian area.

The 19th Army will concentrate its main force to capture the Russian Ural Fortress.

There is no need to rush this task, it doesn’t matter how many years it takes.

The remaining task is to consolidate the results of the war, and there is basically no use of external troops."

Cai Gong Wu Jie even hoped that Chief of Staff Qu Tian would leave the northwest region.

As His Majesty the Emperor's special envoy, Qu Tian's main purpose in coming to the northwest front was to coordinate all parties.

He believed that Qu Tian had another hidden purpose, which was to observe his own performance.

Once he behaves out of line, Qitian will use Shang Fang's sword to kill first and then show off.

Cai Gong Wu Jie also didn't want to have someone around him who could take his life at any time.

Qu Tian, ​​deputy chief of staff, collected several military maps in the room.

These maps are his personal belongings.

Qu Tian went to the telegraph room, where he sent the victory report of the 19th Army and his request to the capital.

He then fell into anxious waiting.

Qu Tian really wanted to return to the capital, where the center of the empire's stage was.

In the northwest region, his power was second only to Cai Gong and Wu Jie. He also made his own contribution to this war.

Before the war is over, he can earn some military glory in the northwest.

Now that breakthroughs have been achieved on the main battlefields, the war has come to an end.

Qu Tian didn't get much military merit, so he didn't want to stay in the northwest region.

He did not wait too long as the telegram from the capital was translated by the telegraph operator in the telegraph room.

Qu Tian looked at the first telegram. It was His Majesty the Emperor personally commending the 19th Army nationwide and encouraging the generals who had made meritorious service in the Northwest War.

This is a very routine operation. His Majesty the Emperor will routinely award awards after every military victory.

Before there was a telegraph, through newspapers and other channels, after the telegraph was developed, awards were generally given.

Qu Tian soon saw the second telegram. His Majesty the Emperor granted his request and he could leave the northwest region and return to the capital.

When he received the news, he couldn't help laughing.

He didn't want to stay in the northwest for a moment, so he asked the housekeeper to pack up his personal belongings and go to Cai Gong Wu Jie's mansion to say his final farewell to him.

Cai Gong Wu Jie warmly received Qu Tian. He had also received a telegram from His Majesty the Emperor before.

"Chief of General Staff Qu, Your Majesty not only commends our Northwest Theater Command.

His Majesty also issued a decree and agreed to the battle plan we formulated previously.

It is His Majesty's decree that our army should focus on stability.

I would like to ask Chief of Staff Qu which direction we should stabilize."

Qu Tian smiled and said: "I can see from Mr. Cai's expression that he already has the answer in his mind. I want to use my answer to support Mr. Cai's own thoughts.

Then I will tell you my simple suggestions.

Stability does not mean not wanting to make progress, but it means ensuring that the army can capture more strategically important Russian military locations without suffering heavy casualties.

Stability means that the overall situation remains unchanged, but it is necessary to ensure that in small local battles, our army can still maintain its current situation and continue to win."

Cai Gong Wu Jie recognized what Qu Tian said. He believed that this was a test left to him by His Majesty the Emperor.

Without this ability, he would not have the confidence to complete the feat of establishing a country overseas.

Cai Gong Wu Jie looked at Qu Tiandao: "Chief of Staff Qu has a very strong insight into the battle situation.

If it weren't for Chief of Staff Qu being a member of the General Staff, I would have wanted to keep Chief of Staff Qu in the northwest region."

When Qu Tian heard this, he said a few simple greetings, then said goodbye and left.

Cai Gong and Wu Jie are so terrible. I have worked with him for so long and yet I still want to keep him here.

Qutian had no relatives or friends in Tumu Mansion, so he immediately took the prepared carriage and headed for Ili, an important town in the northwest region.

The carriage drove quickly on the hard cement road.

High-standard cement roads have been built to Tumu Prefecture and are extending to Central Asia.

It is precisely because of this convenient road that supplies from the rear can be transported continuously.

The carriage rushed to Yili Mansion at an extremely fast speed.

The newly built railway station in Yili Prefecture has been officially put into use.

This is the railway artery that the court wants to open up at all costs.

This railway operation is likely to be a loss-making operation, but it is vital to the northwest region.

Food, weapons and ammunition produced in various parts of the Great China Empire can be transported to the front line at extremely fast speeds.

The northwest theater consumes huge amounts of ammunition and can continue to do so.

It is precisely because there are a large number of trains transporting huge supplies to the northwest region.

You must know that in the past, the northwest region was afraid of being empty of ammunition.

A large number of flintlock guns have been prepared in the warehouse. After the bullets are exhausted, the flintlock guns can be used to deal with the enemy.

The most extreme consequences did not occur because there were no problems with this railway artery.

Every day, massive amounts of materials can be transferred by land and transported to the front line.

Chief of Staff Qu Tian looked at the train station. This seemingly inconspicuous place was the most critical weight for victory in this war.

The emergence of the train station also means that this area will become peaceful and there will be no need to worry about one's own life.

Qu Tian boarded the train to the capital.

He was sitting on the spacious sofa, closing his eyes and concentrating.

The attendant on the train immediately said loudly: "When the train stops at the station, the telegraph machine can print out the latest newspaper.

The train sells the latest issues of "Yanhuang Daily", "Hualian News Agency" and other official newspapers."

Qu Tian hadn't taken a train for a long time, and he didn't even know that telegraph technology had been widely used in railway stations.

He is about to arrive in the capital. During this period, he has mainly spent his energy on the northwest battlefield, and he no longer knows much about some things in the capital.

His only option was to understand the situation in the capital by reading newspapers.

He immediately ordered a complete set of newspapers from the flight attendant.

Qu Tianjin was very interested and read the newspaper provided by the train.

He felt that the train was moving faster.

This should be another advancement in steam train technology.

Nowadays, technology is advancing so fast that it has happened many times without taking a train for more than a year.

Qu Tian saw desert scenes appearing on both sides of the train, and he was sure that the speed of the train had indeed become faster.

When the train stopped at Ulu and several passengers boarded the train, the flight attendant also distributed the latest newspapers to the passengers in accordance with previous orders.

The latest news from Yanhuang Daily is about the great victory achieved by the 19th Army.

The great victory achieved in the Central Asian battlefield had just ended, and the 19th Army achieved another great victory in Kuznetsk.

Qu Tian saw from the newspaper that the people were happy, but their reaction was obviously slow.

The common people have become accustomed to the great victories often achieved by Dahua's army, so they are not surprised by this.

He thought in his mind that one day an army would suffer a disastrous defeat, which would cause a huge shock to the people of the country.

There was another piece of news in the newspaper that caught Qu Tian's attention.

The special envoy of the Russian Tsar, Margrave Karl Novikov, learned of the great victory of the 19th Army.

He had realized that the Russian army was completely defeated on both battlefields.

The war between Russia and the Chinese Empire will end with Russia's disastrous defeat.

Marquis Karl Novikov moved around the capital with two goals in mind.

The first purpose is to want the Chinese Empire to treat prisoners preferentially, especially Russian nobles.

The families of these nobles will find ways to redeem these nobles.

The second purpose is to understand the requirements of the Great China Empire so that he can prepare for negotiations on behalf of Russia.

When Chief of Staff Qu Tian saw the news, he knew that Karl Novikov still had some tricks up his sleeve.

Whether he was just showing off, or he sincerely wanted to save the captured nobles.

After these nobles returned to Russia, they would inevitably become friends of Margrave Karl Novikov.

Karl Novikov visited important officials in the capital. He also wanted to find out in advance the intentions of the Chinese Empire.

He needs to prepare for negotiations with his upcoming companions.

Chief of Staff Qu Tian was not worried at all about what Karl Novikov would do.

He remembered something his Majesty the Emperor said.

It is delusional to want to get something from the negotiation table that cannot be obtained on the battlefield.

What a soldier cannot exchange with his life, how can he exchange it with a few pieces of paper?

Chief of Staff Qu Tian no longer paid attention to the actions of the Tsarist envoy.

He paid more attention to the situation in the capital, making the capital in the newspaper coincide with what he had experienced in the city.

The train was fast and steady, and there were no accidents along the way.

This direct train to Beijing stops at Beijing West Railway Station.

Qu Tian walked out of the train car and stepped onto the soil of the capital city again. He was filled with emotion.

This time he was sent to the northwest and completed his mission perfectly.

As soon as Qu Tian entered the city, he was called away by the young eunuch who had been waiting for him.

Emperor Su He summoned him at Qianqing Palace and asked him to learn about the specific situation in the northwest region.

(End of chapter)

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